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File metadata and controls

65 lines (43 loc) · 1.91 KB

Laravel APM

Monitor requests/cron/queue execution times in production.

If you have a question:

  • which pages have the slowest loading time?
  • which page to optimize to reduce the server load?

Then this package is for you.


Supported Laravel versions: 8 ... 11+

composer require kamilersz/laravel-apm

Add route to your routes/web.php file (don't forget securing it from unwanted visitors)

Route::get('/apm', '\Done\LaravelAPM\ApmController@index')->name('apm');

Daily clear log files by adding scheduled job to App/Console/Kernel.php



Laravel APM can show pages that have the biggest impact on the server load. When you are developing the website, it is hard to tell which pages will receive the most pageviews and which will use the most resources: (per page resource usage) x (pageviews) = (this package stats)

Running this package in production has minimal impact on server load.


This package logs every user request to a file (storage/app/apm/apm-2020-01-01.txt). On average logging adds an overhead of less than 1 ms to each request (0.001 second).


Copy /vendor/kamilersz/laravel-apm/config/apm.php file to /config/apm.php Then edit /config/apm.php values to your liking.

return [
    'enabled' => env('APM', true),
    'per_page' => 100, // how many results per page to show
    'sampling' => 1, // logs only part of requests. 1 - 100%, 0.1 - 10% of requests.
    'slow' => 5, // log queries of pages that spent in SQL more than 10 seconds


If you are using Closures for scheduler, it is recommended to add ->setName('some-name');, to be able to distinguish different Closures in APM logs.

$schedule->call(function () {
})->daily()->setName('some-name'); // add ->setName()