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454 lines (356 loc) · 12.8 KB

File metadata and controls

454 lines (356 loc) · 12.8 KB

🌐 vue-i18n-locale-message


i18n locale messages management tool / library for vue-i18n


v2.x or later is for vue-i18n-next (Vue 3.x)

If you want to use for [email protected] (Vue 2.x), use the v1.x

🙋 Motivations

The big motivation is as follows.

  • 😫 Hard to integrate locale messages for localization services
  • 😫 Hard to maintain consistency of locale message keys (eslint-plugin-vue-i18n need it!)
  • 🙏 Requested by 3rd vendor tools (i18n-ally and etc ...)

💿 Installation


npm install --save-dev vue-i18n-locale-message

If you can globally use CLI only, you need -g option the below command.

npm install -g vue-i18n-locale-message


yarn add -D vue-i18n-locale-message

If you can globally use CLI, you need global option the below command.

yarn global add vue-i18n-locale-message

⭐ Features

  • API
    • squeeze the meta of locale messages from i18n custom block
    • infuse the meta of locale messages to i18n custom block
    • get translation status from localization service
    • diff locale messages between local and localization service
    • push the locale messages to localization service
  • CLI
    • squeeze: squeeze the locale messages from i18n custom block
    • infuse: infuse the locale messages to i18n custom block
    • push: push the locale messages to localization service
    • pull: pull the locale mesagees from localization service
    • diff: diff locale messages between local and localization service
    • status: indicate translation status from localization service
    • import: import locale messages to localization service
    • export: export locale messages from localization service
    • list: list undefined fields in locale messages

🚀 Usages


const fs = require('fs')
const { squeeze, infuse } = require('vue-i18n-locale-message')

// read single-file component contents
// NOTE: about scheme of target contents, see the `SFCInfo` type at `types/index.d.ts
const files = [
    path: '/path/to/src/components/Modal.vue',
    content: `<template>
  // ...

// squeeze meta locale message from single-file components
// NOTE: about scheme of meta locale message, see the `MetaLocaleMessage` type at `types/index.d.ts`
const meta = squeeze('/path/to/src', files)

// write squeezed meta locale messages
fs.writeFileSync('/path/to/src/meta.json', JSON.stringify(meta))

// after update meta locale message with 3rd vendor tools or your code, it read meta locale messsage
const updatedMeta = require('/path/to/src/updated-meta.json')

// infuse meta locale message to single-file components
const updatedFiles = infuse('/path/to/src', files, updatedMeta)

// write updated single-file component
updateFiles.forEach(file => {
  fs.writeFileSync(file.path, file.content)



vue-i18n-locale-message squeeze --target=./src --output=./messages.json


vue-i18n-locale-message infuse --target=./src --locales=./translated.json


vue-i18n-locale-message push --provider=l10n-service-provider \
  --conf=110n-service-provider-conf.json \
  --target-paths=./src/locales/*.json \


vue-i18n-locale-message pull --provider=l10n-service-provider \
  --conf=110n-service-provider-conf.json \


vue-i18n-locale-message diff --provider=l10n-service-provider \
  --conf=110n-service-provider-conf.json \
  --target-paths=./src/locales/*.json \


vue-i18n-locale-message status --provider=l10n-service-provider \


$ vue-i18n-locale-message import --provider=l10n-service-provider \
    --conf ./l10n-service-provider-conf.json \
    --target=./src/locales/ja.json \


$ vue-i18n-locale-message export --provider=l10n-service-provider \
    --conf ./l10n-service-provider-conf.json \


vue-i18n-locale-message list --locale=en \
  --target-paths=./src/locales/*.json \

🚗 Exit codes

Codes Description
4 Not completed localization
5 There are undefined fields in locale messages
64 difference between local and localization services

📖 API: Specifications

API Usage Image

squeeze (basePath: string, files: SFCFileInfo[]): MetaLocaleMessage

  • Arguments:
    • {string} basePath: The base path that single-file components are located in project
    • {SFCFileInfo[]} files: The target single-file components information
  • Return: MetaLocaleMessage

Squeeze the meta of locale messages from i18n custom block at single-file components.

In about structure of the meta information that is returned with this function, You can see the here.

infuse (basePath: string, sources: SFCFileInfo[], meta: MetaLocaleMessage): SFCFileInfo[]

  • Arguments:
    • {string} basePath: The base path that single-file components are located in project
    • {SFCFileInfo[]} sources: The target single-file components information
    • {MetaLocaleMessage}: The meta of locale message
  • Return: SFCFileInfo[]

Infuse the meta of locale messages to i18n custom block at single-file components.

infuse function will return new single-file components information that is updated with the single-file components information specified as sources and the meta of locale message as meta.

status (options: TranslationStatusOptions): Promise<TranslationStatus[]>

  • Arguments:
    • `{options}
      • provider: The target localization service provider, required, same provider option of status command
      • conf: The json file configration of localization service provider, same conf option of status command
      • locales: For some locales of translation status, same locales option of status command
  • Return: Promise<TranslationStatus[]>

📖 Provider: Specifications

You can use the push or pull commands to push the locale message to the localization service as a resource for that service, and also to pull resources from the l10n service as the locale message.

Command Image

When you run the following commands,

  • push
  • pull
  • diff
  • status
  • import
  • export

you need the provider that implements the following.

  • export provider factory function
  • provider factory function must return a provider object that have the following I/F:
    • push method
    • pull method
    • status method
    • import method
    • export method

The type definition with TypeScript is as follows:

 *  Provider factory function
type ProviderFactory<T = {}> = (configration: ProviderConfiguration<T>) => Provider

 *  Translation Status
export type TranslationStatus = {
  locale: Locale  // target locale
  percentage: number  // translation percentage

 *  Raw Locale Message
export type RawLocaleMessage = {
  locale: Locale  // target locale
  format: string  // locale message format
  data: Buffer    // data of locale message

 *  Provider interface
interface Provider {
   * push the locale messsages to localization service
  push (args: PushArguments): Promise<void>
   * pull the locale messages from localization service
  pull (args: PullArguments): Promise<LocaleMessages>
   * indicate translation status from localization service
  status (args: StatusArguments): Promise<TranslationStatus[]>
   * import the locale messsages to localization service
  import (args: ImportArguments): Promise<void>
   * export the locale message buffer from localization service
  export (args: ExportArguments): Promise<RawLocaleMessage[]>

type CommonArguments = {
  dryRun: boolean // whether the CLI run as dryRun mode
  normalize?: string // normalization ways for locale messages or resource

 *  Provider Push Arguments
type PushArguments = {
  messages: LocaleMessages // the locale messages that push to localization service
} & CommonArguments

 *  Provider Pull Arguments
type PullArguments = {
  locales: Locale[] // locales that pull from localization service, if empty, you must pull the all locale messages
} & CommonArguments

 *  Provider Status Arguments
export type StatusArguments = {
  locales: Locale[] // locales that indicate translation status from localization service, if empty, you must indicate translation status all locales

 *  Provider Import Arguments
export type ImportArguments = {
  messages: RawLocaleMessage[]  // the raw locale messages that import to localization service
} & CommonArguments

 *  Provider Export Arguments
export type ExportArguments = {
  locales: Locale[] // locales that export from localization service, if empty, you must export all locale messages
  format: string    // locale messages format
} & CommonArguments

 *  ProviderConfiguration provider fields structure
 *    e.g.
 *    {
 *      "provider": {
 *        "token": "xxx"
 *      }
 *    }
interface ProviderConfiguration<T = {}> {
  provider: { [key in keyof ProviderConfigurationValue<T>]: ProviderConfigurationValue<T>[key] }

type ProviderConfigurationValue<T = {}> = T & { [prop: string]: unknown }

As an implementation example of Provider, there is poeditor-service-provider implemented as localization service provider of poeditor.

📓 CLI: Locale message squeezing rules

The structure of locale messages to be squeezed is layered with the directory structure and single-file component (.vue) filename.

This repotitory demo project directory structure:

cd demo
tree src
├── App.vue
├── components
│   ├── Modal.vue
│   └── nest
│       └── RankingTable.vue
├── i18n.js
├── locales
│   ├── en.json
│   └── ja.json
├── main.js
└── pages
    └── Login.vue

4 directories, 8 files

You use vue-cli-locale-message CLI, run squeeze command as follows:

vue-i18n-locale-message squeeze --target=./src --output=./messages.json
cat ./messages.json

You will get the following JSON structure (the following output results are commented To make it easier to understand):

  "ja": { // for `ja` locale`
    "App": { // src/App.vue
      "title": "アプリケーション",
      "lang": "言語切り替え"
    "components": { // src/components
      "Modal": { // src/components/Modal.vue
        "ok": "OK",
        "cancel": "キャンセル"
    "pages": { // src/pages
      "Login": { // src/pages/Login.vue
        "id": "ユーザーID",
        "password": "パスワード",
        "confirm": "パスワードの確認入力",
        "button": "ログイン"
  "en": { // for `en` locale
    "App": { // src/App.vue
      "title": "Application",
      "lang": "Change languages"
    "components": { // src/components
      "Modal": { // src/components/Modal.vue
        "ok": "OK",
        "cancel": "Cancel"
      "nest": { // src/components/nest
        "RankingTable": { // src/components/nest/RankingTable.vue
          "headers": {
            "rank": "Rank",
            "name": "Name",
            "score": "Score"

📜 Changelog

Details changes for each release are documented in the

❗ Issues

Please make sure to read the Issue Reporting Checklist before opening an issue. Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.


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