Klipper fan stall macros and hardware repository
To work with Timmit fan stall pcb, i created some macros that can be usefull to pause the print if the hotend fan is not running.
The hw can be found here https://github.com/timmit99/Fan_Stall_Detector.
You would need to change some settings on the main macro file:
[gcode_button HEF_FAN]
pin: !PA2 <-this is the pin that's connected to the fan failure
press_gcode: _HEF_ALARM_SET
release_gcode: _HEF_ALARM_CLEAR
[delayed_gcode _HEF_ALARM]
M118 HEF FAN Stopped <- This is the code that is run when klipper detects the fan failure
[gcode_macro _HEF_ALARM_COUNTS]
variable_hefalarm_threshold: 4 <- How many failures to detect before triggering an error (a minimum of 4 is recommended)
## should not be the need to edit anything below this line
I normally hang around on the Voron Discord, with the handle Jos.Ar