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Community membership

Note: This document is a work in progress

This doc outlines the various responsibilities of contributor roles in Sigstore Organization. Responsibilities for most roles are scoped to these subprojects.

Role Responsibilities Requirements Defined by
Member Active contributor in the community Sponsored by 2 reviewers and multiple contributions to the project Sigstore GitHub org member
Triage Triage issues/pull requests History of review and authorship in a subproject GitHub Team membership
Codeowners Contributions acceptance approval Highly experienced active reviewer and contributor to a subproject GitHub Team membership

New contributors

New contributors should be welcomed to the community by existing members, helped with PR workflow, and directed to relevant documentation and communication channels.

Established community members

Established community members are expected to demonstrate their adherence to the principles in this document, familiarity with project organization, roles, policies, procedures, conventions, etc., and technical and/or writing ability. Role-specific expectations, responsibilities, and requirements are enumerated below.


Members are continuously active contributors in the community. They can have issues and PRs assigned to them, participate through GitHub teams, and pre-submit tests are automatically run for their PRs. Members are expected to remain active contributors to the community.

Defined by: Member of the Sigstore GitHub organization


  • Enabled two-factor authentication on their GitHub account
  • Have made multiple contributions to the project or community. Contribution may include, but is not limited to:
    • Authoring or reviewing PRs on GitHub. At least one PR must be merged.
    • Filing or commenting on issues on GitHub
    • Contributing to a project, or community discussions (e.g. meetings, Slack, email discussion forums, Stack Overflow)
  • Subscribed to
  • Actively contributing to 1 or more projects.
  • Sponsored by 2 reviewers. Note the following requirements for sponsors:
    • Sponsors must have close interactions with the prospective member - e.g. code/design/proposal review, coordinating on issues, etc.
    • Sponsors must be reviewers or approvers in at least one CODEOWNERS file.
    • Sponsors must be from multiple member companies to demonstrate integration across community.
  • Open an issue against the sigstore/community repo
    • Ensure your sponsors are @mentioned on the issue
    • Complete every item on the checklist ([preview the current version of the template][membership template])
    • Make sure that the list of contributions included is representative of your work on the project.
  • Have your sponsoring reviewers reply confirmation of sponsorship: +1

Responsibilities and privileges

  • Responsive to issues and PRs assigned to them
  • Responsive to mentions of teams they are members of
  • Active owner of code they have contributed (unless ownership is explicitly transferred)
    • Code is well tested
    • Tests consistently pass
    • Addresses bugs or issues discovered after code is accepted
  • They can be assigned to issues and PRs, and people can ask members for reviews with a /cc @username.
  • Tests can be run against their PRs automatically.

Note: members who frequently contribute code are expected to proactively perform code reviews and work towards becoming a primary reviewer for the subproject that they are active in.


Triage role are able to review code for quality and correctness on some part of a subproject. They are knowledgeable about both the codebase and software engineering principles.

Defined by: triage team membership in the subproject

Reviewer status is scoped to a part of the codebase.

Note: Acceptance of code contributions requires at least one approver in addition to the assigned reviewers.


  • member for at least 3 months
  • Helped to triage issues and Pull requests
  • Knowledgeable about the codebase
  • Sponsored by a project approver
    • With no objections from other approvers
    • Done through PR to update the CODEOWNERS file
  • May either self-nominate, be nominated by an approver in this subproject.

Responsibilities and privileges

  • Tests are automatically run for PullRequests from members of the Sigstore GitHub organization
  • Code reviewer status may be a precondition to accepting large code contributions
  • Responsible for project quality control via [code reviews]
    • Focus on code quality and correctness, including testing and factoring
    • May also review for more holistic issues, but not a requirement
  • Expected to be responsive to review requests as per [community expectations]
  • Assigned PRs to review related to the project of expertise
  • Assigned test bugs related to the project of expertise


Codeowners are able to both review and approve code contributions. While code review is focused on code quality and correctness, approval is focused on holistic acceptance of a contribution including: backwards / forwards compatibility, adhering to API and flag conventions, subtle performance and correctness issues, interactions with other parts of the system, etc.

Defined by: Team membership in the Codeowners team for a subproject and update the entry in an CODEOWNERS file in a repo owned by the Sigstore project.

Codeowners status is scoped to a part of the codebase.


  • Reviewer of the codebase for at least 3 months
  • Primary reviewer for at least 10 substantial PRs to the codebase
  • Reviewed or merged at least 30 PRs to the codebase
  • Being a Subject Matter Expert in the area of the code that they're responsible for, i.e PKI, transparency logs, OCI, etc.
  • Nominated by a subproject owner
    • With no objections from other subproject owners
    • Done through PR to update the team membership and the top-level CODEOWNERS file

Responsibilities and privileges

  • Approver status may be a precondition to accepting large code contributions
  • Demonstrate sound technical judgement
  • Responsible for project quality control via [code reviews]
    • Focus on holistic acceptance of contribution such as dependencies with other features, backwards / forwards compatibility, API and flag definitions, etc
  • Expected to be responsive to review requests as per [community expectations]
  • Mentor contributors and reviewers
  • May approve code contributions for acceptance

Inactive members

Members are continuously active contributors in the community.

A core principle in maintaining a healthy community is encouraging active participation. It is inevitable that people's focuses will change over time and they are not expected to be actively contributing forever.

  • Lack of significant contribution to the repository
  • Not assisting with reviews or triaging issues
  • Not replying when get mention either in GitHub or in the Sigstore Collaboration tool (today we are using Slack)

The LFX Dashboard can help to extract metrics.