jq - use for all sorts https://jqlang.github.io/jq/download/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8sOmEe2SDg
history - show last 1000 commands ctrl + l - same as clear
https://deepu.tech/rust-terminal-tools-linux-mac-windows-fish-zsh/ kdash - open kubernetes moniter br - new way of navigating (ctrl + -> for preview) - https://github.com/Canop/broot fzf - fuzzy find in dir c - clear screen btm - system moniter topgrade - update all system componants grep on multi-core steroids ag --ts {searchterm} rg {searchterm} (ripgrep) n (neovim) b/bat (better cat) rip (rm, rip -u can undo any delete!) z {locaiton} - cd alternative dust - disk usage
C - b - open this document! C - i - open chtsh script C - l - run tmux launcher C - f - run tmux sessionizer C - r - run fzf C - d - EOF signal, close recursively
tldr {subject name} - gives output od most common commands - short version of man cli tool. eg: tldr git worktree ccat - coloured output file man man - manual for how to use manuals man (app) - manual for app, eg man tmux - example: man git worktree cht.sh - cheat sheet cli /tmp/ - error log dir - use cat for items in here. use bash to help log debug info
Accept current suggestion. <C-]> Dismiss the current suggestion. (ctrl) <M-]> Cycle to the next suggestion, if one is available. (alt) <M-[> Cycle to the previous suggestion. (alt) <M-> Explicitly request a suggestion, even if Copilot is disabled. (alt) :Copilot disable
shift + d - look for a todo.md in current dir, create one if not. Make notes where you are ctrl + d - end of file signal, recusively close tmux upwards tmux ls - list all sessions i
PREFIX + [ - ENABLE SCROLLBACK, up, down etc to navigate or vim keybinds PREFIX + i - OPEN CHEATSHEET PREFIX + l - GO TO PREVIOUS SESSION! PREFIX + w - OPEN SESSION/WINDOW NAVIGATION PREFIX + c - new window PREFIX + p - previous window PREFIX + n - next window
man tmux - show manual (man man - shows how to use manual)
Alias Command Description ta "some name" tmux attach -t Attach to already running named session tad "some name" tmux attach -d -t Detach named tmux session ts "some name" tmux new-session -s Create a new named tmux session tl tmux list-sessions Displays a list of running tmux sessions tksv tmux kill-server Terminate all running tmux sessions tkss tmux kill-session -t Terminate named running tmux session tmux _zsh_tmux_plugin_run Start a new tmux session tmuxconf $EDITOR $ZSH_TMUX_CONFIG Open .tmux.conf file with an editor
tmux new-session -d -n "some name" - creates new detached session tl - list sessions
shift + 9 - (open parethesis) navigate left session shift + 0 - (close parenthesis) navigate right session
w - show/navigate between windows in a session c - new window
n - next window p - previous window (# number) - for window number
tmux new-window - creates new window in attached session
ta tmux attach -t Attach new tmux session to already running named session tad tmux attach -d -t Detach named tmux session ts tmux new-session -s Create a new named tmux session tl tmux list-sessions Displays a list of running tmux sessions tksv tmux kill-server Terminate all running tmux sessions tkss tmux kill-session -t Terminate named running tmux session
Save: Press Ctrl-b (or your custom prefix key), then while holding Ctrl, press s. Restore: Press Ctrl-b (or your custom prefix key), then while holding Ctrl, press r.!
A file - not what we edit - we work on buffers, which can then be written to the file Buffers - represent a change to the file in memory. Window - a view into the buffer. These can close and the buffer can remain in memory Tabs - another viewport, can be many windows and splits per tab Splits - splits of a viewport into n sections (we cam)
:h {name} - get help with whatever topic in split view, eg :h buffer -> :q to close help file
:new - new split (horizontal) :vnew - new split (vertical)
MOTION - anything that moves your cursor