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How we detect scroll containers

Generally you will not need to read this guide 😊. Detection of scroll containers "should just work". However, if you are having issues with it you can dig more deeply into this guide 🕵️‍

react-beautiful-dnd will automatically detect the scroll containers for your application when a drag is starting. It does this by looking at the computed overflowX and overflowY values of an element.

If react-beautiful-dnd finds an element that has a computed overflowX or overflowY set to scroll or auto then that element is marked as a scroll container.

Background information about overflow

The css property overflow (and overflow-x, overflow-y) controls what happens when the content of an element is bigger than the elements size.

For more information about overflow you can check out the CSS-Tricks overflow guide or the MDN overflow guide

overflow values

  • visible: (default) content will grow beyond boundary of any containing box without any clipping or scroll bars
  • scroll: clip overflow and always show a scroll bar, even if there is no content being overflowed
  • auto: clip overflow and only show scroll bar if there is any content in the overflow


Setting overflow: $value is the same as setting overflow-x: $value and overflow-y: $value

Computed values

If only one axis has overflow-[x|y]: hidden and the other is visible (the default value) then it will be computed as auto.

Computed value: as specified, except with visible/clip computing to auto/hidden (respectively) if one of overflow-x or overflow-y is neither visible nor clip


document.body (<body>) is different from document.documentElement (the <html> element). Any scroll on the html element is considered a window scroll. Most of the time any scroll bar that would have appeared on the body will be merged with the html scroll bar. However, there are situations where they can have different scrollable areas.

⚠️ We have not been able to find a reliable cross browser mechanism for detecting if a body has an independent scroll bar to the html element.

The body element can be a scroll container if:

  1. the body element has overflow-[x|y] set to auto or scroll AND
  2. the html element has overflow-x or overflow-y set to anything other than visible (the default)

There seems to also be an additional requirement that we have not been able to accurately quantify regarding the relationship of the sizes of the html and body elements.

Want to help?

We have some playgrounds on codepen that can be a good start for digging into trying to find a reliable way to determine if body is an independent scroll container.

Try changing the overflow, height and width properties on the html and body elements

It looks like when the html element has some width and height related properties set then this can impact things. However, finding a purely javascript solution for detecting this has alluded us so far

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