https://github.com/FRBNY-DSGE/DSGE.jl DSGE in Julia
Econ807 and problem sets
A collection of Dynare models https://github.com/JEFFSAMUEL/SANA/tree/20caa600c5508649011a4f1da7d7a57401fc4d4d
Dynamic General Equilibrium Modelling, Computational Methods and Applications https://www.uni-augsburg.de/de/fakultaet/wiwi/prof/vwl/maussner/dgebook/
Financial Frictions in General Equilibrium https://www.jamesmnason.net/lectures-notes: James M. Nason
Dean Corbae(UWM) https://sites.google.com/a/wisc.edu/deancorbae/teaching
Jesusfv's website includes a Course on Computation and Courses on Macroeconomics.
François Gourio(Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago) https://sites.google.com/site/fgourio/teaching-notes?authuser=0: including macro-asset pricing and PhD-level macroeconomics.
Big Data and Asset Pricing held by Lasse Heje Petersen.
[Search and Matching: Jean-Marc Robin
Unemployment Pascal Mihaillat
Economic Slacks Pascal Mihaillat
Business Cycles and How to Tame Them Pascal Mihaillat
The Published Textbooks are limited to printing rights such that these cannot be accessed the PDF files in a general way.
Monetary Policy, inflation, and the Business Cycle The classic textbook in NK.
Applied Computational Economics and Finance
Economic Growth
Theory and numerical solution methods
Dynamic General Equilibrium Modeling.
Bayesian Estimation of DSGE
Alexis Akira Toda Teaching List, including Mathematical Economics, Financial Markets, and Intertemporal Asset Pricing Theory https://alexisakira.github.io/teaching/
https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691135052/the-economics-of-inaction Nancy Stockey
Financial Modeling: A Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Perspective https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-37113-4
Stochastic Controls: Hamiltonian Systems and HJB Equations https://www.amazon.com/Stochastic-Controls-Hamiltonian-Equations-Probability/dp/0387987231
Lecture Notes on Information and Learning Annie Liang(NWU)
Lecture notes on International Finance Zhengyang Jiang(NWU)
- Firm Dynamics(Phd 2014) Chris Edmond(MelbourneU).
- Economic Growth(PhD 2021) Chris Edmond(MelbourneU)
- Advanced Macroeconomics(honors/masters 2019) Chris Edmond(MelbourneU)
- Macroeconomics (Phd Core) Chris Edmond(MelbourneU)
- Deep Learning for Solving and Estimating Dynamic Models
- Computational Dynamics
- Comp Econ for PhDs: fl
- Comp Econ Ken Judd; with teaching vedios
- ResEcon703
- Computational Methods for Economists using Python
- Computational Macroeconomics(UG)
- ECON622: This is a graduate topics course in computational economics, with applications in datascience and machine learning. (Using Pytorch, JAX etc.)
Empirical Macro https://eml.berkeley.edu/~enakamura/teaching.html Emi Nakamura.
https://sites.google.com/site/dimitriskorobilis/teaching by Dimitris Korobilis
Applied Macroeconomics using Python https://github.com/marcinbielecki/Applied_Macroeconomics
Computational Methods for Economists: Lilia Maliar(CUNY), she wrote the Handbook of Computational Economics
https://www.thomaswinberry.com/teaching/index.htmlMicro Data for Macro Models Reading list
Advanced topics in applied macroeconomicshttps://scholar.harvard.edu/chodorow-reich/classes/economics-2410hfc-advanced-topics-applied-macroeconomics: Gabriel Chodorow-Reich
https://benjaminmoll.com/lectures/ Benjamin Moll (LSE)
https://markus.scholar.princeton.edu/MacroMoneyFinance Macro, Money, Finance.
- Reading List in Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics https://integdomain.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/monetary_list_v1-11.pdf
- Scientific Research and Methodology This book introduces quantitative research in the scientific and health disciplines. But it still works in other disciplines.
- [ECON]
- Four Steps to an Applied MicroPaper
- writing suggesting, Ryan Edwards
- How to build an economic model in your spare time, Hal Varian
- Math Course for Econ Tom Sargent.
- Learning in Continuous Time
- https://makotonakajima.github.io/comp/
- Macro Analysis https://www.niepelt.ch/textbook/#code
- Econ paper search https://econ-paper-search.streamlit.app/
- https://www.chaseabram.com/