- Fix: Prevent duplicate input on Windows (#27)
- Fix: Scroll offset in Title Select Popup was off (#25)
- Documentation: Adding "Done!" to fuzzy finder bullet point (#24)
- Feature: Adding ability to fuzzy match in title select popup (#23)
- Improvement: Continuous scroll across components (#22)
- Improvement: Adding fix for scrolling in full screen mode (#21)
- Improvement: Adding LTO in Cargo.toml for release (#20)
- Documentation: Fixing a typo and adding instructions in README (#18)
- Documentation: Adding load_backup command to README (#17)
- Improvement: Adding popup after copying a block (#16)
- Feature: Add Load Backup command if the original file gets corrupted (#15)
- Documentation: Indicating that the save backup feature is completed (#14)
- Feature: Adding thread to save backups (#13)
- Fix: Escape commands popup back to edit mode (#12)
- Fix: Daemon clipboard on linux (#11)
- Documentation: Add AUR instructions to README.md (#7)
- Documentation: adding future TODOs to README (#6)
- Improvement: updating release.yml to include contents of CHANGELOG (#5)
- Fix: Add update CHANEGLOG workflow to cut-tag workflow (#4)