This is the home of all my dotfiles. These are files that add custom configurations to my computer and applications, primarily the terminal.
My dotfiles are managed by GNU Stow.
stow . -t ~
- Terminal: Wezterm
- Font: Monaspace
- Colors: catppuccin
- Shell: fish
- Multiplexer: tmux
- Session manager: sesh
- Editor: Neovim
- Configuration: LazyVim
- Git: lazygit
- npm package manager: pnpm
- macOS package manager: Homebrew
- Laptop: MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2023, Apple M2 Max Chip, 32GB RAM)
- Mouse: Logitech trackball
- Zsa Moonlander (daily driver)
- NuPhy Air75 (v1) (when I'm out)
- KBDcraft 001 Adam
- IQUNIX L80 Cosmic Traveller
- Zsa Ergodox EZ