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Mobile app compatibility tests

Makara edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 9 revisions

The basic idea is to load the app (or test page), and then test input with latest release version of Keyman apps and a variety of keyboards.

Gather Assets for Testing

Install the following keyboards and have the test page link ready to load on the respective browser.

  • Keyman app - Latest version (please record the version in the test results)
  • Khmer Angkor keyboard package
  • EuroLatin (SIL) keyboard pagekage
  • Galaxie Hebrew (Positional) keyboard package
  • IPA (SIL) keyboard package
  • Slatejs text editor test page: type in the text area to test

The app may need to be tested in multiple environments. Each environment can be defined as a group here. For example, if you wanted to test a web app, you may have the following groups:

  • GROUP_IOS_SAFARI: iOS / Safari browser
  • GROUP_IOS_CHROME: iOS / Chrome browser
  • GROUP_ANDROID_CHROME: Android / Chrome browser
  • GROUP_ANDROID_FIREFOX: Android / Firefox

Load "the app or 'test page' being tested" on the respective OS (and browser) to test the followings:

  • TEST_KHMER_ANGKOR: Khmer Angkor
    • Ensure longpress on and choose to produce .
    • Type ្រ (longpress of ) to produce ស្រុក.
    • Longpress on a and choose ǎ to output ǎ
  • TEST_GALAXIE_HEBREW: Galaxie Hebrew mentioned above and here is how to type each key.
    • Type b \ = r @ a v ! y t to output בְּרֵאשִׁית. FAILED if the output is different.
  • TEST_SIL_IPA: sil_ipa
    • Ensure the key sequence n > (long press of ] on 123 layer) produces ŋ.
    • (n/a for the time being)
    • (n/a for the time being)
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