This API was developed with the purpose of creating a database of women in technology.
Functional Requirements
- The client should be able to register a new woman.
- The client should be able to view data of a woman in technology or the total list of women.
- The client should be able to edit the data of the woman.
- The client should be able to delete a woman registered by mistake or who requests removal from the database.
Installing Dependencies:
Run the following command to install all dependencies listed in the package.json file:
npm install
Running the Development Server:
To start the development server, use the following command:
node index.js
Important Notes
I plan to enhance this API in future projects, using fastify instead of express, SQL database, as well as modifying the overall concept of the API, as I want to cover a broader niche, which would be women in science. Once development is complete, I'll leave the link below, even for comparison purposes to see the evolution of the API.
Thank you for your attention =)
Jéssica F. Rebelo |