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1275 lines (898 loc) · 137 KB

File metadata and controls

1275 lines (898 loc) · 137 KB
  • Added TinyInflate, a lightweight GZIP-inflate (=decompression) module.
  • Added Clipboard, a lightweight module that allows your script to get and set the clipboard (text only). Use var str = $$.Clipboard.get() (or just var str = $$.Clipboard()) for getting the string, and $$.Clipboard.set(someString) to load any string in the cb. Interesting feature: those methods still work in modal state since they do not send active DOM commands to InDesign.
  • Linguist. Slight adjustment of the ISO subset regarding “Norwegian (Bokmål)” (no) vs. “Norwegian Bokmål” (nb). Since the code nb is expected in the InDesign ICU string (“nb_NO”), it is desirable to set it as the default (instead of no). Semantically, Norwegian (Bokmål) means “Norwegian language, Bokmål implied”, while Norwegian Bokmål is the explicit name of that very language. Modules like StopWords or Collator usually display “Norwegian Bokmål” (nb) vs. “Norwegian Nynorsk” (nn). They should then invoke the respective ISO codes (and abandon no.)
  • MetaCollator. Cleaner $$.LING.yalt.jsxres output (sorted list.)
  • Collator. $$.Collator's tailoring rules and LING map have been updated from $$.MetaCollator. This basically reflects the nonb change in $$.Linguist: the Norwegian Bokmål language should now be accessed from the nb key in all scripts that rely on $$.Collator. (In case your client script still uses the code no, you can either invoke $$.Linguist aliases or change it manually to nb.)
  • Ext/folder applies a patch to the native method Folder.prototype.create() —which no longer works as expected on macOS/InDesign 20.1.
  • TextParcels: Added a special format in the pageMatch method: you can now specify the first (resp. last) page of a section using MySecIdentifier:< (resp. MySecIdentifier:>).
  • Collator: Changed the logic of the ~.TMAP routine: when processing a >n operator we don't want to strictly erase the remaining bits, since this will lead to zero weighting at the corresponding level(s). This is not what is usually expected. Tailoring rules like A << à (aka 'à': '>2A') or b <<< B (aka 'B': '>3b') are not intended to reset to zero the L2 (resp. L3) bits. Instead, we want a minimal non-zero base to be set, allowing us to increase extra bits in the 1111 1111 1111 1xxx 2222 222y 3333 3zzV structure. Zero weighting would lead to entirely bypass L2 or L3 data in WG_ routines, hence tailored languages cannot properly sort items based on L2 or L3 differences. The present fix should solve this issue.
  • Added the distinct Cyrillic Ёё letter (Yo) in the Russian language, thanks to Mikhail Ivanyushin who reported the issue (see According to, although “the letter ⟨ё⟩ (…) is not always distinguished — from ⟨е⟩ — in written Russian”, the dictionary “makes difference between е and ё”, so Ёё (U+0401/U+0451) shouldn't be treated in $$.Collator as a diacritical variant of Ее (U+0415/U+0435). ~.TLRM now provides a dedicated set of tailoring rules for Russian (ru key). The modification was processed from MetaCollator after adding the custom file tailoring/$$.ru.jsxres.

(The above changes will lead to regenerating the source code of SmartSort, IndexMatic3, and other InDesign scripts built upon $$.Collator.)

  • ArrayAs2D: This lightweight utility module provides custom operators for 2D arrays: [x1,y1]+[x2,y2], k*[x,y], etc.


Regular update (June 26, 2024.) Global re-generation of the core structure, including recent fixes and additions.

  • SUI/mini: Improved forceRedraw function (now dealing with empty groups.)
  • JSON: Custom error detection in $$.JSON.lave().

(Other changes do not affect the core branch. See previous log entries regarding updated extra modules.)

  • JSON: Added a custom error detection in $$.JSON.lave() (thrown if the argument is not a string, or is empty). This bypasses the meaningless native error message.
  • Yalt: Added the public method translate(inputArr, CHANGE_IN_PLACE). This utility runs Yalt on an entire array (the inputArr argument). The Boolean CHANGE_IN_PLACE (false by default) decides whether the incoming array is to be internally modified. Useful if you have an array of unlocalized strings and need to get it quickly localized (e.g. to pass in final strings in a UI Listbox, etc.)
  • Dom.UIColor: New DOM module making easier to address UIColors enumerators and alternate [r,g,b] colors. Use the encode/decode methods to manage color assignments and translate data in common #RRGGBB form.
  • ColorPalette(Factory): New factory component that automatically shows/hides a color palette over some ‘client’ control and allows the user to select a new color. See TestColorPalette.jsx for a quick demo.
  • Dom.Space: Bugfix applied to the convert() method: the xyOutput argument was not considered (due to a typo) and led to a runtime error. Solved.
  • AnyScript/initialize: Improved the parsing of the incoming settings object. Since every constant setting (cf $$.Settings module) can be declared in two alternate ways,
    • { ..., _MYKEY:data, ... } (key prefix ‘_’) in the root branch
    • { ..., CONST:{ ..., MYKEY:data, ... }, ... } (no ‘_’ prefix) in the dedicated CONST branch
      it is safer (and required!) to explore each option when extracting existing settings from the declarator object.
  • Dom.TextParcels: getSamples options now support a boolean property, unionStyles, that tells whether target Character Styles and target Paragraph Styles (cf this.options.csIds and this.options.psIds) must be processed separately (UNION) instead of selecting the ranges they have in common (INTERSECTION). INTERSECTION was and remains the default behavior.
  • Dom.Space. Since InDesign CS6, it is no longer guaranteed that the upper left corner of a page coincides with the origin of its coordinate space. In other words myPage.resolve( [ [0,0], CoordinateSpaces.innerCoordinates ], <someSpace> )[0] may return coordinates that differ from myPage.resolve( AnchorPoint.topLeftAnchor, <someSpace> )[0]. This situation occurs particularly when the dimensions of a page have been modified or, more generally, when a document shares pages of different sizes. This can become an annoying problem if your script has to rely on Page coordinates (assumed to be) relative to the upper left corner, that is, the “top-left anchor point” of the bounding box of the page. To circumvent these inconsistencies, $$.Dom.Space now provides a special fromPG(<pge>, <space>) initializer that differs from fromXY(<pge>, <space>) in the following way
Initialize the `convert` method so that it takes as input arguments actual (x,y) coordinates, in pt,
relative to the upper left corner of `pge` in the perspective of `space`. With space=='inner'
(default), this amounts to shift the origin accordingly (=translation). If a parent space is
considered (spread, board) the page bounding box is taken in that perspective, orientation and
scaling, and the incoming coordinates are then expected to be consistent with that space,
relative to the custom origin.

This new method allows you, for example, to safely convert what we may call “true page coordinates” into any other system (rulers, UV, etc) without having to worry about the (X,Y)-shift possibly occurring in the actual Page Coordinate Space. (As a general rule, better is to trust page bounding box rather than page inner space. $$.Dom.Space applies that very principle for computing, behind the scenes, the correct matrix.)

  • Edit(Factory): Had to inhibit Enter keydown handling with multiline edits (in order to preserve their legacy behavior).
  • Go to TestEditAndStepper.jsx for testing various Edit/EditInteger examples.
  • Edit(Factory): Fixed a tiny bug in the watcher callback — see also 231020 — recalling this.valueToText(nv) was required in all cases. Added a keydown event handler that inhibits the Enter key when the user is editing the text.
  • EditInteger(Factory): Various improvements. Added a public step() method (allows to increase or reduce the value based on the delta/jump settings). ScriptUI.EditIntegerFactory now has a static Group() function that can integrate a stepper with the EditInteger component. ScriptUI.StepperFactory is required then.
  • Added the Stepper(Factory), a nice Up/Down stepper for Edit components or similar widgets.
  • Unit now conditionally includes a convenient YALT package covering measurement units (names and abbr.) in six languages.
  • SUI/mini: forceRedraw now invokes the special hide(); show(); trick when it encounters an empty group. (Works in InDesign CC/CS.)
  • Unit module and UnitData class updated, now supporting a special MICRO_POINTS unit (abbr. µp) that represents one millionth of a point: 1 pt == 1,000,000 µp. This IdExtenso-specific unit is generally not exposed to users, it allows metric quantities to be stored with high precision as pure JS integers, that is, magnitudes between Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (the maximum absolute value in micropoints is then 9,007,199,254,740,991 — which is more than sufficient to express any valid metric quantity in InDesign.) Managing the measurements/settings of your script primarily in micropoints avoid rounding errors with floating point numbers, while $$.Unit can still convert and display those values in any other user-friendly unit.
  • SUI/mini: Added the optional 2nd argument TRY_NOTIFY in ScriptUI.forceRedraw. In some environments—mostly CC versions—the command myWidget.notify('onDraw') might work, although not 100% safe. The TRY_NOTIFY flag makes forceRedraw try this approach first, using the scheme try{ wg.notify('onDraw'); retval=1; }catch(_){ retval=0; }. If it fails, the regular forceRedraw strategy is used.
  • Edit(Factory): Slight change in the watcher callback, the value key is now re-normalized even if this.text already matches this.valueToText(nv). Purpose: make sure that setting a value always results in the expected type in case your custom value-to-text converter also coerces foreign value types (e.g string → number). The textToValue(…) method is invoked to forcibly return nv in the valid value type.
  • Yalt: Added the key "Invalid numeric value" in the resource file.
  • Unit: The static $$.Unit.DecimalChar property is now predefined as Number.DecimalChar, which sounds more consistent (you don't have to manually adjust it unless your code forcibly uses a custom locale). Of course it is still possible to explicitly re-assign $$.Unit.DecimalChar when your script starts up (or whenever needed.)
  • Unit: Fixed wrong formatting of zero in $$.Unit.format() when 'pc' or 'ci' unit is involved with UseTypographicNotation turned on. E.g. 0.5 pc0p6.


Important update (Oct 8, 2023.) Global re-generation of the core structure, including recent fixes and additions.

  • Env: Added the forceUnit() method (also callable from $$), allows a script to work safely in whatever MeasurementUnits mode. Supports false as direct arg to get units instantly restored. $$.forceUnit(-1) can be used in CC/CS6/CS5 (while remaining transparent in CS4): turns your script in AUTO_VALUE mode, which makes sense if the code is designed to deal with ruler units rather than some preferred script unit.
  • Root/help. Ability to preselect a module while showing IdExtenso's API: just call $$.help(<someModule>) (first argument added), e.g. $$.help($$.JSON). By default $$.help() still preselects the $$ item (first of the list).
  • JSON. Fixed reported issue with augmented Array.prototype.
  • Ext/string. Bugfix, makes String.prototype.indexOf(...) still reliable when the string contains "\u0000".

(Other changes do not affect the core branch. See previous log entries regarding updated extra modules.)

  • Dom.TextParcels: Fixed an issue with continued footnotes when containing spanned tables or similar empty-line structures.
  • Improved the MultiStream class (used by Dom.TextParcels): append can now digest most not-well formed EndnoteRanges, based on a more general detection pattern: /\uFEFF[^\u0004\uFEFF]{0,2}\u0004/. This reduces the cases where Dom.TextParcels fails to parse document endnotes (in particular, imported notes that tend to alter the regular U+FEFF U+0004 sequence.) Note that the character U+0004 (endnote reference marker) is still required at the end of the pattern. If the user manually removes note numbers, the algorithm cannot work as expected. In such a case, append now provides a safer fallback mechanism that simply ignores endnote IDs: input data is then treated as the text stream of a basic TextFrame.
  • Dom.TextParcels: Enhanced forceSectionPrefix in two ways:
    1. the option now supports three values 0 (auto, default), +1 (forcibly add the section prefix), -1 (forcibly remove it).
    2. the new method changeSectionPrefixBehavior(<newFlag>) allows you to change it after construction.
  • Dom.TextParcels: added a forceSectionPrefix parameter in the constructor options (ini argument). Allows to treat all page names as including their section prefix even if “Include Prefix when Numbering Pages” is disabled in InDesign's section options. The client code can use this option to manage and display page numbers (cf pagesMap property) as in the Pages panel. This is also a way to work around duplicate page names. (To be used with caution though, since mapping is no longer aligned with myDoc.pages.everyItem().name.)
  • Env: Enhanced the implementation of forceUnit ; now supporting false as direct argument to get units instantly restored. Also, $$.forceUnit(-1) can be used in CC/CS6/CS5 (while remaining transparent in CS4): it turns your script in AUTO_VALUE mode, which makes sense if the code is designed to deal with ruler units rather than some preferred script unit. Rem.: The main issue with app.scriptPreferences.measurementUnit is that it is session-persistent and could be changed by another script beyond your control. So IdExtenso provides a safe “unit policy” in its own scope AND restores the original context when $$.unload() is finally invoked.
  • Env: Added the forceUnit() method (also callable from $$). Key idea: allows a script to work safely in whatever MeasurementUnits mode —you often need points— and automatically restores the original context when $$.Env is unloading. In CS5/CS6/CC it's just a matter of setting and restoring app.scriptPreferences.measurementUnit; in CS4 we need to temporarily change the viewPreferences property of the host object (active document assumed, if available). The whole mechanism is now implemented in the unit.jsxinc snippet (part of the Env module). In practice, just call $$.forceUnit(…) when $$ is loaded. You don't have to worry about restoring the original units in CS4, the framework has the job automatically done (cf $$.Env.onUnload). forceUnit() expects a MeasurementUnits enum or the equivalent number; if no argument is supplied, MeasurementUnits.POINTS is assumed.
  • Edit(Factory) and EditInteger(Factory): These advanced EditText factories provide a better control of the native ScriptUI widget, dealing with internal events and validation mechanisms. EditInteger(Factory) inherits from Edit(Factory): it overrides the API in order to strictly manage integers (signed or unsigned) in a custom range defined by the client code.
  • Dom.TextParcels: this new class is the perfect tool for efficiently exploring text containers and capturing their contents from any InDesign Document. $$.Dom.TextParcels is aimed at experienced developers only. (For the record, this code is the “load-bearing wall” that underlies all the power of IndexMatic3, so don't tell your friends that you can access it directly in IdExtenso ;-) Want to run and study a superbasic sample script? Go to tests/DomTextParcelsTest.jsx.
  • Root/help. Ability to preselect a module while showing IdExtenso's API: just call $$.help(<someModule>) (first argument added), e.g. $$.help($$.JSON). By default $$.help() still preselects the $$ item (first of the list).
  • JSON. An unusual situation arises when Array.prototype has been augmented from the client code: myArr.__count__ then mistakenly increases by Array.prototype.__count__ (natively 0), which led $$.JSON to produce a useless rich array representation. We've fixed that by double-checking the actual count of extra properties. If still zero, the usual array representation is preserved.
  • Ext/string. An incredible bug was detected in ExtendScript CS4. In that version, the native String.prototype.indexOf(...) method is no longer reliable if the host string contains "\u0000" (i.e, the U+0000 character) and if the searched string has more than one character. Fortunately, it happens that String.prototype.lastIndexOf(...) still works fine in such a context, and we were able to use this fact to patch indexOf in a way that restores the expected behavior. (This fix does not affect later versions of ExtendScript.)


Important update (May 18, 2023.) Global re-generation of the core structure, including last fixes and additions.

  • JSON v2.30518 aka $$.JSON(...): Fixed a serious bug that made main InDesign DOM components unparseable through $$.JSON(someIndesignObject, 1, 1). A typo made the ~.BRKN filter completely transparent (for almost two years!), which resulted in an InDesign crash whenever you had to stringify app or Document objects :-/ (Reminder: The reason for this filter is to prevent browsing of buggy DOM properties like app.scriptPreferences or .find<...>ShadowSettings.)
  • Root/messaging: Safer memory cleanup: the method discussed in 230311 should also significantly enhance garbage collection in $$.ModalScript-based scripts and similar UI-intensive projects. Added the helper $$.dual(msg, captionA, captionB, title) for supporting custom A/B choices in a Yes/No box.
  • Ext/string: Fixed a bug in String.fromBase64().
  • SUI/mini: Added the property (uint) ScriptUI.NoCharWidth returning the probable width of the no-character glyph.

(Other interesting changes do not affect the core branch. See previous log entries regarding updated extra modules.)

  • Root/messaging: Added $$.dual(msg, captionA, captionB, title), just a variant of $$.yesNo(...) that supports custom captions instead. Two options are offered anyway: answer A returns 1, answer B returns 0.
  • DrawnCheck(Factory): Added dynamic boolean __mouseOver__ and __hasFocus__ properties (assumed private and read-only), can be used in your ScriptUI.DrawnCheckFactory.Icons.<MyIcon> function to customize further the appearance of the icon depending on this.__mouseOver__ and/or this.__hasFocus__ states.
  • Settings: There were some embarrassing typos in activate(), reset() and backup() methods. Fixed.
  • Dom.Scope: The TREE_SEL argument of the list() method now supports a 4th case, "bookall", which instructs the module to Preselect all book documents if any, all visible documents otherwise. (By contrast, using "book" means Preselect all book documents if any, active document otherwise.)
  • Unicode: Adjusted the getCategory() method so it supports case-insensitive argument, e.g "lu" instead of "Lu". (Of course the internal ~.CATG map remains case-sensitive.)
  • Popup(Factory): Found that a popup component may fail to show up when a timer is set on it. The issue seems to occur especially when the script is launched from an InDesign menu (!?) Calling Window.update() happens to solve the problem.

  • Progress: The window is now updated even if we only call $$.Progress.title(...). This solves some refreshing issues.

  • SUI/mini: U+FFFE seems a better candidate for computing ScriptUI.NoCharWidth. (U+0001 wasn't reliable in some environments.) The trick remains highly experimental though!

ScriptUI CS is known for having weird issues in garbage-collecting Window controls that are no longer used. By exploring the $.list() report it can be shown that many internal addresses of ScriptUI objects are lost (Refs=0) while still polluting the memory. This typically happens with modal dialog windows. Such a Window instance may be properly closed -- after -- and its local identifier removed from the scope, there are still empty pointers in memory. The issue gets critical in persistent-engine scripts based on #targetengine... and having rich UI components. The memory stack then grows unstoppably and leads InDesign to crash after a dozen successive execs of your script within the session. At each step the interface is getting slower and slower to display. I don't know of a definitive way to clean up memory properly once the damage is done, short of giving up all the benefits of a persistent script altogether. However, it seems that removing manually the Window widgets and calling $.gc() right before returning your UI function almost completely solves the problem:

for( i=myWin.children.length ; i-- ; myWin.remove(i) ); // Remove win components.
for( k in myWin ) delete myWin[k];                      // Clear custom win props.
$.gc();                                                 // Garbage collector.
  • This snippet is now added at different strategic points, in Root/messaging's functions and in ModalScript::UserInterface. This slight fix is harmless in InDesign CC.

  • SUI/mini now defines ScriptUI.NoCharWidth = ScriptUI.measureWidth("\x01")ScriptUI.NoCharWidth = ScriptUI.measureWidth("\uFFFE"), which indicates the width of the no-character glyph (usually an empty square). This information should help us decide whether a Unicode character is probably missing in ScriptUI default font. The idea is to compare ScriptUI.measureWidth(someCandidateCharacter) with NoCharWidth -- although this is not a 100% reliable test. When the two measurements coincide you may have reason to assume that the candidate glyph is missing. Of course there can be regular glyphs whose width is exactly that of NoCharWidth. But if other properties are known elsewhere, this sometimes allows a decision to be made.

  • CheckList(Factory): Some users reported that the CheckList component does not display properly because the underlying characters ◻ (U+25FB), ◼ (U+25FC), ⬓ (U+2B13), ※ (U+203B) are not supported in their system (that is, they're not available in the default ScriptUI font). This typically occurs in Windows7 environments with the font “Segoe UI” (v5.x) which, in newer Windows versions, was completed with “Segoe UI-Emoji”. A workaround is now proposed: CheckListFactory tries to detect whether U+2B13 is supported (using ScriptUI.NoCharWidth); if the test fails, fallback characters are used and the checklist will look like this:


    based on the correspondance

    ◻ (U+25FB) → [ ]

    ◼ (U+25FC) → [•]

    ⬓ (U+2B13) → [~]

    ※ (U+203B) → [#]

    For testing this component:

  • Ext/string: Found a bug in String.fromBase64(). The function wasn't supporting 1st argument supplied as an array of uint8. Fixed.


Minor update (January 23, 2023.) Global re-generation of the core structure, including last fixes and additions.

  • File: startupAlias fix. Solves the “tt.nudeName is not a function” error.
  • Ext/file: nudeName fix.
  • Added the method File.prototype.fresh() (returning a non-existing File instance based on the present File object).
  • Env: added the isHighContrast property (bool) in addition to isDark.

(The most important changes do not affect the core branch. See previous log entries for detail on updated extra modules.)

  • PageRange: Added the value "Chicago" for the .elision option. It implements the specific rules of the Chicago Manual of Style, as specified in the 2010 edition, p. 816:


  • Yalt: Now fully supports optional punctuation terminators (..., :, ., !) after a mute terminator (\x01, \x02, \x03, \x04). This feature was already functional while translating the key into another language (e.g "Advanced\x01:""Avancée :"), but there was a bug for the default (English) language: the control character \x01 wasn't removed from "Advanced\x01:". Fixed.
  • Yalt (res): Added a few L10N strings relative to number validation. (Might be used in UI factories, etc.)
  • File: fixed the startupAlias method. It could produce a runtime error “tt.nudeName is not a function” because File.prototype.resolve() can sometimes result in a Folder object (!)
  • The modules ModalScript (resp. BasicScript) provide an aggregate of sub-modules (Context, UserInterface, Server) that encapsulate the abstract logic of an entire script, based on either a ScriptUI modal dialog or a DOM dialog. Although $$.Settings remains the ideal—and optimal—place for sharing data throughout the script and between those sub-modules, it may turn out that you want to access e.g. the Context from the UserInterface (or from another location.) Then you'll have to use a path like $$.ModalScript.Context to get the desired reference. But this syntax has two drawbacks: first, it is a bit cumbersome; secondly, it requires hardcoding the “branch name” (ModalScript vs. BasicScript vs. etc) of the scheme you're using. This lacks flexibility, because if you were to change that scheme along the way, you would have to rewrite the corresponding path(s) in your code. For these various reasons, it seemed beneficial to make the sub-modules accessible straight from $$. Thus you can now use the aliases $$.Context, $$.UserInterface and $$.Server to enter the corresponding sub-modules, without worrying about the actual parent scheme.
  • The same enhancement has been applied to the extended modules ModalScriptMenu (resp. BasicScriptMenu), making the extra sub-module MenuExtension visible from $$.
  • Added the moreOptions(resObj&, anyObj) method to ScriptUI/factories. A simple utility for adding extra options to a resource before calling the builder. Will be used in IdExtenso's factories for handling the option more. Do the same with your own factories if needed.

  • Updated all existing factory components so they now support the option more when you call the factory. This must be an Object having extra properties that you want to append to the resource object before the internal call to ScriptUI.builder. From then, you no longer need an external mechanism if you have to load extra properties at construction time. Say you want a Check component to have a custom ID, just add it in a more object:

       	text:                   __("Binary Check (with custom box)"),
       	value:                  0,
       	ternary:                false,
       	help:                   __("Right-click the control to change its label..."),
       	more:                   { myID:123 },

Note. — This way, all IdExtenso components can be constructed with their own, unfiltered properties, as you would do very similarly with ScriptUI.builder(myResourceObj). The only difference is the requirement to use the more key (a sub-object) in your options object.

  • Added the RectPack module, a fast and simple rectangle-packing algorithm that you can use for various layout-optimization projects. Goto tests/RectPackTest for a basic InDesign demo script.
  • Fixed a typo in Ext/file--the nudeName() wasn't honoring its argument--and added the method File.prototype.fresh() which always return a non-existing File instance based on the present File object. myFile.fresh() creates if necessary an incremental suffixed path, like in "path/to/myFile (2).txt", etc.
  • PageRange: added the options reduxPair and reduxMore to the format method.
reduxPair   (str) Special suffix for formatting pairs if minRange > 1.
                  (`minRange` is set to at least 2 if not supplied.)
                  Note: If reduxPair is missing while reduxMore is
                  non-empty, assume reduxPair=reduxMore.

            E.g   $$.PageRange([1,2,4,5,6,10,11,15], {reduxPair:"f."})
                  => "1f., 4-6, 10f., 15" ; implied minRange=2

reduxMore   (str) Special suffix for formatting N consecutive numbers
                  from N=3 to N=minRange, provided that reduxPair is
                  defined. (`minRange` is set to 3 if not supplied.)

            E.g   $$.PageRange([1,2,4,5,6,10,11,15], {reduxPair:"f.", reduxMore:"ff."})
                  => "1f., 4ff., 10f., 15" ; implied minRange=3

         WARNING  reduxPair/reduxMore operate whatever the `style` option,
                  which might lead to Roman numbers (i, ii, iii...) or
                  alphabetic sequences (a, b, c...) The client code is
                  responsible for adjusting the redux string accordingly.
  • Due to a specific limitation of ExtendScript CS4 —unability to retrieve function keys using for( k in o )— the ScriptUI factory callbacks aren't available in InDesign CS4 (til someone finds a genius hack!) So, if your script has to support this version, it is recommended to provide a fallback strategy at the factory level. Basically, the onLoad method of your factory won't be invoked in CS4. A simple trick is to add the line

    $$.domVersion(7) || ScriptUI.MyCustomFactory.onLoad(); // CS4 fallback

at the end of your code. This solution is now used in Check(Factory) and DrawnCheck(Factory).

  • Env now exposes a isHighContrast property (bool) in addition to isDark. So you can determine whether the UI, dark or light, is in high contrast state. Both properties are inherited by $$. The combination of $$.isDark and $$.isHighContrast allows your script to adjust its UI colors to the four possible states of the InDesign GUI.
  • The ScriptUI factories wrapper, $$.factories, now embeds a special, hidden module $$.ScriptUIFactories that connects any factory to IdExtenso's onEngine / onLoad / onUnload callback mechanism. Thus, you can declare a static onLoad method (resp. onEngine, onUnload) in your custom factory and then have it automatically called at the corresponding $$ stage. Since ScriptUI factories are not modules, you couldn't enjoy usual callbacks in previous versions. Implementing ScriptUI.myComponentFactory.onLoad is very likely what you'll want to do to have internal data updated with respect to the context in which the framewok is loading. Typically, $$.isDark may have changed between two executions of your script in a session-persistent engine, so you may need to adjust UI colors accordingly, etc.
  • Updated Check(Factory) and DrawnCheck(Factory) (better color management using the onLoad callback: the components now fit dynamically the InDesign UI theme.)
  • DrawnCheck(Factory). Technically, the onClickChange handler of your DrawnCheck component receives as 1st argument a custom clicked event which is of little interest in most applications. But you may want to know more about that event in some specific cases. For example, was it a “Click” or a “Ctrl Click”? Or what was the location of the mouse cursor? This information is now present in the clicked event. It contains, when available, the essential properties of a ScriptUI MouseEvent, that is
	         screenX    (int=0)       Screen X coord.
	         screenY    (int=0)       Screen Y coord.
	         clientX    (int=0)       Client X coord.
	         clientY    (int=0)       Client Y coord.
	         ctrlKey    (bool=false)  Whether the [Ctrl]  key is down.
	         altKey     (bool=false)  Whether the [Alt]   key is down.
	         shiftKey   (bool=false)  Whether the [Shift] key is down.
	         metaKey    (bool=false)  Whether the [Meta]  key is down.
	         button     (uint=0)      Mouse button (0|1|2).
  • Check(Factory). The same enhancement has been applied to the Check component.
  • Dom.Scope: added the methods hasStyle() and hasLayer().


  • Minor update (May 7, 2022.) Provides cosmetic changes and a global cleanup (missing declarations added in a few core functions.)
  • Root: slight change in the 'unloading' mechanism, $$ is called whatever the final log level as soon as the log file has been accessed. This makes the logging system more responsive even if the script just used raw $$.Log.push(...) commands (which are still honored in MUTE mode.)
  • Log now exposes a hits() method that tells whether the logging system has been invoked during the execution of the script.
  • Updated Env/winver.
  • Unicode: this module had a wrong prolog, this is now fixed. Note: if your project uses it, the present fix is required to restore the normal behavior of your script with a #targetengine directive. Indeed, the error was to introduce the module using only
;eval(__(MODULE, $$, 'Unicode',  etc ))...

instead of the regular form

;$$.hasOwnProperty('Unicode') || eval(__(MODULE, $$, 'Unicode',  etc ))...

The missing part $$.hasOwnProperty('Unicode') || is of primary importance. If you write your own IdExtenso modules, do not forget this crucial part and always apply the entire scheme above for every extension (i.e., outside of the core branch.) Otherwise, the intepreter will throw an obscure "Unknown MODULE identifier" error while re-running the script in a persistent engine. The #targetengine directive is a great way of speeding up our scripts, since all heavy structures (core data and outer modules) can be declared once and for all (throughout the app session). However, we need to take great care of global identifiers then. Once loaded, IdExtenso automatically cleans up its own temporary globals (MODULE and many more.) Hence, the command eval(__(MODULE, ... )) would fail!

  • Global cleanup in various modules, adding missing declarations in a few functions. (This is not a critical fix but it keeps the [[global]] scope much cleaner and may improve performances.)
  • Settings: Added the method footprint(scope) that creates a unique footprint of the current settings in the specified scope(s). Useful when you need to determine whether some changes have been applied (to the settings) between two points of your process. Typical use: display a conditional "Save settings?" message when the user closes the main dialog. Just take a footprint before and after and compare the strings. Thanks to the scope arg you can decide which kind of settings are traced here. The default value is 120 which merges the scopes ENGI|SESS|OBJ|APP|HYB and represents all keys that might be restored, regardless of CONST, RESET, and LIVE keys that are meaningless to this respect.
  • Collator: Adjusted the baseKey() method so it takes care of tailored level1 weights in a way that gives them precedence over attractor(s).
  • UniAsc: Added the method sibling(anyChar) that returns the whole string of sibling characters (incl. anyChar), that is, the set of characters that share the same ASCII base.
  • Added a IDEX_SESSION env variable, cf ENTRY POINT, and the corresponding $$.Env.session() method.
  • A few technical details added to $$.Env too.
  • Dom.Scope: Made some improvements. Better internal UNIQ property in select().
  • Linguist: Made the ~.LNGS map a separate resource file, so it might be accessed from an external module (just in case.)


  • Important update (Apr. 11, 2022.) ⚠ A highly critical bug was found (and fixed!) in the core/Ext/patterns registry. It was affecting the static regexes RegExp._BK, RegExp._SL, RegExp._DT, RegExp._OR capturing respectively the escaped forms of \ (backslash), / (slash), . (dot), and | (vertical line). Even if your script does not explicitly use these predefined patterns you should update the framework as soon as possible. Serious internal routines were indeed impacted, like String.prototype.toSource() or $$.JSON()!
  • MetaCollator improves W1BA's base keys using local replacements for a few letters whose level1 weight could appear prematurely in the Unicode map. See details in ~.REBA:
// Old Key       New Key (fix)
// ---
'\u037A':        '\u0399',   // iota subscript -> IOTA (Greek)
'\xB5':          '\u039C',   // µ -> Μ (Greek)
// etc
  • Updated Collator/W1BA accordingly (data auto-generated using RebuildCollator.jsx.)

  • Added GREEK and CYRILLIC attractors for use in Collator's baseKey() method. The function now supports multiple attractors if needed (underscore-separated, e.g "LATIN_GREEK".)

  • Important changes in the Collator and MetaCollator modules (the latter being only involved in regenerating the resources of the former.) First, a small bug was identified (and fixed!) in the ~.TMAP routine. Although dormant, it could have had devastating effects on tailoring rules. Furthermore, a new public method baseKey(str) is now exposed in $$.Collator. It is independent from sort() and does not interact with the collating process. However, it provides a useful functionality, the ability to represent the level1 initial key of any string as a basic character, e.g 'ä'=>'A', 'œ'=>'O' (in Latin script), and the same in other supported writing systems. Typically, baseKey(input) can be used for creating alphabetic groups ('A', 'B', 'C'…) surrounding your data. It automatically ignores variable elements (punctuation marks, etc) so baseKey("[hello]") will still return 'H'. Also, baseKey() is aware of the active tailoring rules defined by setTailor(someLocale). So, for example, the code
$$.Collator.setTailor('br');             // Select Breton
alert( $$.Collator.baseKey("C'hweg") );  // => C'H

will display the base key C'H (which is an independent letter in Breton.) In Spanish, ñ will be identified to Ñ (separate letter) while it would just produce N in the scope of European Ordering Rules (EOR.)

  • Yalt: added a 2nd param (inCurrentLocale) to the hasKey() method. Purpose: allows the client code to check whether a key string is available in either the global YALT map (whatever the locale), or specifically in the current, active locale.
  • Linguist: added more than 120 keys to ~.WSYS in order to address ISO 15924 writing systems that weren't supported yet.
  • UniAsc: this new module provides basic Unicode-to-ASCII transliteration. When included, it appends a translit() method to String.prototype so you can simply use e.g. "北亰".translit() (which returns "Bei Jing ".)


  • Security update (March 24, 2022) including latest fixes and additions. Main changes in the core area: 1. The CS4 patch String.prototype.split wasn't working as expected on strings that do not contain U+0000. It is now fixed. 2. RegExp.escape wasn't supporting the empty string. Fixed! 3. RegExp.fromCodeRanges had a logical bug related to surrogate pairs. Fixed! Also, the special escape sequence \- is now used for U+002D, instead of \u002D which is not properly handled in ExtendScript. In addition, fromCodeRanges supports a new option as 2nd argument, OUT_MODE (set it to -1 to get a more compact range pattern.)
  • DrawnCheck(Factory) is a new component that manages CS/CC-consistent icon buttons (18×18 px) based on a customized onDraw callback. Unlike PNG sprites (that consume more memory and undergo UI scaling issues in various environments), DrawnCheck components are purely drawn from the ScriptUIGraphics canvas. You need to provide a unique key and function for each icon, as detailed in the notice. See also TestDrawnCheck.jsx for a working example with three distinct icons.
  • ScriptUI/factories: Added the helper ScriptUIGraphics.prototype.draw(x,y), providing a compact syntax for drawing a path from Instead of
gx.moveTo(3,5); gx.lineTo(10,20); gx.lineTo(8,5); etc



(Each time you initiate draw() from a ScriptUIGraphics instance it interprets the first (x,y) pair as a moveTo command, then the next coordinates passed to the function are interpreted as a lineTo command.)

  • PageRange. A subtle option, singletons, has been added to the main format method (see the specification of the options argument.) In substance, singletons allows you to prevent some special numbers from being included in a range, disregarding any other rule that would otherwise apply. There are indeed particular circumstances where you want to detach a page number and preserve its visibility, for example if it is associated to a footnote whose number must in turn be rendered in some way during postprocessing. Then, you can tell $$.PageRange to exclude such page number, say 123, from a range like 120-128. Add the option {singletons:[123]} (array of uint) and you will retrieve something like "120-122, 123, 124-128" instead of "120-128". If found in the input array, your singleton number(s) is/are always detached from possible ranges.

Keep in mind that those singletons are not added to the input array. This is strictly a formatting option that reacts when such number is encountered while parsing and processing your data.

  • CheckList(Factory): 1. Added the root option which tells ScriptUI.CheckListFactory() to automatically prepend a root node on top of all supplied branches. If <yourOptions>.root is a non-empty string, it becomes the root node of the tree. Useful to add a global ON/OFF control to your CheckList without re-indenting branches and nodes. Note that the getters getString() and getValue() will NOT report the root node, so the output data (items and levels) remain consistent with the input.
    2. Added the preCheck() method, to wich you can pass an array of node paths assumed to describe a new set of checked nodes. Use this routine when your CheckList is already built and loaded in a particular state but then requires a new ‘selection’ of nodes from the client code. Unlike setValue, which entirely resets the tree based on new items, preCheck keeps all branches/nodes and only update their state in order to reflect your specification.
  • Settings: Various improvements and optimizations. In particular, avoids accessing the DOM label twice when app is passed as 1st argument to activate(), reset(), or backup().
  • Dom.Footnote: Unlike variable instances (represented by U+0018), footnotes (U+0004) have no property that reveals the underlying number, as would do myVar.resultText. So, if you need to determine which ‘numeral’ a footnote is associated to, you have first to determine the actual index of that tootnote in its context, then you have to compute the resulting text with respect to various options like FootnoteNumberingStyle and so. All of these tedious tasks are taken over by the Dom.Footnote module. Typical uses:
// Get the numeral of a FN ; e.g  "3", "iii", "003", "ث", etc
var num = $$.Dom.Foonote(myFootnote);

// Array of numerals of a plural FN ; e.g  ["003","004","005"...]
var a = $$.Dom.Foonote(myStory.footnotes.everyItem());
  • Dom.Scope: new module for managing a set of InDesign documents as a single entity. Read the notice.
  • Unicode: updated the Unicode module and its dependencies; added the ~.SCRI mapping related to Unicode scripts.
  • Updated MetaUnicode accordingly.
  • Settings: The methods activate(src), reset(src), and backup(dst) now support any arbitrary host object, that is, not necessarily an InDesign DOM object. In such case, the commands extractLabel and insertLabel are not invoked for reading/writing OBJ keys. Instead, the supplied object provides and receives data thru a SUID property, where SUID denotes the uid string of the active Settings. For example, if your settings are associated to the SUID "xyz", then $$.Settings.activate(myObj) will use (if defined) as the set of OBJ-scoped keys, and $$.Settings.backup(myObj) will set to the corresponding JSON string while saving the data. Note that should be an Object when used as a source while it becomes a string when used as a destination. This kind of hack is useful when no DOM object is available when activating or saving the Settings, although object (or hybrid) keys are needed in your project. Suppose that a particular sequence of existing documents has to be treated as a single src/dst entity. No DOM object is associated to that set (unless you have a Book on hand.) However, your script could still elaborate a special structure and some unique ID for addressing that entity. And then you might want to assign OBJ keys to the entity, instead of global APP keys, whenever the client code works with that specific sequence of documents. You can then supply the dedicated object to $$.Settings methods in order to enjoy the mechanism of recovering and saving OBJ keys. (What is left to you is the process of reconstructing the entity and/or saving its own data in a persistent way when your project requires it.)
  • CheckList(Factory): Modified the default behavior of getString() when no argument is supplied: it now returns the full state/item sequence, hence equivalent to myCheckList.getValue(). This change was required to keep this factory consistent with ModalScript semantics regarding the SmartListItemGetter option. See ModalScript/UserInterface. If you need to retrieve the items without state prefixes, use myCheckList.getString(false) (or 0) instead of an undefined argument. The other options of getString() are unchanged.
  • Ext/regexp: RegExp.escape() wasn't supporting the empty string! Fixed.
  • CheckList(Factory): Added a new state for locked nodes. This change has no consequence on existing scripts. You can now declare a checked item as locked using the prefix # instead of + (this mechanism is only available for terminal nodes, do not attempt to lock an entire branch.) A locked item cannot be unchecked, so it visually informs the user that the corresponding element will be automatically present in the final selection. Locked items are represented using the prefix ⏺ (U+23FA) in the listbox. Here is a typical declaration in a ScriptUI.builder resource object:

     . . .
         data:  ["+ Adobe", "## InDesign","-- Illustrator","++ Photoshop",
                 "+ Other", "++ IndyFont", "-- Wordalizer"],
         help:  "The InDesign element cannot be unchecked.",
     . . .
  • Ext/regexp: Found a logical bug in RegExp.fromCodeRanges (related to surrogate pairs.) Fixed!
  • Ext/regexp: Fixed and improved the static method RegExp.fromCodeRanges(codeRanges,OUT_MODE). The special escape sequence \- is now used for the hyphen (U+002D), instead of \u002D which is not properly handled in ExtendScript's RegExp classes. In addition, fromCodeRanges supports a new option for its 2nd argument OUT_MODE: set it to -1 to get a more compact range pattern. Only special characters are then escaped, using the • -> \• scheme.
  • Unicode. Updated Unicode blocks (~.UBLK); added category mapping (~.CATG) for future methods.
  • Collator. Full update based on Unicode “allkeys” 14.0.0. (New data automatically generated from MetaCollator.)
  • PageRange. The methods parse and normalize now support the map argument as a function too. For example, $$.PageRange.parse("15, 10-12, 18", null, function(x){ return x.toString() })
    returns the array of strings ["10", "11", "12", "15", "18"] rather than the corresponding array of numbers. Of course you can use more sophisticated functions ;-)
  • SUI/mini: Added an additional condition in ScriptUI.setFocus() so that one can forcibly exclude particular widgets from the “focus loop.” How? Just set the custom property __cantFocus__ to a truthy value. When found, this flag is taken into account by setFocus() which then skips the widget as a possible target. Example: you have created a custom control (or factory) that technically supports the active property and could receive the focus, but you made it behave so that it does not respond to the focus event. In such case you want to inform ScriptUI.setFocus that it should ignore your component. This is now possible using myComponent.__cantFocus__ = true.
  • Dom/items solves the issue of retrieving items (from any Collection or plural specifier) having a specific property set to a specific value. It provides the general method allItemsByKeyVal(host,key,value), then two useful methods based on it: allItemsByName(host,name) and allItemsByLabel(host,label). Note that the native DOM command myCollection.itemByName(someName) does not return a plural specifier (as you may expect), so it won't reach all items that share the incoming name within the collection. Use $$.Dom.allItemsByName(myCollection,someName) to get the whole array of target items. The methods support DOM specifiers as well, e.g myLayer.textFrames.everyItem(), etc.
  • CheckList(Factory): added the 'x2' option as 2nd argument of getString(), which then produces paths of the form <parent>\x02<parent>\x02...<node>. Useful if both brackets and slash characters may appear in node names.


  • Important update (Sept 1, 2021) including latest fixes and additions. Main changes in the core area: added the method String.prototype.unaccent() for removing accents/diacritics from a string, fixed the pattern RegExp.LINE in Ext/patterns, SUI/builder can optionally prevent helpTip inheritance on a particular component (use helpTip: false), added ScriptUI.measureWidth() to SUI/mini, which fixes the biased results of graphics.measureString() in CC/Win environments.

  • The YALT module now supports “mute terminators”:

You have the option to register variants for the same English key using a special terminator among the control characters '\x01', '\x02', '\x03' or '\x04'. Hence you can provide distinct sets of translation strings for words or expressions — like "All", "[None]", "match", etc — that have variant forms in the target language depending on the context. For example, in French,

      All     # Tous
      All\x01 # Toutes
      All\x02 # Tout

offer three possible translations for the word "All". The suffixes \x01 and \x02 are used to discriminate these three cases. If the default (English) language is active, both key strings will result in the word All (the terminator is removed). Otherwise, the desired translation will be selected.

This new feature allows you to address gender or number inflections that are not marked in English, as well as pure homographs like "left" (side) vs. "left" (past participle of leave.)

  • Fixed the routine ScriptUI.measureMulti() for Win platforms in ScriptUI/factories. An infinite loop could occur with huge un-splittable strings.
  • Popup(Factory): improved text wrap using ZERO WIDTH SPACE suffix after some punctuation marks: ., -, /, \.
  • ScriptUI/factories/: made states (i.e. enabled and visible properties) configurable at creation time for Check(Factory), CheckGroup(Factory) and CheckList(Factory). This allows you to predefine states straight from the options object.
  • Improving the Popup(Factory). 1. Added a cache to avoid re-processing the same arguments from the update method while the component is already shown in that state. Should deal smoothly with unconsidered duplications of 'popup' events. 2. Fixed resizing issue in CS4/CS5.
  • PageRange. New module for parsing-formatting-normalizing numeric sequences of the kind “3, 5-8, 10, 12-13...”. Typical use is checking and reformatting page ranges of your target document or book. (See the demo in /tests/PageRangeTester)
  • Added a CheckList component in ScriptUI/factories/. This control allows to display and check/uncheck hierarchical data in a list (the underlying widget is a native ScriptUI Listbox.) Very useful for showing style groups and similar tree structures available in InDesign.
  • Added a SideMenu component in ScriptUI/factories/. Provides a sidebar menu that controls the visibility of UI components (referred to as “menu targets”.)
  • Loaded some custom components in the folder ScriptUI/factories/:
    • Check implements a customizable checkbox that optionally supports three states and deals consistently with events. Can replace the native Checkbox widget.
    • CheckGroup manages a set of uniform Check components. (Hence it requires the Check factory.)
    • Popup implements a hidden container that you can make temporary visible for displaying messages alongside UI widgets.
  • ScriptUI/factories. This new snippet introduces a set of common functions used in custom ScriptUI factories. Mainly:
    • ScriptUI.factoryOptions(ini,defs): Merges the incoming ini set with a default set of options.
    • ScriptUI.setWatcher(widget,keys,watchFct,options): Attaches a watcher (“watch function”) to widget keys.
    • ScriptUI.dispatch(widget,evType,options): Dispatches a custom event.
    • ScriptUI.measureMulti(text,widget,maxWidth): Returns the probable dimensions of the string text when laid out in a multiline text widget (StaticText, EditText.)
  • SUI/mini: added the RETMAX argument (boolean) in ScriptUI.measureWidth(text,widget,RETMAX). The function then returns the highest result when legacyWidth and computedWidth differ.
  • SUI/builder now allows you to prevent helpTip inheritance on a particular component thas doesn't want to display any help tip. Simply use the rule helpTip: false.
  • ScriptUI/events. Better management of modifier keys (Alt/Ctrl/Shift/Meta) while cloning a KeyboardEvent via ScriptUI.event('my_custom_type', 'K', originalKeyboardEvent).
  • Ext/patterns: Changed RegExp.LINE = /\u000D|\u000A|\u000D\u000A/g into RegExp.LINE = /\u000D\u000A|\u000D|\u000A/g (longest match first.) The latter form is more conform and fixes inconsistencies between ExtendScript CS and CC.
  • Ext/string: Added the core method String.prototype.unaccent(), a basic routine for removing accents/diacritics from a string. E.g. "ÀçĎéĩĵĶńőŕşūŵŷż".unaccent() returns "AcDeijKnorsuwyz".
  • SUI/mini: Added ScriptUI.measureWidth(), which fixes the biased results of graphics.measureString() in CC environments (Windows only, as the bug seems Win-specific.) Go to StaticTextMetrics.jsx for testing.


  • Important update (June 06, 2021) including latest fixes and additions.
  • Main changes in the core area: fixed a potential error in $$.Env.globalEvent() (Env/script); prevents JSON from accessing invalid name-based specifiers; added the startupAlias() method in File for dealing with “startup scripts.”
  • Collator. Fixed a CS4 bug involving empty string(s): the ~.SPLT routine was killing CS4 if the input string was empty. Now s.length > 0 is a condition before calling s.replace(callee.CUR_MTCH, F).
  • YALT. Added automatic support of ... terminator. That is, if the key abc is present in your Yalt package and translated into xyz, then abc... will be recognized as well, and translated into xyz.... (The other automatic terminators are ., :, and !)
  • Collator. Made zero-padding (~.ZPAD) simpler, cf sortNumbers option. Any word boundary (incl. .) can now initiate a valid digit sequence: XYZ.123 is no longer interpreted as 0.123, and regular decimal point as in XYZ 123.45 is parsed normally.
  • Collator. Small improvement of the Word-by-Word system, removing spaces and hyphens followed by ( or , while preprocessing text items (cf ~.PWBW) This strengthens the rule [PARENTHESIS] < [COMMA] < [SPACE] and ties in with Chicago Manual of Style example (p. 833, 2010.)
  • AnyScript/menu_extension Made menuAction() capable of targetting submenus as well as menuitems by calling $$.Dom.Menu.get() instead of ...getMenuItem() while resolving menu references. As a result, any path in your ...ScriptMenu template can point out to either a MenuItem or Submenu instance.
  • Ext/regexp: Removed duplicated formal parameters X,Y in RegExp.fromCodeRanges. (No side effects but had to be fixed.)
  • Dom.Menu: re-implemented the menu access routine, taking into account the many bugs and limitations identified in InDesign CS4/CS5/CS6 regarding name-based specifiers (Menu, Submenu, and MenuItem objects.) In summary, the path solver had to avoid both .getElements(), .constructor and .parent commands to work around CSx bugs. In such environment, the algorithm tries to strictly resolve menu paths by index (cf the routines ~.RESO(), ~.INTO(), etc.)
  • Added the getAction() method in MenuExtension and fixed a few typos.
  • JSON: Skips invalid name-based specifiers altered by inner double quotes, like /menu[@name="Контекстное меню "Общие""]/menu-item[@id=118791]. This InDesign bug occurs in CS4/CS5 and leads to broken DOM paths. $$.JSON now detects it and labels such specifiers as “broken”.
  • ModalScriptMenu (resp. BasicScriptMenu) provides a simple and natural extension of the ModalScript (resp. BasicScript) module, based on the private ~.EXTN member introduced in AnyScript/run. Thanks to this extension mechanism, the Context/UI/Server model now supports an additional MenuExtension component that fully manages menu installation and event handling. It is then super-easy to attach a menu to an existing ModalScript (resp. BasicScript). The whole logic is detailed in the AnyScript/menu_extension snippet, which adds four hooks to the system:
  1. onStartup(runMode,parentModule): Called only if the script is presently running as a startup script.
  2. beforeDisplay(runMode,parentModule,scriptMenuAction): Called when the beforeDisplay event occurs. If defined, this function must return TRUE (resp. FALSE) to enable (resp. disable) the menu item.
  3. beforeInvoke(runMode,parentModule,scriptMenuAction: Called when the beforeInvoke event occurs.
  4. afterke(runMode,parentModule,scriptMenuAction: Called when the afterInvoke event occurs.

See full example in tests/BasicScriptMenuDemo.jsx

  • Dom.Menu: Made removeAction() a bit safer using a isValid checkpoint on ScriptMenuAction instance(s).
  • File: Added a generic startupAlias() method that will create, check or remove an alias of the target script file in the startup scripts subfolder of the user branch.
  • Added a preliminary step in AnyScript/run that checks whether the private member ~.EXTN is defined and functional. In such case, ~.EXTN(runMode) is called and if the returned value is false the whole script execution is stopped. This block is processed before the regular Context/UI/Server cycle (settings are not activated at that point.) The general purpose of this preliminary step is to bring extensibility to the AnyScript template (on which BasicScript and ModalScript are based.) A typical use of ~.EXTN would be to provide menu and/or startup-script installation mechanisms, entirely decoupled from the Context/UI/Server scheme, while offering dedicated event handlers (hooks) like onStartup, beforeDisplay, etc. This will be done in extended modules (coming soon.)
  • Quick fix of $$.Env.globalEvent() in Env/script: added an isValid test on the incoming event (since it's a DOM object.)
  • Added removeAction() in Dom.Menu.


  • Quick update (April 04, 2021) introducing the important $$.Env.inStartup() method. This function tells whether the code is presently running “as a startup script”, based on the value of app.performanceMetric(PerformanceMetricOptions.MINISAVE_COUNT) and taking into account the engine state. More details in the Env/script snippet. As all other Env features, $$.Env.inStartup() is now part of the core and will help manage interesting tasks in relation with startup scripts (in particular the InDesign menus and menu actions subsystem.) You can now determine if your program is now running as a startup script from any point of your client script: $$.Env.inStartup() will return 1 (yes) or 0 (no) so you can decide, for example, if it is relevant to display a modal alert, go into time-consuming code, etc.
  • Dom.Menu added, a handy module for accessing and managing Menu, Submenu, MenuItem instances, as well as custom ScriptMenuAction. See the BACKGROUND section to get started with Dom.Menu features. See also the MenuCamelCase demo, which implements a custom menu action using Dom.Menu.setAction() and more advanced stuff.


  • Stabilized version (March 22, 2021) including latest fixes, improvements, and additions.
  • Env/script: Enhanced the $$.Env.globalEvent() method so it will not return the same Event instance twice, unless explicitly allowed. This is a tricky adjustment but definitely needed in advanced projects: $$.Env.globalEvent recovers the current DOM event (e.g, the 'onInvoke' stage of a ScriptMenuAction) by reading the global variable evt (aka $.global.evt) which is automatically set by InDesign/ExtendScript. However, a problem may arise if you use a persistent engine and allows your script to be executed by different means (triggered by an event listener, launched from the Scripts panel, etc.) Then, the $.global.evt reference may persist (as previously initiated by a listener) and is still in memory while your script now runs from a different launcher. So your code may misinterpret the returned ref of $$.Env.globalEvent() as a new Event and react inappropriately. To prevent any confusion, you could probably delete $.global.evt once processed (not tested though), but it sounds safer to address the issue from $$.Env.globalEvent itself. The new code uses an internal event stamp that detects a previously returned event. In such case, the method returns 0 instead of the old Event reference, unless you supply a truthy ALLOW_PREVIOUS_EVENT argument as 1st parameter.
  • Recent additions/changes: SUI/mini: ScriptUI.HDI_SCALING (will manage HiDPI issues), ScriptUI.callback(), ScriptUI.setFocus(), plus the option to attach multiple events to a single listener in SUI/builder.
  • SUI/mini: Added ScriptUI.HDI_SCALING, an array of two factors [<xFactor>,<yFactor>] that reflect how ScriptUI coordinates are sometimes affected in HiDPI displays. ScriptUI.HDI_SCALING should normally be [1,1]. In some environments (esp. Win10 with UI scaling applied) the factors can be higher, e.g [1.5, 1.5] in 150% UI scaling. Knowing these factors helps solve various inconsistencies altering ScriptUI coordinates.
  • Web: Fixed redirection issue, automatic http -> https redir is now supported. Relaxed the non-modalstate condition in InDesign >= CS5 (7.0) since it has been found that app.doScript can work in modal state from that ID version. Huge redesign of the HTTP Secure (Win) snippet, made safer and more compact. (Still searching how to manage timeout here…)
  • SUI/mini: Added ScriptUI.callback(), a helper that removes and/or attaches event listeners for specified event type(s).

  • SUI/builder now provides the option to associate multiple events to a single listener in one line, e.g

    _blur_focus:    function onBlurFocus(ev){ . . . }

    You just have to concatenate one or several supported keys among _move, _moving, _resize, _resizing, _show, _close, _focus, _blur, _change, _changing, _click, _mousedown, _mouseup, _mousemove, _mouseover, _mouseout, _enterKey, _keydown, _keyup.

  • SUI/mini: Improved ScriptUI.setFocus(), which now supports a 2nd argument (NoRetWin) that tells the function to return 0 if the Window is finally made active as a fallback.


  • Stabilized version (January 16, 2021) including latest patches and additions.
  • Added in Env the uiLevel() method that makes it easy to mute/restore user interaction level while opening or processing documents. Typical use:
// [REM] `$$.Env.uiLevel` is exposed in `$$`
$$.uiLevel(0); // mute user interactions;
$$.uiLevel(1); // restore
  • Recent additions: $$.Env.canToolKit() (so $$.Log can now operate in ESTK console as well) ; ScriptUI.event() ; $$.Dom.parentSpread(item) and $$.Dom.parentPage(item) (exposed in $$).
  • String.prototype.charAt() fixed so it can pick U+0000.
  • The Env module now checks ExtendScript Toolkit's status via BridgeTalk (see ~.ESTK() in /script.jsxinc.) This information is reported in $$.Env.summary(). Also, the new canToolKit() method tells whether ESTK is in the place and presently running.

  • The Log module now outputs trace and/or warn messages in the ESTK console if you opened it before running the script. This is useful to get instant feedback while debugging. (The log file is still processed in parallel.)

  • Ext/string: In pure JavaScript the charAt method can pick a U+0000 character, e.g "x\0y".charAt(1) returns "\0". But in ExtendScript an empty string is returned whenever charAt should output "\0". Ext/string hacks String.prototype.charAt in order to fix the problem.
  • ScriptUI/events snippet added in the etc branch. Provides the function ScriptUI.event() and advanced tools and tricks for manipulating Event, UIEvent, MouseEvent, and KeyboardEvent instances at the ScriptUI level.
  • The core Dom module now provides two essential functions $$.Dom.parentSpread(item) and $$.Dom.parentPage(item) that were highly expected in many InDesign scripts. This routines have aliases at the root level so you can simply call $$.parentSpread(...), resp. $$.parentPage(...). They support DOM objects that fit the parentPage property in CS5/CS6/CC:

PageItem, SplineItem, Oval, Rectangle, GraphicLine, Polygon, Group, TextFrame, EndnoteTextFrame, Guide, HtmlItem, MediaItem, Movie, Sound, SVG, ImportedPage, EPSText, Graphic, PICT, WMF, PDF, EPS, Image, FormField, Button, MultiStateObject, CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox, RadioButton, TextBox, SignatureField.

Note that $$.parentPage() is available in whatever version, including CS4 :-) Also, $$.parentSpread(...) and $$.parentPage(...) can work on plural specifiers, e.g myDoc.ovals.everyItem(), and will then return, if relevant, an array rather than a single object.


  • Stabilized version (November 27, 2020) including latest fixes, improvements, and additions.
  • Cosmetic changes in Root/errors.
  • Recent patches and additions: String.prototype.subReplace() ; RegExp.fromCodeRanges().
  • Ext/math: In ExtendScript CS4/CS5 (InDesign versions <= 7.0) Math.min(...) and Math.max(...) weren't supporting more than two arguments. In particular, the, [1,2,3,4,5]) trick (resp. Math.min...) can't be used in these older script engines. The present snippet provides a patch that makes all scripts consistent regarding Math.min and Math.max. (Returned values comply with ECMA-262 rules.)
  • Root/error: Made error() and receiveError() less verbose on displaying the stack.
  • Ext/string: Added a convenient String.prototype.subReplace() method that performs replacements only in specific substrings determined by a regular expression. In the following example, the replacement /a(\d+)/g -> "X$1" is processed only in <...> sub-regions:
"a12<a34>a567<a998>".subReplace( /a(\d+)/g, "X$1", /<[^>]+>/g )
-> a12<X34>a567<X998>

A 4th parameter (boolean) can be supplied, it then specifies whether replacements must be processed outside the sub-regions (default being inside.)

  • Ext/regexp: Improved RegExp.fromCodeRanges(). The function now manages large ranges of surrogate pairs and optimizes the result. For example,
-> \uD83D[\uDDF4-\uDFFF]|[\uD83E-\uD841][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD842[\uDC00-\uDED2]
  • Ext/regexp: added RegExp.fromCodeRanges() (static), an experimental routine that allows you to build RegExp patterns from an array of Unicode codepoints and/or range of codepoints, including characters beyond U+FFFF that then require UTF16 encoding of surrogate pairs. See the detailed description.
  • Collator: Added sort options and many refinements (letter-by-letter and word-by-word systems, stable sort, upperFirst mode at level 3, ability to sort separate digit sequences as numbers.)
  • YALT: In order to make long strings more readable you can now write any translation string in a separate line starting with <spacing># , where <spacing> denotes zero or more spacing characters (space or tab.) Here is an example of valid multiline L10N string:
	Collect All Threaded Frames
	# Récupérer tous les blocs liés
	# Alle verketteten Rahmen aufnehmen
	# Recopilar todos los marcos enlazados

If an input string matches the pattern "abc\0...\0xyz", where the first (resp. last) \0 denotes the first (resp. last) occurence of U+0000, then:

  1. Only the abc part (prefix) will be considered while computing collation keys, the next characters being entirely ignored.
  2. Only the xyz part (suffix) will be present in the output array. Note that an input of the form "abc...\0" will lead to an empty output ("").
  • Collator: Since String.prototype.replace() is unsafe (in ExtendScript) as soon as '\0' is involved, input strings are now sanitized before splitting. (In particular, this prevents casual infinite loops in CS4!)
  • Collator: Enhanced (and simplified!) ~.SPLT routine. The separator U+FFFD is no longer used by default while splitting the input string into keys. It had side effects and no application in the present implementation. (However the option is still available through the 3rd parameter SPLIT_BY_FFFD.)
  • Collator: Added the parameter RET_MODE in getRichList(). You can now get a full clone of the rich array language list.

  • JSON: A more accurate solution has been found for dealing with rich arrays. The JSON string now evaluates to an actual Array object with additional properties, based on the following pattern:


For example, the arr array originally defined by

var arr = [10,20,30]; = "Hello";

will be stringified '(function(a,o,k){for(k in o)o.hasOwnProperty(k)&&a[k]=o[k];return a})([10,20,30],{"name":"Hello"})'.

This enhancement is required in various contexts, in particular when one needs to clone a rich array and send the result to a ScriptUI ListBox. Indeed this control expects a true Array class at construction time. A fake entity based on __proto__ alteration wouldn't be recognized.


Collator: Added findTailor(iso), a generic public method for translating an isoKey into a valid tailorKey. (See the private routine ~.ITOK.) Unlike setTailor(), findTailor() does not change the current tailoring rules.


ModalScript: Added a public changeLocaleTo(iLocale) method in order to reflect the equivalent feature already available in BasicScript. This routine just reactivates YALT to a different locale, i.e, it basically calls $$.Yalt.activate(iLocale).


JSON: Added support of rich arrays in ~.['\x01Array']. A "rich array" is an Array object whose length is lower than __count__, that is, having additional properties beyond '0', '1'... indices. E.g:

var arr = [10,20,30]; = "Hello";

New workaround, see [200613]

In this particular case, a regular Object is created (all properties are then explicitly set), and __proto__ is set to Array.prototype.__proto__, so the evaluated result behaves as a regular array (all usual Array members are inherited.) The string $$.JSON(arr) will now look like:

'(function(o){o.__proto__=[].__proto__;return o})({"0":10,"1":20,"2":30,"name":"Hello"})'

which evaluates to a quasi-array arr (arr instanceof Array is true, arr.length is 3, etc.), although arr.__class__ is still "Object" (read-only) and arr.toSource() cannot work.


  • Stabilized version (June 1, 2020) including latest fixes, improvements, and additions.
  • Added extra info in Root/errors, plus some code refinements.
  • Recent fix: String.prototype.lastIndexOf() patched (CS4.)
  • Collator: New extra module that implements a simplified version of the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) in ExtendScript. You can test it using the script CollatorTester.
  • MetaCollator: Meta-module for rebuilding Collator resources if needed. See tools/RebuildCollator.jsx for a ready-to-use tool.
  • YALT: The default YALT package now offers 300+ essential translation strings in FR, DE, SP, IT, RU. Most are inherited from InDesign L10N strings so they fit the conventions of the application.
  • Useful improvement of the main YALT() function -- aka __() -- which now sanitize any missing argument. That is, if a YALT pattern specifies %i placeholders but you don't supply the corresponding args, those undefined variables are automatically coerced into an empty string, instead of the string "undefined". For example, calling __("abc%1xyz") without the %1 extra parameter will now return "abcxyz". (In the previous version, "abcundefinedxyz" would have been returned.)
  • Linguist: New module designed as a central place for addressing language and locale data. Its main component (~.LISO) maps ISO639-1 codes.
  • DateFormat: Added IT (Italian) and RU (Russian) localization patterns, so the module now supports EN FR DE SP IT RU date/time formats.
  • Env/locale: Added localePrefix(), a getter that simply returns the current locale name prefix, e.g "FRENCH", "SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE", "INTERNATIONAL_ENGLISH"... Also, the localeIdToString(iLocale,keepSuffix) method now implicitly considers the current InDesign locale if the iLocale arg is missing.
  • Ext/string: CS4 patch of String.prototype.lastIndexOf(), which was unable to address myStr.lastIndexOf('\0').
  • Unicode: Utility module added for dealing with Unicode data (work-in-progress.) So far, it manages Unicode blocks through the methods getParentBlock(codePoint) and getRange(blockName).
  • MetaUnicode: Meta-module for rebuilding Unicode resources. See tools/RebuildUnicode.jsx for a ready-to-use tool.
  • Dom/app: Notice and cosmetic refinements (fromLocaleStr and toLocaleStr.)
  • ByteStream: Added the TAG encoding (equivalent to ASC*4) to handle OpenType tag type or similar 4-letter strings. Added a convenient toSource() method that both supports input and output streams.


  • Stabilized version (Feb. 28, 2020) including latest fixes and additions.
  • An alternate entry point is provided, $$.spin.jsxinc, which lets you display a spinner from the including stage. Call $$.spin() at any point of your script/module to get the spinner updated while performing time-consuming tasks. To enjoy this feature, change #include path/to/$$.jsxinc into #include path/to/$$.spin.jsxinc in your client script. The method $$.spin() is otherwise transparent.
  • Recent additions in the core branch: String.fromBase64(), String.prototype.toBase64(), String.prototype.rpad(), String.prototype.lpad(), String.levenFilter(arr,str,max), $$.input(), $$.Env.tempRedraw().
  • Web: Fixed a typo in HttpSocket. This was causing a not-a-function runtime error in non-trace mode.
  • Ext/string: added String.fromBase64() and String.prototype.toBase64().
  • Root/messaging: slight improvements ; uses a panel in borderless windows.
  • Fixed a typo (wrong variable) in AnyScript/initialize.
  • Ext/string: added string methods String.prototype.rpad (right padding) and String.prototype.lpad (left padding.)
  • Root/messaging: Added $$.input(caption,defVal...), which displays a OK/Cancel prompt box. Allows to get an input string from the user. (Supports dropdown list.)
  • Dom.Space: Enhanced coordinate processor (see ~.RESO.) Due to a CS6-CC bug affecting AnchoredObject's coordinate system, a stronger routine was needed to support anchored items as well as regular InDesign components. We found a set of fine-tuned workarounds to resolve locations in almost all cases whatever the incoming format (coordinate space, bounding space or ruler coordinates.)
  • Dom.Space: Added fromCustom(), a special from... method that inializes the converter so it takes as input arguments (x,y) coordinates in your own (O,I,J) system. Pass in an array of three valid locations to define O (origin), I (right point), J (bottom point). This method is useful if your script cannot supply coordinates in the usual XY, UV or RL systems.
  • In addition, the method $$.Dom.Space.preScale(kx,ky) provides the option to preset multipliers (x- and y- factors) that the converter will apply to any incoming coordinate pair.
  • Dom.Space: Added the method matrixValues() which returns the internal matrix numbers used by convert(). (And fixed a minibug in convert().)
  • Env/screen: The $$.centerWindow() method now supports its 2nd argument as either Window or LayoutWindow type. So you can explicitly center a ScriptUI window (1st argument) relative to another one, or relative to a document window (LayoutWindow instance.) When no 2nd argument is supplied, the method still tries to guess the active screen center point based on internal checks.
  • Env/script: Added the method $$.Env.tempRedraw() (also available straight in $$). Allows to invoke a specific function (1st argument) and optionally from a particular context (2nd argument) with app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw temporarily set to true during the execution of that function. If enableRedraw is already turned on, the function is simply executed. If it was turned off, the original state is restored once the function has returned. In addition, $$.tempRedraw(myFunc) returns myFunc's returned value just in case you'd need it.
  • Settings: Added a DontClone global option. Usually it's safer to let $$.Settings perform a JSON clone while setting a key to an object reference (ss.myKey=myObj), because that reference may be lost and ss.myKey is supposed to work anyway. But in specific cases you may want to explicitly prevent the module from cloning objects during script execution, either for performance gain or for bypassing cloning limitations over complex objects like augmented arrays etc. Then you can set $$.Settings.DontClone to 1 before invoking $$.Settings.declare(...)
  • Dom.Space: The fromUV() method supports a new parameter, centered, that lets you work in a variant of the (u,v) system. When UV is centered, the coordinates [0,0] denote the center anchor, while [1,0] (resp. [0,1]) refer to center-right (resp. center-bottom) anchor. This variant is handy when you want to provide signed coordinates in -1..+1 on both axes and have a true center point at [0,0] in the bounding box. (Rem: the regular UV system has its origin at top-left and the center point is located at [0.5,0.5].)
  • ScriptUI/colors: Added scriptUI.colorPen(), which returns a cached ScriptUIPen from a uint24 0xrrggbb value. (Simple shortcut to ScriptUI.colorSetter.MAKP.)
  • ZDeflate: Added the zlib() method, which embeds the compressed stream within a zlib wrapper.
  • ScriptUI/colors: Added scriptUI.colorBrush(), which returns a cached ScriptUIBrush based on both a colorValue 0xRRGGBB and an alpha component in 0..1. Fixed a stupid bug in ScriptUI.colorArray() (transparency was not treated.)
  • Refactored both BasicScript and ModalScript to get all shared code at a single place. Cf /etc/AnyScript/. These changes do not impact the API, so existing scripts based on either BasicScript or ModalScript infrastructure should still work as expected.
  • SUI/builder: Fixed a problem in ARGS.jsxres and WIND.jsxres snippets. The previous code was changing the input descriptor to adjust the properties object to its needs. Worked fine unless the client script used a cached object from within a persistent engine! Solved.
  • Web/HttpSocket: The request header Connection: keep-alive was not a good idea. It makes ExtendScript Socket much slower. During a single http GET, there is no reason to require a persistent connection.
  • SUI/builder/WSTA: On Mac OS, changing the enabled property may not update the appearence of a visible widget (in particular, the background color of inner components.) The hide-show technique seems to fix that. It is implemented in the HARD_REFRESH subfunction of WSTA.
  • Web module fully rewritten, with clear dependencies, improved code, etc. Should work much better now, on both Mac and Win platforms!
  • ModalScript: Improved get-string-key mechanism (~._GS_). If the widget under consideration provides a getString method, invoke it. Otherwise, stringify the value.
  • ModalScript/UserInterface: Added the CancelValue attribute (uint, default:2) and fixed the treatment of the value returned from the SUI dialog. The onClose hook can now handle the dialog retval as such: the ok argument is false only if retval===µ.CancelValue.
  • BasicScript/UserInterface: The ~._GO_ method wasn't supposed to return true in case the user validates the dialog while no onClose callback is available. Indeed, true has the meaning “Skip the server”. This tiny bug had no critical impact in practice, because the onClose hook is almost always implemented!
  • Web: finally found a way to escape XMLHTTP responseBody in VBS and parse the returned string in JS. Should significantly reduce failures of your https requests (in Windows.)
  • Ext/string: added String.levenFilter(arr,str,max). Returns a subset of arr (string array) whose items are the most similar to str with respect to the maximum distance max. Based on String.levenDist(). A 4th argument allows to make this function case-sensitive, by default it is not.
  • Ext/string: added String.levenDist(stringA,stringB). Returns the Levenshtein distance between two input strings.
  • String.random() no longer uses Date timestamp, as this caused biases.
  • SUI/builder/SETK: the special key optimalSize can be used to set both preferredSize AND minimumSize in one step. This is a useful shortcut, since many ScriptUI controls require both a preferredSize and a minimumSize to get properly aligned.
  • Env module: fixed a bug regarding ~.IDEX and the public property idexEntryPath (“URI path to IdExtenso Entry Folder, if available”). There was a mistake on the location $.fileName refers to in the context of included subfiles. Interesting (and no so obvious) conclusions can be found here.
  • ScriptUI.setFocus improved and made smarter. Since Group and Panel objects don't provide the active property natively, it's not easy to implicitly activate the main control within a container. To bypass this limitation, we now provide a generic algorithm dealing with containers although they don't own an active property.
  • ScriptUI.builder: the patterns "custom$..." and "...Factory$..." were missing in the reverse routine ~.RVRS. Fixed.


  • Stabilized version (March 3, 2019) including latest fixes and additions.
  • In Root.unload, added a try..catch block for nesting app.activate(). This bypasses a runtime error that sometimes occurs when multiple InDesign CC versions are running in parallel!
  • Due to app.layoutWindows access in Env/screen, the ESTK entry point wasn't working anymore! Added A.layoutWindows = 0; in $$.estk to fix that.
  • ScriptUI.builder: Assigning falsy or invalid dimensions to size (resp. preferredSize, minimumSize, maximumSize) could cause runtime errors. Fixed and made safer. See NOTICE, Section 8.
  • Env/screen: In ExtendScript, accessing $.screens from within a function scope create an inexplicable (workspace) instance which then alters actual function (workspace) count. A workaround is to access $.screens only from the [[global]] scope and create a new reference. Functions can then safely read data from that reference. Fixed here.
  • Ext/patterns: added RegExp.JSID, a regex for testing basic JavaScript identifiers of the form ^[\$_A-Za-z][\$_A-Za-z0-9]*$. Keep in mind that this pattern is for simple checking only, it does not detect reserved tokens.
  • ScriptUI.builder() now supports a special type, "list", for declaring either a ListBox or a DropDownList, depending on the flag
  • Slight change in ScriptUI.forceRedraw() (cf SUI/mini) using specialized routines for list controls (ListBox and DropDownList).
  • Enhanced Root/help, based on my recent study of multi-column ListBox control in ScriptUI. Improves the refresh mechanism of $$.help's listbox.


  • Stabilized version (Feb. 04, 2019) including latest fixes and additions.
  • Root/$$.messaging.jsxinc: bug fixes.
  • Added the Event entry in Root/casting.
  • Added globalEvent() in Env/script. Returns the global DOM event in case your script is triggered from the app as an event handler (e.g from a MenuAction listener.)
  • Fixed non-declared q argument in Env/screen.
  • Splitted the Env module into subparts throughout the Env/ directory :

    #include 'Env/$$.system.jsxinc'
    #include 'Env/$$.script.jsxinc'
    #include 'Env/$$.application.jsxinc'
    #include 'Env/$$.locale.jsxinc'
    #include 'Env/$$.screen.jsxinc'
    #include 'Env/$$.unit.jsxinc'
    #include 'Env/$$.user.jsxinc'
  • Fixed problems with active screen detection -- Env/$$.screen.jsxinc -- now delayed to Env.onLoad() for addressing cases where the active monitor changes within a session.

  • Added $$.Env.system() -- cf Env/$$.system.jsxinc

  • Env/$$.screen.jsxinc: the new method $$.Env.screenIndex() returns the index of the monitor that contains a point [x,y] specified in screen coordinates. Useful to identify the screen in which a window is shown.
  • The new method $$.Env.setActiveScreen(index) allows to register, from any point of your code, the index of the active screen as soon as it can be determined, e.g. when app.activeWindow exists. Registering the active screen improves messaging functions and may help you position UI stuff with respect to the application area.
  • Added $$.Env.getActiveScreen() too.
  • ScriptUI/$$.layout.jsxinc added. This small extension allows to register a layout handler, that is, a special function that automatically executes when the attached UI component (a ScriptUI container) is subject to the layout manager. As explained in the NOTICE, “this technique makes it possible to update some attributes (including those of dependent widgets) when the component is laid out, despite the fact that no native event is associated to this particular process. Typically, the layout mechanism takes place just before the show event of the Window (unless the code explicitly invokes the layout() function at some point.) Hence, an interesting use of handling our fake _layout event is to perform last-minute adjustments on particular containers before the window shows up.”
  • ScriptUI/$$.colors.jsxinc required the precondition if( $$.isBooting() ){ ... } in order to work fine in persistent engines. As a general rule, any extra snippet should make sure that it loads stuff at include stage under $$.isBooting() condition.
  • ScriptUI.setFocus() added in SUI/mini. Forcibly set the focus on a control, as doesn't do the job right.


This update (Jan. 20, 2019) applies an important change in the directory structure: the minimal ScriptUI stuff is no longer part of the Ext dir (reserved to “external” features). The code has been moved into a dedicated SUI folder. As a result, core/Ext/$$.scriptui.jsxinc is no longer available; and the entry point $$.jsxinc reflects new locations and structure:

#include 'core/$$.Ext.jsxinc'
// ---
#include 'core/$$.Root.jsxlib'
#include 'core/$$.Env.jsxlib'
#include 'core/$$.JSON.jsxlib'
#include 'core/$$.File.jsxlib'
#include 'core/$$.Log.jsxlib'
#include 'core/$$.Dom.jsxlib'
// --- [190120]
#include 'core/$$.SUI.jsxinc'
  • SUI/$$.mini.jsxinc contains basic extensions of the ScriptUI object: alignment shortcuts, ScriptUI.isWidget(), ScriptUI.forceRedraw(), etc.
  • SUI/$$.builder.jsxinc specifically provides the ScriptUI.builder() function, fully documented. It now deals consistently with { orientation:"stack" } in whatever platform, fixing the well-known incompatibility between Windows CS and other environments.
  • SUI needed a special treatment because of those environment issues. The snippet is included after other core modules so that it can invoke $$.Env features such that $$.inCC, $$.inWin, etc.
  • Other small fixes are included in version 1.90120.
  • ScriptUI/$$.colors.jsxinc added. This snippet loads various color-related methods in ScriptUI to make background/foreground management easier and safer in cross-version scripts. NOTE: This is an optional snippet (etc branch) so you have to explictly include it in your project for using those features: #include './etc/ScriptUI/$$.colors.jsxinc'
  • ScriptUI.forceRedraw() added. A short function that forces a given widget to invoke its onDraw handler (if available.) Useful when a special refresh/repaint mechanism is required on a custom UI component.
  • ScriptUI.builder() deeply redesigned. Added addKeyHandler() and removeKeyHandler() utilities.


  • Stabilized version (Nov. 28, 2018) mostly including cosmetic adjustments.
  • Ext/$$.function.jsxinc and Ext/$$.object.jsxinc now use a special function flag, $TMP$, that tells the root cleaner (cf ~.ISCL) which keys must be deleted from the [[global]] space at load-time.
  • $$.estk.jsxinc takes advantage of the change mentioned above.
  • $$.Root.jsxlib declares $$.resolve() and $$.isModule() a bit sooner to make those features available when including inner snippets like errors or messaging.
  • The method $$.error() is now available in the [[global]] scope as well, due to a frequent usage in so many modules and snippets. Instead of $$.error(), just call error().
  • ZInflate and ZDeflate modules now available. Port the inflate/deflate algorithms into ExtendScript. Useful for decompressing and/or compressing strings of reasonable size, e.g PNG IDAT chunks...
  • ByteStream: added the optional param last (integer) in the toString() method. Allows to get only the specified number of trailing characters—i.e, from the end of the stream—rather than the entire string. Also added the method getSource() that simply returns the source of an input stream; for output stream result is false.


  • Stabilized version (Nov. 17, 2018) that integrates various additions from the previous weeks.
  • Ext/$$.global.jsxinc is a new snippet included from $$.Ext.jsxinc. It provides an important fix to $.global.parseInt() after the discovery of a critical, native bug in ExtendScript.
  • Ext/$$.scriptui.jsxinc: now ScriptUI.builder() autosets the name property of the output widget, provided a name is available and wouldn't override an existing name property. This improvement is useful in event handlers that require simple name checking rather than deeper identification steps.
  • Ext/$$.string.jsxinc: added String.random(), a simple method for randomly generating lowercase, alphanumeric IDs of a determined length. By default, String.random() returns a string of 4 characters (e.g "i1x4"). Pass in the desired length if needed. The result is guaranteed to match the pattern /^[a-z][0-9a-z]*$/ (that is, the first character is always alphabetic.)
  • Meta, added the parseHeader()method, which somehow reverses the header() function. It recovers (key,value) elements from a header string. (Useful when parsing IdExtenso files.)
  • ByteStream, a class to easily handle binary data stored in files. Deals with strings, characters, hex format, signed and unsigned integers (byte, short, int24, long), float (32bit) and double (64bit) numbers. Supports BE and LE ordering. Goto the NOTICE for details.
  • ModalScript: still improving default getter/setter mechanisms.
  • Ext/$$.scriptui.jsxinc: If unassigned, the helpTip property inherits from parent's help tip (in ScriptUI.builder.) Useful to spread a tip throughout a container.
  • ModalScript: small fix in ~._SV_ (the items property of a list wasn't properly parsed thru the autosetter algorithm.) Added the method Window.prototype.getWidgetKey (cf. ~._GW_) to mirror BasicScript's API.
  • Ext/$$.number.jsxinc: changed the toSource() method so it supports a mode argument for compact vs. short vs. native output string. By default (mode=0) the function removes leading zero from floating-point number in )-1,1(. For instance, (-0.75).toSource() -> "-.75".
  • Ext/$$.number.jsxinc: added Number.fromIEEE754_32(hexStr) and Number.prototype.toIEEE754_32() for decoding from (resp. encoding to) IEEE754 32bit format (single-precision floating-point representation.) Keep in mind that JS numbers are still double (i.e float64), so you cannot assert, in general, that x === Number.fromIEEE754_32(x.toIEEE754_32()) for any JS number x. However, the hex-to-number conversion is safe: hex8 === (Number.fromIEEE754_32(hex8)).toIEEE754_32() (OK.)
  • Ext/$$.number.jsxinc: added Number.fromIEEE754(hexStr) and Number.prototype.toIEEE754() for decoding from (resp. encoding to) IEEE754 64bit format (double-precision floating-point representation.)
  • Ext/$$.string.jsxinc now implements String.fromCodePoint() as specified in ECMA-262 9.0, including the ability to supply an Array of code points rather than an arg list. The purpose of this function is to allow to build a JS string (sequence of UTF-16 units) from code points that may be greater than 0xFFFF, that is, in the range U+10000-U+10FFFF. This then involves surrogate pairs as defined by the Unicode standard.
  • Introducing the MatrixArray module, a tool for dealing with transformation matrices throughout Array.prototype, without involving DOM objects :-)
  • $$.estk.jsxinc added. An alternate entry point for using IdExtenso from ExtendScript ToolKit--without InDesign. Experimental feature.
  • Dom.Space: Added a patch MasterSpread.prototype.resolve() for InDesign CS4. (For some reason this method is not available in the CS4 DOM while Spread.prototype.resolve is OK. Thanks to Page's API we can implement a fully functional resolve method for master spreads. See detail in the COMPATIBILITY PATCHES section.)
  • Dom.Space: a new DOM oriented module aimed to simplify management and conversions throughout InDesign coordinate systems.
  • BasicScript and ModalScript now provide the user with the option to reset the preferences (Settings) to factory values when an error occurs. (Of course this is just a workaround in case your script, being in debug phase, does not properly address weird or out-of-range settings. This event is not supposed to occur in the final release of the script! Also, keep in mind that an error is not necessarily caused by wrong settings...)
  • Settings: the backup() method now calls the internal ~.BCKP routine from within app.doScript(..., UndoMode.autoUndo), which prevents this step from being undone. Usually, when a user runs a script and validates the UI, s/he expects Undo to reverse the process but wants the settings to reflect the validated choices.
  • Introducing ModalScript (/etc/ModalScript), a variant of the BasicScript module that supports ScriptUI dialogs instead of DOM dialogs. While BasicScript relies on the Dom.Dialog module, ModalScript only involves the ScriptUI.builder() routine available in the core branch. Aside from that, ModalScript provides the same functionalities based on Settings and Yalt.
  • Added $$.yesNo(). And the whole messaging toolbox - Root/$$.messaging.jsxinc - has been re-factored, now using ScriptUI.builder's API--much more secure than the old ScriptUI resource strings!
  • Fixed a bug in Dom.Dialog['~'].XDLG (XML dialog builder): needed to change into String( to prevent the code from handling a QName object. (This bug had undesirable side effects on InstantDialog.jsx sample script.)
  • core/Root/$$.help.jsxinc: Improved the implementation of the dialog -- it now uses ScriptUI.builder() :-)
  • ScriptUI.builder() now parses event types preceded by an underscore (e.g _mousedown) and declares the corresponding event listener if the associated value is a function.
  • Ext/$$.scriptui.jsxinc: Added the static ScriptUI.builder() method. Provides a compact and generic tool for building resource-based user intarfaces (full Window or custom components.) Unlike the native 'resource string' mechanism which involves literal strings and therefore leads to issue when dynamic data are to be treated, ScriptUI.builder() deals with actual objects whose internal data may still be browsed and refined just before being sent to the builder.
  • ScriptUI.isWidget() is a companion tool of ScriptUI.builder; its internal map might be used in more advanced modules.
  • Also, we have fixed the combined alignment shortcuts (ScriptUI.LT, ScriptUI.RT, etc) as the numeric values caused problems in recent ScriptUI versions.
  • Added string truncation methods trunc(), rtrunc(), and ltrunc() to String.prototype ; cf polyfill in Ext/$$.string.jsxinc.
  • Introducing the Meta module. Will provide tools for building IdExtenso components (file templates, etc.)
  • Added String.prototype.relativePath() and much more detail on all these POSIX-path-oriented routines: asPath(), toPath(), and relativePath(). These methods are internally used by the framework to manage module relationships, but they can do a great job outside too. In particular, myFolder1.fullName.relativePath(myFolder2.fullName) returns the relative path from myFolder1 to myFolder2 in "../../path/to" form. The code works with generic strings as well, subject you use the universal / separator.
  • Entry Point ($$.jsxinc) now allows up to 9 formal arguments in automatic methods and contructors. Indeed, there are cases where the __auto__ property of a module may refer to a function that expects many parameters. The previous implementation was using a general (x,y,z,t) argument list limited to four parameters. Same thing with constructors built from the CLASS macro. (REM. - For technical and performance reasons, IdExtenso does not invoke the arguments property of Function instances. This would pollute ExtendScript memory with additional [Workspace] objects that puzzle garbage collection.)
  • Added the method $$.failure() in Root/$$.messaging.jsxinc.


  • The Dom.Dialog module now provides a public property SmartMeasurementBoxes (0 or 1) that affects the behavior of getters and setters attached to measurement controls (MeasurementEditbox and MeasurementCombobox instances.) In summary, SmartMeasurementBoxes==1 guarantees that numeric values managed through the module interface are understood relative to the control unit (editUnits). This is useful when you need to set, get, and compute magnitudes straight into a particular unit (instead of points.) More details in the NOTICE.
  • Small addition: Dom.Dialog also installs the accessor Dialog.prototype.getWidgetKey() which returns the widget associated to some key. Usually you don't need this, since the existing getters and setters do a great job while hiding access to the DOM widget. Just in case you'd need more tweaking capabilities...
  • The UserInterface submodule of BasicScript now has a public flag SmartListItemGetter (default=0) which improves the getter mechanism of key-based dropdowns. By default, the current item is returned by index (its index in the stringList.) But if SmartListItemGetter is set to 1, then any Settings key that has been declared as a string will be returned as the corresponding string in the list. This option is useful when you don't want to manage dropdown's list from the outside of the XML UI resource (the string list is fixed and you don't care about item indices, what you want is only the selected item, as a string.)
  • Added $$.Env.toPoints(myValue,myMeasurementUnits), a basic tool that converts a value, given in some MeasurementUnits enum, into POINTS. Promoted in $$ ($$.Env.toPoints===$$.toPoints). Example: $$.toPoints(10, MeasurementUnits.AGATES) => 51.4285714285714.
  • Thanks to the Unit module now supports conversions involving MeasurementUnits.BAI (6.336pt) and MeasurementUnits.U (0.792pt). See the private method ~.FEED() for more detail on how UnitData instances are loaded.
  • $$.Env.isUnit() now supports numeral inputs, that is, strings having the form "2054187384" or "0x7A696E63". (Useful in XML context.)
  • Yalt : The YALT routine now automatically handles terminators : . and !. For example, if "Hello" has a translation while "Hello!" is not registered, then __("Hello!") is interpreted as __( "%1!" , __("Hello") ).
  • A temporary global __jsxinc__ is declared in $$.jsxinc to keep track of the entry point location.
  • Env : Added the userName() method. Added the idexEntryPath property. Added the scriptsPanel() method (returns the path of the Scripts Panel folder in either app or user branch.)
  • Dom.Dialog : Added the global attributes captionWidth (resp. editWidth) for declaring default minWidth for labeled (resp. editable) widgets. Example: <Dialog name="My Dialog Title" canCancel="true" captionWidth="100" editWidth="150">....
  • Added the Unit module, a consistent facade for handling metrical units. Test script: PlayWithUnit.
  • Corrected a few typos in Dom.Dialog comments. Added the alias selected for either Dropdown or RadiobuttonGroup widgets: it is interpreted selectedButton in case of radio group, and selectedIndex in case of dropdown.
  • Dom.Dialog now installs a method named Dialog.prototype.getStringKey(k) which, unlike getValueKey(k), returns the string associated to the accessed widget. Useful for dropdowns and similar widgets that basically would return an index.
  • Added a pattern for the vertical line | (i.e U+007C) in core/Ext/$$.patterns.jsxinc. It defines String.OR, RegExp.OR etc.
  • Introducing the Dom.Style module (/etc/Dom.Style) for handling and browsing InDesign DOM styles (character/paragraph/object styles.) The automatic method is flatList(), a very flexible routine whose options are detailed in the code.
  • JSON : In ExtendScript the test x===null is not reliable when x refers to a UnitValue instance whose value is in the range )-1,1(. Indeed, due to an implementation error regarding the === operator, UnitValue(0.5,'pt')===null is true! The LAVE routine has been updated to work around this bug. $$.JSON(UnitValue(<any>)) now works fine whatever the magnitude of the UnitValue.
  • Ext/$$.number.jsxinc: static routines Number.parse() and Number.format() added, with basic localized delimiters Number.DecimalChar and Number.ThousandsChar.
  • Ext/$$.number.jsxinc: Added Number.prototype.toDecimal(), a variant of toFixed that fixes rounding issues and provides more control over the decimal notation.
  • Ext/$$.number.jsxinc: Added Number.flatten() (static) for coercing the exponential representation of a Number into its decimal form. E.g: Number.flatten(1.234e-8) -> "0.00000001234". Also supports string-to-string conversions, e.g: Number.flatten("12.345678e-15") -> "0.000000000000012345678".


  • $$.unload() (Root module) now supports an argument named KEEP_DORMANT, falsy by default. The client code can use it to prevent IdExtenso from waking up InDesign when the framework is unloading. The main usage of this flag is to keep active an external process launched by your script at the very end of its own procedure, for example myFile.execute(), etc.
  • The BasicScript module (etc/$$.BasicScript.jsxlib) takes into account the previous point. It now conveys the returned value from Context.onQuit (hook) to $$.unload().
  • Ext/$$.patterns.jsxinc: added RegExp.SPCE for capturing controls and InDesign specific space caracters.
  • Ext/$$.string.jsxinc: added String.prototype.stripSpaces() for removing outer and inner spaces from a string. Also, U+205F (MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE) is now seen by the trim methods.
  • Env now includes Env/$$.screen.jsxinc, a snippet that collects data relative to the current display config ($.screens, ScriptUI workspace, active window bounds (if available) and additional information from app.generalPreferences (mainMonitorPpi etc.) The main goal here is to get more control over issues that involve screen coordinates and HiDpi (4K, Retina.) $$.Env.summary() now returns these extra infos.
  • BasicScript module. Added changeLocaleTo() in the public API. Allows to reactivate Yalt to a different locale, making sure the UI is accordingly rebuilt.
  • Added Dialog.prototype.changeUnitKey() from Dom.Dialog. Useful to dynamically update the editUnits property of a measurementUnits box, for example, if you want your dialog units to match those in document.viewPreferences.
  • Added $$.Env.isUnit(<any>), a little method that checks whether the passed argument refers to a MeasurementUnits number, key, or Enumerator, in whatever InDesign version. BTW, I made isUnit available straight in $$ using <fct>.copy('..').
  • Introducing BasicScript and its child modules Context, UserInterface, and Server. Read the notice first! (Concrete examples coming soon.)
  • Added Dialog.prototype.changeListKey() from Dom.Dialog. Useful to dynamically update the stringList property of a widget. The routine tries to maintain a consistent item index if possible (that is, if the new list still contains the current string.)
  • Settings module. Added the hasKey(str) method so one can check whether some key is actually declared (before activation.) Added a BACKGROUND text that should make this (great) module more intelligible ;-)
  • Created a private ELOG() routine in Root/errors to make error logs more modular.
  • Added the Dom.Dialog module in the etc/ branch. Provides a simple API for creating and managing DOM dialogs using XML descriptors.
  • Yalt module. Various fixes and improvements.
  • Settings module. Added the hasScope method to quickly answers questions like, is there a SESSION-scoped parameter among my settings?, etc.
  • MD5 module. Slight enhancement of the trace: it now shows the input string if it has less than 50 characters.
  • File module. Changed the default temp file suffix into txt (since tmp may cause the OS to simply ignore the execute method.) Also, File.temp() now provides a fallback mechanism in case execute() returns false.
  • Added the Complex class for making easy to deal with complex numbers. Many operators and methods are available.
  • BigInt. Better implementation of the + operator when a BigInt is mixed with a string. Now interpreted as a concat operation. So "Result: " + BigInt(1000) will prompt Result: 1000 as (likely) expected. Idem with BigInt + str.


  • Ext/number now performs a polyfill for Number's static members specified in ECMAScript 2015. Namely: EPSILON, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; and the methods isInteger() and isSafeInteger(). From now you can use code like if(Number.isInteger(x)){...} in your project.
  • Important fix in the BigInt module. In prototype['<'] and prototype['<='] the reversed argument wasn't listened to, so the scheme number < this was improperly parsed as this['<'](number), leading to serious problems! For example, 999 < BigInt(1000) was said false. (Detail.)
  • Settings updated. Various bugs fixed. Now supports session-persistent keys :-)
  • Ext/regexp now provides the static method RegExp.escape(), inspired by Benjamin Gruenbaum. Basically, you can inject the result of RegExp.escape(myString) into a regex with no edge effect. This implementation offers a 2nd parameter, intent, in order to fine-tune the process in special contexts, in particular those that may involve literal regexes.
  • Ext/patterns: added regexes intended to deal with escape issues: RegExp.RESC (canonical escaping class), RegExp.RSAF (stronger security), RegExp.RLIT (literal intent.)
  • Ext/strings: our great String.prototype.toSource method now allows the quotes param to be false (strictly), so that the result is not nested within quotes and does not backslash inner quotes. Handy in special cases (playing with literal regexes, etc.)
  • Ext/file added, intended to extend File.prototype. So far it only introduces the method nudeName() which just returns the file name without its extension. (REM: Do not confuse Ext/file with the File module.)
  • Exposed the stamp() utility in the API of the File module. It basically invokes the private ~.STMP function, which builds a unique name for temporary files. Call $$.File.stamp() to use this feature from anywhere.
  • Updated the File module to keep it in sync with local changes, but still working on making it cleaner...
  • Added the Markov module (/etc), a simple (and fast) implementation of Markov chain.
  • Various unnotified changes in JSON. The lave function now supports a third param FORCE_OBJ that allows to browse special objects (such that ScriptUI, BridgeTalk…) which otherwise wouldn't expand. Also, the DOM_ACCESS param can be set to -1.
  • Ext/number: Implementation notes and small fixes.
  • Ext/enum: the revSource method had no name. Fixed.
  • Ext/regexp: the == operator had no name. Fixed.
  • Ext/string: the charSet method had no name. Fixed.


  • Added the $$.help() utility. See core/Root/$$.help.jsxinc. Display all API infos available from the included modules.
  • Added the Function.prototype.send utility, available at including stage. Provides to any public or private method being declared the ability to invoke <context>[<meth>](this,x,y) then return itself.
  • Enhancement of function signatures (casting) in various etc/ modules (Random, SHA, BigInt).
  • Ext/patterns: Added a regex for capturing ExtendScript operators (RegExp.EXOP).
  • Added the __core__ property in MODULE and CLASS macros ($$.jsxinc).
  • Added the /tools subdir (intended for extra dev tools.) Not part of the framework.
  • The entry point ($$.jsxinc) now calculates the engine state before $$.load().
  • Typo fixed in $$.Env.engineState.
  • $$.load updated (Root). In case IdExtenso's name is not "$$", remove the key $$ from [[global]]. This cleanup step was previously done from ~.ISCL(), but it is better to keep $$ available up to this point.


  • Env now exposes the runningScript property (URI pathname to the running script file.)
  • Log: Added an explicit typeof logLevel test, since ExtendScript wrongly regards undefined < 0 as true!
  • Added $$.isModule() in Root. Tells whether a path, or a function, refers to a module.
  • $$.error() entirely rewritten.
  • Web module: Added an error case in get().
  • Various unnotified changes.
  • Web.get() now supports https on Win platforms (through VBS, non-modal state assumed.) See ~.ALTG in /etc/$$.Web.jsxlib.
  • 'JSON Hook' mechanism introduced to allow any IdExtenso-compliant module or class to inject its own method for generating a source string. Details in /core/$$.JSON.jsxlib.
  • Added toSource() in BigInt prototype (/etc/$$.BigInt.jsxlib), and implemented its own JSON hook (see the private JSON method) in compliance with JSON module. As a result, $$.JSON(BigInt(123456),0) outputs the compact string 'BigInt("123456")', while $$.JSON(BigInt(123456),1) returns the expanded object source with no BigInt reference, that is, '{ "neg" : 0, "size" : 1, "0" : 123456 }'.
  • Added a few comments to the JSON module (core), pending to address a design issue, namely, how is JSON supposed to deal with IdExtenso-based entities, such as modules or BigInt instances?… Ongoing reflection.
  • Introducing the SHA class (/etc/$$.SHA.jsxlib), the complete family of Secure Hash Algorithms as defined in FIPS PUB 180-4, FIPS PUB 202, and FIPS PUB 198a (HMAC). Implements: SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-3-224, SHA-3-256, SHA-3-384, SHA-3-512, SHAKE128, and SHAKE256. The subclass Int64 (/etc/SHA/$$.Int64.jsxlib) encapsulates 64-bit integer structure for bitwise calculations (taking advantage of ExtendScript's operator overloading.)
  • Cosmetic addition: background & notice of the MD5 module (/etc/$$.MD5.jsxlib).
  • Added the Random class (/etc/Random.jsxlib) and its dependencies, cf. /etc/Random/ directory.


  • Major additions in both the entry point /$$.jsxinc, the root module /core/$$.Root.jsxlib, and the function extension /core/Ext/$$.function.jsxinc. A new macro is introduced, CLASS, which allows to declare the underlying module as a constructor (i.e, it can instantiate things) while preserving the overall paradigm of the framework ([PUBLIC] vs. [PRIVATE] zones.) Unlike regular MODULE entities, a CLASS module supports the keys [STATIC] (equiv. to [PUBLIC]) and a specific one, [PROTO]. The latter is used for prototyped members. A class builds instances through a create() method which, if available, is automatically invoked by the constructor (that's something of a factory.)
  • Added a (single) call to $.hiresTimer in $$.load() for the purpose of storing a load timestamp in microseconds. Made public via $$.getLoadStamp(). To be used by entropy collectors.
  • Introducing the extra module /etc/BigInt.jsxlib, aka BigInt, a huge piece of code which implements in pure ExtendScript the famous BigInteger interface. Once included, just use $$.BigInt("123456789123456") to handle an immutable arbitrary-precision integer. BigInt operators are overloaded so that you can compute expressions such as (X*9999)%Y-(Z+1234), where X,Y,Z are BigInt.
  • Fixed integer code (U53 -> I53) in $$.casting.jsxres.
  • Major update of the Env module now including a Windows version checker based on File.batchToString("VER > %1"). Allows to fix OS signature in ExtendScript versions that return a wrong $.os string.
  • Updated File.batchToString() in the File module. Now requires a %1 placeholder for the temporary output.
  • Added readUTF16(), writeUTF16(), and appendUTF16().
  • Added File.batchToString(/*str*/myCommand) in the File module. For the time being this method is only available to Windows platforms. It allows to quickly send a batch command that supports > file output, and returns the result as a string. For example, $$.File.batchToString("VER") returns the result of the command > VER. Handy and transparent!
  • Better type checking in $$.success()—making sure it treats the relevant params as strings.
  • Added the Window.update() trick in ~.SLMG() (sleep message), thanks to
  • Slight improvement of JSON module: safer NaN string no longer relying on [[global]].NaN (which is writable.)


  • Included the messaging API (quick prompts etc.) in the Root module. Method: $$.success(message).
  • Added $$.Web.browse(url) (in the Web module), which allows to open an url in the client-side browser.
  • Added File.macLineFeed(), File.winLineFeed(), and File.unixLineFeed() to control newline character(s) during file creation.
  • Web: Bug fixed in Web.get() when isText option was turned ON. (No data were returned.)
  • Yalt: Added Yalt.hasKey() (check whether a translation key is present); fixed Yalt.onLoad() signature.
  • Various unnotified changes in JSON, Env, etc.


  • IdExtenso alpha release.