- [Added] - repository and homepage references to packages (#2246) by @ashleynolan
- [Changed] - pie-design-tokens version bump to 6.10.0 (#2230) by @dandel10n
- [Updated]
to runyarn
so new yarn.lock can be generated for Version Packages PR's (#2243) by @siggerzz
- [Updated] - pie-design-tokens version bump to 6.8.0 that changes our approach to light/dark colour mode support. Now PIE tokens for each mode have consistent naming.
prefixes were removed from token naming. (#2143) by @dandel10n
- [Added] - Implement manual workflow for fetching and updating icons from
(#2019) by @fernandofranca
- [Added] - Bundlewatch size limits to components with CI integration (#2020) by @jamieomaguire
[Added] - github action for automating component labels (#1970) by @fernandofranca
[Changed] - update ci.yml syntax to match the one the "yaml" package writes (#1970) by @fernandofranca
- [Changed] - Suggested package updates for security (#1953) by @xander-marjoram
- [Changed] - pie-design-tokens version bump to 6.5.0. (#1861) by @dandel10n
[Changed] - Add caching for
build. (#1838) by @xander-marjoram[Added] - New
script forpie-docs
which copies the status file from the root.
- [Removed] - snyk because of deprecation (#1813) by @dandel10n
- [Changed] - Remove spare ']' from PR title linter regex to ensure Version Packages pull requests are not penalised by the Linter (#1839) by @jamieomaguire
- [Changed] - update gitHub workflows for new
component (#1795) by @leksaBoiko
- [Changed] - Renovate schedule changed to daily (#1686) by @ashleynolan
[Changed] - Downgrade turbo to v1 (#1645) by @xander-marjoram
[Changed] - Turned on Turborepo UI (#1635) by @ashleynolan
- Updated Playwright and Percy CLI dependancies (#1664) by @JoshuaNg2332
- [Changed] - Let commitizen read ticket number from branch name (#1614) by @xander-marjoram
- [Changed] - update github workflows for new pie-checkbox-group component (#1570) by @dandel10n
- [Updated] - pie-design-tokens version bump to 6.3.1 (#1546) by @dandel10n
- [Changed] - update github workflows for new pie-textarea component (#1518) by @xander-marjoram
- [Added] - Script to generate json containing the status of each pie web component. To be used by Storybook and Docs site and any other future apps. (#1479) by @jamieomaguire
- [Changed] - Rename pie-input to pie-text-input (#1462) by @jamieomaguire
- [Changed] - update babel dependencies (#1432) by @xander-marjoram
- [Changed] - github project-labeler (#1418) by @fernandofranca
- [Changed] - Updated CI so that package changes will trigger builds and tests of its dependents (such as a change in pie-icons-webc triggering visual tests for pie-icon-button (#1409) by @jamieomaguire
- [Fixed] - Issue where comment-branch action was failing when GITHUB_TOKEN was provided (#1416) by @siggerzz
[Added] - Automatic changeset generation for Snyk PRs (#1410) by @siggerzz
[Fixed] - loading state is not centred correctly (#1404) by @raoufswe
[Changed] - updated the component status to beta
- [Added] - github labels for configs projects (#1378) by @xander-marjoram
- [Added] - Bundle visualiser that runs during build for webc icons, webc core and our components (#1391) by @jamieomaguire
- [Added] - Force resolution of
[email protected]
to fix the Synk vulnerability raised in #1355 (#1357) by @siggerzz
- [Changed] - Reverted
back to1.10.16
. Our current caused a bug that resulted in thecheck-change-type
CI job not corretly detecting changes in the repo, resulting in deployments not being triggered. (#1346) by @siggerzz
[Fixed] - Issue where
property was causing renovate PR's to fail due tocorepack
opt-in. (#1340) by @siggerzz -
[Changed] - Use pie-design-tokens v6 (#1335) by @xander-marjoram
[Changed] - Replace uses of
[Fixed] - Issue where
commands failed when executed from the monorepo root directory. (#1321) by @siggerzz[Changed] - Update to
[email protected]
- [Fixed] - danger flagging automated prs (#1316) by @ashleynolan
[Added] - isOpen, variant, isCompact, heading, headingLevel, hideIcon properties (#1254) by @thejfreitas
[Added] - styles, basic interactions and unit tests [Changed] - Storybook's playground
- [Added] - basic functionality of the chip component including variants, selected and disabled, loading and dismissible states (#1248) by @raoufswe
- [Added] - Danger check for PR desc checkboxes (#1249) by @ashleynolan
- [Changed] - Standardise component mount/unmount approach across component tests (#1232) by @jamieomaguire
- [Fixed] - Danger reporting when no categories added to changeset (#1185) by @ashleynolan
- [Added] - Readme section for how we use events in our web components (#1173) by @jamieomaguire
- [Added] - Some brief documentation around testing our web components using Playwright (#1148) by @jamieomaguire
- [Added] - Render an input inside of pie-text-input with a type property that defaults to text (#1138) by @jamieomaguire
- [Added] - New pie-text-input component with boilerplate code (#1135) by @jamieomaguire
- [Fixed] - stylelint-config-pie folder name (#1112) by @ashleynolan
- [Added] - pie-tag project label (#1098) by @dandel10n
- [Changed] - Updated to latest Playwright packages (#1072) by @jamieomaguire
[Fixed] - storybook controls don't updated when changed (#1066) by @raoufswe
[Added] - the overview and code pages for the icon button component (#993) by @raoufswe
[Fixed] - Issue where build wasn't being executed before snapshot creation. (#1045) by @siggerzz
[Changed] - Update changeset snapshot regex and set github token (#1050) by @xander-marjoram
[Changed] - Use both variants of github token (#1052) by @xander-marjoram
[Changed] - Ignore apps during snapshot comment (#1049) by @xander-marjoram
[Added] - Turbo token to build in snapshot workflow (#1047) by @xander-marjoram
[Removed] - lit dependency in favour of pie-webc-core (#1037) by @xander-marjoram
[Changed] - the icon size of the xsmall icon-button should be 20px (#1042) by @raoufswe
[Changed] - rely on the padding prop to apply padding for the card stories
[Fixed] - icons in pie link stories aren't shown if the story url is directly visited (#1036) by @siggerzz
[Changed] - spinner sizes should be fully spelt out such as large not l (#1036) by @siggerzz
[Fixed] - add webc-core as a dep in the switch component (#1036) by @siggerzz
[Changed] - Updated the following dependencies: (#1027) by @raoufswe
[Removed] - Unused
resolutions. [Fixed] - Bug wheredev
tasks weren't building their dependencies where applicable.
[Changed] - Updated the following dependencies: (#1025) by @raoufswe
[Removed] - Unused
resolutions. [Fixed] - Bug wheredev
tasks weren't building their dependencies where applicable.
[Changed] - Move body-scroll-lock from modal's peerDependencies to dependencies (#998) by @xander-marjoram
[Fixed] - danger check allow pre-json changes through (#1003) by @ashleynolan
- [Added] - DangerJS added to the repo for PR checks (#952) by @ashleynolan
[Changed] - reuse pie-spinner in pie-button (#958) by @raoufswe
[Changed] - reuse pie-spinner in pie-modal (#960) by @raoufswe
- [Changed] - Use latest pie-design-tokens (#979) by @xander-marjoram
[Added] -
prop topie-icon-button
(#953) by @raoufswe[Added] -
mixin topie-css
and use it in components when needed [Added] -button-interactive-states
mixin to use inpie-icon-button
- [Changed] - Update monorepo and storybook to use renamed component(s) (#944) by @xander-marjoram
[Fixed] -
variants to useelevation-card
tokens (#907) by @kevinrodrigues[Changed] - Refactored
as the component can only be interactive[Fixed] - Disabled state to apply the disabled colour token and reduce opacity on images
[Fixed] - Disabled state should use the disabled cursor
[Fixed] - Variants should apply their color token by default
- [Fixed] - Issue with Slack notification functionality where $PRIORITIZED_BLOCKS had no value assigned, causing invalid JSON when $BLOCKS array was assigned a value (#898) by @siggerzz
[Fixed] - Hide
props whenisStandalone
is set to false in storybook (#885) by @raoufswe[Fixed] - The touch target area is much larger than the text when
is set to true
- [Added] - Github action settings to ensure the required CI jobs are passing (#874) by @fernandofranca
[Changed] - Updated component README structure (#857) by @ashleynolan
[Fixed] - License removed from packages (#869) by @kevinrodrigues
- [Changed] - Replace
(#855) by @xander-marjoram
[Changed] - Align naming of LICENSE files (#848) by @xander-marjoram
[Changed] - Align author field for all packages (#852) by @xander-marjoram
- [Changed] - Align body-scroll-lock versions to meet peer requirements (#841) by @xander-marjoram
[Added] - Allow HTML in slot on Storybook for modal and card (#825) by @raoufswe
[Added] -
to ensure the passed content is sanitized
[Updated] - pie-design-tokens version bump to 5.8.1 (#837) by @dandel10n
[Updated] - pie-design-tokens version bump to 5.8.0 (#832) by @dandel10n
- [Fixed] Safari ios scroll issue (#819) by @kevinrodrigues
[Changed] - add missing peer dependencies (#784) by @siggerzz
[Changed] - update packages, including
[Fixed] -
issue that was causingwc-next10
build to fail. (#754) by @siggerzzGitHub Issue - babel/babel#15765
We had a number of packages that depend on the following dependency
"@babel/traverse": "7.22.8"
.In this version, there is a bug that causes following error when trying to build
:You gave us a visitor for the node type ClassAccessorProperty but it's not a valid type.
- [Updated] -
visual tests to only update baseline images for packages that have changed since the last commit. (#774) by @siggerzz
[Added] - missing project labels for cookie-banner, toggle-switch and a new one for card-container (#766) by @jamieomaguire
[Changed] - Upgraded
(#770) by @jamieomaguire -
[Changed] - Improve browser-test job filter to only run visual tests on components changes and not in pie-docs. (#768) by @maledr5
[Added] - allow the link component to behave like a button (#748) by @raoufswe
[Changed] - fixed visual tests for the link and divider components
[Added] - New pie-cookie-banner component (just generated files) (#746) by @jamieomaguire
- [Changed] - Shared
within the monorepo (#717) by @fernandofranca
- [Changed] - Shared
[Fixed] - Issue where in-progress jobs were being cancelled on 'main'. This occasionally resulted in packages not being versioned/published correctly. (#712) by @siggerzz
[Changed] - use latest pie-design-tokens (#716) by @xander-marjoram
[Added] - RTL option to the pie web component generator (#690) by @raoufswe
[Added] - Create a skeleton divider web component using our component generator (#693) by @raoufswe
[Updated] -
to use Turborepo for linting, rather thaneslint
directly. (#695) by @siggerzz[Updated] -
so that lint commands no longer"dependsOn": "^build"
. [Updated] - Example app.eslintrc.js
config to specifyroot: true
to prevent root monorepo config being used. [Updated] -.eslintrc.js
files across the monorepo
[Changed] - use latest pie-design-tokens (#694) by @xander-marjoram
[Fixed] - Issue in .eslintrc.js where root
was being used for overrideparserOptions
instead of the projects `tsconfig.json. (#695) by @siggerzz
[Added] - Package skeleton for
styling library (#668) by @jamieomaguire -
[Updated] - visual tests to only run on non-draft PRs (#665) by @siggerzz
[Added] - import design tokens into CSS file and add snapshot and W3C validity testing (#671) by @jamieomaguire
add default Jira ticket number to renovate commit messages (#662) by @xander-marjoram
[Updated] - @typescript-eslint/parser package (#673) by @JoshuaNg2332
[Added] - .eslintignorefile
[Fixed] - Prevent tree-shaking of components in storybook (#667) by @xander-marjoram
[Removed] - Built webc icons from source control [Added] - Type declaration files for components [Added] - Types for pie-icons [Added] - TS version of pie-icons-configs/config.js (Will be used after DSW-1025) [Added] - Webc icon tests for width, height and base classes [Changed] - Update pie-icons-webc build to generate a slightly different template for regular and large icons (using different types, etc.) [Changed] - Update pie-icons-webc rollup config to remove commonjs build [Changed] - Use
instead ofkebab-case
to simplify usage (and they're more recently maintained)
[Added] - Created package skeleton for pie-toggle-switch component (#658) by @jamieomaguire
[Updated] - GitHub Actions to only run visual tests against changed packages (#655) by @siggerzz
[Added] - Husky pre-push script for eslint (#659) by @JoshuaNg2332
[Changed] - Add js/ts linting and fix errors (#653) by @jamieomaguire
[Changed] - commitlint config to check for a Jira ticket in the commit message (#625) by @fernandofranca
[Changed] - commit-message and pre-commit git hooks scripts to check for the presence of a Jira ticket in the commit message [Added] - pre-pull git hooks script to check the presence of a Jira ticket in the branch name [Added] - Github workflow for checking PRs title format [Changed] - performance improvements for commitizen
[Changed] - Upgrade Storybook to 7.1.0 (#644) by @jamieomaguire
[Added] - New deploy step for example apps on
events tomain
(#610) by @siggerzz[Added] -
script to package.json
- [Added] pie-webc-testing library (#582) by @jamieomaguire
- [Added] - Modal backdrop functionality (#559) by @kevinrodrigues
- [Added] - percy token for pie-modal (#522) by @jamieomaguire
[Changed] - Make pie-webc-core public (#523) by @jamieomaguire
[Changed] - yarn.lock (#513) by @fernandofranca
[Added] - pie-components-config package (#487) by @fernandofranca
[Removed] - React
wrappers from react/next apps (#426) by @LTurns -
[Changed] - Updated to use stylelint-config-pie (#482) by @ashleynolan
[Fixed] - Issue where
yarn test
cache wasn't invalidated when__snapshots__
directory was updated. (#492) by @siggerzz -
[Removed] -
dependency (#492) by @siggerzz
- [Added] - pie-icon-button component package with empty component code (#486) by @jamieomaguire
[Added] - text file to document PIE documentation site redirect rules (#477) by @FayeCarter
[Updated] - pie-docs
script to runbuild
before running tests (#473) by @FayeCarter -
[Added] - new project pie-webc-core (#478) by @jamieomaguire
[Removed] - empty folder (#480) by @jamieomaguire
Updated dependencies [
]:- @justeattakeaway/[email protected]
- [Changed] - update codeowners file to include designers (#452) by @jamieomaguire
[Fixed] - Updating references to pie-stylelint-config pkg (to stylelint-config-pie) (#468) by @ashleynolan
[Changed] - Updated PR template to prompt contributors to check Storybook for component changes (#461) by @xander-marjoram
[Fixed] - Updated CODEOWNERS location to root of .github file (#469) by @ashleynolan
- [Changed] - Updated github labeler (#439) by @fernandofranca
[Fixed] - Updating eslint configs to reference new pkg name (#460) by @ashleynolan
[Fixed] - Issue where deploys would fail when 'push' events occured to
branches due to no associated pull-request number. These branches will now only be triggered once a PR has been created. (#458) by @siggerzz
[Added] - Figma integration into Storybook (#427) by @jamieomaguire
[Added] - New renovate groupings for example apps (#435) by @siggerzz
[Fixed] Linting errors in pie-icons-vue. (#413) by @xander-marjoram
[Changed] Allow pie-eslint-config to use itself as linting config. [Added] Typescript linting to pie-monorepo.
Updated dependencies [
]:- @justeattakeaway/[email protected]
[Changed] - Improved readme files (#418) by @jamieomaguire
Updated amplify deploy to support bucket name (#421) by @JoshuaNg2332
[Changed] - Upgrade to Storybook 7 and add a writing direction toolbar dropdown (#424) by @jamieomaguire
- [Updated] Yarn module resolution for
to use the latest version (1.1.1) (#417) by @fernandofranca
- [Updated] Yarn module resolution for
[Added] - A vanilla JS example application for using pie-button (#409) by @jamieomaguire
[Added] - Renovate config for example apps (#406) by @siggerzz
[Changed] - Amplify Deploy logic to be a reusable workflow (#410) by @siggerzz
[Added] Pie button and markup to nuxt3 example folder. (#411) by @kevinrodrigues
[Added] wc react 17 app (#402) by @kevinrodrigues
[Added] - Support for Windows/Ubuntu Node 16/18 CI builds. (#401) by @siggerzz
[Added] - Example apps back to workspace, and prevented node_modules from being hoisted to the workspace root. (#406) by @siggerzz
[Fixed] - Refactored Changesets action to be a dispatchable workflow (#403) by @siggerzz
[Fixed] - Issue where main amplify deploy wasn't setting zip file name correctly (#415) by @siggerzz
[Added]: vitest dependency (#386) by @fernandofranca
[added] - example angular 12 app (#398) by @FayeCarter
[added] -
to angular 12 app
[Added] Closed workflow which runs for closed pull requests (#384) by @xander-marjoram
[Added] - Playwright component / visual tests for pie-button (#396) by @siggerzz
[Removed] - removing example applications from yarn workspaces (#389) by @ashleynolan
[Added] pie-button to wc-nuxt2 example app (#395) by @xander-marjoram
[Changed] - Updated Typescript to v5 and tidied up some of the package.json entries and versions (#385) by @ashleynolan
[Changed] - Fixed yarn.lock and minor package bumps (#377) by @ashleynolan
[Added] - pie-button to nuxt10 example app (#387) by @LTurns
- [Changed] Only run PR-related CI steps for pull requests (#388) by @xander-marjoram
- [Added] nuxt2 example template (#374) by @kevinrodrigues
- [Removed] Pie button as test (#379) by @kevinrodrigues
[Changed] - Updated Yarn to v3.5.0 (and updated volta config) (#375) by @ashleynolan
[Added] - Merge queue added to Github actions config (#375) by @ashleynolan
[Changed] - Updating to use Node v18 LTS (#367) by @ashleynolan
[Added] -
yarn upgrade-interactive
plugin for upgrading package versions
[Changed] -
to ignore nitro package which is generated in nuxt-3 example app (#363) by @LTurns -
Updated dependencies [
]:- @justeattakeaway/[email protected]
- [Changed] - Updated Concurrency > cancel-in-progress: true to stop any builds in progress when new changes are pushed to a branch (#350) by @ashleynolan
[Fixed] - Snapshots for pie-docs updated after icon version bump (#351) by @ashleynolan
[Updated] - Project dependencies (#346) by @fernandofranca
[Added] - Turborepo remote caching in S3 (#342) by @siggerzz
[Added] - empty NextJS example application (#310) by @jamieomaguire
[Changed] - Order in which deploys are executed in CI (#334) by @siggerzz
- Updated dependencies [
]:- @justeattakeaway/[email protected]
[Added] - New
property to branches created by Renovate. (#329) by @siggerzz -
[Added] - new nuxt3 example app to
(#321) by @LTurns
- [Fixed] - Issue in
where commitMessagePefix / dependency group names were incorrect (#332) by @siggerzz
- [Removed] - WDIO references and dependencies (#312) by @JoshuaNg2332
- Updated dependencies [
]:- @justeattakeaway/[email protected]
[Changed] - Update chromedriver to v110 (#289) by @xander-marjoram
[Fixed] - Failing test (incorrect type for cookie value - number when it should be a string)
[Added] - Playwright testing package (#294) by @JoshuaNg2332
[Updated] -
dependency to fix a bug that prevented passing of root-level args when using--filter
(#294) by @JoshuaNg2332
[Added] -
folder for containing example apps (#293) by @LTurns[Changed] - build script to exclude
[Added] - Renovate config for automatic dependency updates (#207) by @kevinrodrigues
[Added] - Semantic commit scope extend. (#285) by @kevinrodrigues
[Added] - New system / visual tests for mobile navigation (#278) by @siggerzz
[Updated] -
to wait for GitHub Actions deployments before running tests.
- [ Updated ] -
dependency (#268) by @jamieomaguire
- [ Fixed ] - Revert back to old changeset / GHA config to prevent CI not running on Release commits (#264) by @siggerzz
[Added] - Support for
changeset entires (#232) by @siggerzz -
[Added] - Functionality to only run system.visual tests against changed packages + dependants for PRs (#232) by @siggerzz
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
February 28, 2023
- Updated
dependency to latest beta version @axe-core/webdriverio
packages to root for accessibility testing.- Added
scripts to root to run accessibility testing locally and on CI.
February 28, 2023
- .changeset/config.json to automatically commit changeset files.
February 27, 2023
- Linked the icon packages together so that they get released as the same version number
February 23, 2023
- Version bump of
- Version bump of
February 21, 2023
- Fixed issue where
wasn't included inturbo.json
. - Fixed issue where linting would fail if dependency
wasn't present.
February 16, 2023
- Specified
breakpoints for Percy tests
February 6, 2023
- Storybook publishing to GitHub Actions.
- Modified
February 3, 2023
- Issue with dist's not being available to changesets release job.
January 31, 2023
- Changesets for automatic package versioning / publishing.
January 27, 2023
added to the root, so that all packages can inherit the base config setupeslint-plugin-json-format
added todevDependencies
, so that JSON files can be run through ESLint (and auto-fix in VSCode works)clean
task added to turbo config, as this runs in the icon packages
formatted through ESlintscripts
in root ordered alphabetically (just easier to find stuff)
January 27, 2023
updated – matches old mono-repo settings now, which matches up with our current linting rulesets
January 19, 2023
- Typescript support.
- Lit for building web components.
- Vite as a dev dependency.
January 17, 2023
Copyright (c) Just Eat Holding Ltd
toCopyright (c) Just Eat Takeaway
in licence
January 17, 2023
- No longer needed build steps: visual test reminder comment and looking for the reminder comment
January 16, 2023
- Issue with incorrect
version on GitHub Actions.
December 20, 2022
- CI failure on
due to execution of visual review PR comment step.
December 8, 2022
- Automatic PR reminder to check visual changes in Percy
- Ensure visual tests don't run on draft PRs.
December 2, 2022
- New package.json scripts for system / visual / snapshot updating.
- New
config for system / visual tests. - The following devDependencies used for testing -
. - Modify GitHub Actions to allow for preview deployments.
November 24, 2022
- WebDriverIO dependencies + coresponding
November 24, 2022
dist folder exemption causing dist output not to be published. Have modified to be the same specificity as packagefiles
November 24, 2022
- Updated
November 15, 2022
file with the@justeat/ui-senior-reviewers
set as reviewers forpie-microsite
- Root level devDependency of
November 1, 2022
file to lock the node version at 16 for local development
- Use
instead ofv2
to use Node 16 (was 12 before)
- Remove
command inhusky
to prevent building entire monorepo on each commit
October 22, 2022
package to/tools
.- add
folders to .gitignore
October 13, 2022
### Changed
- add more granular config to the GitHub actions file for running on pushes to main and PRs
October 10, 2022
package to/tools
(as a beta release).
### Changed
moved frompie-icons-vue
package to root (and some minor dependency bumps)
October 6, 2022
- Removing build filter so that it builds all packages that Turborepo finds
October 6, 2022
- Updating Turborepo config to cache more stuff
moved to root from the pie-icons package
October 3, 2022
- Fixed Husky to work with Yarn 2+
September 23, 2022
- Linting step to GitHub workflow
- Split out GitHub actions workflow into separate jobs
September 16, 2022
- Code of conduct file
- GH pages deployment for PIE Microsite
September 5, 2022
checks for sensitive information.
September 2, 2022
- Moved most dev dependencies from pie-microsite into root level depedencies
- Dependency resolution fix to
as recommended in this github issues thread
August 22, 2022
- Colour copy and images.
August 17, 2022
- Spacing copy and images.
August 15, 2022
- Header logo wrapper name.
- Scss pie token reference.
August 15, 2022
- Header logo and styles.
- Scss watch helper for entire scss directory.
- gitignore file.
July 28, 2022
pre-commit hooks for linting.
July 28, 2022
for linting purposes.lint:style
setting for linting withinturbo.json
July 26, 2022
- Switched from 'plug and play' to node_modules based dependencies
July 20, 2022
dev dependency to be referenced by apps and packages
July 18, 2022
- Removed
folders so that all websites live directly underapps
June 15, 2022
- Initial Files