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Luigi Helpers


The following package is an incomplete collection of helpful Luigi snippets. I am not responsible for any errors this script might cause.

For the luigi.Task method injector please do the following:

  • Read the Luigi docs in addition to the luigi.contrib packages for the packages you are interested in wrapping
  • Familiarize yourself with the API that is being wrapped
  • Step through the code


This package parameter injector was made in order to be able to inject parameters into luigi.Task instances and deeply nested objects. Specifically, provide a wrapper for deeply nested client methods.

Simply provide the path to the attribute starting from the luigi.Task instance (i.e. if the method you want to wrap is found in self._client, specify _client) that contains client method(s) you want to wrap/inject parameters into.

For example, if we noticed that we're missing a client parameter (i.e. encryption settings for luigi.contrib.s3 methods, or privilege settings for DockerTask._client.create_host_config method as shown below) in a nested client call (i.e. self._client.sub_class.another_class.yet_another_class.your_favorite_method_name), we have to specify _client.sub_class.another_class.yet_another_class and your_favorite_method_name as shown below (below example only lists _client and create_host_config).

Example - Whaler

Here's a working example where I'm able to inject privileged = True into the docker api client method create_host_config

See the Docker Python SDK docs for reference

See the Luigi DockerTask source code for reference and compare it with the original

from collections import defaultdict

import luigi
from luigi.contrib.docker_runner import DockerTask

from luigi.util import inherits
from luigi_helpers.task_method_injector import TaskMethodInjector, FlattenDictParams

@TaskMethodInjector(task_methods_to_wrap={"run": ["client_injections_for_hostconfig"]},
                    collect_args_kwargs={"run": ["arg_kwargs_to_collect_from"]})
class StartWhaler(DockerTask):
    image = "pegleg/whaler"
    name = luigi.Parameter("whaler_nginx_latest")
    container_options = {"tty": True, "detach": False}
    binds = ["/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"]
    network_mode = "host"
    auto_remove = False  # same as -rm flag
    command = luigi.Parameter("nginx:latest")

    # Contains methods we want to inject into, on self._client, and params we want to use for that method
    host_config_injection = luigi.DictParameter(default={"create_host_config": [{"name": "privileged",
                                                                                 "value": True,
                                                                                 "is_flattened_key": False,
                                                                                 "injection_type": "replace",
                                                                                 "param_location": "kwargs"},
                                                                                {"name": "publish_all_ports",
                                                                                 "value": True,
                                                                                 "is_flattened_key": False,
                                                                                 "injection_type": "replace",
                                                                                 "param_location": "kwargs"}, ]})

    # Feel free to create different and/or separate DictParameters with different names for different nested object
    # methods, but make sure to identify them in task_methods_to_wrap in the TaskMethodInjector decorator 
    client_injections_for_hostconfig = luigi.DictParameter(default={"_client": ['host_config_injection']})

    # Include bottom two if we want to collect and print params
    # but make sure (i.e. collect_args_kwargs is defined in TaskMethodInjector decorator) 
    arg_kwargs_to_collect_from = ["_client"]

    # This one can't be renamed and is required for the collect_args_kwargs in the TaskMethodInjector decorator
    arg_kwargs_collected = defaultdict(list)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tasks = [StartWhaler(name="whaler_nginx_latest", command="nginx:latest")]
    rc =, local_scheduler=True)

The above code pulls and runs the Whaler (Docker) on nginx.

Example - Selenium Hub on a Mac M1

from collections import defaultdict

import luigi
from luigi.contrib.docker_runner import DockerTask
from luigi.util import inherits

from luigi_helpers.task_method_injector import FlattenDictParams, TaskMethodInjector

@TaskMethodInjector(task_methods_to_wrap={"run": ["client_injections"]},
                    collect_args_kwargs={"run": ["arg_kwargs_to_collect_from"]})
class StartSeleniumHub(DockerTask):
    image = luigi.Parameter(default="selenium/hub")
    name = luigi.Parameter("selenium-hub")
    auto_remove = False
    container_options = {"detach": True}
    binds = ["/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock", "/tmp/videos:/home/seluser/videos", "/dev/shm:/dev/shm"]
    network_mode = "bridge"
    host_config_injection = luigi.DictParameter(default={"create_host_config": [
        {"name": "port_bindings",
         "value": {"4444": 4444},
         "is_flattened_key": False,
         "injection_type": "replace",
         "param_location": "kwargs"},
    pull_injection = luigi.DictParameter(default={"pull": [{"name": "platform",
                                                            "value": "linux/amd64",
                                                            "is_flattened_key": False,
                                                            "injection_type": "replace",
                                                            "param_location": "kwargs"},

    # Feel free to create different and/or separate DictParameters with different names for different nested object
    # methods, but make sure to identify them in task_methods_to_wrap in the TaskMethodInjector decorator
    client_injections = luigi.DictParameter(default={"_client": ['host_config_injection', 'pull_injection']})
    # Include bottom two if we want to collect and print params
    # but make sure (i.e. collect_args_kwargs is defined in TaskMethodInjector decorator)
    arg_kwargs_to_collect_from = ["_client"]
    # This one can't be renamed and is required for the collect_args_kwargs in the TaskMethodInjector decorator
    arg_kwargs_collected = defaultdict(list)
    command = ['/usr/bin/bash', '-c',
               "export GRID_HUB_HOST=$(hostname -I | sed 's/ *$//g') && source /opt/bin/"]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tasks = [StartSeleniumHub()]
    rc =, local_scheduler=True)

Running the command above builds a SeleniumHub container and is equivalent to

docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name selenium-hub      \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock        \
-v /tmp/videos:/home/seluser/videos                 \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm                                \
--network=bridge                                    \
-e GRID_HUB_HOST=$(hostname -I | sed 's/ *$//g')    \
--platform=linux/amd64                              \

Visiting localhost:4444 in your web browser should show you SeleniumHub


  • The highly nested code needs to be properly renamed (sorry, there were too many decorators and nested classes to track haha).

  • TaskMethodInjector

    • task_methods_to_wrap
      • The keys are the luigi.Task methods (i.e. run, requires, output) to wrap
      • The values are the names of the luigi.Parameters from a luigi.Task instance methods that containluigi.DictParameters to use for our parameter injections
        • The luigi.DictParameter (i.e. client_injections_for_hostconfig in example) contain keys and values
          • The keys are paths to attributes from the luigi.Task instance that contain methods that we want to wrap (_client or _client.sub_class.another_class.yet_another_class).
          • The values are names of luigi.DictParameters
            • The keys of these luigi.DictParametera are names of methods found after recursively finding the nested class from the luigi.Task instance (create_host_config or your_favorite_method_name)
            • The values of this luigi.DictParameter are lists of dicts; each dict corresponds to a parameter that we want to inject or override in our nested methods
              • Currently the only tested values are {"injection_type":"replace"} for "injection_type", any value for 'name','value', and {"param_location":"kwargs"} for "param_location" Do include them
    • collect_args_kwargs
      • The keys are the luigi.Task methods (i.e. run, requires, output) to wrap
      • The values are the names of nested objects from the luigi.Task instance that contain methods we want to capture args and kwargs for (_client or _client.sub_class.another_class.yet_another_class) -> all callables found on these objects will be wrapped!
  • arg_kwargs_collected

    • This parameter is required for luigi.Task classes with the TaskMethodInjector decorator when the argument collect_args_kwargs is declared
  • @inherits(FlattenDictParams)

    • This is a remnant that's required for luigi.Task classes with the TaskMethodInjector decorator when the argument task_methods_to_wrap is declared
    • Might be refactored out if I'm unable to figure out how to update nested dictionaries of different types