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Lab 1: Intro to Docker


Docker installed
docker-machine installed (Mac/Win)
Good internet connection

docker in interactive mode

Running docker in interactive mode allows a developer to:

  • understand the environment
  • debug when things go wrong
  • research

We will be working with 2 images for these labs. ubuntu and kensipe/tomcat. The first time they are reference it will take several minutes as these images are pulled for the public repository. After that command-line references will run very quickly. It may be best to pull these images prior to starting the lab. To pull run: docker pull ubuntu and docker pull kensipe/tomcat.

If you haven't yet, start the docker-machine: docker-machine start and set the environment eval $(docker-machine env).

  1. enter interactive mode:

    docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash` or `docker run -it ubuntu
  2. add a text file named owner.txt with your name in it.

    echo "ken sipe" > owner.txt
  3. exit the container type: ctrl+p, ctrl+q

  4. list the running dockers

    docker ps

NOTE: Experiment with variations here. docker ps -a, docker ps -l, docker ps -q, docker ps -lq

NOTE: It is common to set an alias for dl (docker last): alias dl='docker ps -lq'

  1. diff on the container ID (SHA)

    docker diff $(docker ps -lq)
    docker diff `dl`
  2. attach to the container

    docker attach `dl`
  3. exit the container. type: exit

  4. commit your container

    docker commit `dl` owner
  5. display owner information from your container in non-interactive mode

    docker run owner cat owner.txt

Installing commands

  1. enter interactive mode

docker run -it ubuntu

  1. install figlet

apt-get update && apt-get install figlet

  1. commit image
docker commit `dl` figlet
  1. run container

docker run figlet figlet hello