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130 lines (86 loc) · 5.71 KB

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130 lines (86 loc) · 5.71 KB



Hello, I still exist! Sorry for not updating for so long... school 😔

A bunch of this update is dedicated to bringing Rapid up-to-date with all the fancy-schmancy newness of Swift 6.


  • ~= operator for Regex
  • !! operator for calling a never-returning function when optional unwrapping fails
  • AnyType and Nothing typealiases for Any.Type and Void, respectively
  • sum() and product() methods for Numeric sequences
  • compacted() method for Sequence
  • ** and **= operators
  • ExpressibleByEmptyArrayLiteral and ExpressibleByEmptyDictionaryLiteral protocols


  • Updated ?! operator with typed throws


  • There's now a count(where:) method in the standard library, rendering one of Rapid's count(of:) methods obsolete. This method has thus been deprecated, and will be removed in Rapid 4.
    • count(where:) should work as a drop-in replacement for your projects -- and if you were using trailing closures, you might not even have to update your code at all!
    • The overload of count(of:) that takes an element instead of a predicate was kept, since the standard library doesn't have a direct equivalent to it (yet).


  • ++, --, &++, and &-- operators

Breaking Changes

  • Changed the count parameter of String.*(_:_:) to be a UInt instead of an Int


  • Changed license from the GNU GPL v3 to the MIT License
    • What this practically means is that, from this version (3.0.0) onwards, Rapid can now legally be used in software that isn't open source (as well as some other things that stem from or alongside this). No existing users should be affected by this change.
  • General documentation polish
  • Migrated tests from Quick/Nimble to swift-testing


  • Added appendInterpolation(_:format:) and appendInterpolation(_:if:) string interpolation methods
  • SetAlgebra now has +, +=, -, and -= operators
  • Added ~= operators for Error and KeyPath
  • Added sorted(by:) and sorted(by:using:) methods to Sequence
  • The package previously did not build on anything other than macOS. This has hopefully been fixed.


  • CollectionOfOne now conforms to ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
  • Added an asInt property and an init(fromInt:) initializer to Bool
  • Minor documentation improvements


  • EmptyCollection now conforms to ExpressibleByArrayLiteral and ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral, with element types of Never to prevent use of non-empty literals


  • Added mutate(_:using:) function to mutate values directly
  • PartialRangeFrom, PartialRangeThrough, and PartialRangeUpTo now conform to Equatable Hashable, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible, and CustomReflectable
  • Added AnyEquatable, a type-erased wrapper for Equatable


  • isBetween(_:) now accepts a RangeExpression instead of only a ClosedRange
  • Replaced the ?! operator's ErrorType with some Error
  • The ++, --, &++, and &-- operators have been marked as unavailable. They will be removed entirely in Rapid 3.
  • Added minutes(_:), hours(_:), days(_:), and weeks(_:) static methods to Duration
    • Each method has two overloads: one taking some BinaryInteger, and one taking a Double


  • General documentation improvements (fixing typos and whatnot).

Potentially Breaking Changes

  • repeat(_:) now starts iteration from 0 instead of 1, to more closely match the behavior of the standard library
    • Issues caused by this should be trivial to fix -- just add 1 to the loop index each time you use it
  • Removed @inlinable from everything -- it doesn't make life any easier


  • The ++, --, &++, and &-- operators have been deprecated; see this Swift Evolution proposal for reasons as to why. Use += 1, -= 1, &+= 1, and &-= 1 instead. The operators will be marked as unavailable in Rapid 2, and will be removed entirely in Rapid 3.
  • Clamped now conforms to Sendable when its Value type is Sendable
  • Added the <- operator as an alias for configure(_:using:)
  • Added isNilOrEmpty and isNotNilOrEmpty for optional collections


  • A factorial() method has been added to BinaryInteger
  • Added @Clamped, @Transformed, and @Validated property wrappers
  • Added clamped(to:) and clamp(to:) methods to Comparable


I'm really bad at making incremental releases.

Here are the most major changes:

  • Rapid now has vastly improved documentation all around
  • Chainable has been removed in favor of global functions
    • then(_:) for value types has been moved to configure(_:using:)
    • The dedicated then(_:) method for reference types has been removed
    • do(_:) has been moved to run(with:do:)

Other, more minor changes:

  • Operator aliases -- , and -- have been added
  • A global π constant for Double.pi has been added
  • The @inlinable attribute has been applied to most methods and properties
  • The implementation of last(where:) has been changed to use first(where:) instead of a for-in loop
  • A default value for the Component associated type of ResultBuilder has been added
  • The throws and rethrows keywords have been added to the String and Array result builder initializers
  • SimpleResultBuilder has been renamed to ResultBuilder
  • The ?! operator for throwing an error when optional unwrapping fails has been added

I've also decided that Rapid will be kept API stable from this point onward to the best of my ability.


  • The SimpleResultBuilder protocol and related types have been added


  • Initial release