An experimental phantomjs script based on Paul Kinlan's blog post to detect elements visible above the fold and output the CSS styles required to display them.
Note The generated CSS file is not meant to be used as-is and is merely a guide at which styles could be inlined to optimise page speed render.
phantomjs abovethefold.js <URL>
phantomjs abovethefold.js
This will generate a CSS file with styles needed to render "Above the fold" content and a rendered screenshot of the page in a directory named output
By default, the viewport renders at 1280x1024, and can be overridden with:
phantomjs abovethefold.js <URL> <WIDTH>x<HEIGHT>
phantomjs abovethefold.js 320x480
- Allow multiple URLs to aggregate different page types
- Extract mediaqueries in the output CSS