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User Guide for Flight Tracker Stream Deck Plugin


  1. Download latest version from
  2. Double click the file tech.flighttracker.streamdeck.streamDeckPlugin to install
    • If you manually created the folder tech.flighttracker.streamdeck.sdPlugin previously in %appdata%\Elgato\StreamDeck\Plugins, there will be an error saying "This custom action is already installed." although you won't see it in More Actions list. In this case you will need to manually remove that folder before trying again.
  3. Accept the prompt to install the plugin and the profiles. The profile is a special numpad, allowing you to enter COM/NAV frequency.
  4. You should now see Flight Tracker group in your list of buttons.



At the moment, there are 2 groups of buttons:

Group Pro Con
Generic Potentially work with any SimConnect variables of the correct type Need to look up the variable's and event's name
Preset Specifically designed for certain variables, so setting up is just drag-and-drop and select its function
Has special functionality such as holding COM/NAV button to open numpad
Require development effort to add more buttons with similar functionality

We will maintain and improve both groups to facilitate the widest audience with different levels of experience in flight simming.


Generic Toggle Button

Sample NAV/COM buttons

This is the most powerful button in the plugin. It can trigger a SimConnect event, or show a SimConnect variable or both at the same time.

However, with great power comes great responsibility: you have to do a bit of setting up for the parameters.

Parameter Description Example
Title This is the built-in title of any Stream Deck button. We hide this by default. You should consider using the next parameter instead. Empty
Header This is similar to title but with a pre-defined font, size and position that looks nice on the button. HDG
Toggle event The SimConnect event that triggers when the button is tapped on.
You can find a list of tested event IDs in FlightStreamDeck.Logics/KnownEvents.cs, but you are not limited to that list. Any valid SimConnect event ID should work. Explanation of each ID can be found in SDK Documentation/Event IDs.
Toggle parameter The parameter to pass along with the event. This can be a number or a SimConnect variable. If using a variable, the value of the variable will be passed to the event. 1
Hold event & parameter Similar to Toggle event & parameter, but will trigger when you hold the button.
Feedback value

The SimConnect variable that indicates if the button is active or not. Active state will show a green light or a green number (if Display value below is set) on the button.

Please read below this table for information on supporting variables.

You can also use some comparison operators such as "==", "!=", ">", "<", ">=", "<=" between a variable and a value or between 2 variables.

Display value

The SimConnect variable (any numeric unit) to display as a number below the header.

Please read below this table for information on supporting variables.


Supporting Variables

Right now, the plugin allows only variables inside this list FlightStreamDeck.Logics/KnownVariables.cs. Explanation for each variable can be found in SDK Documentation/Simulation Variables.

From Sim Update 12, you can also use L-Var in Feedback value and Display value without any restriction. L-Var must be prefixed with L: (e.g. L:A32NX_OVHD_ELEC_BAT_1_PB_IS_AUTO).

This button allows you to choose custom button images for active and inactive states. Please check out Custom images section below for more details.

Example generic toggle button that displays the current value of the autopilot heading bug, and syncs the heading bug with the aircraft's current heading when pushed:

Parameter Value
Title Empty
Header HDG
Toggle event HEADING_BUG_SET
Feedback value Empty
Preset Toggle Button

This button toggles some preset functions without much setting up.

Sample NAV/COM buttons

Function Parameter Display Tap Hold
Avionics Master Avionics Master status Toggle Avionics Master
AP Master AP Master status Toggle AP Master
AP Heading AP Heading status & value Toggle AP Heading Sync current heading
AP Nav AP Nav status Toggle AP Nav
AP Altitude AP Altitude status Toggle AP Altitude
AP V/S AP V/S status Toggle AP V/S
AP Approach AP Approach status Toggle AP Approach

This button allows you to choose custom button images for active and inactive states. The image should be of size 72x72 pixel (or 144x144 for higher res decks) and should be in PNG format.

Preset Increase/Decrease Button

This button allows you to increase/decrease certain values in the sim.

Sample NAV/COM buttons

Function Parameter Tap Hold
AP Heading Increase/Decrease by 1 Increase/Decrease by 10
AP Altitude Increase/Decrease by 100 Increase/Decrease by 1000
AP V/S Increase/Decrease by 100 Increase/Decrease by 100

This button shows active & standby frequency, allows you to swap standby frequency and enter the frequency with a numpad.

Sample NAV/COM buttons


  • Tap: Swap frequencies
  • Hold: Show numpad to enter frequency.
    • This switches your Stream Deck to a Numpad profile that is bundled with the plugin. If the profile is not installed yet, Stream Deck will ask you to install the profile when the plugin is installed or when you hold this button.
    • This does not work on the Stream Deck Mini due to the limited number of buttons.
Generic Gauge

This button is very similar to Generic Toggle Button except from it does not have an active state, hence no Feedback value parameter is needed.

Sample NAV/COM buttons

There are 2 types of generic gauge at the moment: Simple and Custom. Simple allows you to display a value in an arc gauge while Custom allows you to display up to 2 values with customizable colors.

Common Parameters
  • Minimum and Maximum indicate the range of the Display value. You can input a number or a SimConnect variable in those fields.
Notes for Simple Gauge
  • Sub value shows a small number below the main display value. In my example for Indicated Altitude, the inches of MG displayed by adding KOHLSMAN_SETTING_HG to this setting.
Notes for Custom Gauge
  • Having a Minimum greater than the Maximum value will flip the way the value resolves on the graph (see two trim gauges above).
  • Setting Display absolute value to 'Yes' will display the value without a negative sign (e.g. right column trim gauges).
  • The gauge may be cusom color coded, and knows basic colors from System.Drawing.Colors.
    • The default custom gauge that displays is color coded like the fuel gauge and has all the properties in it for a generic 2 tank aircraft.
  • Chevron Size and Thickness allows you to further customize the display.
  • If you do not input Header or Bottom Header, the respective value and chevron won't show up. If you want a blank chevron, simply put a blank space in header fields.

Custom Images

Custom active/inactive images should be of size 72x72 pixel (or 144x144 for Stream Deck XL) and should be in PNG format. There are 2 ways to use custom images in the plugins.

Embed Link
The whole image is stored in the profile. The path to the image is stored in the profile.
Profile export with custom images works on any PCs. The importing PCs need to have the custom images in the same folder.
Needs to have the original image or to change back to Link mode to edit Is easier to edit the image and immediately see the change
Profile is heavier and might reach some limitation of Stream Deck. Profile is very light.

The plugin also allows you to switch between the 2 modes by clicking on the other mode and click OK on the prompt.

MobiFlight WASM Module Integration

MobiFlight has put some awesome work together to allow MSFS users to have access to some events that we haven't gotten in the SDK yet! One of the most requested things yet has been GPS/G1000/ETC integration with the streamdeck plugin, but the SDK has been lagging behind.

As this section is a bit more advanced, I have split the instruction into a separate guide here.

Go show MobiFlight some love over in their forum post. Tell them the folks from Flight-Tracker-StreamDeck <3 their work!

Known Issues

  • If you spam the same buttons too quickly, SimConnect will get error and stop responding to any further command. The plugin will try to automatically reconnect.
    • However, if you see the message "Connected to Flight Simulator" flashing constantly in the sim, the plugin might be in a infinitely retry loop. In this case, close Stream Deck software on your PC (which will kill the plugin), wait a couple of seconds for all the SimConnect connections to close, and re-open Stream Deck.
  • When you setup new generic buttons or COM/NAV button, the registration between the plugin and SimConnect might get messed up and the plugin stops receiving data. In this case, you'll need to restart Stream Deck software.
  • If your gauge looks delayed or the dial feels laggy (take a few seconds to register the change), you have most likely plugged the Stream Deck into a USB 2.0 port or some slow speed hub. Make sure the connection between the Stream Deck and the PC is USB 3.0 or higher.