This is and PWA, IOS, and andriod (using capacitor) APP, to contribute to the project you need to clone the repository and follow the next steps.
- PHP 7.1.2 o superior
- Mysql 5.6
- NodeJs 10
- NPM 6.4
- Composer 1.8
git clone
yarn install
yarn serve
# or run the next command for production
yarn build
ℹ️ Don't forget to set up the API 👉
To run app in Android mode
yarn serve:android
After the command is runny, the android studio will open and you can see the app in the emulator.
yarn build:android
Run the following command in the Android Studio
console, make a sure the terminal is in src-capacitor/android
gradlew :app:bundleRelease
Now the aab file is on src-capacitor\android\app\build\outputs\bundle\release
Sign the aab file
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ./secret/release-key.keystore ./src-capacitor/android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab sheiley_shop_app
Enter the Passpharese for the keystore:
and now the aab file is ready to lunch in the store. 🎊
To run app in IOS mode
yarn serve:ios
After the command is runny, the xcode will open and you can see the app in the emulator.
yarn build:ios
Remember in src-capacitor
all the dependencies need to be installed.
After build is complete and the xcode is open, you need create archive from the app:
- Select the device, Any iOS Device
- Go to Product -> Archive
Now you get a archivo for distribution.
change the API entry pont in env
🎉 This is all you need to test it in your local environment!
If you hosted the app in subdirectory go to vue.config.js
and set the subdirectory name in publicPath
Go to API repository