- Symfony, AWS Lambda, APIGateway and custom domains with paths by Fabian Blechschmidt
- SQL Inspiration by Fabian Blechschmidt
- Release notes Shopware by Shopware
- Test-driven development in Shopware 6 by Dragan Rapić
- Images and icons in the Shopware 6 flyout navigation: step by step instructions by Martin Supplieth
- Setup Shopware 6 using Dockware for Developer by WebeFace
- Building Responsive Admin Interfaces for Shopware Plugins by Hire Shopware Developer
- Optimizing Shopware Performance: Key ideas by Markus Lorenz
- How to URL: SEO URLs by Fabian Blechschmidt
- Shopware and systemd by Fabian Blechschmidt
- Import/Export by Dennis/Shopware
- Shopware 6: Template mit Twig anpassen | Grundlagen, Praxisbeispiele | #2 by Orangebytes (German)
- whatTheFunc()?! Episode 003 - Pierluigi Meloni by Ben Marks
- Interview: A pragmatic discussion about Continuous Integration/Delivery and Testing by Niklas/Shopware
- sw-sync-cli by Malte Janz
- Shopware Store API Client by IT Martin Bens
- WeArePlanet Payment by WeArePlanet
- Tuesday, 27 August, Boost Day, Online
- Thursday, 29 August, Multichannelday, Cologne, Germany
- Tuesday, 10 September, Hello Shopware NL, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Tuesday, 17 September, Shoptoberfest, Brooklyn, NY, USA
- Tuesday, 17 September, Shopware 5 End-of-Life Meetup & Rooftop Party, Cologne, Germany