- dotnet-sdk 2.1
- docker
# build
dotnet build
# test
dotnet test
# Publishing nuget package to local feed
# create windows docker-machine
git clone https://github.com/StefanScherer/windows-docker-machine
cd windows-docker-machine
vagrant up --provider virtualbox 2016-box
# List your new docker-machine
docker-machine ls
# Switch to windows docker-machine
eval $(docker-machine env 2016-box)
# Switch back to linux docker
eval $(docker-machine env -unset)
- Reuse existing ryuk go code
- Try to reuse existing Makefile
- Use
as the build container - Use
as the host container- AppVeyor CI still uses 2016
- Publish windows version of Ryuk using code from linux Ryuk
- Keep code the same by using git submodules
Tried so far
- nanoserver does not have .net framework or .net core installed
- cannot run make / git without .net dlls
- cannot install chocolatey because no .net dlls (it uses System.net.WebClient)
- going to try to install cygwin
# wget equivalent
Invoke-WebRequest https://github.com/isen-ng/testcontainers-dotnet/archive/master.zip -OutFile code.zip
Expand-Archive -Path .\code.zip -DestinationPath .
# Make for windows:
Invoke-WebRequest https://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/gnuwin32/make/3.81/make-3.81-bin.zip -OutFile make.zip
Expand-Archive -Path .\make.zip -DestinationPath .