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Even more on functions

In the previous chapter, we learned how to write variadic, and recursive functions and how to use the defer statement to defer functions calls to just before the currently executing function returns.

In this chapter, we will learn something that might seem surprising a little bit, which will end up being awesome.

Function types

Do you remember when we talked about :ref:`functions signatures <functions-signatures>`? That what matters most in a function, beside what it actually does, is the parameters and results numbers and types.

Well, a function type denotes the set of all functions with the same parameter and result types.

For example: the functions with signatures: func SUM(int, int) int and MAX(int, int) int are of the same type, because their parameter count, results count and types are the same.

Does this sound strange? One computes a sum, and the other the max, yet they are both of the same type?

Yes, they are. Picture this with me: The numbers 1, and 23 are both of the same type (int) yet their values are different. Paul and Sam are both of the same "human" type, yet their "values" (beliefs, jobs, weight...) are different.

The function's body, what it actually does, is what makes the difference between two functions of the same type. Just like how many coffees you can by with 1 dollar or 23 dollars.

Same thing for functions: What they do, their bodies, is what differentiate two functions of the same type.

Convinced? Let's see how to declare functions types.

How to declare a function type?

The syntax is simple:

type type_name func(input1 inputType1 [, input2 inputType2 [, ...]) (result1 resultType1 [, ...])

Some examples to illustrate this:

// twoOne is the type of functions with two int parameters and an int result.
// max(int, int) int and sum(int, int) int, for eg. are of this type.
type twoOne func(int, int) int

// slice_transform is the type of functions that takes a slice and outputs a
// slice.
// invert(s []int) []int and sort(s []int) []int are of this type.
type slice_transform func(s []int) []int

// varbytes is the type of variadic functions that takes bytes and outputs a
// boolean.
// redundant(...byte) bool, and contains_zero(...byte) bool are of this type
type varbytes func(...byte) bool

Is it clear now?

Yes, by why is this even useful or worth the hassle? You might find yourself asking. Well, I'm glad you asked this question! Read on, you will see the beautiful madness to this method!

Functions are values

Functions of the same type are values of this type! This means: You can declare a variable of a given function-type and assign any function of the same type to it. You can pass functions as parameters to other functions, you can also have functions that return other functions as results... And this, my friend, offers a lot of beautiful, intellignt and powerful opportunities! Let me show you some examples (don't worry, this doesn't result in Skynet... quite...).

Example 1: Write a program which when given a slice of integers will return another slice which contains only the odd elements of the first slice (yes... of course... by 'odd' I meant the 'weird' ones... what is wrong with you people?!?).

package main
import "fmt"

type test_int func(int) bool

// isOdd takes an ints and returns a bool set to true if the
// int parameter is odd, or false if not.
// isOdd is of type func(int) bool which is what test_int is declared to be.

func isOdd(integer int) bool {
    if integer%2 == 0 {
        return false
    return true

// Same comment for isEven
func isEven(integer int) bool {
    if integer%2 == 0 {
        return true
    return false

// We could've written:
// func filter(slice []int, f func(int) bool) []int
func filter(slice []int, f test_int) []int {
    var result []int
    for _, value := range slice {
        if f(value) {
            result = append(result, value)
    return result

func main(){
    slice := []int {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7}
    fmt.Println("slice = ", slice)
    odd := filter(slice, isOdd)
    fmt.Println("Odd elements of slice are: ", odd)
    even := filter(slice, isEven)
    fmt.Println("Even elements of slice are: ", even)


s = [1 2 3 4 5 7]
Odd elements of s are: [1 3 5 7]
Even elements of s are: [2 4]

The functions isOdd and isEven are very simple. They both take an int, and return a bool. Of course, they're just little examples of functions of type test_int. One can imagine more advanced and complex functions that are of this type.

The interesting part is the filter function, which takes a slice of type []int and a function of type test_int and returns a slice of type []int.

Look at how we made a call f(value) on line 30. In fact, the function filter doesn't care how f works, what matters for it is that f needs an int parameter, and that it returns a bool result.

And we used this fact, in our main function. We called filter using different functions of type test_int.

If we're asked to extend the program to filter all the elements of the slice that, for example, are multiple of 3. All we would have to do is write a new function is3Multiple(i int) bool and use it with filter.

Now, if we want to filter the odd integers that are multiple of 3, we call filter twice likes this:

slice := filter(filter(s, isOdd), is3Multiple)

The function filter is good at what it does. It filters a slice given a criteria, and this criteria is expressed in the form of functions.

Cool, isn't it?

Anonymous functions

In the previous example, we wrote the functions isOdd and isEven outside of the main function. It is possible to declare anonymous functions in Go, that is functions without a name, and assign them to variables.

Let's see what this means with an example:

package main
import "fmt"

func main(){
    //add1 is a variable of type func(int) int
    //we don't declare the type since Go can guess it
    //by looking at the function being assigned to it.
    add1 := func(x int) int{
        return x+1

    n := 6
    fmt.Println("n = ", n)
    n = add1(n)
    fmt.Println("add1(n) = ", n)


n = 6
add1(n) = 7

Our variable add1 is assigned a complete function definition, minus the name. This function is said to be "anonymous" for this reason (lack of a name).

Let's see an example using anonymous functions, and that returns functions.

Functions that return functions

Back to the filtering problem, but now, we'd like to design it differently. We want to write a function filter_factory that given a single function f like isOdd, will produce a new function that takes a slice s of ints, and produces two slices:

  • yes: a slice of the elements of s for which f returns true.
  • no: a slice of the elements of s for which f returns false.
package main
import "fmt"

func isOdd(integer int) bool{
    if integer%2 == 0 {
        return false
    return true

func isBiggerThan4(integer int) bool{
    if integer > 4 {
        return true
    return false

    input: a criteria function of type: func(int) bool
    output: a "spliting" function of type: func(s []int) (yes, no []int)
    To wrap your head around the declaration below, consider it this way:
    //declare parameter and result types
    type test_int func (int) bool
    type slice_split func([]int) ([]int, []int)
    and then declare it like this:
    func filter_factory(f test_int) slice_split
    In summary: filter_factory takes a function, and creates another one
    of a completly different type.
func filter_factory(f func(int) bool) (func (s []int) (yes, no []int)){
    return func(s []int) (yes, no []int){
        for _, value := range s{
            if f(value){
                yes = append(yes, value)
            } else {
                no = append(no, value)
        return //look, we don't have to add yes, no. They're named results.

func main(){
    s := []int {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7}
    fmt.Println("s = ", s)
    odd_even_function := filter_factory(isOdd)
    odd, even := odd_even_function(s)
    fmt.Println("odd = ", odd)
    fmt.Println("even = ", even)

    //separate those that are bigger than 4 and those that are not.
    //this time in a more compact style.
    bigger, smaller := filter_factory(isBiggerThan4)(s)
    fmt.Println("Bigger than 4: ", bigger)
    fmt.Println("Smaller than or equal to 4: ", smaller)


s = [1 2 3 4 5 7]
odd = [1 3 5 7]
even = [2 4]
Bigger than 4: [5 7]
Smaller than or equal to 4: [1 2 3 4]

How does this work? First, we won't discuss isOdd and isBiggerThan4 they're simple and both of the same type: func(int) bool. That's all that matters for us, now.

Now the heart of the program: the filter_factory function. Like stated in the comments, this function takes as a parameter a function f of type fun(int) bool (i.e. the same as isOdd and isBiggerThan4)

filter_factory returns an anonymous function that is of type: func([]int)([]int, []int) --or in plain english: a function that takes a slice of ints as its parameters and outputs two slices of ints.

This anonymous function, justly, uses f to decide where to copy each element of its input slice. if f(value) returns true then append it to the yes slice, else append it to the no slice.

Like the filter function in the first example, the anonymous function doesn't care how f works. All it knows is that if it gives it an int it will return a bool. And that's enough to decide where to append the value; in the yes or the no slices.

Now, back to the main function and how we use filter_factory in it.

Two ways:

The detailed one: we declare a variable odd_even_function and we assign to it the result of calling filter_factory with isOdd as its parameter. So odd_even_function is of type func([]int) ([]int, []int).

We call odd_even_function with s as its parameters and we retrieve two slices: odd and even.

The second way is compact. The call filter_factory(isBiggerThan4) returns a function of type func([]int)([]int, []int) so we use that directly with our slice s and retrieve two slices: bigger and smaller.

Does it make sense, now? Re-read the code if not, it's actually simple.

Functions as data

Since functions have types, and can be assigned to variables, one might wonder whether it is possible to, for example, have an array or a slice of functions? Maybe a struct with a function field? Why not a map?

All this is possible in fact and, when used intelligently, can help you write simple, readable and elegant code.

Let's see a silly one:

package main
import "fmt"

//These consts serve as names for activities
    STUDENT = iota

//we create an "alias" of byte and name it "activity"
type activity byte

//A person has activities (a slice of activity) and can speak.
type person struct{
    activities []activity
    speak func()

//people is a map string:person we access persons by their names
type people map[string] person

//phrases is a map activity:string. Associates a phrase with an activity.
type phrases map[activity] string

    The function compose takes a map of available phrases
    and constructs a function that prints a sentence with these
    phrases that are appropriate for a "list" of the activities
    given in the slice a
func compose(p phrases, a []activity) (func()){
    return func(){
        for key, value := range a{
            if key == len(a)-1{
            } else {
                fmt.Print(" and ")

func main(){
    // ph contains some phrases per activities
    ph := phrases{
        STUDENT: "I read books",
        DOCTOR: "I fix your head",
        MOM: "Dinner is ready!",
        GEEK: "Look ma! My compiler works!"}

    // a group of persons, and their activities
    folks := people{
        "Sam": person{activities:[]activity{STUDENT}},
        "Jane": person{activities:[]activity{MOM, DOCTOR}},
        "Rob": person{activities:[]activity{GEEK, STUDENT}},
        "Tom": person{activities:[]activity{GEEK, STUDENT, DOCTOR}},

    // Let's assign them their function "speak"
    // depending on their activities
    for name, value := range folks{
        f := compose(ph, value.activities)
        k := value.activities
        //update the map's entry with a different person with the
        //same activities and their function speak.
        folks[name] = person{activities:k, speak:f}

    // Now that they know what to say, let's hear them.
    for name, value := range folks{
        fmt.Printf("%s says: ", name)


Sam says: I read books.
Rob says: Look ma! My compiler works! and I read books.
Jane says: Dinner is ready! and I fix your head.
Tom says: Look ma! My compiler works! and I read books and I fix your head.

It may sound funny, and probably silly, but what I wanted to show you is how functions can be used as struct fields just as simply as classic data types.

Yes, I know what you are thinking; It would have been more elegant if the function speak of the type person could access her activities by itself and we won't even need the compose function then.

That's called "Object Oriented Programming" (OOP), and even though Go isn't really an OOP language, it supports some notions of it. This will be the subject of our next chapter. Stay tuned, you, geek! :)