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An Ansible Role to install CheckMK RAW edition and set up an initial site.

This is a complete rebuild of the install-check_mk-server role I created and maintained for years, undertaken due to changes in CI/CD and naming conventions in Ansible Galaxy & CheckMK.

All tasks are tagged with checkmk-server.

I do NOT recommend the default configuration for unprotected connection directly to the Internet, as the server configuration includes un-encrypted HTTP access.

The following distributions have been tested automatically:

For reference, "OMD" below stands for the Open Monitoring Distribution which is a predecessor of CheckMK RAW edition. Those "omd" commands were left in for backwards compatibility.

Recent Version Matrix

CheckMK Raw Edition Version Role Version/Tag
2.3.0p27 1.1.1
2.3.0p26 (skipped)
2.3.0p25 1.1.0
2.3.0p24 1.0.99
2.3.0p23 1.0.98


If the server has a firewall enabled, it may need to be altered to allow incoming packets on TCP port 80 for the web portal access, and/or TCP port 514, plus UDP ports 162 & 514 for event console (syslog) input.

As with any modern Linux deployment, SELinux may come into play.

To fulfill these requirements, I recommend using another Ansible Role.

Upkeep (updates and out-dated versions)

While this role does install the latest stable version of CheckMK, it does not apply any update commands to existing deployments. This is to avoid clobbering production sites and allow for oversight during upgrades.

These steps may be followed to enact an upgrade on a site named "test" after running a newer update of this role; change "test" to the name of the site you want to upgrade:

  1. Become the "test" user: sudo omd su test
  2. Stop the "test" site: omd stop
  3. Update the "test" site; to complete this step you need to interact with the text interface as well: omd update
  4. Start the "test" site: omd start

If you have many sites to upgrade, the following one-liner may help. Just change the site variable declaration as needed:

site=test ; sudo omd stop $site ; sudo omd update $site ; sudo omd start $site

For the brave, the omd command does allow for fully-automated upgrades, which can then be executed via ansible like so (for a given group hq-cmk in the testing.ini inventory, a site named test, and upgrading to version 2.2.0p12 in this example):

ansible hq-cmk -b -i testing.ini -m shell -a "site=test ; omd stop $site ; omd -f -V 2.2.0p12.cre update --conflict=install $site ; omd start $site" -vvvv

In the same manner, older versions are left on the systems by this role and it is up to the administrator to remove unneeded versions. Use this command to remove all unneeded CheckMK versions: sudo omd cleanup

Role Variables

Some of these may be seem redundant but are specified so future users can override them with local variables as needed.

Table of Variables Common to All Distributions (with Defaults)

Variable Description Default
checkmk_server_adminpw Password for the cmkadmin user created for the test site; if left blank, the password for this user can be found in the checkmk_server_log_dest file created on the remote instance undefined
checkmk_server_base_url Base URL that other URLs are based on
checkmk_server_cache_valid_time Update the apt cache if it is older than this time, in seconds. 3600
checkmk_server_download Filename of the source installation package check-mk-raw-{{ checkmk_server_version }}_0.{{ ansible_distribution_release }}_amd64.deb
checkmk_server_download_dest Final full path of the source installation package "{{ checkmk_server_download_dest_folder }}/{{ checkmk_server_download }}"
checkmk_server_download_dest_folder Destination folder of the source installation package /opt
checkmk_server_download_mode File mode settings of the source installation package 0755
checkmk_server_download_url URL of the source installation package to download "{{ checkmk_server_base_url }}/{{ checkmk_server_version }}/{{ checkmk_server_source }}"
checkmk_server_htpasswd_group Name of the group that should own the htpasswd file, as would be fed to chown "{{ checkmk_server_site }}"
checkmk_server_htpasswd_mode File mode settings of the htpasswd file 0660
checkmk_server_htpasswd_name Name of the user that will have their password set, if checkmk_server_adminpw is set cmkadmin
checkmk_server_htpasswd_owner Name of the user that should own the htpasswd file, as would be fed to chown "{{ checkmk_server_site }}"
checkmk_server_htpasswd_path Final full path of the htpasswd file /opt/omd/sites/{{ checkmk_server_site }}/etc/htpasswd
checkmk_server_install_package Final full path of the installation package "{{ checkmk_server_download_dest }}"
checkmk_server_key_url URL of the public key for CheckMK "{{ checkmk_server_base_url }}/Check_MK-pubkey.gpg"
checkmk_server_log_dest Final full path of the OMD create log, which captures the cmkadmin password if checkmk_server_adminpw is not set /opt/omd/sites/{{ checkmk_server_site }}/omd-create.log
checkmk_server_log_group Name of the group that should own the OMD create log, as would be fed to chown "{{ checkmk_server_site }}"
checkmk_server_log_mode File mode settings of the OMD create log 0600
checkmk_server_log_owner Name of the user that should own the OMD create log, as would be fed to chown "{{ checkmk_server_site }}"
checkmk_server_man_mode File mode settings of the required man folder 0755
checkmk_server_man_path Final full path of the required man folder /usr/share/man/man8
checkmk_server_omd_create_command Command used to create a new OMD site omd create {{ checkmk_server_site }}
checkmk_server_omd_create_creates File created by creating a new OMD site /opt/omd/sites/{{ checkmk_server_site }}
checkmk_server_omd_setup_command Command used to set up OMD omd setup
checkmk_server_omd_setup_creates Folder created by setting up OMD /opt/omd
checkmk_server_omd_start_command Command used to start OMD omd start {{ checkmk_server_site }}
checkmk_server_omd_start_creates File created by starting OMD /opt/omd/sites/{{ checkmk_server_site }}/tmp/apache/run/
checkmk_server_prerequisites Packages needed before installing CheckMK RAW edition python3-apt python3-passlib
checkmk_server_site Name of OMD "site" to create; this is often shown as my-site in the CheckMK documentation examples test
checkmk_server_version Version of CheckMK RAW edition to install 2.3.0p27
checkmk_server_web_service Name of the web service to start and enable apache2

Tables of Variables Unique to at Least One Distribution (with Defaults)

To enable multi-distro support, the role defines distro-specific variables with the include_vars and with_first_found mechanisms.


Description: SHA256 checksum of the source installation package

Distribution Default
Debian 10 "buster" sha256:1df0c327a801c015b801fb7162e5e8918c853cc67391ed881587de5b55ab3746
Debian 11 "bullseye" sha256:61759f5c951dbad95f43f32a64032cbb5c2c5a56a6457926222357e46ba39c22
Debian 12 "bookworm" sha256:1c5ec2c903232cc5ac31c9d987aa08d9bcbbceb64748a68a4ed496c77ea1995b
Ubuntu 20.04 "focal" (default) sha256:7a97ffeba331069a4582ff87d02ba9372fc73e6032346e0d8bad7c08681e7d28
Ubuntu 22.04 "jammy" sha256:70f0f5d427e8aaa39d2a07728b780f2c4a9f85544fac58570b914f66f8753303
Ubuntu 24.04 "noble" sha256:e318c0c1d1c7b91fdc639d89a1a05d0820614a854dbc19aef7c6719e35a9905a


None yet defined.

Example Playbook

Example that enforces a specific password for the cmkadmin user:

- hosts: monitoring-servers
     - { role: kso512.checkmk_server, checkmk_server_adminpw: "wintermute" }


GNU General Public License version 2


If you have any suggestions or ideas, please feel free to open an issue, or fork the repository and submit an merge request.

Author Information

@kso512 with contributions to the original "install-check_mk-server" code from these helpful Github users: