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Units and Quantities {#sec:units}

At a basic level, yt is an engine for converting data dumped to disk by a simulation code into a physically meaningful result. Attaching units to simulation data makes it possible to perform dimensional analysis on the simulation data, adding additional opportunities for catching errors in a data processing pipeline. In addition, it becomes straightforward to convert data from one unit system to another.

In yt 3.0 we handle units in a an automatic fashion, leveraging the symbolic math library sympy. Instead of returning a NumPy ndarray when users query yt data objects for fields, return a YTArray, a subclass of ndarray. YTArray preserves ndarray's array operations, including deep and shallow copies, broadcasting, and views. Augmenting ndarray, YTArray attaches unit metadata to the array data, enabling runtime checking of unit consistency in arithmetic operations between YTArray instances, and making it trivial to compose new units using algebraic operations.

As a trivial example, when one queries a data object (here given the generic name dd) for the density field, we get back a YTArray, including both the simulation data for the density field, and the units of the density field, in this case $\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^3$:

>>> dd[`density'] 
YTArray([4.92e-31, 4.94e-31, 4.93e-31, ...,
         1.12e-25, 1.59e-25, 1.09e-24]) g/cm**3

One of the nicest aspects of this new unit system is that the symbolic algebra for unitful operations is performed automatically by sympy:

>>> print dd[`cell_mass']/dd[`cell_volume'] 
  [4.92e-31 4.94e-31 4.93e-31 ... 
   1.12e-25 1.59e-25 1.09e-24] g/cm**3

YTArray is primarily useful for attaching units to NumPy ndarray instances. For scalar data, we have created the new YTQuantity class. YTQuantity is a subclass of YTArray with the requirement that the ``array data'' associated with the instance be limited to one element. YTQuantity is primarily useful for physical constants and ensures that the units are propogated correctly when composing quantities from arrays, physical constants, and unitless scalars:

>>> from yt.utilities.physical_constants import
>>> print dd[`temperature']*boltzmann_constant 
[ 1.28e-12 1.29e-12 1.29e-12 ... 
  1.63e-12 1.59e-12 1.40e-12] erg

If a user needs the field in a different unit system, they can quickly convert using convert_to_units or in_units.

When a Dataset object is instantiated, it will its self instantiate and set up a UnitRegistry class that contains a full set of units that are defined for the simulation. This registry includes both concrete physical units like cm or K but also units symbols that correspond to the unit system used internally in the simulation.

The new unit systems lets us to encode the simulation coordinate system and scaling to physical coordinates directly into the unit system. We do this via ``code units''.

Every Dataset has a length_unit, time_unit, and mass_unit, attribute that the user can quickly and easily query to discover the base units of the simulation. For example:

>>> import yt
>>> ds = yt.load("Enzo_64/DD0043/data0043")
>>> print ds.length_unit 
128 Mpccm/h
>>> print ds.quan(1.0, "code_length").in_units("Mpccm/h")
128 Mpccm/h
>>> print ds.length_unit.in_cgs()
5.55517285026e+26 cm

Optionally velocity_unit, pressure_unit, temperature_unit, and density_unit may be defined as well if the units for these fields cannot be inferred from the mass, length, and time units.

Additionally, we allow conversions to the simulation unit system. Data in code units are available by converting to code_length, code_mass, code_time, code_velocity, code_density, code_magnetic, code_pressure, code_metallicity, or any combination of those units. Code units preserve dimensionality: an array or quantity that has units of cm will be convertible to code_length, but not to code_mass.

On-disk data are also be available to the user, presented in unconverted code units. To obtain on-disk data, a user need only query a data object using an on-disk field name:

>>> import yt
>>> ds = yt.load(``Enzo_64''/DD0043/data0043")
>>> dd = ds.all_data()
>>> print dd[('enzo', 'Density')] 
[ 6.74e-02 6.12e-02 8.92e-02 ... 
  9.09e+01 5.66e+01 4.27e+01] code_mass/code_length**3
>>> print dd[('gas', 'density')] 
[ 1.92e-31 1.74e-31 2.54e-31 ... 
  2.59e-28 1.61e-28 1.22e-28] g/cm**3

Here, the first data object query is returned in code units, while the second is returned in CGS units. This is because ("enzo", "Density") is an on-disk field, while ("gas", "density") is an internal yt field.

Implementation} {#sec:units_implementation}

Our unit system has 6 base dimensions, mass, length, time, temperature, and angle. The unitless dimensionless dimension, which we use to represent scalars is also technically a base dimension, although a trivial one. For convenience, we also create dimensionless unit symbols to represent quantities like metallicity that are formally dimensionless, but it is convenient to represent in a unit system.

For each dimension, we choose a base unit. Our system's base units are grams, centimeters, seconds, Kelvin, and radian. All units can be described as combinations of these base dimensions along with a conversion factor to equivalent base units.

The choice of CGS as the base unit system is somewhat arbitrary. Most unit systems choose SI as the reference unit system. We use CGS to stay consistent with the rest of the yt codebase and to reflect the standard practice in astrophysics. In any case, using a physical coordinate system makes it possible to compare quantities and arrays produced by different datasets, possibly with different conversion factors to CGS and to code units. We go into more detail on this point below. In the future, we plan to make the preferred internal coordinate system a user-configurable option.

We provide sympy Symbol objects for the base dimensions. The dimensionality of all other units should be sympy Expr objects made up of the base dimension objects and the sympy operation objects Mul and Pow.

Let's use some common units as examples: gram (g), erg (erg), and solar mass per cubic megaparsec (Msun / Mpc$^3$). g is an atomic, CGS base unit, erg is an atomic unit in CGS, but is not a base unit, and Msun/Mpc$^3$ is a combination of atomic units, which are not in CGS, and one of them even has an SI prefix. The dimensions of g are mass and the cgs factor is 1. The dimensions of erg are mass * length$^2$ * time$^{-2}$ and the cgs factor is 1. The dimensions of Msun/Mpc$^3$ are mass / length$^3$ and the cgs factor is about 6.8e-41.

We use the UnitRegistry class to define all valid atomic units. All unit registries contain a unit symbol lookup table (dict) containing the valid units' dimensionality and cgs conversion factor. Here is what it would look like with the above units:

{ "g":    (mass, 1.0),
  "erg":  (mass * length**2 * time**-2, 1.0),
  "Msun": (mass, 1.98892e+33),
  "pc":   (length, 3.08568e18), }

Note that we only define atomic units here. There should be no operations in the registry symbol strings. When we parse non-atomic units like Msun/Mpc**3, we use the registry to look up the symbols. The unit system in yt knows how to handle units like Mpc by looking up unit symbols with and without prefixes and modify the conversion factor appropriately.

We construct a Unit object by providing a string containing atomic unit symbols, combined with operations in Python syntax, and the registry those atomic unit symbols are defined in. We use sympy's string parsing features to create the unit expression from the user-provided string.

Unit objects are associated with four instance members, a unit Expression object, a dimensionality Expression object, a UnitRegistry instance, and a scalar conversion factor to CGS units. These data are available for a Unit object by accessing the expr, dimensions, registry, and cgs_value attributes, respectively.

Unit provides the methods same_dimensions_as, which returns True if passed a Unit object that has equivalent dimensions, get_cgs_equivalent, which returns the equivalent cgs base units of the Unit, and the is_code_unit property, which is True if the unit is composed purely of code units and False otherwise. Unit also defines the mul, div, pow, and eq operations with other unit objects, making it easy to compose compound units algebraically.

The UnitRegistry class provides the add, remove, and modify methods which allows users to add, remove, and modify atomic unit definitions present in UnitRegistry objects. A dictionary lookup table is also attached to the UnitRegistry object, providing an interface to look up unit symbols. In general, unit registries should only be adjusted inside of a code frontend, since otherwise quantities and arrays might be created with inconsistent unit metadata. Once a unit object is created, it will not recieve updates if the original unit registry is modified.

Creating YTArray and YTQuantity instances {#sec:creating-ytarray-and-ytquantity-instances}

There are two ways to create new array and quantity objects: via a constructor, and by multiplying scalar data by a unit quantity.

Class Constructor {#sec:class-constructor}

The primary internal interface for creating new arrays and quantities is through the class constructor for YTArray. The constructor takes three arguments. The first argument is the input scalar data, which can be an integer, float, list, or array. The second argument, input_units, is a unit specification which must be a string or Unit instance. Last, users may optionally supply a UnitRegistry instance, which will be attached to the array. If no UnitRegistry is supplied, a default unit registry is used instead. Unit specification strings must be algebraic combinations of unit symbol names, using standard Python mathematical syntax (i.e. ** for the power function, not ^).

Here is a simple example of YTArray creation:

>>> from yt.units import yt_array, YTQuantity 
>>> YTArray([1, 2, 3], `cm') 
YTArray([1, 2, 3]) cm
>>> YTQuantity(3, `J') 
3 J

In addition to the class constructor, we have also defined two convenience functions, quan, and arr, for quantity and array creation that are attached to the Dataset base class. These were added to syntactically simplify the creation of arrays with the UnitRegistry instance associated with a dataset. These functions work exactly like the YTArray and YTQuantity constructors, but pass the UnitRegistry instance attached to the dataset to the underlying constructor call. For example:

>>> import yt
>>> ds = yt.load(``Enzo_64/DD0043/data0043'')
>>> ds.arr([1, 2, 3], `code_length').in_cgs() 
YTArray([ 5.55e+26, 1.11e+27, 1.66e+27]) cm

This example illustrates that the array is being created using ds.unit_registry, rather than the default_unit_registry, for which code_length is equivalent to cm.

Multiplication {#sec:multiplication}

New YTArray and YTQuantity instances can also be created by multiplying YTArray or YTQuantity instances by float or ndarray instances. To make it easier to create arrays using this mechanism, we have populated the yt.units namespace with predefined YTQuantity instances that correspond to common unit symbol names. For example:

>>> from yt.units import meter, gram, kilogram, second, joule 
>>> kilogram * meter**2 == joule 
>>> from yt.units import m, kg, s, W 
>>> kg*m**2/s**3 == W

>>> from yt.units import kilometer 
>>> three_kilometers = 3*kilometer 
>>> print three_kilometers 
3.0 km

>>> from yt.units import gram, kilogram 
>>> print gram+kilogram 
1001.0 g 
>>> print kilogram+gram 
1.001 kg 
>>> print kilogram/gram 
1000.0 dimensionless

Handling code units {#sec:handling-code-units}

Code units are tightly coupled to on-disk parameters. To handle this fact of life, the yt unit system can modify, add, and remove unit symbols via the UnitRegistry.

Associating arrays with a coordinate system {#sec:associating-arrays-with-a-coordinate-system}

To create quantities and arrays in units defined by a simulation coordinate system, we associate a UnitRegistry instance with Dataset instances. This unit registry contains the metadata necessary to convert the array to CGS from some other known unit system and is available via the unit_registry attribute that is attached to all Dataset instances.

We have modified the definition for set_code_units in the StaticOutput base class. In this new implemenation, the predefined code_mass, code_length, code_time, and code_velocity symbols are adjusted to the appropriate values and length_unit, time_unit, mass_unit, velocity_unit attributes are attached to the StaticOutput instance. If there are frontend specific code units they should also be defined in subclasses by extending this function.

Mixing modified unit registries {#sec:mixing-modified-unit-registries}

It becomes necessary to consider mixing unit registries whenever data needs to be compared between disparate datasets. The most straightforward example where this comes up is a cosmological simulation time series, where the code units evolve with time. The problem is quite general --- we want to be able to compare any two datasets, even if they are unrelated.

We have designed the unit system to refer to a physical coordinate system based on CGS conversion factors. This means that operations on quantities with different unit registries will always agree since the final calculation is always performed in CGS.

The examples below illustrate the consistency of this choice:

>>> import yt
>>> ds1 = yt.load(`Enzo_64/DD0002/data0002')
>>> ds2 = yt.load(`Enzo_64/DD0043/data0043')
>>> print ds1.length_unit, ds2.length_unit 
128 Mpccm/h, 128 Mpccm/h
>>> print ds1.length_unit.in_cgs()
6.26145538088e+25 cm
>>> print ds2.length_unit.in_cgs() 
5.55517285026e+26 cm 

>>> print ds1.length_unit*ds2.length_unit 
145359.100149 Mpccm**2
>>> print ds2.length_unit*ds1.length_unit 
1846.7055432 Mpccm**2

For the last two examples, the answer is not the seemingly trivial $128^2=16384,\rm{Mpccm}^2/h^2$. This is because the new quantity returned by the multiplication operation inherits the unit registry from the left object in binary operations. This convention is enforced for all binary operations on two YTarray objects. Results are always consistent when referencing an unambiguous physical coordinate system:

>>> print (pf1.length_unit * pf2.length_unit).in_cgs() 
3.4783466935e+52 cm**2 
>>> print pf1.length_unit.in_cgs() * pf2.length_unit.in_cgs() 
3.4783466935e+52 cm**2

Handling cosmological units {#sec:handling-cosmological-units}

If we detect that we are loading a cosmological simulation performed in comoving coordinates, extra comoving units are added to the dataset's unit registry. Comoving length unit symbols are still named following the pattern <length symbol>cm, i.e. Mpccm.

The $h$ symbol is treated as a base unit, h, which defaults to unity. The Dataset.set_units updates the h symbol to the correct value when loading a cosmological simulation.