Since levedbjni has to be build against multiple platforms, the standard maven release plugin will not work to do the release.
Once you ready to do the release, create a branch for the release using:
git co -b ${version}.x
Update the version number in the poms using:
mvn -P all org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:1.2:set org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:1.2:commit -DnewVersion="${version}"
git commit -am "Preping for a the ${version} release"
git tag "leveldbjni-${version}"
git push origin "leveldbjni-${version}"
Now release the non-platform specific artifacts using:
mvn clean deploy -P release -P download
Then for each platform, shell into the box check out the "leveldbjni-${version}" tag and then:
cd $platform
mvn clean deploy -Dleveldb=`cd ../../leveldb; pwd` -Dsnappy=`cd ../../snappy-1.0.3; pwd` -P release -P download
Finally release the leveldbjni-all
which uber jars all the previously released artifacts.
cd leveldbjni-all
mvn clean deploy -P release -P download
Congrats your done. Make sure your releasing the artifacts in Nexus after each step.