- Increased minimum version requirement for Selenium to 2.12.0 within setup.py. This is required due to the change towards using Selenium's Select class which was introduced starting in version 2.12. [emanlove]
- Use Selenium's Select class within Selenium2Library's "Select *" keywords. Optimization of certain "Select *" keywords to increase performance. [emanlove] [schminitz]
- Replace maximize current browser window from JS to webdriver. [jollychang]
- Verify element is found under 'Get Text' and 'Element Should Contain' keywords before returning text or verifing element contains specified text. [emanlove]
- Fixed capture page screenshot for RemoteWebDriver. [korda]
- Fixed issue with select window under IE. Also addresses issue with Firefox when using selenum 2.25.0 (see http://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=4375). [adwu73]
- Added iframe support by removing strict filtering for only <frame> elements. [emanlove]
- Added the 'get text' keyword to be backwards compatible with the original Selenium Library. [jouk0]
- Added drag and drop support with two functions drag and drop source target and drag and drop by offset source xoffset yoffset [mamathanag] and [j1z0]
- Added HTMLUnit and HTMLUnitWithJS support. Just use a line like:
- Open Browser [initial page url] remote_url=[the selenium-server url] browser=htmlunit
- [SoCalLongboard]
- Support for Robot Framework 2.7
- Improvements to distribution build script and improved documentation