Control the robot to move forward, backward, turn left, turn right, and control suction power based on web page commands. Provides real-time video based on PiCamera.
Support for Raspberry Pi GPIO. Raspberry Pi PiCamera. Note: The main control part, web interaction, and signal transmission are universally applicable across Python platforms. Only the hardware driver content (under the 'drivers' directory) is specific to Raspberry Pi.
Run '' using Bash.
Run '' using Bash, or directly execute 'python3 -m gwcr-robot-control.main'. Open the robot control web page (according to the robot's IP address on the LAN) to operate.
基于网页控制机器人前进后退, 左转右转, 吸力, 提供基于picamera的实时视频
树莓派GPIO支持 树莓派picamera 注: 主体控制部分, 网页交互, 信号传递都基于python全平台通用, 仅硬件驱动部分(drivers 目录下的内容)限制于树莓派
使用bash运行, 或直接运行python3 -m gwcr-robot-control.main 打开机器人控制网页(根据机器人在LAN上的ip地址)进行操作