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Send BME280 data and voltage to TTN with STM32L0


  • Download and install STM32CubeIDE (as of now version 1.4.2)
  • Import this repo
  • Open .ioc file and select "Project/Generate Code" (should download needed "firmware" files for the chip from ST)
  • Build Release or Debug (currently RAM 95%, FLASH 88% used)


connect Gnd of all components


Not checked without, but generally recommended to use a small ceramic (~10nF) and big electrolyt condensator (~10µF) between + and - near STM pins


  • Look at the ioc file with CubeMX pinout view.
  • Vdd and Vdda to 1.8-3.3V
  • Vss to Gnd
  • PB9-Boot0 pulled to Gnd (~10k) to safely boot from flash
  • STLink for flashing and debug: SWD, SWC, Gnd, NRst (and could provide Vdd via JP1)


  • SDA=MOSI, SDC=MISO, others should be obvious


  • Ant=~8cm wire (vary length and position to get best average RSSI as reported by TTN)
  • NSS=CS, others should be obvious (DIO0, DIO5, MOSI, MISO, SCK and RESET)

RFM95W pin labels for reuse of ESP32 adapter breadboard (print with 600dpi) image


Rx of a usb to serial converter sends at 115200. I use this command (serial port name ttyUSB_ser_red is defined in my /etc/udev/rules.d) pio device monitor -p /dev/ttyUSB_ser_red -b 115200


can be used without resistor. I use 1kOhm to save battery


Good resource for STM32 is Stefan Frings He has links to reference, datasheet, errata and more. E.g.:

Power Info Bits

  • Examples for LL are here: STM32Cube/Repository/STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.11.2/Projects/NUCLEO-L073RZ/Examples_LL/RTC/RTC_ExitStandbyWithWakeUpTimer

  • Periodic wakeup timer is in Reference 22.4.6 (Periodic auto-wakeup)

  • 1s to 18h periodic wakeup with ck_spre = 1s (see 22.4.3) and WUCKSEL [2:1] = 10

  • Enable by WUTE bit in RTC_CR register

  • Once setup it runs in normal and low power.

  • Sets WUTF flag in RTC_ISR if elapsed and reloads RTC_WUTR (timer counter). User resets WUTF

  • Set WUTIE bit in RTC_CR to generate interrupt to wake up from low power modes

  • System reset and Sleep, Stop, Standby have no influence on the WUT (wakeup timer)

  • Save Lora frame counter in backup register: Reference 22.7.20 RTC backup registers (RTC_BKPxR)

  • I couldnt make it work with LL lib, had to use big fat HAL for RCC and RTC. What is missing?

      while( !LL_RTC_IsActiveFlag_WUTW(RTC) );
      LL_RTC_WAKEUP_SetAutoReload(RTC, 3); // wake up every 3+1 s
      while( LL_RTC_IsActiveFlag_WUTW(RTC) );


Works fine. Power consumption much lower than with my similar ATTiny84 board

Bildschirmfoto von 2021-08-20 11-51-18

TTN migrated from V2 to V3. After they reactivated the device id ranges of the old network I could register the devices with the same devId, AppsKey and NwsKey. After ~2 weeks the devices started showing up in the console -> code works unchanged with V3! Config example in this post:


Not needed. by far the most power is consumed by sending. These tasks are not relevant

  • Sleep while waiting for sensor or transmitter (90% of the ~100ms active cycle is waiting)
  • Cut power of sensor and transmitter between measurements? Standby consumption is already quite low. Works fine for a long time now. No problems so far
  • Check recommended hookup of STM32L011K4 (capacitors, boot mode lines, reset, ...?). Since it works, it is probably ok as described above :)


  • PCBs for coin cell or 2xAAA: coin cell not at all good at low temp -> abandoned for BMP280 (outdoor) variants
  • 3D-printed housings