- Initial release of the SynonymSearch project
- Implemented search functionality using Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus API
- Added support for displaying synonyms, related words, synonymous phrases, and similar words
- Implemented search history feature to track previously searched words
- Added the ability to view words in context using example sentences
- Implemented light and dark themes using Material-UI
- Added navigation between views (Search, Info, Saves) using floating action buttons
- Implemented persistent search input with dynamic feedback (success, warning, error)
- Added support for clearing search history
- Implemented responsive design for various devices and screen sizes
- Added accessibility features and improved performance based on Lighthouse audits
- Updated the README.md with project description, features, and deployment instructions
- Improved the layout and styling of the application using Material-UI components
- Enhanced the search functionality to handle edge cases and improve user experience
- None
- None
- Addressed various accessibility issues identified by ChromeVox and Lighthouse
- Fixed layout and styling inconsistencies across different browsers and devices
- Resolved issues with search input focus and dynamic feedback
- Implemented security measures to protect API keys and sensitive information
- Added support for service workers to enable offline functionality