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Releases: javaee/glassfish
Releases · javaee/glassfish
Component updates
- security-api 1.0-b09
- soteria 1.0-b10
- derby
Bugs Fixed
Component updates
- ant 1.10.1
- antlr 2.7.7
Bugs Fixed
- #22098 EE schema metadata-complete attribute should only be applicable to annotations without corresponding deployment descriptor element
- #21496 Directory traversal exposes file system resources
- #21867 update-connector-security-map cannot change user-groups based to principals based and vice versa.
- #21355 Race condition in ConnectionPool (connectors-runtime)
Component updates
- corba 4.1.1-b001
- mq5.1.1-b05
- javamail 1.6.0
- grizzly 2.4.0
- hk2 2.5.0-b44
- commons-io 2.5
Component updates
- orb 4.1.0
- pfl 4.0.1-b001
- grizzly 2.4.0-beta13
Bugs Fixed
- #21992 Commons fileupload and tomcat derived issue still exists in glassfish
- #21018 set-batch-runtime-configuration change not reflected in admin gui
- #22034 No check for duplicate @ManagedBean names
- #21713 change-master-broker command should return error if can't connect to current master MQ broker
- #21843 When asadmin get-client-stubs doesn't find application, then command should fail
- #22079 HttpServletMapping returned after AsyncContext.dispatch() has incorrect values
Component updates
- MQ 5.1.1-b04
- JAXWS-API 2.3.0
- Metro 2.4.0-b170703.2107
- JAXB-API 2.3.0
- JAXB 2.3.0-b170624.2321
- javax.annotation-api 1.3
- HK2 2.5.0-b42
- Jersey 2.26-b08
- Bean Validation (javax.validation) 2.0.0.CR3
- Hibernate validator 6.0.0.CR3
- Shoal 1.6.51
- Grizzly 2.4.0-beta12
Bugs Fixed
- #21930 Resolve Findbugs low priority issues
- #21963 Honour default-context-path in web.xml in case of an ear
- #21953 Intermittent failure on nonBlockingInputWithAsyncDispatch
- #21707 Dead lock occurs when both HttpSession#invalidate() and HttpSession#getAttribute(String) are called at the same time
- #21916 Handle NULL byte injection in the repository path of a PartItem object
- #21974 Add Yasson basic test
- #21307 Secure Client-Initiated Renegotiation cannot be disabled: DoS Danger
- #21532 com.sun.jts.CosTransactions.GlobalTID breaks the equals/hashCode contract
- #21499 Invocation of Webservice deployed from directory fails on Windows
- #21915 Error unregistering ProbeProvider
- #21909 Error message "Flashlight listener registration failed for listener class" is found in server.log when EJB monitoring is HIGH
- #21846 getHttpServletMapping() after getNamedDispatcher() returns null
Component updates
- JSON-B API 1.0
- Yasson 1.0
- Mojarra 2.3.2
- Jersey 2.26-b07
- CDI API 2.0
- Weld 3.0.0.Final
- EclipseLink 2.7.0-RC1
- JPA 2.2.0-RC1
Bugs Fixed
- #21891 Add default-context-path test in an ear application with a war
- #21887 Add permisson check in Security Manager before setting Global Context
- #21847Async listener onTimeout calling complete causes NPE
- #21808 Add Security Devtest for soteria RI
- #19281 Warn if SFSB lifecycle callbacks use container-transaction that is not RequiresNew or NotSupported
- #21837 “Confidential” property is not masked in "Edit Admin Object Resource” of Admin Console (Bug #19480 has not been fixed)
- #21838 In Admin Object Resource, check for confidential property match is not working (Bug #19480 has not been fixed)
- #21685 Unable to Save in "Edit Connector Connection Pool Security Map" in Admin GUI
- #21682 Connection Pool bug occurs when Connection Validation is enabled and "On Any Failure Close All Connections" option is used
- #21682 Connection Pool bug occurs when Connection Validation is enabled and "On Any Failure Close All Connections" option is used
- #21889 Add IdentityStore specific soteria tests to glassfish devtests
- #21894 Remove redundant bean-validation implementations from GlassFish
- #21898 Add encoded names for config names
- #21919 Weaken RegExs in MappingDiscovery test in preparation for Grizzly change for Grizzly
- #21937 Direct String references to AS-WEB-GLUE- or AS-WEB-CORE-
- #21738 Number of Stateful session beans in Passive state is not updated (always 0) in Jconsole
- #21934 Add defaultContextPathEar in web test build.xml and not include in the run
- #21918 Links to Web Application in "Web Application Links" page is not correct
- #21832 asadmin list-jdbc-connection-pools or list-connector-connection-pools subcommand always output CLI031 warning message
- #21874 update-connector-security-map can't delete backend principal password
- #21183 Web container still does not call AsynContext.complete() on timeout/exception
- #21960 ServletContext#setSessionTimeout should ISE if ServletContext initialized
- #21452 No Content-Type header for JSON files
- #21955 Move Managed Bean DOL validation code
- #21954 Default TimerPool resource absent in cluster-config
- #21866 {resourcename.isnot.unique} message key is shown when create-connector-resource with same resource name as other pool name
- #21844 Subject not set correctly after HttpServletRequest.authenticate()
- #20763 No confirmation message is displayed when Enable/Disable action is successfully performed
- #21536 NPE at org.glassfish.api.jdbc.SQLTraceRecord.toString(
- #21893 Unable to start cluster if Japanese (or Non-ASCII) characters are entered in description field
- #21223 Cannot create new LDAP realm
- #21896 Default group to role mapping
- #21262 Jbatch db2 database creaition script is incorrect
- #21983 Handle log messages in MessageFormat by escaping double single quote
- #21698 Running the application client fails to bind the managed bean having a resource definition
- #21997 Need to update implementation of Request#isTrailerFieldsReady
- #21297 asadmin set command throws NPE on beans with read only properties
Component updates
- Jboss Logging - 3.3.1.Final
- Apache Commons FileUpload - 1.3.2
Bugs Fixed
- connector-service" is not defined in cluster.
- Handle Proxy header in CGIServlet
- New Network config protocol throws run time exception in GUI
- Deprecated SSLv3 protocol is enabled by default.
- Deserialization Flaw
Component updates
- javax.servlet-api 4.0.0-b07
- JAX-RS 2.1-m09
- Jersey 2.26-b06
- Yasson 1.0.0-RC2
- Mojarra 2.3.1
- javax.faces-api 2.3
- Soteria 1.0-b07
Bugs Fixed
- Failures in Security Devtests
- java:app & java:module namespaces temporarily disappear when SAM invoked
- Incorrect URL for openDS download in security devtest
- Merge additional Server Push Tests
- Glassfish ignores variables in asenv.conf that begin with the letter "S"
- Restructure GlassFish source code
- Connector: disable Processing button
- The “Enabled” status check box is not saved in “New Admin Object Resource”
- Unhelpful INFO log messages
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when configurate the connector security map
- A local packaged file is deleted when deploying from the web console
Component updates
- JSON-P 1.1
- javax.servlet-api 4.0.0-b06
- JAX-RS 2.1-m07
- Jersey 2.26-b04
- JavaMail 1.6.0-rc2
- Grizzly 2.4.0-beta8
Bugs Fixed
- Description is not displayed in JMS Connection Factories
- The number of times EJB create method is called is incorrect in Jconsole
- After editing Availability service in configurations domain.xml corrupted
- Regression in secure admin
- CDI devtests are failing after Mojarra to 2.3.0-m10 integration
Bugs Fixed
- The value of "Group List" in "Realm User" cannot be deleted by GUI