Cmd + Opt + L
- format the current code
Cmd + Opt + Shift + L
- format the code of the whole file
Ctrl + Opt + O
- optimize imports
Ctrl + Shift + J
- remove line break
Cmd + O
- search for a class
Cmd + P
- show parameter information
Fn + Cmd + <-
- Go to the beginning of the file
Fn + Cmd + ->
- Go to the end of the file
Shift + Cmd + Right or Left
- increase or decrease the width of the tool window
Shift + Cmd + Up or Down
- increase or decrease the height of the tool window
- Return to the editor window
- Jump to the last tool window
Cmd + 9
- Show the tool window
Cmd + Up
- Shows the navigation bar
Cmd + E
- Shows the recent files