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File metadata and controls

318 lines (220 loc) · 13.5 KB


For a long while, I've been confused about something in go's standard library. There's io.ReaderAt, io.ReadSeeker, and io.SectionReader. Some APIs expect an io.ReaderAt, but others take an io.ReadSeeker. Why do we have all these things? How do they relate to each other? When do I use which thing for what?

I recently had a moment of clarity surrounding all of this, so I'm writing it down before I forget it.

State Can Ruin Everything Around Me


Let's start with the core idea, which will double as a tl;dr if you are smarter than I am:

The io.ReaderAt interface allows for a stateless implementation, whereas io.Reader and io.Seeker are inherently stateful.

Even though io.ReaderAt and io.ReadSeeker are kind of interchangeable, io.ReaderAt is a more powerful interface because of this statelessness.

io.ReadSeeker vs io.ReaderAt

To expand on what I mean by these being interchangeable:

Given an io.ReaderAt, you can easily implement an io.ReadSeeker. To Seek, you just update a cursor for the current position. To Read, you just ReadAt that current position, then move the cursor forward. Alternatively, you can just use io.SectionReader, which will do this for you.

Given an io.ReadSeeker, you can easily implement an io.ReaderAt by Seeking to the offset and calling Read.

So what's the difference? Does it matter which one we use?

Just looking at the interace, an io.ReadSeeker precludes having multiple concurrent consumers. If two readers both Seek at the same time, one of them will end up calling Read from the wrong offset. You can of course throw a mutex around the Seek + Read calls to make it safe, but then you're just serializing everything.

Compare that to io.ReaderAt which atomically reads some number of bytes from an offset. This interface makes it at least possible to have multiple concurrent callers in a useful way.

To summarize: io.ReaderAt's statelessness allows concurrent consumers without synchronization.

Why io.SectionReader, then?

If io.ReaderAt is more powerful than io.ReadSeeker, what's the point of io.SectionReader?

Well... while io.ReaderAt is more powerful, it's way less ergonomic.

The go standard library is largely built around io.Reader and io.Writer abstractions. While io.ReaderAt is more powerful in theory, in practice you need some way to turn it into an io.Reader to pass into e.g. io.Copy. You could write a fairly simple wrapper to keep track of the current offset, but you can also just use io.SectionReader!

r := io.NewSectionReader(ra, 0, size)
io.Copy(w, r)

The "section" here ends up being the entire range of bytes, which feels a little odd, but you get a free io.Reader implementation from an io.ReaderAt. This lets you bridge an io.ReaderAt into any API that expects an io.Reader.

Why io.ReaderAt, then?

Okay, sure, fair. There's not a ton of packages in the standard library that take advantage of an io.ReaderAt. The only ones I've really used are:

  • archive/zip
  • debug/elf

These are file formats that deal a lot with offsets to binary data.

Because zip.NewReader takes an io.ReaderAt instead of an io.ReadSeeker, we can safely open and read multiple files in the zip archive without worrying about any synchronization.

Anyway, just because the standard library doesn't use io.ReaderAt much doesn't mean that you can't! The whole point of this post is to encourage you to exploit the power of io.ReaderAt in your own code.

Why io.ReadSeeker, then?

So if io.ReaderAt and io.ReadSeeker are both roughly equivalent, and io.ReaderAt allows for safe concurrency, why might an API accept an io.ReadSeeker over an io.ReaderAt? I've noticed a few patterns.

http.ServeContent seeks to the end of an io.ReadSeeker to determine its size. This feels like a pretty janky use of Seek, but since there's not any io.Sizer interface, I get it.

http.ServeContent also seeks back to the start after "sniffing" the first 512 bytes of data to try to automatically detect a Content-Type. Personally, I think it would be cleaner to Peek those bytes, but I assume that this was done because we already needed an io.Seeker for the size hack and to avoid an additional allocation.

I guess my assertion at the beginning that io.ReaderAt is more powerful is not universally true. You can't (cheaply) use an io.ReaderAt to determine the size of something. I don't think this is a great use of io.Seeker, but it's used in the standard library, so what do I know? (Maybe I do know things, given golang/go#25854.)

Aside: Xe has an excellent post about http.ServeContent doing this, and the unfortunate consequences.

FWIW, if you know the size and are willing to buffer 512 bytes, I have dealt with this existential torment in the past using something like this:

(click to expand)
// golang/src/net/http/sniff.go
const sniffLen = 512

type sizeAndSniff struct {
	r      io.Reader
	size   int64
	buf    *bufio.Reader
	seeked bool

func (s *sizeAndSniff) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
	s.seeked = true

	// Checking the size.
	if offset == 0 && whence == io.SeekEnd {
		return s.size, nil

	// Resetting.
	if offset == 0 && whence == io.SeekStart {
		return 0, nil

	// Anything else is unexpected.
	return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected seek(%d, %d) for sizeAndSniff", offset, whence)

func (s *sizeAndSniff) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
	// Handle first read.
	if s.buf == nil {
		if len(p) <= sniffLen {
			s.buf = bufio.NewReaderSize(s.r, sniffLen)
		} else {
			s.buf = bufio.NewReaderSize(s.r, len(p))

		// Currently, http.ServeContent will sniff before it seeks for size.
		// If we haven't seen a Read() but have seen a Seek already, that means we shouldn't peek.
		if !s.seeked {
			// Peek to handle the first content sniff.
			b, err := s.buf.Peek(len(p))
			if err != nil {
				if err == io.EOF {
					n, _ := bytes.NewReader(b).Read(p)
					return n, io.EOF
				} else {
					return 0, err
			return bytes.NewReader(b).Read(p)

	// This assumes they will always sniff then reset.
	n, err := s.buf.Read(p)
	return n, err



This post was inspired by some work I'm been tinkering with over in I'll have more to say about that once it's a little more fleshed out, but it's usable enough to demonstrate some of the concepts I've been talking about.



If you've seen the light and want to implement an io.ReaderAt, there's something that's easy to miss, from the godoc comments on io.ReaderAt (emphasis mine):

When ReadAt returns n < len(p), it returns a non-nil error explaining why more bytes were not returned. In this respect, ReadAt is stricter than Read.

Compare this to io.Reader:

If some data is available but not len(p) bytes, Read conventionally returns what is available instead of waiting for more.

If you try to just use a single Read() to implement ReadAt(), you'll end up with an incomplete implementation because io.Readers are allowed to return fewer bytes than requested. The solution to this is to use io.ReadFull to satisfy the contract of io.ReaderAt.

CLI Design

When I first realized how nice io.ReaderAt was, I actually felt a little sad. My standard CLI design is to read from stdin and write to stdout. I usually use cobra, which means I can use the InOrStdin and OutOrStdout helpers to make it easier to write tests. These helpers return an io.Reader and io.Writer, respectively, which means I can't use these and io.ReaderAt.

Moreover, I can't just read from stdin and write to stdout -- instead, I need to take a filename as a flag or argument, which makes me feel a little unclean.

E.g. instead of this:

$ mytool < input > output

I'd have to write this:

$ mytool input output

I don't like that! But then I had another realization: this was only true because I had not yet achieved sufficient levels of pedantry.

Harmful Use Of Cat

I've come across the "Useless Use Of Cat" internet meme a few times in my life, and I've always dismissed it because, really, who cares?

To summarize: internet pedants will often point out that cat file | cmd is less efficient than cmd < file because the former creates an extra process and pipe. I've always thought this was a silly thing to care about. A process and a pipe are cheap, and I find it easier to reason about catting the file as starting the pipeline than having < file come after the command.

Two things have changed my mind:

  1. This syntax also works: < file cmd, which is actually shorter than cat file | cmd.
  2. If you want to support io.ReaderAt and read from stdin, you can achieve that as long as you don't have a useless use of cat!

In fact, the Wikipedia page even mentions this:

Beyond other benefits, the input redirection forms allow command to perform random access on the file, whereas the cat examples do not. This is because the redirection form opens the file as the stdin file descriptor which command can fully access, while the cat form simply provides the data as a stream of bytes.

I'd just never read the Wikipedia page until I went looking for something to link to for this article. It was there the whole time!

I think one reason this doesn't come up is that the useless use of cat primary source is from circa 2000, when concurrent programming wasn't quite as common as it is today.

Aside: I thought I was really clever for coming up with "harmful use of cat", but as of this writing Google surfaces exactly one result from 2017. I am slightly disappointed by this, but it's also really beautiful that I can feel connected to a stranger on the internet who had the same clever thought while helping yet another internet stranger over 7 years ago.

Anyway, since os.Stdin and os.Stdout are both instances of os.File, you can (sometimes, see below) use them as an io.ReaderAt or io.WriterAt!


Go Is A Liar Sometimes

An example in tar.Writer:

func (sw *sparseFileWriter) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
	rs, ok := r.(io.ReadSeeker)
	if ok {
		if _, err := rs.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent); err != nil {
			ok = false // Not all io.Seeker can really seek
	if !ok {
		return io.Copy(struct{ io.Writer }{sw}, r)

This looks pretty gross to me!

For our use case, os.Stdin is an os.File, which means it implements io.ReaderAt, right? Well, most of the time, no!

If you're reading from a pipe, it will certainly not work! You'll get an error like this:

read /dev/stdin: illegal seek

We can determine if os.Stdin actually implements io.ReaderAt by attempting to seek:

if _, err := os.Stdin.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent); err != nil {

If you are lazy like me and don't want to implement an API that supports both io.ReaderAt and io.Reader, you can just copy os.Stdin to a temporary file if it's a pipe:

f := os.Stdin

if _, err := f.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent); err != nil {
    tmp, err := os.CreateTemp("", "")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer os.Remove(tmp.Name())

    if _, err := io.Copy(tmp, f); err != nil {
        return err

    if _, err := tmp.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
        return err

    f = tmp

// Now you can always use f as an io.ReaderAt.

Where's Size?

If you do write an API that accepts an io.ReaderAt, you should also accept a size argument like zip.NewReader because you will need it for io.SectionReader. Similarly, if you implement the io.ReaderAt interface, you should also expose the size of the underlying data so that your users can use it effectively.

See this unfortunate pair of issues for more context:

In most cases, you can just call Stat, Stat, Stat, or Stat to get the size. Oh and don't forget about ContentLength to get the size of a different computer's files.

Even More Reading