A complete Brevo suite for Laravel.
It provides the following features
- Laravel native mail transport.
- Transactional template transport.
- Transactional SMS transport.
- Native Brevo services (Contacts, Marketing, Accounts, Sales, etc).
For Laravel 12.x
composer require juanparati/brevosuite "^12.0"
For Laravel 11.x
composer require juanparati/brevosuite "^11.0"
For Laravel 10.x
composer require juanparati/brevosuite "^10.0"
For older Laravel versions check Sendinblue v3 for Laravel.
Add the following configuration snippet into the "config/services.php" file
'brevo' => [ 'key' => '[your api key]' ],
Change the mail driver to "brevo" into the "config/mail.php" file or the ".env" file (Remember that ".env" values will overwrite the config values). Example:
'driver' => env('MAIL_MAILER', 'brevo'), 'mailers' => [ // ... 'brevo' => [ 'transport' => 'brevo' ] // ... ];
Just use the transactional e-mails using the Laravel Mail facade.
As soon that Brevo was configured as native mail transport you can use the following code in order to test it:
// Paste this code inside "artisan tinker" console.
Mail::raw('Test email', function ($mes) {
$mes->to('[[email protected]]');
The transactional mail template transport allow to send templates as transactional e-mails using Brevo.
It's possible to register the mail template transport facade into the "config/app.php":
'MailTemplate' => Juanparati\BrevoSuite\Facades\Template::class,
Now it's possible to send templates in the following way:
MailTemplate::to('[email protected]'); // Recipient
MailTemplate::cc('[email protected]'); // CC
MailTemplate::bcc('[email protected]'); // BCC
MailTemplate::replyTo('[email protected]'); // ReplyTo
MailTemplate::attribute('NAME', 'Mr User'); // Replace %NAME% placeholder into the template
MailTemplate::attach('file.txt'); // Attach file
MailTemplate::attachURL('http://www.example.com/file.txt'); // Attach file from URL
MailTemplate::send(100); // Send template ID 100 and return message ID in case of success
It's possible to reset the template message using the "reset" method:
MailTemplate::to('[email protected]'); // Recipient
MailTemplate::cc('[email protected]'); // Second recipient
MailTemplate::attribute('TYPE', 'Invoice'); // Replace %TYPE% placeholder
MailTemplate::send(100); // Send template
MailTemplate::to('[email protected]'); // Another recipient
MailTemplate::send(100); // Send template but attribute "type" and second recipient from previous e-mail is used
MailTemplate::reset(); // Reset message
MailTemplate::to('[email protected]');
MailTemplate::send(100); // Send template but previous attribute and second recipient is not used.
It's also possible enclose the mail message into a closure so the call to the "reset" method is not necessary:
MailTemplate::send(100, function ($message) {
$message->to('[email protected]');
// Note: Your template should contains the placeholder attributes surrounded by "%" symbol.
// @see: https://help.brevo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000268730-How-to-customize-your-transactional-emails
$message->attributes(['placeholder1' => 'one', 'placeholder2' => 'two']);
The transactional SMS allow to send SMS using the Brevo SMS transport.
I's possible to register the SMS transport facade into the "config/app.php":
'SMS' => Juanparati\BrevoSuite\Facades\Sms::class,
Usage examples:
SMS::sender('TheBoss'); // Sender name (Spaces and symbols are not allowed)
SMS::to('45123123123'); // Mobile number with internal code (ES)
SMS::message('Come to work!'); // SMS message
SMS::tag('lazydev'); // Tag (Optional)
SMS::webUrl('http://example.com/endpoint'); // Notification webhook (Optional);
Like the transactional template transport, it is also possible reset the state using the "reset" method or just using a closure:
SMS::send(function($sms) {
$sms->sender('Mr Foo');
$sms->message('Hello Mr Bar');
The following classes are provided as message builder for Laravel notifications:
- TemplateMessage
- SmsMessage
By default, this library uses the official GetBrevo PHP library.
In order to interact with the official library it's possible to inject the custom APIs in the following way:
// Obtain APIClient
$apliClient = app()->make(\Juanparati\BrevoSuite\Client::class);
// Use the APIClient with the Brevo ContactsAPI
$contactsApi = $apliClient->getApi('ContactsApi');
// Retrieve the first 10 folders
$folders = $contactsApi->getFolders(10, 0);
Another example using Sendinblue models:
$apiClient = app()->make(\Juanparati\BrevoSuite\Client::class);
$contactsApi = $apiClient->getApi('ContactsApi');
// Use CreateContact model
$contact = $apiClient->getModel('CreateContact', ['email' => '[email protected]', 'attributes' => ['TYPE' => 4, 'NOM' => 'test', 'PRENOM' => 'test'], 'listIds' => [22]]);
try {
catch(\Exception $e){
See the GetBrevo PHP library for more details.
This project was made possible by Matchbanker.no.