$ python3 -m BioClients.stringdb.Client -h
usage: Client.py [-h] [--id ID] [--ids IDS] [--idfile IDFILE] [--o OFILE]
[--species SPECIES] [--minscore MINSCORE]
[--netflavor {evidence,confidence,actions}]
[--imgfmt {image,highres_image,svg}] [--api_host API_HOST]
[--api_base_path API_BASE_PATH] [-v]
STRING-DB REST API client utility
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--id ID protein ID (ex:DRD1_HUMAN)
--ids IDS protein IDs, comma-separated
--idfile IDFILE input file, protein IDs
--o OFILE output file
--species SPECIES taxon code, ex: 9606 (human)
--minscore MINSCORE signifcance threshold 0-1000
--netflavor {evidence,confidence,actions}
network flavor
--imgfmt {image,highres_image,svg}
image format
--api_host API_HOST
--api_base_path API_BASE_PATH
-v, --verbose
Example protein IDs: DRD1 DRD1_HUMAN DRD2 DRD2_HUMAN ; Example species: 9606 (human, via taxon identifiers, http://www.uniprot.org/taxonomy) ; Image formats: PNG PNG_highres SVG ; MAY BE DEPRECATED: getInteractors, getActions, getAbstracts