wlen; ++i) {
+ pTable->dest[i] = 0u;
+ }
+ }
+ _start();
+#define __PROGRAM_START __cmsis_start
+#ifndef __INITIAL_SP
+#define __INITIAL_SP __StackTop
+#ifndef __STACK_LIMIT
+#define __STACK_LIMIT __StackLimit
+#ifndef __VECTOR_TABLE
+#define __VECTOR_TABLE __Vectors
+#define __VECTOR_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE __attribute((used, section(".vectors")))
+/* ########################### Core Function Access ########################### */
+/** \ingroup CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface
+ \defgroup CMSIS_Core_RegAccFunctions CMSIS Core Register Access Functions
+ @{
+ */
+ \brief Enable IRQ Interrupts
+ \details Enables IRQ interrupts by clearing the I-bit in the CPSR.
+ Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __enable_irq(void)
+ __ASM volatile ("cpsie i" : : : "memory");
+ \brief Disable IRQ Interrupts
+ \details Disables IRQ interrupts by setting the I-bit in the CPSR.
+ Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __disable_irq(void)
+ __ASM volatile ("cpsid i" : : : "memory");
+ \brief Get Control Register
+ \details Returns the content of the Control Register.
+ \return Control Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_CONTROL(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, control" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Get Control Register (non-secure)
+ \details Returns the content of the non-secure Control Register when in secure mode.
+ \return non-secure Control Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __TZ_get_CONTROL_NS(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, control_ns" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Set Control Register
+ \details Writes the given value to the Control Register.
+ \param [in] control Control Register value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __set_CONTROL(uint32_t control)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR control, %0" : : "r" (control) : "memory");
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Set Control Register (non-secure)
+ \details Writes the given value to the non-secure Control Register when in secure state.
+ \param [in] control Control Register value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __TZ_set_CONTROL_NS(uint32_t control)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR control_ns, %0" : : "r" (control) : "memory");
+ \brief Get IPSR Register
+ \details Returns the content of the IPSR Register.
+ \return IPSR Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_IPSR(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, ipsr" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Get APSR Register
+ \details Returns the content of the APSR Register.
+ \return APSR Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_APSR(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, apsr" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Get xPSR Register
+ \details Returns the content of the xPSR Register.
+ \return xPSR Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_xPSR(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, xpsr" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Get Process Stack Pointer
+ \details Returns the current value of the Process Stack Pointer (PSP).
+ \return PSP Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_PSP(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, psp" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Get Process Stack Pointer (non-secure)
+ \details Returns the current value of the non-secure Process Stack Pointer (PSP) when in secure state.
+ \return PSP Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __TZ_get_PSP_NS(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, psp_ns" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Set Process Stack Pointer
+ \details Assigns the given value to the Process Stack Pointer (PSP).
+ \param [in] topOfProcStack Process Stack Pointer value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR psp, %0" : : "r" (topOfProcStack) : );
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Set Process Stack Pointer (non-secure)
+ \details Assigns the given value to the non-secure Process Stack Pointer (PSP) when in secure state.
+ \param [in] topOfProcStack Process Stack Pointer value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __TZ_set_PSP_NS(uint32_t topOfProcStack)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR psp_ns, %0" : : "r" (topOfProcStack) : );
+ \brief Get Main Stack Pointer
+ \details Returns the current value of the Main Stack Pointer (MSP).
+ \return MSP Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_MSP(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, msp" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Get Main Stack Pointer (non-secure)
+ \details Returns the current value of the non-secure Main Stack Pointer (MSP) when in secure state.
+ \return MSP Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __TZ_get_MSP_NS(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, msp_ns" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Set Main Stack Pointer
+ \details Assigns the given value to the Main Stack Pointer (MSP).
+ \param [in] topOfMainStack Main Stack Pointer value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __set_MSP(uint32_t topOfMainStack)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR msp, %0" : : "r" (topOfMainStack) : );
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Set Main Stack Pointer (non-secure)
+ \details Assigns the given value to the non-secure Main Stack Pointer (MSP) when in secure state.
+ \param [in] topOfMainStack Main Stack Pointer value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __TZ_set_MSP_NS(uint32_t topOfMainStack)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR msp_ns, %0" : : "r" (topOfMainStack) : );
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Get Stack Pointer (non-secure)
+ \details Returns the current value of the non-secure Stack Pointer (SP) when in secure state.
+ \return SP Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __TZ_get_SP_NS(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, sp_ns" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Set Stack Pointer (non-secure)
+ \details Assigns the given value to the non-secure Stack Pointer (SP) when in secure state.
+ \param [in] topOfStack Stack Pointer value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __TZ_set_SP_NS(uint32_t topOfStack)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR sp_ns, %0" : : "r" (topOfStack) : );
+ \brief Get Priority Mask
+ \details Returns the current state of the priority mask bit from the Priority Mask Register.
+ \return Priority Mask value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_PRIMASK(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, primask" : "=r" (result) :: "memory");
+ return(result);
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Get Priority Mask (non-secure)
+ \details Returns the current state of the non-secure priority mask bit from the Priority Mask Register when in secure state.
+ \return Priority Mask value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __TZ_get_PRIMASK_NS(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, primask_ns" : "=r" (result) :: "memory");
+ return(result);
+ \brief Set Priority Mask
+ \details Assigns the given value to the Priority Mask Register.
+ \param [in] priMask Priority Mask
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __set_PRIMASK(uint32_t priMask)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR primask, %0" : : "r" (priMask) : "memory");
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Set Priority Mask (non-secure)
+ \details Assigns the given value to the non-secure Priority Mask Register when in secure state.
+ \param [in] priMask Priority Mask
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __TZ_set_PRIMASK_NS(uint32_t priMask)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR primask_ns, %0" : : "r" (priMask) : "memory");
+#if ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) )
+ \brief Enable FIQ
+ \details Enables FIQ interrupts by clearing the F-bit in the CPSR.
+ Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __enable_fault_irq(void)
+ __ASM volatile ("cpsie f" : : : "memory");
+ \brief Disable FIQ
+ \details Disables FIQ interrupts by setting the F-bit in the CPSR.
+ Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __disable_fault_irq(void)
+ __ASM volatile ("cpsid f" : : : "memory");
+ \brief Get Base Priority
+ \details Returns the current value of the Base Priority register.
+ \return Base Priority register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_BASEPRI(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, basepri" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Get Base Priority (non-secure)
+ \details Returns the current value of the non-secure Base Priority register when in secure state.
+ \return Base Priority register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __TZ_get_BASEPRI_NS(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, basepri_ns" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Set Base Priority
+ \details Assigns the given value to the Base Priority register.
+ \param [in] basePri Base Priority value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __set_BASEPRI(uint32_t basePri)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR basepri, %0" : : "r" (basePri) : "memory");
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Set Base Priority (non-secure)
+ \details Assigns the given value to the non-secure Base Priority register when in secure state.
+ \param [in] basePri Base Priority value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __TZ_set_BASEPRI_NS(uint32_t basePri)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR basepri_ns, %0" : : "r" (basePri) : "memory");
+ \brief Set Base Priority with condition
+ \details Assigns the given value to the Base Priority register only if BASEPRI masking is disabled,
+ or the new value increases the BASEPRI priority level.
+ \param [in] basePri Base Priority value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __set_BASEPRI_MAX(uint32_t basePri)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR basepri_max, %0" : : "r" (basePri) : "memory");
+ \brief Get Fault Mask
+ \details Returns the current value of the Fault Mask register.
+ \return Fault Mask register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_FAULTMASK(void)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, faultmask" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Get Fault Mask (non-secure)
+ \details Returns the current value of the non-secure Fault Mask register when in secure state.
+ \return Fault Mask register value
+ */
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, faultmask_ns" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Set Fault Mask
+ \details Assigns the given value to the Fault Mask register.
+ \param [in] faultMask Fault Mask value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __set_FAULTMASK(uint32_t faultMask)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR faultmask, %0" : : "r" (faultMask) : "memory");
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Set Fault Mask (non-secure)
+ \details Assigns the given value to the non-secure Fault Mask register when in secure state.
+ \param [in] faultMask Fault Mask value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __TZ_set_FAULTMASK_NS(uint32_t faultMask)
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR faultmask_ns, %0" : : "r" (faultMask) : "memory");
+#endif /* ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) ) */
+#if ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ == 1)) )
+ \brief Get Process Stack Pointer Limit
+ Devices without ARMv8-M Main Extensions (i.e. Cortex-M23) lack the non-secure
+ Stack Pointer Limit register hence zero is returned always in non-secure
+ mode.
+ \details Returns the current value of the Process Stack Pointer Limit (PSPLIM).
+ \return PSPLIM Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_PSPLIM(void)
+#if (!(defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) && \
+ (!defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) || (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE < 3)))
+ // without main extensions, the non-secure PSPLIM is RAZ/WI
+ return 0U;
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, psplim" : "=r" (result) );
+ return result;
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Get Process Stack Pointer Limit (non-secure)
+ Devices without ARMv8-M Main Extensions (i.e. Cortex-M23) lack the non-secure
+ Stack Pointer Limit register hence zero is returned always.
+ \details Returns the current value of the non-secure Process Stack Pointer Limit (PSPLIM) when in secure state.
+ \return PSPLIM Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __TZ_get_PSPLIM_NS(void)
+#if (!(defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)))
+ // without main extensions, the non-secure PSPLIM is RAZ/WI
+ return 0U;
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, psplim_ns" : "=r" (result) );
+ return result;
+ \brief Set Process Stack Pointer Limit
+ Devices without ARMv8-M Main Extensions (i.e. Cortex-M23) lack the non-secure
+ Stack Pointer Limit register hence the write is silently ignored in non-secure
+ mode.
+ \details Assigns the given value to the Process Stack Pointer Limit (PSPLIM).
+ \param [in] ProcStackPtrLimit Process Stack Pointer Limit value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __set_PSPLIM(uint32_t ProcStackPtrLimit)
+#if (!(defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) && \
+ (!defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) || (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE < 3)))
+ // without main extensions, the non-secure PSPLIM is RAZ/WI
+ (void)ProcStackPtrLimit;
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR psplim, %0" : : "r" (ProcStackPtrLimit));
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Set Process Stack Pointer (non-secure)
+ Devices without ARMv8-M Main Extensions (i.e. Cortex-M23) lack the non-secure
+ Stack Pointer Limit register hence the write is silently ignored.
+ \details Assigns the given value to the non-secure Process Stack Pointer Limit (PSPLIM) when in secure state.
+ \param [in] ProcStackPtrLimit Process Stack Pointer Limit value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __TZ_set_PSPLIM_NS(uint32_t ProcStackPtrLimit)
+#if (!(defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)))
+ // without main extensions, the non-secure PSPLIM is RAZ/WI
+ (void)ProcStackPtrLimit;
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR psplim_ns, %0\n" : : "r" (ProcStackPtrLimit));
+ \brief Get Main Stack Pointer Limit
+ Devices without ARMv8-M Main Extensions (i.e. Cortex-M23) lack the non-secure
+ Stack Pointer Limit register hence zero is returned always in non-secure
+ mode.
+ \details Returns the current value of the Main Stack Pointer Limit (MSPLIM).
+ \return MSPLIM Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_MSPLIM(void)
+#if (!(defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) && \
+ (!defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) || (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE < 3)))
+ // without main extensions, the non-secure MSPLIM is RAZ/WI
+ return 0U;
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, msplim" : "=r" (result) );
+ return result;
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Get Main Stack Pointer Limit (non-secure)
+ Devices without ARMv8-M Main Extensions (i.e. Cortex-M23) lack the non-secure
+ Stack Pointer Limit register hence zero is returned always.
+ \details Returns the current value of the non-secure Main Stack Pointer Limit(MSPLIM) when in secure state.
+ \return MSPLIM Register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __TZ_get_MSPLIM_NS(void)
+#if (!(defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)))
+ // without main extensions, the non-secure MSPLIM is RAZ/WI
+ return 0U;
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, msplim_ns" : "=r" (result) );
+ return result;
+ \brief Set Main Stack Pointer Limit
+ Devices without ARMv8-M Main Extensions (i.e. Cortex-M23) lack the non-secure
+ Stack Pointer Limit register hence the write is silently ignored in non-secure
+ mode.
+ \details Assigns the given value to the Main Stack Pointer Limit (MSPLIM).
+ \param [in] MainStackPtrLimit Main Stack Pointer Limit value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __set_MSPLIM(uint32_t MainStackPtrLimit)
+#if (!(defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) && \
+ (!defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) || (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE < 3)))
+ // without main extensions, the non-secure MSPLIM is RAZ/WI
+ (void)MainStackPtrLimit;
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR msplim, %0" : : "r" (MainStackPtrLimit));
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE ) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3))
+ \brief Set Main Stack Pointer Limit (non-secure)
+ Devices without ARMv8-M Main Extensions (i.e. Cortex-M23) lack the non-secure
+ Stack Pointer Limit register hence the write is silently ignored.
+ \details Assigns the given value to the non-secure Main Stack Pointer Limit (MSPLIM) when in secure state.
+ \param [in] MainStackPtrLimit Main Stack Pointer value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __TZ_set_MSPLIM_NS(uint32_t MainStackPtrLimit)
+#if (!(defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)))
+ // without main extensions, the non-secure MSPLIM is RAZ/WI
+ (void)MainStackPtrLimit;
+ __ASM volatile ("MSR msplim_ns, %0" : : "r" (MainStackPtrLimit));
+#endif /* ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ == 1)) ) */
+ \brief Get FPSCR
+ \details Returns the current value of the Floating Point Status/Control register.
+ \return Floating Point Status/Control register value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __get_FPSCR(void)
+#if ((defined (__FPU_PRESENT) && (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)) && \
+ (defined (__FPU_USED ) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)) )
+#if __has_builtin(__builtin_arm_get_fpscr)
+// Re-enable using built-in when GCC has been fixed
+// || (__GNUC__ > 7) || (__GNUC__ == 7 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2)
+ /* see https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2017-04/msg00443.html */
+ return __builtin_arm_get_fpscr();
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("VMRS %0, fpscr" : "=r" (result) );
+ return(result);
+ return(0U);
+ \brief Set FPSCR
+ \details Assigns the given value to the Floating Point Status/Control register.
+ \param [in] fpscr Floating Point Status/Control value to set
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __set_FPSCR(uint32_t fpscr)
+#if ((defined (__FPU_PRESENT) && (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)) && \
+ (defined (__FPU_USED ) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)) )
+#if __has_builtin(__builtin_arm_set_fpscr)
+// Re-enable using built-in when GCC has been fixed
+// || (__GNUC__ > 7) || (__GNUC__ == 7 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2)
+ /* see https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2017-04/msg00443.html */
+ __builtin_arm_set_fpscr(fpscr);
+ __ASM volatile ("VMSR fpscr, %0" : : "r" (fpscr) : "vfpcc", "memory");
+ (void)fpscr;
+/*@} end of CMSIS_Core_RegAccFunctions */
+/* ########################## Core Instruction Access ######################### */
+/** \defgroup CMSIS_Core_InstructionInterface CMSIS Core Instruction Interface
+ Access to dedicated instructions
+ @{
+/* Define macros for porting to both thumb1 and thumb2.
+ * For thumb1, use low register (r0-r7), specified by constraint "l"
+ * Otherwise, use general registers, specified by constraint "r" */
+#if defined (__thumb__) && !defined (__thumb2__)
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG(r) "=l" (r)
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_RW_REG(r) "+l" (r)
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG(r) "l" (r)
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG(r) "=r" (r)
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_RW_REG(r) "+r" (r)
+#define __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG(r) "r" (r)
+ \brief No Operation
+ \details No Operation does nothing. This instruction can be used for code alignment purposes.
+ */
+#define __NOP() __ASM volatile ("nop")
+ \brief Wait For Interrupt
+ \details Wait For Interrupt is a hint instruction that suspends execution until one of a number of events occurs.
+ */
+#define __WFI() __ASM volatile ("wfi")
+ \brief Wait For Event
+ \details Wait For Event is a hint instruction that permits the processor to enter
+ a low-power state until one of a number of events occurs.
+ */
+#define __WFE() __ASM volatile ("wfe")
+ \brief Send Event
+ \details Send Event is a hint instruction. It causes an event to be signaled to the CPU.
+ */
+#define __SEV() __ASM volatile ("sev")
+ \brief Instruction Synchronization Barrier
+ \details Instruction Synchronization Barrier flushes the pipeline in the processor,
+ so that all instructions following the ISB are fetched from cache or memory,
+ after the instruction has been completed.
+ */
+ __ASM volatile ("isb 0xF":::"memory");
+ \brief Data Synchronization Barrier
+ \details Acts as a special kind of Data Memory Barrier.
+ It completes when all explicit memory accesses before this instruction complete.
+ */
+ __ASM volatile ("dsb 0xF":::"memory");
+ \brief Data Memory Barrier
+ \details Ensures the apparent order of the explicit memory operations before
+ and after the instruction, without ensuring their completion.
+ */
+ __ASM volatile ("dmb 0xF":::"memory");
+ \brief Reverse byte order (32 bit)
+ \details Reverses the byte order in unsigned integer value. For example, 0x12345678 becomes 0x78563412.
+ \param [in] value Value to reverse
+ \return Reversed value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __REV(uint32_t value)
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)
+ return __builtin_bswap32(value);
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("rev %0, %1" : __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG (result) : __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG (value) );
+ return result;
+ \brief Reverse byte order (16 bit)
+ \details Reverses the byte order within each halfword of a word. For example, 0x12345678 becomes 0x34127856.
+ \param [in] value Value to reverse
+ \return Reversed value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __REV16(uint32_t value)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("rev16 %0, %1" : __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG (result) : __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG (value) );
+ return result;
+ \brief Reverse byte order (16 bit)
+ \details Reverses the byte order in a 16-bit value and returns the signed 16-bit result. For example, 0x0080 becomes 0x8000.
+ \param [in] value Value to reverse
+ \return Reversed value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE int16_t __REVSH(int16_t value)
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+ return (int16_t)__builtin_bswap16(value);
+ int16_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("revsh %0, %1" : __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG (result) : __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG (value) );
+ return result;
+ \brief Rotate Right in unsigned value (32 bit)
+ \details Rotate Right (immediate) provides the value of the contents of a register rotated by a variable number of bits.
+ \param [in] op1 Value to rotate
+ \param [in] op2 Number of Bits to rotate
+ \return Rotated value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __ROR(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ op2 %= 32U;
+ if (op2 == 0U)
+ {
+ return op1;
+ }
+ return (op1 >> op2) | (op1 << (32U - op2));
+ \brief Breakpoint
+ \details Causes the processor to enter Debug state.
+ Debug tools can use this to investigate system state when the instruction at a particular address is reached.
+ \param [in] value is ignored by the processor.
+ If required, a debugger can use it to store additional information about the breakpoint.
+ */
+#define __BKPT(value) __ASM volatile ("bkpt "#value)
+ \brief Reverse bit order of value
+ \details Reverses the bit order of the given value.
+ \param [in] value Value to reverse
+ \return Reversed value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __RBIT(uint32_t value)
+ uint32_t result;
+#if ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) )
+ __ASM volatile ("rbit %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );
+ uint32_t s = (4U /*sizeof(v)*/ * 8U) - 1U; /* extra shift needed at end */
+ result = value; /* r will be reversed bits of v; first get LSB of v */
+ for (value >>= 1U; value != 0U; value >>= 1U)
+ {
+ result <<= 1U;
+ result |= value & 1U;
+ s--;
+ }
+ result <<= s; /* shift when v's highest bits are zero */
+ return result;
+ \brief Count leading zeros
+ \details Counts the number of leading zeros of a data value.
+ \param [in] value Value to count the leading zeros
+ \return number of leading zeros in value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint8_t __CLZ(uint32_t value)
+ /* Even though __builtin_clz produces a CLZ instruction on ARM, formally
+ __builtin_clz(0) is undefined behaviour, so handle this case specially.
+ This guarantees ARM-compatible results if happening to compile on a non-ARM
+ target, and ensures the compiler doesn't decide to activate any
+ optimisations using the logic "value was passed to __builtin_clz, so it
+ is non-zero".
+ ARM GCC 7.3 and possibly earlier will optimise this test away, leaving a
+ single CLZ instruction.
+ */
+ if (value == 0U)
+ {
+ return 32U;
+ }
+ return __builtin_clz(value);
+#if ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ == 1)) )
+ \brief LDR Exclusive (8 bit)
+ \details Executes a exclusive LDR instruction for 8 bit value.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint8_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint8_t __LDREXB(volatile uint8_t *addr)
+ uint32_t result;
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+ __ASM volatile ("ldrexb %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*addr) );
+ /* Prior to GCC 4.8, "Q" will be expanded to [rx, #0] which is not
+ accepted by assembler. So has to use following less efficient pattern.
+ */
+ __ASM volatile ("ldrexb %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) : "memory" );
+ return ((uint8_t) result); /* Add explicit type cast here */
+ \brief LDR Exclusive (16 bit)
+ \details Executes a exclusive LDR instruction for 16 bit values.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint16_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint16_t __LDREXH(volatile uint16_t *addr)
+ uint32_t result;
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+ __ASM volatile ("ldrexh %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*addr) );
+ /* Prior to GCC 4.8, "Q" will be expanded to [rx, #0] which is not
+ accepted by assembler. So has to use following less efficient pattern.
+ */
+ __ASM volatile ("ldrexh %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) : "memory" );
+ return ((uint16_t) result); /* Add explicit type cast here */
+ \brief LDR Exclusive (32 bit)
+ \details Executes a exclusive LDR instruction for 32 bit values.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint32_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __LDREXW(volatile uint32_t *addr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("ldrex %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*addr) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief STR Exclusive (8 bit)
+ \details Executes a exclusive STR instruction for 8 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ \return 0 Function succeeded
+ \return 1 Function failed
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __STREXB(uint8_t value, volatile uint8_t *addr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("strexb %0, %2, %1" : "=&r" (result), "=Q" (*addr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief STR Exclusive (16 bit)
+ \details Executes a exclusive STR instruction for 16 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ \return 0 Function succeeded
+ \return 1 Function failed
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __STREXH(uint16_t value, volatile uint16_t *addr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("strexh %0, %2, %1" : "=&r" (result), "=Q" (*addr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief STR Exclusive (32 bit)
+ \details Executes a exclusive STR instruction for 32 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ \return 0 Function succeeded
+ \return 1 Function failed
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __STREXW(uint32_t value, volatile uint32_t *addr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("strex %0, %2, %1" : "=&r" (result), "=Q" (*addr) : "r" (value) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Remove the exclusive lock
+ \details Removes the exclusive lock which is created by LDREX.
+ */
+ __ASM volatile ("clrex" ::: "memory");
+#endif /* ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ == 1)) ) */
+#if ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) )
+ \brief Signed Saturate
+ \details Saturates a signed value.
+ \param [in] ARG1 Value to be saturated
+ \param [in] ARG2 Bit position to saturate to (1..32)
+ \return Saturated value
+ */
+#define __SSAT(ARG1,ARG2) \
+__extension__ \
+({ \
+ int32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1); \
+ __ASM ("ssat %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) : "I" (ARG2), "r" (__ARG1) ); \
+ __RES; \
+ })
+ \brief Unsigned Saturate
+ \details Saturates an unsigned value.
+ \param [in] ARG1 Value to be saturated
+ \param [in] ARG2 Bit position to saturate to (0..31)
+ \return Saturated value
+ */
+#define __USAT(ARG1,ARG2) \
+ __extension__ \
+({ \
+ uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1); \
+ __ASM ("usat %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) : "I" (ARG2), "r" (__ARG1) ); \
+ __RES; \
+ })
+ \brief Rotate Right with Extend (32 bit)
+ \details Moves each bit of a bitstring right by one bit.
+ The carry input is shifted in at the left end of the bitstring.
+ \param [in] value Value to rotate
+ \return Rotated value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __RRX(uint32_t value)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("rrx %0, %1" : __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG (result) : __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG (value) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief LDRT Unprivileged (8 bit)
+ \details Executes a Unprivileged LDRT instruction for 8 bit value.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint8_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint8_t __LDRBT(volatile uint8_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+ __ASM volatile ("ldrbt %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*ptr) );
+ /* Prior to GCC 4.8, "Q" will be expanded to [rx, #0] which is not
+ accepted by assembler. So has to use following less efficient pattern.
+ */
+ __ASM volatile ("ldrbt %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (ptr) : "memory" );
+ return ((uint8_t) result); /* Add explicit type cast here */
+ \brief LDRT Unprivileged (16 bit)
+ \details Executes a Unprivileged LDRT instruction for 16 bit values.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint16_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint16_t __LDRHT(volatile uint16_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+ __ASM volatile ("ldrht %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*ptr) );
+ /* Prior to GCC 4.8, "Q" will be expanded to [rx, #0] which is not
+ accepted by assembler. So has to use following less efficient pattern.
+ */
+ __ASM volatile ("ldrht %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (ptr) : "memory" );
+ return ((uint16_t) result); /* Add explicit type cast here */
+ \brief LDRT Unprivileged (32 bit)
+ \details Executes a Unprivileged LDRT instruction for 32 bit values.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint32_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __LDRT(volatile uint32_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("ldrt %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*ptr) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief STRT Unprivileged (8 bit)
+ \details Executes a Unprivileged STRT instruction for 8 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __STRBT(uint8_t value, volatile uint8_t *ptr)
+ __ASM volatile ("strbt %1, %0" : "=Q" (*ptr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+ \brief STRT Unprivileged (16 bit)
+ \details Executes a Unprivileged STRT instruction for 16 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __STRHT(uint16_t value, volatile uint16_t *ptr)
+ __ASM volatile ("strht %1, %0" : "=Q" (*ptr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+ \brief STRT Unprivileged (32 bit)
+ \details Executes a Unprivileged STRT instruction for 32 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __STRT(uint32_t value, volatile uint32_t *ptr)
+ __ASM volatile ("strt %1, %0" : "=Q" (*ptr) : "r" (value) );
+#else /* ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) ) */
+ \brief Signed Saturate
+ \details Saturates a signed value.
+ \param [in] value Value to be saturated
+ \param [in] sat Bit position to saturate to (1..32)
+ \return Saturated value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE int32_t __SSAT(int32_t val, uint32_t sat)
+ if ((sat >= 1U) && (sat <= 32U))
+ {
+ const int32_t max = (int32_t)((1U << (sat - 1U)) - 1U);
+ const int32_t min = -1 - max ;
+ if (val > max)
+ {
+ return max;
+ }
+ else if (val < min)
+ {
+ return min;
+ }
+ }
+ return val;
+ \brief Unsigned Saturate
+ \details Saturates an unsigned value.
+ \param [in] value Value to be saturated
+ \param [in] sat Bit position to saturate to (0..31)
+ \return Saturated value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __USAT(int32_t val, uint32_t sat)
+ if (sat <= 31U)
+ {
+ const uint32_t max = ((1U << sat) - 1U);
+ if (val > (int32_t)max)
+ {
+ return max;
+ }
+ else if (val < 0)
+ {
+ return 0U;
+ }
+ }
+ return (uint32_t)val;
+#endif /* ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) ) */
+#if ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ == 1)) )
+ \brief Load-Acquire (8 bit)
+ \details Executes a LDAB instruction for 8 bit value.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint8_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint8_t __LDAB(volatile uint8_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("ldab %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*ptr) );
+ return ((uint8_t) result);
+ \brief Load-Acquire (16 bit)
+ \details Executes a LDAH instruction for 16 bit values.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint16_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint16_t __LDAH(volatile uint16_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("ldah %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*ptr) );
+ return ((uint16_t) result);
+ \brief Load-Acquire (32 bit)
+ \details Executes a LDA instruction for 32 bit values.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint32_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __LDA(volatile uint32_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("lda %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*ptr) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Store-Release (8 bit)
+ \details Executes a STLB instruction for 8 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __STLB(uint8_t value, volatile uint8_t *ptr)
+ __ASM volatile ("stlb %1, %0" : "=Q" (*ptr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+ \brief Store-Release (16 bit)
+ \details Executes a STLH instruction for 16 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __STLH(uint16_t value, volatile uint16_t *ptr)
+ __ASM volatile ("stlh %1, %0" : "=Q" (*ptr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+ \brief Store-Release (32 bit)
+ \details Executes a STL instruction for 32 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __STL(uint32_t value, volatile uint32_t *ptr)
+ __ASM volatile ("stl %1, %0" : "=Q" (*ptr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+ \brief Load-Acquire Exclusive (8 bit)
+ \details Executes a LDAB exclusive instruction for 8 bit value.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint8_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint8_t __LDAEXB(volatile uint8_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("ldaexb %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*ptr) );
+ return ((uint8_t) result);
+ \brief Load-Acquire Exclusive (16 bit)
+ \details Executes a LDAH exclusive instruction for 16 bit values.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint16_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint16_t __LDAEXH(volatile uint16_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("ldaexh %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*ptr) );
+ return ((uint16_t) result);
+ \brief Load-Acquire Exclusive (32 bit)
+ \details Executes a LDA exclusive instruction for 32 bit values.
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to data
+ \return value of type uint32_t at (*ptr)
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __LDAEX(volatile uint32_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("ldaex %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "Q" (*ptr) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Store-Release Exclusive (8 bit)
+ \details Executes a STLB exclusive instruction for 8 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ \return 0 Function succeeded
+ \return 1 Function failed
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __STLEXB(uint8_t value, volatile uint8_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("stlexb %0, %2, %1" : "=&r" (result), "=Q" (*ptr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Store-Release Exclusive (16 bit)
+ \details Executes a STLH exclusive instruction for 16 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ \return 0 Function succeeded
+ \return 1 Function failed
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __STLEXH(uint16_t value, volatile uint16_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("stlexh %0, %2, %1" : "=&r" (result), "=Q" (*ptr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+ return(result);
+ \brief Store-Release Exclusive (32 bit)
+ \details Executes a STL exclusive instruction for 32 bit values.
+ \param [in] value Value to store
+ \param [in] ptr Pointer to location
+ \return 0 Function succeeded
+ \return 1 Function failed
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __STLEX(uint32_t value, volatile uint32_t *ptr)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("stlex %0, %2, %1" : "=&r" (result), "=Q" (*ptr) : "r" ((uint32_t)value) );
+ return(result);
+#endif /* ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1)) || \
+ (defined (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ == 1)) ) */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group CMSIS_Core_InstructionInterface */
+/* ################### Compiler specific Intrinsics ########################### */
+/** \defgroup CMSIS_SIMD_intrinsics CMSIS SIMD Intrinsics
+ Access to dedicated SIMD instructions
+ @{
+#if (defined (__ARM_FEATURE_DSP) && (__ARM_FEATURE_DSP == 1))
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("sadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __QADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("qadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SHADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("shadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UQADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uqadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UHADD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uhadd8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SSUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("ssub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __QSUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("qsub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SHSUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("shsub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __USUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("usub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UQSUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uqsub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UHSUB8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uhsub8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("sadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __QADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("qadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SHADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("shadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UQADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uqadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UHADD16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uhadd16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SSUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("ssub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __QSUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("qsub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SHSUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("shsub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __USUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("usub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UQSUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uqsub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UHSUB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uhsub16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("sasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __QASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("qasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SHASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("shasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UQASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uqasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UHASX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uhasx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SSAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("ssax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __QSAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("qsax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SHSAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("shsax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __USAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("usax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UQSAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uqsax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UHSAX(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uhsax %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __USAD8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("usad8 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __USADA8(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint32_t op3)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("usada8 %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+ return(result);
+#define __SSAT16(ARG1,ARG2) \
+({ \
+ int32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1); \
+ __ASM ("ssat16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) : "I" (ARG2), "r" (__ARG1) ); \
+ __RES; \
+ })
+#define __USAT16(ARG1,ARG2) \
+({ \
+ uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1); \
+ __ASM ("usat16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) : "I" (ARG2), "r" (__ARG1) ); \
+ __RES; \
+ })
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UXTB16(uint32_t op1)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uxtb16 %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1));
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __UXTAB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("uxtab16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SXTB16(uint32_t op1)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("sxtb16 %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1));
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SXTAB16(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("sxtab16 %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SMUAD (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("smuad %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SMUADX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("smuadx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SMLAD (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint32_t op3)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("smlad %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SMLADX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint32_t op3)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("smladx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint64_t __SMLALD (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint64_t acc)
+ union llreg_u{
+ uint32_t w32[2];
+ uint64_t w64;
+ } llr;
+ llr.w64 = acc;
+#ifndef __ARMEB__ /* Little endian */
+ __ASM volatile ("smlald %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[0]), "=r" (llr.w32[1]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[0]), "1" (llr.w32[1]) );
+#else /* Big endian */
+ __ASM volatile ("smlald %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[1]), "=r" (llr.w32[0]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[1]), "1" (llr.w32[0]) );
+ return(llr.w64);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint64_t __SMLALDX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint64_t acc)
+ union llreg_u{
+ uint32_t w32[2];
+ uint64_t w64;
+ } llr;
+ llr.w64 = acc;
+#ifndef __ARMEB__ /* Little endian */
+ __ASM volatile ("smlaldx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[0]), "=r" (llr.w32[1]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[0]), "1" (llr.w32[1]) );
+#else /* Big endian */
+ __ASM volatile ("smlaldx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[1]), "=r" (llr.w32[0]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[1]), "1" (llr.w32[0]) );
+ return(llr.w64);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SMUSD (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("smusd %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SMUSDX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("smusdx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SMLSD (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint32_t op3)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("smlsd %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SMLSDX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint32_t op3)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("smlsdx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint64_t __SMLSLD (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint64_t acc)
+ union llreg_u{
+ uint32_t w32[2];
+ uint64_t w64;
+ } llr;
+ llr.w64 = acc;
+#ifndef __ARMEB__ /* Little endian */
+ __ASM volatile ("smlsld %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[0]), "=r" (llr.w32[1]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[0]), "1" (llr.w32[1]) );
+#else /* Big endian */
+ __ASM volatile ("smlsld %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[1]), "=r" (llr.w32[0]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[1]), "1" (llr.w32[0]) );
+ return(llr.w64);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint64_t __SMLSLDX (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2, uint64_t acc)
+ union llreg_u{
+ uint32_t w32[2];
+ uint64_t w64;
+ } llr;
+ llr.w64 = acc;
+#ifndef __ARMEB__ /* Little endian */
+ __ASM volatile ("smlsldx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[0]), "=r" (llr.w32[1]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[0]), "1" (llr.w32[1]) );
+#else /* Big endian */
+ __ASM volatile ("smlsldx %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (llr.w32[1]), "=r" (llr.w32[0]): "r" (op1), "r" (op2) , "0" (llr.w32[1]), "1" (llr.w32[0]) );
+ return(llr.w64);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __SEL (uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ uint32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("sel %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE int32_t __QADD( int32_t op1, int32_t op2)
+ int32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("qadd %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE int32_t __QSUB( int32_t op1, int32_t op2)
+ int32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("qsub %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "r" (op1), "r" (op2) );
+ return(result);
+#if 0
+#define __PKHBT(ARG1,ARG2,ARG3) \
+({ \
+ uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1), __ARG2 = (ARG2); \
+ __ASM ("pkhbt %0, %1, %2, lsl %3" : "=r" (__RES) : "r" (__ARG1), "r" (__ARG2), "I" (ARG3) ); \
+ __RES; \
+ })
+#define __PKHTB(ARG1,ARG2,ARG3) \
+({ \
+ uint32_t __RES, __ARG1 = (ARG1), __ARG2 = (ARG2); \
+ if (ARG3 == 0) \
+ __ASM ("pkhtb %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__RES) : "r" (__ARG1), "r" (__ARG2) ); \
+ else \
+ __ASM ("pkhtb %0, %1, %2, asr %3" : "=r" (__RES) : "r" (__ARG1), "r" (__ARG2), "I" (ARG3) ); \
+ __RES; \
+ })
+#define __PKHBT(ARG1,ARG2,ARG3) ( ((((uint32_t)(ARG1)) ) & 0x0000FFFFUL) | \
+ ((((uint32_t)(ARG2)) << (ARG3)) & 0xFFFF0000UL) )
+#define __PKHTB(ARG1,ARG2,ARG3) ( ((((uint32_t)(ARG1)) ) & 0xFFFF0000UL) | \
+ ((((uint32_t)(ARG2)) >> (ARG3)) & 0x0000FFFFUL) )
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE int32_t __SMMLA (int32_t op1, int32_t op2, int32_t op3)
+ int32_t result;
+ __ASM volatile ("smmla %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=r" (result): "r" (op1), "r" (op2), "r" (op3) );
+ return(result);
+#endif /* (__ARM_FEATURE_DSP == 1) */
+/*@} end of group CMSIS_SIMD_intrinsics */
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+#endif /* __CMSIS_GCC_H */
diff --git a/ARM_math/matrix_functions.h b/ARM_math/matrix_functions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3f79a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ARM_math/matrix_functions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
+ * @file matrix_functions.h
+ * @brief Public header file for CMSIS DSP Library
+ * @version V1.10.0
+ * @date 08 July 2021
+ * Target Processor: Cortex-M and Cortex-A cores
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "arm_math_types.h"
+#include "arm_math_memory.h"
+#include "none.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+ * @defgroup groupMatrix Matrix Functions
+ *
+ * This set of functions provides basic matrix math operations.
+ * The functions operate on matrix data structures. For example,
+ * the type
+ * definition for the floating-point matrix structure is shown
+ * below:
+ *
+ * typedef struct
+ * {
+ * uint16_t numRows; // number of rows of the matrix.
+ * uint16_t numCols; // number of columns of the matrix.
+ * float32_t *pData; // points to the data of the matrix.
+ * } arm_matrix_instance_f32;
+ *
+ * There are similar definitions for Q15 and Q31 data types.
+ *
+ * The structure specifies the size of the matrix and then points to
+ * an array of data. The array is of size numRows X numCols
+ * and the values are arranged in row order. That is, the
+ * matrix element (i, j) is stored at:
+ *
+ * pData[i*numCols + j]
+ *
+ *
+ * \par Init Functions
+ * There is an associated initialization function for each type of matrix
+ * data structure.
+ * The initialization function sets the values of the internal structure fields.
+ * Refer to \ref arm_mat_init_f32(), \ref arm_mat_init_q31() and \ref arm_mat_init_q15()
+ * for floating-point, Q31 and Q15 types, respectively.
+ *
+ * \par
+ * Use of the initialization function is optional. However, if initialization function is used
+ * then the instance structure cannot be placed into a const data section.
+ * To place the instance structure in a const data
+ * section, manually initialize the data structure. For example:
+ *
+ * arm_matrix_instance_f32 S = {nRows, nColumns, pData};
+ * arm_matrix_instance_q31 S = {nRows, nColumns, pData};
+ * arm_matrix_instance_q15 S = {nRows, nColumns, pData};
+ *
+ * where nRows
specifies the number of rows, nColumns
+ * specifies the number of columns, and pData
points to the
+ * data array.
+ *
+ * \par Size Checking
+ * By default all of the matrix functions perform size checking on the input and
+ * output matrices. For example, the matrix addition function verifies that the
+ * two input matrices and the output matrix all have the same number of rows and
+ * columns. If the size check fails the functions return:
+ *
+ *
+ * Otherwise the functions return
+ *
+ *
+ * There is some overhead associated with this matrix size checking.
+ * The matrix size checking is enabled via the \#define
+ *
+ *
+ * within the library project settings. By default this macro is defined
+ * and size checking is enabled. By changing the project settings and
+ * undefining this macro size checking is eliminated and the functions
+ * run a bit faster. With size checking disabled the functions always
+ */
+ /**
+ * @brief Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure.
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ uint16_t numRows; /**< number of rows of the matrix. */
+ uint16_t numCols; /**< number of columns of the matrix. */
+ float32_t *pData; /**< points to the data of the matrix. */
+ } arm_matrix_instance_f32;
+ /**
+ * @brief Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure.
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ uint16_t numRows; /**< number of rows of the matrix. */
+ uint16_t numCols; /**< number of columns of the matrix. */
+ float64_t *pData; /**< points to the data of the matrix. */
+ } arm_matrix_instance_f64;
+ /**
+ * @brief Instance structure for the Q7 matrix structure.
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ uint16_t numRows; /**< number of rows of the matrix. */
+ uint16_t numCols; /**< number of columns of the matrix. */
+ q7_t *pData; /**< points to the data of the matrix. */
+ } arm_matrix_instance_q7;
+ /**
+ * @brief Instance structure for the Q15 matrix structure.
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ uint16_t numRows; /**< number of rows of the matrix. */
+ uint16_t numCols; /**< number of columns of the matrix. */
+ q15_t *pData; /**< points to the data of the matrix. */
+ } arm_matrix_instance_q15;
+ /**
+ * @brief Instance structure for the Q31 matrix structure.
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ uint16_t numRows; /**< number of rows of the matrix. */
+ uint16_t numCols; /**< number of columns of the matrix. */
+ q31_t *pData; /**< points to the data of the matrix. */
+ } arm_matrix_instance_q31;
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix addition.
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_add_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q15 matrix addition.
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_add_q15(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31 matrix addition.
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_add_q31(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point, complex, matrix multiplication.
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_cmplx_mult_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q15, complex, matrix multiplication.
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_cmplx_mult_q15(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pDst,
+ q15_t * pScratch);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31, complex, matrix multiplication.
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_cmplx_mult_q31(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix transpose.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to the input matrix
+ * @param[out] pDst points to the output matrix
+ * @return The function returns either ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_trans_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrc,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst);
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix transpose.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to the input matrix
+ * @param[out] pDst points to the output matrix
+ * @return The function returns either ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_trans_f64(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pSrc,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point complex matrix transpose.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to the input matrix
+ * @param[out] pDst points to the output matrix
+ * @return The function returns either ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_cmplx_trans_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrc,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q15 matrix transpose.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to the input matrix
+ * @param[out] pDst points to the output matrix
+ * @return The function returns either ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_trans_q15(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrc,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q15 complex matrix transpose.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to the input matrix
+ * @param[out] pDst points to the output matrix
+ * @return The function returns either ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_cmplx_trans_q15(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrc,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q7 matrix transpose.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to the input matrix
+ * @param[out] pDst points to the output matrix
+ * @return The function returns either ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_trans_q7(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q7 * pSrc,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q7 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31 matrix transpose.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to the input matrix
+ * @param[out] pDst points to the output matrix
+ * @return The function returns either ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_trans_q31(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrc,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31 complex matrix transpose.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to the input matrix
+ * @param[out] pDst points to the output matrix
+ * @return The function returns either ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_cmplx_trans_q31(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrc,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix multiplication
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_mult_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix multiplication
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_mult_f64(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix and vector multiplication
+ * @param[in] pSrcMat points to the input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pVec points to vector
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output vector
+ */
+void arm_mat_vec_mult_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 *pSrcMat,
+ const float32_t *pVec,
+ float32_t *pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q7 matrix multiplication
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pState points to the array for storing intermediate results
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_mult_q7(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q7 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q7 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q7 * pDst,
+ q7_t * pState);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q7 matrix and vector multiplication
+ * @param[in] pSrcMat points to the input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pVec points to vector
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output vector
+ */
+void arm_mat_vec_mult_q7(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q7 *pSrcMat,
+ const q7_t *pVec,
+ q7_t *pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q15 matrix multiplication
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pState points to the array for storing intermediate results
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_mult_q15(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pDst,
+ q15_t * pState);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q15 matrix and vector multiplication
+ * @param[in] pSrcMat points to the input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pVec points to vector
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output vector
+ */
+void arm_mat_vec_mult_q15(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 *pSrcMat,
+ const q15_t *pVec,
+ q15_t *pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q15 matrix multiplication (fast variant) for Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pState points to the array for storing intermediate results
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_mult_fast_q15(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pDst,
+ q15_t * pState);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31 matrix multiplication
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_mult_q31(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31 matrix multiplication
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pState points to the array for storing intermediate results
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_mult_opt_q31(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pDst,
+ q31_t *pState);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31 matrix and vector multiplication
+ * @param[in] pSrcMat points to the input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pVec points to vector
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output vector
+ */
+void arm_mat_vec_mult_q31(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 *pSrcMat,
+ const q31_t *pVec,
+ q31_t *pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31 matrix multiplication (fast variant) for Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_mult_fast_q31(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix subtraction
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_sub_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix subtraction
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_sub_f64(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q15 matrix subtraction
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_sub_q15(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31 matrix subtraction
+ * @param[in] pSrcA points to the first input matrix structure
+ * @param[in] pSrcB points to the second input matrix structure
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_sub_q31(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcA,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrcB,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix scaling.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to the input matrix
+ * @param[in] scale scale factor
+ * @param[out] pDst points to the output matrix
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_scale_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrc,
+ float32_t scale,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q15 matrix scaling.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to input matrix
+ * @param[in] scaleFract fractional portion of the scale factor
+ * @param[in] shift number of bits to shift the result by
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_scale_q15(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pSrc,
+ q15_t scaleFract,
+ int32_t shift,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q15 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31 matrix scaling.
+ * @param[in] pSrc points to input matrix
+ * @param[in] scaleFract fractional portion of the scale factor
+ * @param[in] shift number of bits to shift the result by
+ * @param[out] pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return The function returns either
based on the outcome of size checking.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_scale_q31(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pSrc,
+ q31_t scaleFract,
+ int32_t shift,
+ arm_matrix_instance_q31 * pDst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q31 matrix initialization.
+ * @param[in,out] S points to an instance of the floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @param[in] nRows number of rows in the matrix.
+ * @param[in] nColumns number of columns in the matrix.
+ * @param[in] pData points to the matrix data array.
+ */
+void arm_mat_init_q31(
+ arm_matrix_instance_q31 * S,
+ uint16_t nRows,
+ uint16_t nColumns,
+ q31_t * pData);
+ /**
+ * @brief Q15 matrix initialization.
+ * @param[in,out] S points to an instance of the floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @param[in] nRows number of rows in the matrix.
+ * @param[in] nColumns number of columns in the matrix.
+ * @param[in] pData points to the matrix data array.
+ */
+void arm_mat_init_q15(
+ arm_matrix_instance_q15 * S,
+ uint16_t nRows,
+ uint16_t nColumns,
+ q15_t * pData);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix initialization.
+ * @param[in,out] S points to an instance of the floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @param[in] nRows number of rows in the matrix.
+ * @param[in] nColumns number of columns in the matrix.
+ * @param[in] pData points to the matrix data array.
+ */
+void arm_mat_init_f32(
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * S,
+ uint16_t nRows,
+ uint16_t nColumns,
+ float32_t * pData);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix inverse.
+ * @param[in] src points to the instance of the input floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @param[out] dst points to the instance of the output floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH, if the dimensions do not match.
+ * If the input matrix is singular (does not have an inverse), then the algorithm terminates and returns error status ARM_MATH_SINGULAR.
+ */
+ arm_status arm_mat_inverse_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * src,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * dst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix inverse.
+ * @param[in] src points to the instance of the input floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @param[out] dst points to the instance of the output floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH, if the dimensions do not match.
+ * If the input matrix is singular (does not have an inverse), then the algorithm terminates and returns error status ARM_MATH_SINGULAR.
+ */
+ arm_status arm_mat_inverse_f64(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * src,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * dst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point Cholesky decomposition of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix.
+ * @param[in] src points to the instance of the input floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @param[out] dst points to the instance of the output floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH, if the dimensions do not match.
+ * If the input matrix does not have a decomposition, then the algorithm terminates and returns error status ARM_MATH_DECOMPOSITION_FAILURE.
+ * If the matrix is ill conditioned or only semi-definite, then it is better using the LDL^t decomposition.
+ * The decomposition is returning a lower triangular matrix.
+ */
+ arm_status arm_mat_cholesky_f64(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * src,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * dst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point Cholesky decomposition of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix.
+ * @param[in] src points to the instance of the input floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @param[out] dst points to the instance of the output floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH, if the dimensions do not match.
+ * If the input matrix does not have a decomposition, then the algorithm terminates and returns error status ARM_MATH_DECOMPOSITION_FAILURE.
+ * If the matrix is ill conditioned or only semi-definite, then it is better using the LDL^t decomposition.
+ * The decomposition is returning a lower triangular matrix.
+ */
+ arm_status arm_mat_cholesky_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * src,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * dst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Solve UT . X = A where UT is an upper triangular matrix
+ * @param[in] ut The upper triangular matrix
+ * @param[in] a The matrix a
+ * @param[out] dst The solution X of UT . X = A
+ * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SINGULAR, if the system can't be solved.
+ */
+ arm_status arm_mat_solve_upper_triangular_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * ut,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * a,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * dst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Solve LT . X = A where LT is a lower triangular matrix
+ * @param[in] lt The lower triangular matrix
+ * @param[in] a The matrix a
+ * @param[out] dst The solution X of LT . X = A
+ * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SINGULAR, if the system can't be solved.
+ */
+ arm_status arm_mat_solve_lower_triangular_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * lt,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * a,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * dst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Solve UT . X = A where UT is an upper triangular matrix
+ * @param[in] ut The upper triangular matrix
+ * @param[in] a The matrix a
+ * @param[out] dst The solution X of UT . X = A
+ * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SINGULAR, if the system can't be solved.
+ */
+ arm_status arm_mat_solve_upper_triangular_f64(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * ut,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * a,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * dst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Solve LT . X = A where LT is a lower triangular matrix
+ * @param[in] lt The lower triangular matrix
+ * @param[in] a The matrix a
+ * @param[out] dst The solution X of LT . X = A
+ * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SINGULAR, if the system can't be solved.
+ */
+ arm_status arm_mat_solve_lower_triangular_f64(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * lt,
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * a,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * dst);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point LDL decomposition of Symmetric Positive Semi-Definite Matrix.
+ * @param[in] src points to the instance of the input floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @param[out] l points to the instance of the output floating-point triangular matrix structure.
+ * @param[out] d points to the instance of the output floating-point diagonal matrix structure.
+ * @param[out] p points to the instance of the output floating-point permutation vector.
+ * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH, if the dimensions do not match.
+ * If the input matrix does not have a decomposition, then the algorithm terminates and returns error status ARM_MATH_DECOMPOSITION_FAILURE.
+ * The decomposition is returning a lower triangular matrix.
+ */
+ arm_status arm_mat_ldlt_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * src,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * l,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * d,
+ uint16_t * pp);
+ /**
+ * @brief Floating-point LDL decomposition of Symmetric Positive Semi-Definite Matrix.
+ * @param[in] src points to the instance of the input floating-point matrix structure.
+ * @param[out] l points to the instance of the output floating-point triangular matrix structure.
+ * @param[out] d points to the instance of the output floating-point diagonal matrix structure.
+ * @param[out] p points to the instance of the output floating-point permutation vector.
+ * @return The function returns ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH, if the dimensions do not match.
+ * If the input matrix does not have a decomposition, then the algorithm terminates and returns error status ARM_MATH_DECOMPOSITION_FAILURE.
+ * The decomposition is returning a lower triangular matrix.
+ */
+ arm_status arm_mat_ldlt_f64(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * src,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * l,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * d,
+ uint16_t * pp);
+ @brief QR decomposition of a m x n floating point matrix with m >= n.
+ @param[in] pSrc points to input matrix structure. The source matrix is modified by the function.
+ @param[in] threshold norm2 threshold.
+ @param[out] pOutR points to output R matrix structure of dimension m x n
+ @param[out] pOutQ points to output Q matrix structure of dimension m x m
+ @param[out] pOutTau points to Householder scaling factors of dimension n
+ @param[inout] pTmpA points to a temporary vector of dimension m.
+ @param[inout] pTmpB points to a temporary vector of dimension n.
+ @return execution status
+ - \ref ARM_MATH_SUCCESS : Operation successful
+ - \ref ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH : Matrix size check failed
+ - \ref ARM_MATH_SINGULAR : Input matrix is found to be singular (non-invertible)
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_qr_f32(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrc,
+ const float32_t threshold,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pOutR,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pOutQ,
+ float32_t * pOutTau,
+ float32_t *pTmpA,
+ float32_t *pTmpB
+ );
+ @brief QR decomposition of a m x n floating point matrix with m >= n.
+ @param[in] pSrc points to input matrix structure. The source matrix is modified by the function.
+ @param[in] threshold norm2 threshold.
+ @param[out] pOutR points to output R matrix structure of dimension m x n
+ @param[out] pOutQ points to output Q matrix structure of dimension m x m
+ @param[out] pOutTau points to Householder scaling factors of dimension n
+ @param[inout] pTmpA points to a temporary vector of dimension m.
+ @param[inout] pTmpB points to a temporary vector of dimension n.
+ @return execution status
+ - \ref ARM_MATH_SUCCESS : Operation successful
+ - \ref ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH : Matrix size check failed
+ - \ref ARM_MATH_SINGULAR : Input matrix is found to be singular (non-invertible)
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_qr_f64(
+ const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pSrc,
+ const float64_t threshold,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pOutR,
+ arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pOutQ,
+ float64_t * pOutTau,
+ float64_t *pTmpA,
+ float64_t *pTmpB
+ );
+ @brief Householder transform of a floating point vector.
+ @param[in] pSrc points to the input vector.
+ @param[in] threshold norm2 threshold.
+ @param[in] blockSize dimension of the vector space.
+ @param[outQ] pOut points to the output vector.
+ @return beta return the scaling factor beta
+ */
+float32_t arm_householder_f32(
+ const float32_t * pSrc,
+ const float32_t threshold,
+ uint32_t blockSize,
+ float32_t * pOut
+ );
+ @brief Householder transform of a double floating point vector.
+ @param[in] pSrc points to the input vector.
+ @param[in] threshold norm2 threshold.
+ @param[in] blockSize dimension of the vector space.
+ @param[outQ] pOut points to the output vector.
+ @return beta return the scaling factor beta
+ */
+float64_t arm_householder_f64(
+ const float64_t * pSrc,
+ const float64_t threshold,
+ uint32_t blockSize,
+ float64_t * pOut
+ );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* ifndef _MATRIX_FUNCTIONS_H_ */
diff --git a/ARM_math/matrix_utils.h b/ARM_math/matrix_utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..552406f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ARM_math/matrix_utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+ * @file matrix_utils.h
+ * @brief Public header file for CMSIS DSP Library
+ * @version V1.11.0
+ * @date 30 May 2022
+ * Target Processor: Cortex-M and Cortex-A cores
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef _MATRIX_UTILS_H_
+#define _MATRIX_UTILS_H_
+#include "arm_math_types.h"
+#include "arm_math_memory.h"
+#include "none.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#define ELEM(A,ROW,COL) &((A)->pData[(A)->numCols* (ROW) + (COL)])
+#define SCALE_COL_T(T,CAST,A,ROW,v,i) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ T *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ const int32_t nb = (A)->numRows - ROW;\
+ \
+ data += i + numCols * (ROW); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ *data *= CAST v; \
+ data += numCols; \
+ } \
+#define COPY_COL_T(T,A,ROW,COL,DST) \
+{ \
+ uint32_t row; \
+ T *pb=DST; \
+ T *pa = (A)->pData + ROW * (A)->numCols + COL;\
+ for(row = ROW; row < (A)->numRows; row ++) \
+ { \
+ *pb++ = *pa; \
+ pa += (A)->numCols; \
+ } \
+#if defined(ARM_FLOAT16_SUPPORTED)
+#if defined(ARM_MATH_MVE_FLOAT16) && !defined(ARM_MATH_AUTOVECTORIZE)
+#define SWAP_ROWS_F16(A,COL,i,j) \
+ { \
+ int cnt = ((A)->numCols)-(COL); \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float16_t *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ \
+ for(w=(COL);w < numCols; w+=8) \
+ { \
+ f16x8_t tmpa,tmpb; \
+ mve_pred16_t p0 = vctp16q(cnt); \
+ \
+ tmpa=vldrhq_z_f16(&data[i*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpb=vldrhq_z_f16(&data[j*numCols + w],p0);\
+ \
+ vstrhq_p(&data[i*numCols + w], tmpb, p0); \
+ vstrhq_p(&data[j*numCols + w], tmpa, p0); \
+ \
+ cnt -= 8; \
+ } \
+ }
+#define SCALE_ROW_F16(A,COL,v,i) \
+{ \
+ int cnt = ((A)->numCols)-(COL); \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float16_t *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ \
+ for(w=(COL);w < numCols; w+=8) \
+ { \
+ f16x8_t tmpa; \
+ mve_pred16_t p0 = vctp16q(cnt); \
+ tmpa = vldrhq_z_f16(&data[i*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpa = vmulq_n_f16(tmpa,(_Float16)v); \
+ vstrhq_p(&data[i*numCols + w], tmpa, p0); \
+ cnt -= 8; \
+ } \
+ \
+#define MAC_ROW_F16(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ int cnt = ((A)->numCols)-(COL); \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float16_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float16_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ \
+ for(w=(COL);w < numCols; w+=8) \
+ { \
+ f16x8_t tmpa,tmpb; \
+ mve_pred16_t p0 = vctp16q(cnt); \
+ tmpa = vldrhq_z_f16(&dataA[i*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpb = vldrhq_z_f16(&dataB[j*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpa = vfmaq_n_f16(tmpa,tmpb,v); \
+ vstrhq_p(&dataA[i*numCols + w], tmpa, p0); \
+ cnt -= 8; \
+ } \
+ \
+#define MAS_ROW_F16(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ int cnt = ((A)->numCols)-(COL); \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float16_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float16_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ f16x8_t vec=vdupq_n_f16(v); \
+ \
+ for(w=(COL);w < numCols; w+=8) \
+ { \
+ f16x8_t tmpa,tmpb; \
+ mve_pred16_t p0 = vctp16q(cnt); \
+ tmpa = vldrhq_z_f16(&dataA[i*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpb = vldrhq_z_f16(&dataB[j*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpa = vfmsq_f16(tmpa,tmpb,vec); \
+ vstrhq_p(&dataA[i*numCols + w], tmpa, p0); \
+ cnt -= 8; \
+ } \
+ \
+#define SWAP_ROWS_F16(A,COL,i,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float16_t *dataI = (A)->pData; \
+ float16_t *dataJ = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols-(COL); \
+ \
+ dataI += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataJ += j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ float16_t tmp; \
+ tmp = *dataI; \
+ *dataI++ = *dataJ; \
+ *dataJ++ = tmp; \
+ } \
+#define SCALE_ROW_F16(A,COL,v,i) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float16_t *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols-(COL); \
+ \
+ data += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ *data++ *= (_Float16)v; \
+ } \
+#define MAC_ROW_F16(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float16_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float16_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ const int32_t nb = numCols-(COL); \
+ \
+ dataA += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataB += j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ *dataA++ += (_Float16)v * (_Float16)*dataB++;\
+ } \
+#define MAS_ROW_F16(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float16_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float16_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ const int32_t nb = numCols-(COL); \
+ \
+ dataA += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataB += j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ *dataA++ -= (_Float16)v * (_Float16)*dataB++;\
+ } \
+#endif /*defined(ARM_MATH_MVE_FLOAT16) && !defined(ARM_MATH_AUTOVECTORIZE)*/
+/* Functions with only a scalar version */
+#define COPY_COL_F16(A,ROW,COL,DST) \
+ COPY_COL_T(float16_t,A,ROW,COL,DST)
+#define SCALE_COL_F16(A,ROW,v,i) \
+ SCALE_COL_T(float16_t,(_Float16),A,ROW,v,i)
+#endif /* defined(ARM_FLOAT16_SUPPORTED)*/
+#if defined(ARM_MATH_MVEF) && !defined(ARM_MATH_AUTOVECTORIZE)
+#define SWAP_ROWS_F32(A,COL,i,j) \
+ { \
+ int cnt = ((A)->numCols)-(COL); \
+ float32_t *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ int32_t w; \
+ \
+ for(w=(COL);w < numCols; w+=4) \
+ { \
+ f32x4_t tmpa,tmpb; \
+ mve_pred16_t p0 = vctp32q(cnt); \
+ \
+ tmpa=vldrwq_z_f32(&data[i*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpb=vldrwq_z_f32(&data[j*numCols + w],p0);\
+ \
+ vstrwq_p(&data[i*numCols + w], tmpb, p0); \
+ vstrwq_p(&data[j*numCols + w], tmpa, p0); \
+ \
+ cnt -= 4; \
+ } \
+ }
+#define MAC_ROW_F32(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ int cnt = ((A)->numCols)-(COL); \
+ float32_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float32_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ int32_t w; \
+ \
+ for(w=(COL);w < numCols; w+=4) \
+ { \
+ f32x4_t tmpa,tmpb; \
+ mve_pred16_t p0 = vctp32q(cnt); \
+ tmpa = vldrwq_z_f32(&dataA[i*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpb = vldrwq_z_f32(&dataB[j*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpa = vfmaq_n_f32(tmpa,tmpb,v); \
+ vstrwq_p(&dataA[i*numCols + w], tmpa, p0); \
+ cnt -= 4; \
+ } \
+ \
+#define MAS_ROW_F32(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ int cnt = ((A)->numCols)-(COL); \
+ float32_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float32_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ int32_t w; \
+ f32x4_t vec=vdupq_n_f32(v); \
+ \
+ for(w=(COL);w < numCols; w+=4) \
+ { \
+ f32x4_t tmpa,tmpb; \
+ mve_pred16_t p0 = vctp32q(cnt); \
+ tmpa = vldrwq_z_f32(&dataA[i*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpb = vldrwq_z_f32(&dataB[j*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpa = vfmsq_f32(tmpa,tmpb,vec); \
+ vstrwq_p(&dataA[i*numCols + w], tmpa, p0); \
+ cnt -= 4; \
+ } \
+ \
+#define SCALE_ROW_F32(A,COL,v,i) \
+{ \
+ int cnt = ((A)->numCols)-(COL); \
+ float32_t *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ int32_t w; \
+ \
+ for(w=(COL);w < numCols; w+=4) \
+ { \
+ f32x4_t tmpa; \
+ mve_pred16_t p0 = vctp32q(cnt); \
+ tmpa = vldrwq_z_f32(&data[i*numCols + w],p0);\
+ tmpa = vmulq_n_f32(tmpa,v); \
+ vstrwq_p(&data[i*numCols + w], tmpa, p0); \
+ cnt -= 4; \
+ } \
+ \
+#elif defined(ARM_MATH_NEON) && !defined(ARM_MATH_AUTOVECTORIZE)
+#define SWAP_ROWS_F32(A,COL,i,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float32_t *dataI = (A)->pData; \
+ float32_t *dataJ = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols - COL; \
+ \
+ dataI += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataJ += j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ float32_t tmp; \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ tmp = *dataI; \
+ *dataI++ = *dataJ; \
+ *dataJ++ = tmp; \
+ } \
+#define MAC_ROW_F32(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ float32_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float32_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols - (COL); \
+ int32_t nbElems; \
+ f32x4_t vec = vdupq_n_f32(v); \
+ \
+ nbElems = nb >> 2; \
+ \
+ dataA += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataB += j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ while(nbElems>0) \
+ { \
+ f32x4_t tmpa,tmpb; \
+ tmpa = vld1q_f32(dataA,p0); \
+ tmpb = vld1q_f32(dataB,p0); \
+ tmpa = vmlaq_f32(tmpa,tmpb,vec);\
+ vst1q_f32(dataA, tmpa, p0); \
+ nbElems--; \
+ dataA += 4; \
+ dataB += 4; \
+ } \
+ \
+ nbElems = nb & 3; \
+ while(nbElems > 0) \
+ { \
+ *dataA++ += v* *dataB++; \
+ nbElems--; \
+ } \
+#define MAS_ROW_F32(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ float32_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float32_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols - (COL); \
+ int32_t nbElems; \
+ f32x4_t vec = vdupq_n_f32(v); \
+ \
+ nbElems = nb >> 2; \
+ \
+ dataA += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataB += j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ while(nbElems>0) \
+ { \
+ f32x4_t tmpa,tmpb; \
+ tmpa = vld1q_f32(dataA); \
+ tmpb = vld1q_f32(dataB); \
+ tmpa = vmlsq_f32(tmpa,tmpb,vec);\
+ vst1q_f32(dataA, tmpa); \
+ nbElems--; \
+ dataA += 4; \
+ dataB += 4; \
+ } \
+ \
+ nbElems = nb & 3; \
+ while(nbElems > 0) \
+ { \
+ *dataA++ -= v* *dataB++; \
+ nbElems--; \
+ } \
+#define SCALE_ROW_F32(A,COL,v,i) \
+{ \
+ float32_t *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ const int32_t nb = numCols - (COL); \
+ int32_t nbElems; \
+ f32x4_t vec = vdupq_n_f32(v); \
+ \
+ nbElems = nb >> 2; \
+ \
+ data += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ while(nbElems>0) \
+ { \
+ f32x4_t tmpa; \
+ tmpa = vld1q_f32(data); \
+ tmpa = vmulq_f32(tmpa,vec); \
+ vst1q_f32(data, tmpa); \
+ data += 4; \
+ nbElems --; \
+ } \
+ \
+ nbElems = nb & 3; \
+ while(nbElems > 0) \
+ { \
+ *data++ *= v; \
+ nbElems--; \
+ } \
+ \
+#define SWAP_ROWS_F32(A,COL,i,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float32_t tmp; \
+ float32_t *dataI = (A)->pData; \
+ float32_t *dataJ = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols - COL; \
+ \
+ dataI += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataJ += j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ tmp = *dataI; \
+ *dataI++ = *dataJ; \
+ *dataJ++ = tmp; \
+ } \
+#define SCALE_ROW_F32(A,COL,v,i) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float32_t *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols - COL; \
+ \
+ data += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ *data++ *= v; \
+ } \
+#define MAC_ROW_F32(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float32_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float32_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols-(COL); \
+ \
+ dataA = dataA + i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataB = dataB + j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ *dataA++ += v* *dataB++; \
+ } \
+#define MAS_ROW_F32(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float32_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float32_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols-(COL); \
+ \
+ dataA = dataA + i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataB = dataB + j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ *dataA++ -= v* *dataB++; \
+ } \
+#endif /* defined(ARM_MATH_MVEF) && !defined(ARM_MATH_AUTOVECTORIZE) */
+/* Functions with only a scalar version */
+#define COPY_COL_F32(A,ROW,COL,DST) \
+ COPY_COL_T(float32_t,A,ROW,COL,DST)
+#define COPY_COL_F64(A,ROW,COL,DST) \
+ COPY_COL_T(float64_t,A,ROW,COL,DST)
+#define SWAP_COLS_F32(A,COL,i,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float32_t *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ for(w=(COL);w < numCols; w++) \
+ { \
+ float32_t tmp; \
+ tmp = data[w*numCols + i]; \
+ data[w*numCols + i] = data[w*numCols + j];\
+ data[w*numCols + j] = tmp; \
+ } \
+#define SCALE_COL_F32(A,ROW,v,i) \
+ SCALE_COL_T(float32_t,,A,ROW,v,i)
+#define SWAP_ROWS_F64(A,COL,i,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float64_t *dataI = (A)->pData; \
+ float64_t *dataJ = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols-(COL); \
+ \
+ dataI += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataJ += j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ float64_t tmp; \
+ tmp = *dataI; \
+ *dataI++ = *dataJ; \
+ *dataJ++ = tmp; \
+ } \
+#define SWAP_COLS_F64(A,COL,i,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float64_t *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols; \
+ for(w=(COL);w < numCols; w++) \
+ { \
+ float64_t tmp; \
+ tmp = data[w*numCols + i]; \
+ data[w*numCols + i] = data[w*numCols + j];\
+ data[w*numCols + j] = tmp; \
+ } \
+#define SCALE_ROW_F64(A,COL,v,i) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float64_t *data = (A)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols-(COL); \
+ \
+ data += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ *data++ *= v; \
+ } \
+#define SCALE_COL_F64(A,ROW,v,i) \
+ SCALE_COL_T(float64_t,,A,ROW,v,i)
+#define MAC_ROW_F64(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float64_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float64_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols-(COL); \
+ \
+ dataA += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataB += j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ *dataA++ += v* *dataB++; \
+ } \
+#define MAS_ROW_F64(COL,A,i,v,B,j) \
+{ \
+ int32_t w; \
+ float64_t *dataA = (A)->pData; \
+ float64_t *dataB = (B)->pData; \
+ const int32_t numCols = (A)->numCols;\
+ const int32_t nb = numCols-(COL); \
+ \
+ dataA += i*numCols + (COL); \
+ dataB += j*numCols + (COL); \
+ \
+ for(w=0;w < nb; w++) \
+ { \
+ *dataA++ -= v* *dataB++; \
+ } \
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* ifndef _MATRIX_UTILS_H_ */
diff --git a/ARM_math/none.h b/ARM_math/none.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..130386e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ARM_math/none.h
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+ * @file none.h
+ * @brief Intrinsincs when no DSP extension available
+ * @version V1.9.0
+ * @date 20. July 2020
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+Definitions in this file are allowing to reuse some versions of the
+CMSIS-DSP to build on a core (M0 for instance) or a host where
+DSP extension are not available.
+Ideally a pure C version should have been used instead.
+But those are not always available or use a restricted set
+of intrinsics.
+#ifndef _NONE_H_
+#define _NONE_H_
+#include "arm_math_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+Normally those kind of definitions are in a compiler file
+in Core or Core_A.
+But for MSVC compiler it is a bit special. The goal is very specific
+to CMSIS-DSP and only to allow the use of this library from other
+systems like Python or Matlab.
+MSVC is not going to be used to cross-compile to ARM. So, having a MSVC
+compiler file in Core or Core_A would not make sense.
+#if defined ( _MSC_VER ) || defined(__GNUC_PYTHON__) || defined(__APPLE_CC__)
+ __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint8_t __CLZ(uint32_t data)
+ {
+ if (data == 0U) { return 32U; }
+ uint32_t count = 0U;
+ uint32_t mask = 0x80000000U;
+ while ((data & mask) == 0U)
+ {
+ count += 1U;
+ mask = mask >> 1U;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ __STATIC_FORCEINLINE int32_t __SSAT(int32_t val, uint32_t sat)
+ {
+ if ((sat >= 1U) && (sat <= 32U))
+ {
+ const int32_t max = (int32_t)((1U << (sat - 1U)) - 1U);
+ const int32_t min = -1 - max ;
+ if (val > max)
+ {
+ return max;
+ }
+ else if (val < min)
+ {
+ return min;
+ }
+ }
+ return val;
+ }
+ __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __USAT(int32_t val, uint32_t sat)
+ {
+ if (sat <= 31U)
+ {
+ const uint32_t max = ((1U << sat) - 1U);
+ if (val > (int32_t)max)
+ {
+ return max;
+ }
+ else if (val < 0)
+ {
+ return 0U;
+ }
+ }
+ return (uint32_t)val;
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Rotate Right in unsigned value (32 bit)
+ \details Rotate Right (immediate) provides the value of the contents of a register rotated by a variable number of bits.
+ \param [in] op1 Value to rotate
+ \param [in] op2 Number of Bits to rotate
+ \return Rotated value
+ */
+__STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t __ROR(uint32_t op1, uint32_t op2)
+ op2 %= 32U;
+ if (op2 == 0U)
+ {
+ return op1;
+ }
+ return (op1 >> op2) | (op1 << (32U - op2));
+ * @brief Clips Q63 to Q31 values.
+ */
+ __STATIC_FORCEINLINE q31_t clip_q63_to_q31(
+ q63_t x)
+ {
+ return ((q31_t) (x >> 32) != ((q31_t) x >> 31)) ?
+ ((0x7FFFFFFF ^ ((q31_t) (x >> 63)))) : (q31_t) x;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Clips Q63 to Q15 values.
+ */
+ __STATIC_FORCEINLINE q15_t clip_q63_to_q15(
+ q63_t x)
+ {
+ return ((q31_t) (x >> 32) != ((q31_t) x >> 31)) ?
+ ((0x7FFF ^ ((q15_t) (x >> 63)))) : (q15_t) (x >> 15);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Clips Q31 to Q7 values.
+ */
+ __STATIC_FORCEINLINE q7_t clip_q31_to_q7(
+ q31_t x)
+ {
+ return ((q31_t) (x >> 24) != ((q31_t) x >> 23)) ?
+ ((0x7F ^ ((q7_t) (x >> 31)))) : (q7_t) x;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Clips Q31 to Q15 values.
+ */
+ __STATIC_FORCEINLINE q15_t clip_q31_to_q15(
+ q31_t x)
+ {
+ return ((q31_t) (x >> 16) != ((q31_t) x >> 15)) ?
+ ((0x7FFF ^ ((q15_t) (x >> 31)))) : (q15_t) x;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Multiplies 32 X 64 and returns 32 bit result in 2.30 format.
+ */
+ __STATIC_FORCEINLINE q63_t mult32x64(
+ q63_t x,
+ q31_t y)
+ {
+ return ((((q63_t) (x & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) * y) >> 32) +
+ (((q63_t) (x >> 32) * y) ) );
+ }
+/* SMMLAR */
+#define multAcc_32x32_keep32_R(a, x, y) \
+ a = (q31_t) (((((q63_t) a) << 32) + ((q63_t) x * y) + 0x80000000LL ) >> 32)
+/* SMMLSR */
+#define multSub_32x32_keep32_R(a, x, y) \
+ a = (q31_t) (((((q63_t) a) << 32) - ((q63_t) x * y) + 0x80000000LL ) >> 32)
+/* SMMULR */
+#define mult_32x32_keep32_R(a, x, y) \
+ a = (q31_t) (((q63_t) x * y + 0x80000000LL ) >> 32)
+/* SMMLA */
+#define multAcc_32x32_keep32(a, x, y) \
+ a += (q31_t) (((q63_t) x * y) >> 32)
+/* SMMLS */
+#define multSub_32x32_keep32(a, x, y) \
+ a -= (q31_t) (((q63_t) x * y) >> 32)
+/* SMMUL */
+#define mult_32x32_keep32(a, x, y) \
+ a = (q31_t) (((q63_t) x * y ) >> 32)
+#ifndef ARM_MATH_DSP
+ /**
+ * @brief definition to pack two 16 bit values.
+ */
+ #define __PKHBT(ARG1, ARG2, ARG3) ( (((int32_t)(ARG1) << 0) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF) | \
+ (((int32_t)(ARG2) << ARG3) & (int32_t)0xFFFF0000) )
+ #define __PKHTB(ARG1, ARG2, ARG3) ( (((int32_t)(ARG1) << 0) & (int32_t)0xFFFF0000) | \
+ (((int32_t)(ARG2) >> ARG3) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF) )
+ /**
+ * @brief definition to pack four 8 bit values.
+ */
+ #define __PACKq7(v0,v1,v2,v3) ( (((int32_t)(v0) << 0) & (int32_t)0x000000FF) | \
+ (((int32_t)(v1) << 8) & (int32_t)0x0000FF00) | \
+ (((int32_t)(v2) << 16) & (int32_t)0x00FF0000) | \
+ (((int32_t)(v3) << 24) & (int32_t)0xFF000000) )
+ #define __PACKq7(v0,v1,v2,v3) ( (((int32_t)(v3) << 0) & (int32_t)0x000000FF) | \
+ (((int32_t)(v2) << 8) & (int32_t)0x0000FF00) | \
+ (((int32_t)(v1) << 16) & (int32_t)0x00FF0000) | \
+ (((int32_t)(v0) << 24) & (int32_t)0xFF000000) )
+ * @brief C custom defined intrinsic functions
+ */
+#if !defined (ARM_MATH_DSP)
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined QADD8
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ q31_t r, s, t, u;
+ r = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x << 24) >> 24) + (((q31_t)y << 24) >> 24)), 8) & (int32_t)0x000000FF;
+ s = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 24) + (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 24)), 8) & (int32_t)0x000000FF;
+ t = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x << 8) >> 24) + (((q31_t)y << 8) >> 24)), 8) & (int32_t)0x000000FF;
+ u = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x ) >> 24) + (((q31_t)y ) >> 24)), 8) & (int32_t)0x000000FF;
+ return ((uint32_t)((u << 24) | (t << 16) | (s << 8) | (r )));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined QSUB8
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ q31_t r, s, t, u;
+ r = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x << 24) >> 24) - (((q31_t)y << 24) >> 24)), 8) & (int32_t)0x000000FF;
+ s = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 24) - (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 24)), 8) & (int32_t)0x000000FF;
+ t = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x << 8) >> 24) - (((q31_t)y << 8) >> 24)), 8) & (int32_t)0x000000FF;
+ u = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x ) >> 24) - (((q31_t)y ) >> 24)), 8) & (int32_t)0x000000FF;
+ return ((uint32_t)((u << 24) | (t << 16) | (s << 8) | (r )));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined QADD16
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+/* q31_t r, s; without initialisation 'arm_offset_q15 test' fails but 'intrinsic' tests pass! for armCC */
+ q31_t r = 0, s = 0;
+ r = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) + (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)), 16) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ s = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) + (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)), 16) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ return ((uint32_t)((s << 16) | (r )));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SHADD16
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ q31_t r, s;
+ r = (((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) + (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) >> 1) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ s = (((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) + (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) >> 1) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ return ((uint32_t)((s << 16) | (r )));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined QSUB16
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ q31_t r, s;
+ r = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) - (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)), 16) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ s = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) - (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)), 16) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ return ((uint32_t)((s << 16) | (r )));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SHSUB16
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ q31_t r, s;
+ r = (((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) - (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) >> 1) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ s = (((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) - (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) >> 1) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ return ((uint32_t)((s << 16) | (r )));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined QASX
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ q31_t r, s;
+ r = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) - (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)), 16) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ s = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) + (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)), 16) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ return ((uint32_t)((s << 16) | (r )));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SHASX
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ q31_t r, s;
+ r = (((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) - (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) >> 1) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ s = (((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) + (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) >> 1) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ return ((uint32_t)((s << 16) | (r )));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined QSAX
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ q31_t r, s;
+ r = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) + (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)), 16) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ s = __SSAT(((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) - (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)), 16) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ return ((uint32_t)((s << 16) | (r )));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SHSAX
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ q31_t r, s;
+ r = (((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) + (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) >> 1) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ s = (((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) - (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) >> 1) & (int32_t)0x0000FFFF;
+ return ((uint32_t)((s << 16) | (r )));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SMUSDX
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ return ((uint32_t)(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) -
+ ((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SMUADX
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ return ((uint32_t)(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) +
+ ((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined QADD
+ */
+ int32_t x,
+ int32_t y)
+ {
+ return ((int32_t)(clip_q63_to_q31((q63_t)x + (q31_t)y)));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined QSUB
+ */
+ int32_t x,
+ int32_t y)
+ {
+ return ((int32_t)(clip_q63_to_q31((q63_t)x - (q31_t)y)));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SMLAD
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y,
+ uint32_t sum)
+ {
+ return ((uint32_t)(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) +
+ ((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) +
+ ( ((q31_t)sum ) ) ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SMLADX
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y,
+ uint32_t sum)
+ {
+ return ((uint32_t)(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) +
+ ((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) +
+ ( ((q31_t)sum ) ) ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SMLSDX
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y,
+ uint32_t sum)
+ {
+ return ((uint32_t)(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) -
+ ((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) +
+ ( ((q31_t)sum ) ) ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SMLALD
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y,
+ uint64_t sum)
+ {
+/* return (sum + ((q15_t) (x >> 16) * (q15_t) (y >> 16)) + ((q15_t) x * (q15_t) y)); */
+ return ((uint64_t)(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) +
+ ((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) +
+ ( ((q63_t)sum ) ) ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SMLALDX
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y,
+ uint64_t sum)
+ {
+/* return (sum + ((q15_t) (x >> 16) * (q15_t) y)) + ((q15_t) x * (q15_t) (y >> 16)); */
+ return ((uint64_t)(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) +
+ ((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) +
+ ( ((q63_t)sum ) ) ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SMUAD
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ return ((uint32_t)(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) +
+ ((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SMUSD
+ */
+ uint32_t x,
+ uint32_t y)
+ {
+ return ((uint32_t)(((((q31_t)x << 16) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y << 16) >> 16)) -
+ ((((q31_t)x ) >> 16) * (((q31_t)y ) >> 16)) ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SXTB16
+ */
+ uint32_t x)
+ {
+ return ((uint32_t)(((((q31_t)x << 24) >> 24) & (q31_t)0x0000FFFF) |
+ ((((q31_t)x << 8) >> 8) & (q31_t)0xFFFF0000) ));
+ }
+ /*
+ * @brief C custom defined SMMLA
+ */
+ int32_t x,
+ int32_t y,
+ int32_t sum)
+ {
+ return (sum + (int32_t) (((int64_t) x * y) >> 32));
+ }
+#endif /* !defined (ARM_MATH_DSP) */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* ifndef _TRANSFORM_FUNCTIONS_H_ */
diff --git a/ARM_math/utils.h b/ARM_math/utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b1da5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ARM_math/utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ * @file arm_math_utils.h
+ * @brief Public header file for CMSIS DSP Library
+ * @version V1.9.0
+ * @date 20. July 2020
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef _ARM_MATH_UTILS_H_
+#define _ARM_MATH_UTILS_H_
+#include "arm_math_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+ /**
+ * @brief Macros required for reciprocal calculation in Normalized LMS
+ */
+#define INDEX_MASK 0x0000003F
+#define SQ(x) ((x) * (x))
+#define ROUND_UP(N, S) ((((N) + (S) - 1) / (S)) * (S))
+ /**
+ * @brief Function to Calculates 1/in (reciprocal) value of Q31 Data type.
+ It should not be used with negative values.
+ */
+ __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t arm_recip_q31(
+ q31_t in,
+ q31_t * dst,
+ const q31_t * pRecipTable)
+ {
+ q31_t out;
+ uint32_t tempVal;
+ uint32_t index, i;
+ uint32_t signBits;
+ if (in > 0)
+ {
+ signBits = ((uint32_t) (__CLZ( (uint32_t)in) - 1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ signBits = ((uint32_t) (__CLZ((uint32_t)(-in)) - 1));
+ }
+ /* Convert input sample to 1.31 format */
+ in = (in << signBits);
+ /* calculation of index for initial approximated Val */
+ index = (uint32_t)(in >> 24);
+ index = (index & INDEX_MASK);
+ /* 1.31 with exp 1 */
+ out = pRecipTable[index];
+ /* calculation of reciprocal value */
+ /* running approximation for two iterations */
+ for (i = 0U; i < 2U; i++)
+ {
+ tempVal = (uint32_t) (((q63_t) in * out) >> 31);
+ tempVal = 0x7FFFFFFFu - tempVal;
+ /* 1.31 with exp 1 */
+ /* out = (q31_t) (((q63_t) out * tempVal) >> 30); */
+ out = clip_q63_to_q31(((q63_t) out * tempVal) >> 30);
+ }
+ /* write output */
+ *dst = out;
+ /* return num of signbits of out = 1/in value */
+ return (signBits + 1U);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Function to Calculates 1/in (reciprocal) value of Q15 Data type.
+ It should not be used with negative values.
+ */
+ __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t arm_recip_q15(
+ q15_t in,
+ q15_t * dst,
+ const q15_t * pRecipTable)
+ {
+ q15_t out = 0;
+ int32_t tempVal = 0;
+ uint32_t index = 0, i = 0;
+ uint32_t signBits = 0;
+ if (in > 0)
+ {
+ signBits = ((uint32_t)(__CLZ( (uint32_t)in) - 17));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ signBits = ((uint32_t)(__CLZ((uint32_t)(-in)) - 17));
+ }
+ /* Convert input sample to 1.15 format */
+ in = (q15_t)(in << signBits);
+ /* calculation of index for initial approximated Val */
+ index = (uint32_t)(in >> 8);
+ index = (index & INDEX_MASK);
+ /* 1.15 with exp 1 */
+ out = pRecipTable[index];
+ /* calculation of reciprocal value */
+ /* running approximation for two iterations */
+ for (i = 0U; i < 2U; i++)
+ {
+ tempVal = (((q31_t) in * out) >> 15);
+ tempVal = 0x7FFF - tempVal;
+ /* 1.15 with exp 1 */
+ out = (q15_t) (((q31_t) out * tempVal) >> 14);
+ /* out = clip_q31_to_q15(((q31_t) out * tempVal) >> 14); */
+ }
+ /* write output */
+ *dst = out;
+ /* return num of signbits of out = 1/in value */
+ return (signBits + 1);
+ }
+ * @brief 64-bit to 32-bit unsigned normalization
+ * @param[in] in is input unsigned long long value
+ * @param[out] normalized is the 32-bit normalized value
+ * @param[out] norm is norm scale
+ */
+__STATIC_INLINE void arm_norm_64_to_32u(uint64_t in, int32_t * normalized, int32_t *norm)
+ int32_t n1;
+ int32_t hi = (int32_t) (in >> 32);
+ int32_t lo = (int32_t) ((in << 32) >> 32);
+ n1 = __CLZ((uint32_t)hi) - 32;
+ if (!n1)
+ {
+ /*
+ * input fits in 32-bit
+ */
+ n1 = __CLZ((uint32_t)lo);
+ if (!n1)
+ {
+ /*
+ * MSB set, need to scale down by 1
+ */
+ *norm = -1;
+ *normalized = (((uint32_t) lo) >> 1);
+ } else
+ {
+ if (n1 == 32)
+ {
+ /*
+ * input is zero
+ */
+ *norm = 0;
+ *normalized = 0;
+ } else
+ {
+ /*
+ * 32-bit normalization
+ */
+ *norm = n1 - 1;
+ *normalized = lo << *norm;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ /*
+ * input fits in 64-bit
+ */
+ n1 = 1 - n1;
+ *norm = -n1;
+ /*
+ * 64 bit normalization
+ */
+ *normalized = (int32_t)(((uint32_t)lo) >> n1) | (hi << (32 - n1));
+ }
+__STATIC_INLINE int32_t arm_div_int64_to_int32(int64_t num, int32_t den)
+ int32_t result;
+ uint64_t absNum;
+ int32_t normalized;
+ int32_t norm;
+ /*
+ * if sum fits in 32bits
+ * avoid costly 64-bit division
+ */
+ if (num == (int64_t)LONG_MIN)
+ {
+ absNum = LONG_MAX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ absNum = (uint64_t) (num > 0 ? num : -num);
+ }
+ arm_norm_64_to_32u(absNum, &normalized, &norm);
+ if (norm > 0)
+ /*
+ * 32-bit division
+ */
+ result = (int32_t) num / den;
+ else
+ /*
+ * 64-bit division
+ */
+ result = (int32_t) (num / den);
+ return result;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*ifndef _ARM_MATH_UTILS_H_ */
diff --git a/Filter_Design/Kalman_XVA_acc_offset.m b/Filter_Design/Kalman_XVA_acc_offset.m
index 99ce527..82306ea 100644
--- a/Filter_Design/Kalman_XVA_acc_offset.m
+++ b/Filter_Design/Kalman_XVA_acc_offset.m
@@ -91,33 +91,33 @@
-%subplot( 4, 1, 1);
+subplot( 3, 1, 1);
plot(acc_est, 'r');
-plot(acc_m, '+');
+plot(acc_m, '.');
legend('Estimated Acc.','True Acc.','Acc.Measurement','Acc. Offset est.','Acc. Offset');
title('Kalmanfilter Movement Estimation');
ylabel('Accel. / m/s/s');
-%subplot( 4, 1, 2);
+subplot( 3, 1, 2);
-plot(vel_m, '+');
+plot(vel_m, '.');
legend('Estimated Velocity','True Velocity','Velocity Measurement');
ylabel('Velocity / m/s');
-%subplot( 4, 1, 3)
+subplot( 3, 1, 3)
plot(pos_est, 'r');
-plot(pos_m, '+');
+plot(pos_m, '.');
ylabel('Position / m');
legend('Estimated Position','True Position','Position Measurement');
xlabel('Time / 10ms');
diff --git a/Filter_Design/induction_sensor_matrix_plus_soft_iron_compensation.m b/Filter_Design/induction_sensor_matrix_plus_soft_iron_compensation.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45ca54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Filter_Design/induction_sensor_matrix_plus_soft_iron_compensation.m
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+if( 1)
+ start = 1
+ stop=length(x)
+ start = 105 * 6000; % choose ideal flight section
+ stop = 300 * 6000;
+new_sample_rate = 10; % Hz
+old_sample_rate = 100;
+if 1
+ a_start = round( start * new_sample_rate / old_sample_rate);
+ a_stop = round( stop * new_sample_rate / old_sample_rate);
+ a_start=1000;
+ a_stop=length ( mag_err_predicted_x) -1000;
+off_x = 0; % artificial offset injection
+off_y = 0;
+off_z = 0;
+mag_x = resample( x(114,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate )- off_x;
+mag_y = resample( x(115,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate )- off_y;
+mag_z = resample( x(116,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate )- off_z;
+err_x = resample( x(117,start:stop), new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate)- off_x;
+err_y = resample( x(118,start:stop), new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate)- off_y;
+err_z = resample( x(119,start:stop), new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate)- off_z;
+ideal_mag_x = mag_x - err_x;
+ideal_mag_y = mag_y - err_y;
+ideal_mag_z = mag_z - err_z;
+q1 = resample( x(53,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+q2 = resample( x(54,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+q3 = resample( x(55,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+q4 = resample( x(56,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+% calculate sensor mapping matrix
+input = [ mag_x' mag_y' mag_z'];
+ modelterms = ...
+ 0 0 0; ...
+ 1 0 0; ...
+ 0 1 0; ...
+ 0 0 1];
+sensor_matrix_x = polyfitn( input, ideal_mag_x, modelterms)
+induction_calibrated_x = polyvaln( sensor_matrix_x, input)';
+sensor_matrix_y = polyfitn( input, ideal_mag_y, modelterms)
+induction_calibrated_y = polyvaln( sensor_matrix_y, input)';
+sensor_matrix_z = polyfitn( input, ideal_mag_z, modelterms)
+induction_calibrated_z = polyvaln( sensor_matrix_z, input)';
+% calculate soft iron correction terms
+input = [ q1' q2' q3' q4'];
+ modelterms = ...
+ 0 0 0 0; ...
+ 2 0 0 0; ...
+ 1 1 0 0; ...
+ 1 0 1 0; ...
+ 1 0 0 1; ...
+ 0 2 0 0; ...
+ 0 1 1 0; ...
+ 0 1 0 1; ...
+ 0 0 2 0; ...
+ 0 0 1 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 2];
+compensation_poly_x = polyfitn( input, induction_calibrated_x - ideal_mag_x, modelterms)
+compensation_poly_y = polyfitn( input, induction_calibrated_y - ideal_mag_y, modelterms)
+compensation_poly_z = polyfitn( input, induction_calibrated_z - ideal_mag_z, modelterms)
+soft_iron_err_predicted_x = polyvaln( compensation_poly_x, input)';
+soft_iron_err_predicted_y = polyvaln( compensation_poly_y, input)';
+soft_iron_err_predicted_z = polyvaln( compensation_poly_z, input)';
+induction_corrected_x = induction_calibrated_x - soft_iron_err_predicted_x;
+induction_corrected_y = induction_calibrated_y - soft_iron_err_predicted_y;
+induction_corrected_z = induction_calibrated_z - soft_iron_err_predicted_z;
+residual_error_x = induction_corrected_x - ideal_mag_x;
+residual_error_y = induction_corrected_y - ideal_mag_y;
+residual_error_z = induction_corrected_z - ideal_mag_z;
+std_error_x = std( err_x)
+std_error_x_corrected = std( residual_error_x)
+std_error_y = std( err_y)
+std_error_y_corrected = std( residual_error_y)
+std_error_z = std( err_z)
+std_error_z_corrected = std( residual_error_z)
+orientation_angle_error = sqrt( std_error_x * std_error_x + std_error_y * std_error_y +std_error_z * std_error_z)*180/pi
+time = linspace( start / 6000, stop / 6000, length( err_x));
+a=subplot( 3,1,1);
+plot( time, err_x,'Color','red','LineWidth',2.0);
+plot( time, induction_calibrated_x - ideal_mag_x,'Color','blue','LineWidth',2.0);
+plot( time, induction_corrected_x - ideal_mag_x,'Color','black','LineWidth',2.0);
+title('Magnetic Field Error Front')
+xlabel('Time / min.');
+ylabel('Magn. Ind. Normalized');
+%axis([0 max(time) -0.1 0.1]);
+b=subplot( 3,1,2);
+plot( time, err_y,'Color','red','LineWidth',2.0);
+plot( time, induction_calibrated_y - ideal_mag_y,'Color','blue','LineWidth',2.0);
+plot( time, induction_corrected_y - ideal_mag_y,'Color','black','LineWidth',2.0);
+title('Magnetic Field Error Right')
+xlabel('Time / min.');
+ylabel('Magn. Ind. Normalized');
+%axis([0 max(time) -0.1 0.1]);
+c=subplot( 3,1,3);
+plot( time, err_z,'Color','red','LineWidth',2.0);
+plot( time, induction_calibrated_z - ideal_mag_z,'Color','blue','LineWidth',2.0);
+plot( time, induction_corrected_z - ideal_mag_z,'Color','black','LineWidth',2.0);
+title('Magnetic Field Error Down')
+xlabel('Time / min.');
+ylabel('Magn. Ind. Normalized');
+linkaxes([a b c],'x');
diff --git a/Filter_Design/magnetic_calibration_SVD.m b/Filter_Design/magnetic_calibration_SVD.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d66f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Filter_Design/magnetic_calibration_SVD.m
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+start =5*6000;
+stop = length(x);
+format long;
+new_sample_rate = 10; % Hz
+old_sample_rate = 100;
+mag_x = resample( x(114,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+mag_y = resample( x(115,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+mag_z = resample( x(116,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+err_x = resample( x(117,start:stop), new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate);
+err_y = resample( x(118,start:stop), new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate);
+err_z = resample( x(119,start:stop), new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate);
+q1 = resample( x(53,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+q2 = resample( x(54,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+q3 = resample( x(55,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+q4 = resample( x(56,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+input = [mag_x' mag_y' mag_z' q1' q2' q3' q4'];
+modelterms = ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
+ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 1 1 0 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 1 0 1 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 1 0 0 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 2 0 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 1 1 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 1 0 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 2 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 2];
+poly_x = polyfitn( input, err_x, modelterms)
+modelterms = ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
+ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 1 1 0 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 1 0 1 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 1 0 0 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 2 0 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 1 1 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 1 0 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 2 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 2];
+poly_y = polyfitn( input, err_y, modelterms)
+modelterms = ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
+ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 1 1 0 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 1 0 1 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 1 0 0 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 2 0 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 1 1 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 1 0 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 2 0; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 2];
+poly_z = polyfitn( input, err_z, modelterms)
+mag_err_predicted_x = polyvaln( poly_x, input)';
+mag_err_predicted_y = polyvaln( poly_y, input)';
+mag_err_predicted_z = polyvaln( poly_z, input)';
+std_error_x = std( err_x)
+std_error_x_corrected = std( err_x - mag_err_predicted_x)
+std_error_y = std( err_y)
+std_error_y_corrected = std( err_y - mag_err_predicted_y)
+std_error_z = std( err_z)
+std_error_z_corrected = std( err_z - mag_err_predicted_z)
+std_error_mag_induction_abs = std( sqrt( ...
+ (err_x - mag_err_predicted_x).*(err_x - mag_err_predicted_x)+ ...
+ (err_y - mag_err_predicted_y).*(err_y - mag_err_predicted_y)+ ...
+ (err_z - mag_err_predicted_z).*(err_z - mag_err_predicted_z)))
+orintation_angle_error = sqrt( std_error_x * std_error_x + std_error_y * std_error_y +std_error_z * std_error_z)*180/pi
+time = linspace( start / 6000, stop/6000, length( err_x));
+a=subplot( 3,1,1);
+plot( time, err_x,'Color','red');
+plot( time, err_x - mag_err_predicted_x,'Color','black');
+title('Magnetic Field Error Front')
+xlabel('Time / min.');
+ylabel('Magn. Ind. Normalized');
+axis([0 max(time) -0.1 0.1]);
+b=subplot( 3,1,2);
+plot( time, err_y,'Color','red');
+plot( time, err_y - mag_err_predicted_y,'Color','black');
+title('Magnetic Field Error Right')
+xlabel('Time / min.');
+ylabel('Magn. Ind. Normalized');
+axis([0 max(time) -0.1 0.1]);
+c=subplot( 3,1,3);
+plot( time, err_z,'Color','red');
+plot( time, err_z - mag_err_predicted_z,'Color','black');
+%plot( time, err_z - testz','Color','blue');
+title('Magnetic Field Error Down')
+xlabel('Time / min.');
+ylabel('Magn. Ind. Normalized');
+axis([0 max(time) -0.1 0.1]);
+linkaxes([a b c],'x');
diff --git a/Filter_Design/magnetic_compensation_SVD_work.m b/Filter_Design/magnetic_compensation_SVD_work.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..019bb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Filter_Design/magnetic_compensation_SVD_work.m
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+start = 80*6000;
+stop = 368*6000;
+%stop = length(x);
+format long;
+new_sample_rate = 10; % Hz
+old_sample_rate = 100;
+mag_x = resample( x(114,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+mag_y = resample( x(115,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+mag_z = resample( x(116,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+err_x = resample( x(117,start:stop), new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate);
+err_y = resample( x(118,start:stop), new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate);
+err_z = resample( x(119,start:stop), new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate);
+q1 = resample( x(53,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+q2 = resample( x(54,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+q3 = resample( x(55,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+q4 = resample( x(56,start:stop),new_sample_rate, old_sample_rate );
+input = [q1' q2' q3' q4'];
+modelterms = ...
+ 0 0 0 0;
+ 1 1 0 0; ...
+ 1 0 1 0; ...
+ 1 0 0 1; ...
+ 0 2 0 0; ...
+ 0 1 1 0; ...
+ 0 1 0 1; ...
+ 0 0 2 0; ...
+ 0 0 1 1; ...
+ 0 0 0 2];
+poly_x = polyfitn( input, err_x, modelterms)
+poly_y = polyfitn( input, err_y, modelterms)
+poly_z = polyfitn( input, err_z, modelterms)
+mag_err_predicted_x = polyvaln( poly_x, input)';
+mag_err_predicted_y = polyvaln( poly_y, input)';
+mag_err_predicted_z = polyvaln( poly_z, input)';
+std_error_x = std( err_x)
+std_error_x_corrected = std( err_x - mag_err_predicted_x)
+std_error_y = std( err_y)
+std_error_y_corrected = std( err_y - mag_err_predicted_y)
+std_error_z = std( err_z)
+std_error_z_corrected = std( err_z - mag_err_predicted_z)
+std_error_mag_induction_abs = std( sqrt( ...
+ (err_x - mag_err_predicted_x).*(err_x - mag_err_predicted_x)+ ...
+ (err_y - mag_err_predicted_y).*(err_y - mag_err_predicted_y)+ ...
+ (err_z - mag_err_predicted_z).*(err_z - mag_err_predicted_z)))
+orintation_angle_error = sqrt( std_error_x * std_error_x + std_error_y * std_error_y +std_error_z * std_error_z)*180/pi
+time = linspace( start / 6000, stop/6000, length( err_x));
+a=subplot( 3,1,1);
+plot( time, err_x,'Color','red');
+plot( time, err_x - mag_err_predicted_x,'Color','black');
+title('Magnetic Field Error Front')
+xlabel('Time / min.');
+ylabel('Magn. Ind. Normalized');
+axis([0 max(time) -0.1 0.1]);
+b=subplot( 3,1,2);
+plot( time, err_y,'Color','red');
+plot( time, err_y - mag_err_predicted_y,'Color','black');
+title('Magnetic Field Error Right')
+xlabel('Time / min.');
+ylabel('Magn. Ind. Normalized');
+axis([0 max(time) -0.1 0.1]);
+c=subplot( 3,1,3);
+plot( time, err_z,'Color','red');
+plot( time, err_z - mag_err_predicted_z,'Color','black');
+%plot( time, err_z - testz','Color','blue');
+title('Magnetic Field Error Down')
+xlabel('Time / min.');
+ylabel('Magn. Ind. Normalized');
+axis([0 max(time) -0.1 0.1]);
+linkaxes([a b c],'x');
diff --git a/Generic_Algorithms/accumulating_averager.h b/Generic_Algorithms/accumulating_averager.h
index b0e964e..5630c55 100644
--- a/Generic_Algorithms/accumulating_averager.h
+++ b/Generic_Algorithms/accumulating_averager.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+//! simple average mechanism using the sum of input values
template class accumulating_averager
diff --git a/Generic_Algorithms/boxcar_averager.h b/Generic_Algorithms/boxcar_averager.h
index 8964283..00da3e7 100644
--- a/Generic_Algorithms/boxcar_averager.h
+++ b/Generic_Algorithms/boxcar_averager.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+//! FIR averager using a rectangle window
template class boxcar_averager
diff --git a/Generic_Algorithms/differentiator.h b/Generic_Algorithms/differentiator.h
index f6384eb..09a6962 100644
--- a/Generic_Algorithms/differentiator.h
+++ b/Generic_Algorithms/differentiator.h
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ template
//! sampling time
- const basetype time_constant;
+ basetype time_constant;
//! maintains old output
datatype old_value;
datatype differentiation;
diff --git a/Generic_Algorithms/euler.h b/Generic_Algorithms/euler.h
index d0a297e..3ccd0ca 100644
--- a/Generic_Algorithms/euler.h
+++ b/Generic_Algorithms/euler.h
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
template class eulerangle
- eulerangle( datatype ir=0, datatype in=0, datatype iy=0)
- : r(ir), p(in), y(iy)
+ eulerangle( datatype ir=0, datatype ip=0, datatype iy=0)
+ : roll(ir), pitch(ip), yaw(iy)
- datatype r,p,y;
+ datatype roll,pitch,yaw;
diff --git a/Generic_Algorithms/mean_and_variance_finder.h b/Generic_Algorithms/mean_and_variance_finder.h
index e4e5ac0..d87c609 100644
--- a/Generic_Algorithms/mean_and_variance_finder.h
+++ b/Generic_Algorithms/mean_and_variance_finder.h
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+//! generic statistics class for average and variance data
template class mean_and_variance_finder_t
diff --git a/Generic_Algorithms/quaternion.h b/Generic_Algorithms/quaternion.h
index 882a594..305ba81 100644
--- a/Generic_Algorithms/quaternion.h
+++ b/Generic_Algorithms/quaternion.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
template class quaternion: public vector
- //! constructor from eulerwinkel
+ //! constructor from euler angle
quaternion( vector &init)
from_euler( init[0], init[1], init[2]);
@@ -51,78 +51,72 @@ template class quaternion: public vector
//! normalize quaternion absolute value to ONE
inline void normalize(void)
- datatype tmp = vector::e[0] * vector::e[0]
- + vector::e[1] * vector::e[1]
- + vector::e[2] * vector::e[2]
- + vector::e[3] * vector::e[3] ;
+ datatype tmp = this->e[0] * this->e[0]
+ + this->e[1] * this->e[1]
+ + this->e[2] * this->e[2]
+ + this->e[3] * this->e[3] ;
tmp = ONE / tmp;
tmp = SQRT( tmp);
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- vector::e[i] *= tmp;
+ this->e[i] *= tmp;
//! quaternion -> euler angle transformation
operator eulerangle () const
- datatype e0 = vector::e[0];
- datatype e1 = vector::e[1];
- datatype e2 = vector::e[2];
- datatype e3 = vector::e[3];
+ datatype e0 = this->e[0];
+ datatype e1 = this->e[1];
+ datatype e2 = this->e[2];
+ datatype e3 = this->e[3];
eulerangle _euler;
//! formula from roenbaeck p34
- _euler.r = ATAN2( TWO * (e0*e1 + e2*e3) , e0*e0 - e1*e1 - e2*e2 + e3*e3 );
- _euler.p = ASIN( TWO * (e0*e2 - e3*e1));
- _euler.y = ATAN2( TWO * (e0*e3 + e1*e2) , e0*e0 + e1*e1 - e2*e2 - e3*e3 );
+ _euler.roll = ATAN2( TWO * (e0*e1 + e2*e3) , e0*e0 - e1*e1 - e2*e2 + e3*e3 );
+ _euler.pitch = ASIN( TWO * (e0*e2 - e3*e1));
+ _euler.yaw = ATAN2( TWO * (e0*e3 + e1*e2) , e0*e0 + e1*e1 - e2*e2 - e3*e3 );
return _euler;
- //! linearized euler component e0 (approximate nick angle / rad)
- inline datatype lin_e0( void) const
- {
- datatype e0 = vector::e[0];
- datatype e1 = vector::e[1];
- datatype e2 = vector::e[2];
- datatype e3 = vector::e[3];
- return TWO * (e0*e1 + e2*e3) / ( e0*e0 - e1*e1 - e2*e2 + e3*e3);
- }
- //! linearized euler component e1 (approximate roll angle / rad)
- inline datatype lin_e1( void) const
+ //! quaternion chaining, multiplication
+ quaternion operator *( const quaternion right) const
- datatype e0 = vector::e[0];
- datatype e1 = vector::e[1];
- datatype e2 = vector::e[2];
- datatype e3 = vector::e[3];
- return TWO * (e0*e2 - e3*e1);
- }
- //! euler component e2
- inline datatype get_e2( void) const
- {
- datatype e0 = vector::e[0];
- datatype e1 = vector::e[1];
- datatype e2 = vector::e[2];
- datatype e3 = vector::e[3];
- return ATAN2( TWO * (e0*e3 + e1*e2) , e0*e0 + e1*e1 - e2*e2 - e3*e3 );
+ quaternion result;
+ datatype w1 = vector::e[0];
+ datatype x1 = vector::e[1];
+ datatype y1 = vector::e[2];
+ datatype z1 = vector::e[3];
+ datatype w2 = right[0];
+ datatype x2 = right[1];
+ datatype y2 = right[2];
+ datatype z2 = right[3];
+ result[0] = w1*w2 - x1*x2 - y1*y2 - z1*z2;
+ result[1] = w1*x2 + x1*w2 + y1*z2 - z1*y2;
+ result[2] = w1*y2 - x1*z2 + y1*w2 + z1*x2;
+ result[3] = w1*z2 + x1*y2 - y1*x2 + z1*w2;
+ return result;
//! get north component of attitude
inline datatype get_north( void) const
- datatype e0 = vector::e[0];
- datatype e1 = vector::e[1];
- datatype e2 = vector::e[2];
- datatype e3 = vector::e[3];
+ datatype e0 = this->e[0];
+ datatype e1 = this->e[1];
+ datatype e2 = this->e[2];
+ datatype e3 = this->e[3];
return e0*e0 + e1*e1 - e2*e2 - e3*e3;
//! get east component of attitude
inline datatype get_east( void) const
- datatype e0 = vector::e[0];
- datatype e1 = vector::e[1];
- datatype e2 = vector::e[2];
- datatype e3 = vector::e[3];
+ datatype e0 = this->e[0];
+ datatype e1 = this->e[1];
+ datatype e2 = this->e[2];
+ datatype e3 = this->e[3];
return TWO * (e0*e3 + e1*e2);
@@ -136,19 +130,30 @@ template class quaternion: public vector
return TWO * (e1*e3-e0*e2);
- //! quaternion update using rotation vector
- void rotate( datatype p, datatype q, datatype r)
+ //! get heading component of attitude
+ datatype get_heading( void) const
datatype e0 = vector::e[0];
datatype e1 = vector::e[1];
datatype e2 = vector::e[2];
datatype e3 = vector::e[3];
+ return ATAN2( TWO * (e0*e3 + e1*e2) , e0*e0 + e1*e1 - e2*e2 - e3*e3 );
+ }
+ //! quaternion update using rotation vector
+ void rotate( datatype p, datatype q, datatype r)
+ {
+ datatype e0 = this->e[0];
+ datatype e1 = this->e[1];
+ datatype e2 = this->e[2];
+ datatype e3 = this->e[3];
//! R.Rogers formula 2.92
- vector::e[0] += (-e1*p -e2*q -e3*r);
- vector::e[1] += ( e0*p +e2*r -e3*q);
- vector::e[2] += ( e0*q -e1*r +e3*p);
- vector::e[3] += ( e0*r +e1*q -e2*p);
+ this->e[0] += (-e1*p -e2*q -e3*r);
+ this->e[1] += ( e0*p +e2*r -e3*q);
+ this->e[2] += ( e0*q -e1*r +e3*p);
+ this->e[3] += ( e0*r +e1*q -e2*p);
@@ -156,6 +161,7 @@ template class quaternion: public vector
//! euler angle -> quaternion transformation
void from_euler( datatype p, datatype q, datatype r)
+ // 3-2-1: yaw, then pitch, then roll
p *= HALF; q *= HALF; r *= HALF;
datatype sinphi = SIN( p);
datatype cosphi = COS( p);
@@ -164,20 +170,20 @@ template class quaternion: public vector
datatype sinpsi = SIN( r);
datatype cospsi = COS( r);
- vector::e[0] = cosphi*costheta*cospsi + sinphi*sintheta*sinpsi;
- vector::e[1] = sinphi*costheta*cospsi + cosphi*sintheta*sinpsi;
- vector::e[2] = cosphi*sintheta*cospsi + sinphi*costheta*sinpsi;
- vector::e[3] = cosphi*costheta*sinpsi - sinphi*sintheta*cospsi;
+ this->e[0] = cosphi*costheta*cospsi + sinphi*sintheta*sinpsi;
+ this->e[1] = sinphi*costheta*cospsi - cosphi*sintheta*sinpsi;
+ this->e[2] = cosphi*sintheta*cospsi + sinphi*costheta*sinpsi;
+ this->e[3] = cosphi*costheta*sinpsi - sinphi*sintheta*cospsi;
//! quaternion -> rotation matrix transformation
void get_rotation_matrix (matrix &m) const
//! R.Rogers formula 2.90
- datatype e0=vector::e[0];
- datatype e1=vector::e[1];
- datatype e2=vector::e[2];
- datatype e3=vector::e[3];
+ datatype e0=this->e[0];
+ datatype e1=this->e[1];
+ datatype e2=this->e[2];
+ datatype e3=this->e[3];
m.e[0][0] = TWO * (e0*e0+e1*e1) - ONE;
m.e[0][1] = TWO * (e1*e2-e0*e3);
@@ -191,21 +197,21 @@ template class quaternion: public vector
m.e[2][1] = TWO * (e2*e3+e0*e1);
m.e[2][2] = TWO * (e0*e0+e3*e3) - ONE;
- quaternion operator * ( quaternion & right) //!< quaternion multiplication
+ quaternion operator * ( const quaternion & right) const //!< quaternion multiplication
quaternion result;
- datatype e0=vector::e[0];
- datatype e1=vector::e[1];
- datatype e2=vector::e[2];
- datatype e3=vector::e[3];
- datatype re0=right.vector::e[0];
- datatype re1=right.vector::e[1];
- datatype re2=right.vector::e[2];
- datatype re3=right.vector::e[3];
- result.vector::e[0] = e0 * re0 - e1 * re1 - e2 * re2 + e3 * re3;
- result.vector::e[1] = e1 * re0 + e2 * re3 - e3 * re2 + e0 * re1;
- result.vector::e[2] = e3 * re1 + e0 * re2 - e1 * re3 + e2 * re0;
- result.vector::e[3] = e1 * re2 - e2 * re1 + e0 * re3 + e3 * re0;
+ datatype e0=this->e[0];
+ datatype e1=this->e[1];
+ datatype e2=this->e[2];
+ datatype e3=this->e[3];
+ datatype re0=right.e[0];
+ datatype re1=right.e[1];
+ datatype re2=right.e[2];
+ datatype re3=right.e[3];
+ result.e[0] = e0 * re0 - e1 * re1 - e2 * re2 + e3 * re3;
+ result.e[1] = e1 * re0 + e2 * re3 - e3 * re2 + e0 * re1;
+ result.e[2] = e3 * re1 + e0 * re2 - e1 * re3 + e2 * re0;
+ result.e[3] = e1 * re2 - e2 * re1 + e0 * re3 + e3 * re0;
return result;
@@ -216,13 +222,12 @@ template class quaternion: public vector
//! formula from roenbaeck p35
tmp = SQRT( tmp);
tmp *= HALF;
- vector::e[0] = tmp;
+ this->e[0] = tmp;
tmp = QUARTER / tmp;
- vector::e[1] = tmp * (rotm.e[2][1] - rotm.e[1][2]);
- vector::e[2] = tmp * (rotm.e[0][2] - rotm.e[2][0]);
- vector::e[3] = tmp * (rotm.e[1][0] - rotm.e[0][1]);
+ this->e[1] = tmp * (rotm.e[2][1] - rotm.e[1][2]);
+ this->e[2] = tmp * (rotm.e[0][2] - rotm.e[2][0]);
+ this->e[3] = tmp * (rotm.e[1][0] - rotm.e[0][1]);
normalize(); // compensate computational inaccuracies
#endif // QUATERNION_H
diff --git a/Generic_Algorithms/trigger.h b/Generic_Algorithms/trigger.h
index e68bf49..d509b5b 100644
--- a/Generic_Algorithms/trigger.h
+++ b/Generic_Algorithms/trigger.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#ifndef TRIGGER_H_
#define TRIGGER_H_
-//! class for hysteresis-based triggering on input data
+//! Hysteresis-based triggering on input data
class trigger
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/AHRS.cpp b/NAV_Algorithms/AHRS.cpp
index 26f3490..3a99a57 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/AHRS.cpp
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/AHRS.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
#include "magnetic_induction_report.h"
#include "embedded_memory.h"
#include "NAV_tuning_parameters.h"
+#include "soft_iron_compensator.h"
+#include "compass_calibrator_3D.h"
#include "EEPROM_emulation.h"
@@ -43,8 +47,8 @@ AHRS_type::attitude_setup (const float3vector &acceleration,
float3vector north, east, down;
float3vector induction;
- if( compass_calibration.isCalibrationDone()) // use calibration if available
- induction = compass_calibration.calibrate(mag);
+ if( compass_calibration.available())
+ induction = compass_calibration.calibrate( mag);
induction = mag;
@@ -104,21 +108,28 @@ AHRS_type::update_circling_state ()
-void AHRS_type::feed_magnetic_induction_observer(const float3vector &mag_sensor)
+void AHRS_type::feed_magnetic_induction_observer( const float3vector &mag_sensor, const float3vector &mag_delta)
- float3vector expected_body_induction = body2nav.reverse_map(expected_nav_induction);
+ float error_margin = nav_correction.abs();
+ if( error_margin > NAV_CORRECTION_LIMIT)
+ return;
bool turning_right = turn_rate_averager.get_output() > 0.0f;
+ if( mag_delta.abs() < 0.05) // only if the precision is already reasonably good ...
+ {
+ bool calibration_data_complete = soft_iron_compensator.learn( mag_delta, attitude, turning_right, error_margin);
+ if( calibration_data_complete)
+ trigger_soft_iron_compensator_calculation();
+ }
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if( turning_right)
mag_calibration_data_collector_right_turn[i].add_value ( MAG_SCALE * expected_body_induction[i], MAG_SCALE * mag_sensor[i]);
mag_calibration_data_collector_left_turn[i].add_value ( MAG_SCALE * expected_body_induction[i], MAG_SCALE * mag_sensor[i]);
- // measurement of earth induction to find the local earth field parameters
- earth_induction_data_collector.feed( induction_nav_frame, turning_right);
AHRS_type::AHRS_type (float sampling_time)
@@ -141,17 +152,13 @@ AHRS_type::AHRS_type (float sampling_time)
turn_rate_averager( ANGLE_F_BY_FS),
G_load_averager( G_LOAD_F_BY_FS),
- earth_induction_data_collector( MAG_SCALE),
antenna_DOWN_correction( configuration( ANT_SLAVE_DOWN) / configuration( ANT_BASELENGTH)),
antenna_RIGHT_correction( configuration( ANT_SLAVE_RIGHT) / configuration( ANT_BASELENGTH)),
- automatic_magnetic_calibration(configuration(MAG_AUTO_CALIB)),
- automatic_earth_field_parameters( false),
+ automatic_magnetic_calibration( (magnetic_calibration_type)(round)(configuration(MAG_AUTO_CALIB))),
magnetic_calibration_updated( false)
update_magnetic_loop_gain(); // adapt to magnetic inclination
@@ -221,22 +228,41 @@ AHRS_type::update_diff_GNSS (const float3vector &gyro,
const float3vector &GNSS_acceleration,
float GNSS_heading)
- circle_state_t old_circle_state = circling_state;
- update_circling_state ();
+ expected_body_induction = body2nav.reverse_map( expected_nav_induction);
- if( compass_calibration.isCalibrationDone()) // use calibration if available
- body_induction = compass_calibration.calibrate(mag_sensor);
- else
- body_induction = mag_sensor;
+ float fcoordinates[] =
+ {
+ -0.05, 0.95, 0.03,
+ 1, 0.1, -0.1,
+ -0.03, 0.1, 1.1
+ };
+ float3matrix rotator (fcoordinates);
+ float3vector mag_sensor_tilted = rotator * mag_sensor;
+ body_induction = compass_calibrator_3D.calibrate( mag_sensor_tilted, attitude);
+ body_induction = compass_calibration.calibrate(mag_sensor);
+ float3vector mag_delta = body_induction - expected_body_induction; // for the training of the compensator
+ if( automatic_magnetic_calibration == AUTO_SOFT_IRON_COMPENSATE)
+ body_induction = body_induction - soft_iron_compensator.compensate( expected_body_induction, attitude);
+ body_induction_error = body_induction - expected_body_induction;
- body_induction_error = body_induction - body2nav.reverse_map( expected_nav_induction);
float3vector nav_acceleration = body2nav * acc;
float heading_gnss_work = GNSS_heading // correct for antenna alignment
- + antenna_DOWN_correction * SIN (euler.r)
- - antenna_RIGHT_correction * COS (euler.r);
+ + antenna_DOWN_correction * SIN (euler.roll)
+ - antenna_RIGHT_correction * COS (euler.roll);
- heading_gnss_work = heading_gnss_work - euler.y; // = heading difference D-GNSS - AHRS
+ heading_gnss_work = heading_gnss_work - euler.yaw; // = heading difference D-GNSS - AHRS
if (heading_gnss_work > M_PI_F) // map into { -PI PI}
heading_gnss_work -= 2.0f * M_PI_F;
@@ -252,6 +278,9 @@ AHRS_type::update_diff_GNSS (const float3vector &gyro,
+ nav_acceleration[NORTH] * GNSS_acceleration[EAST]
- nav_acceleration[EAST] * GNSS_acceleration[NORTH];
+ circle_state_t old_circle_state = circling_state;
+ update_circling_state ();
if( circling_state == CIRCLING) // heading correction using acceleration cross product GNSS * INS
@@ -275,12 +304,18 @@ AHRS_type::update_diff_GNSS (const float3vector &gyro,
gyro_integrator += gyro_correction; // update integrator
gyro_correction = gyro_correction + gyro_integrator * I_GAIN;
+ gyro_correction_power = SQR( gyro_correction[0]) + SQR( gyro_correction[1]) +SQR( gyro_correction[2]);
update_attitude (acc, gyro + gyro_correction, body_induction);
// only here we get fresh magnetic entropy
// and: wait for low control loop error
- if ( (circling_state == CIRCLING) && ( nav_correction.abs() < NAV_CORRECTION_LIMIT))
- feed_magnetic_induction_observer (mag_sensor);
+ if ( circling_state == CIRCLING)
+ feed_magnetic_induction_observer (mag_sensor_tilted, mag_delta);
+ feed_magnetic_induction_observer (mag_sensor, mag_delta);
// when circling is finished eventually update the magnetic calibration
if (automatic_magnetic_calibration && (old_circle_state == CIRCLING) && (circling_state == TRANSITION))
@@ -295,12 +330,36 @@ AHRS_type::update_compass (const float3vector &gyro, const float3vector &acc,
const float3vector &mag_sensor,
const float3vector &GNSS_acceleration)
- if( compass_calibration.isCalibrationDone()) // use calibration if available
+ expected_body_induction = body2nav.reverse_map( expected_nav_induction);
+ float fcoordinates[] =
+ {
+ -0.05, 0.95, 0.03,
+ 1, 0.1, -0.1,
+ -0.03, 0.1, 1.1
+ };
+ float3matrix rotator (fcoordinates);
+ float3vector mag_sensor_tilted = rotator * mag_sensor;
+ body_induction = compass_calibrator_3D.calibrate( mag_sensor_tilted, attitude);
body_induction = compass_calibration.calibrate(mag_sensor);
- else
- body_induction = mag_sensor;
+ if( automatic_magnetic_calibration == AUTO_SOFT_IRON_COMPENSATE)
+ body_induction = body_induction - soft_iron_compensator.compensate( expected_body_induction, attitude);
+ float3vector mag_delta = body_induction - expected_body_induction; // for the training of the compensator
- body_induction_error = body_induction - body2nav.reverse_map( expected_nav_induction);
+// if( (automatic_magnetic_calibration == AUTO_3D)
+// body_induction = body_induction - soft_iron_compensator.calibrate( expected_body_induction, attitude);
+ body_induction_error = body_induction - expected_body_induction;
float3vector nav_acceleration = body2nav * acc;
float3vector nav_induction = body2nav * body_induction;
@@ -313,9 +372,6 @@ AHRS_type::update_compass (const float3vector &gyro, const float3vector &acc,
// calculate heading error depending on the present circling state
// on state changes handle MAG auto calibration
- circle_state_t old_circle_state = circling_state;
- update_circling_state ();
float mag_correction =
+ nav_induction[NORTH] * expected_nav_induction[EAST]
- nav_induction[EAST] * expected_nav_induction[NORTH];
@@ -324,6 +380,9 @@ AHRS_type::update_compass (const float3vector &gyro, const float3vector &acc,
+ nav_acceleration[NORTH] * GNSS_acceleration[EAST]
- nav_acceleration[EAST] * GNSS_acceleration[NORTH];
+ circle_state_t old_circle_state = circling_state;
+ update_circling_state ();
switch (circling_state)
@@ -352,23 +411,25 @@ AHRS_type::update_compass (const float3vector &gyro, const float3vector &acc,
gyro_correction = gyro_correction + gyro_integrator * I_GAIN;
+ gyro_correction_power = SQR( gyro_correction[0]) + SQR( gyro_correction[1]) +SQR( gyro_correction[2]);
// feed quaternion update with corrected sensor readings
update_attitude (acc, gyro + gyro_correction, body_induction);
- body_induction_error = mag_sensor - body2nav.reverse_map( expected_nav_induction);
// only here we get fresh magnetic entropy
// and: wait for low control loop error
- if ( (circling_state == CIRCLING) && ( nav_correction.abs() < NAV_CORRECTION_LIMIT))
- feed_magnetic_induction_observer (mag_sensor);
+// if ( (circling_state == CIRCLING) && ( nav_correction.abs() < NAV_CORRECTION_LIMIT))
+ feed_magnetic_induction_observer (mag_sensor_tilted, mag_delta);
+ feed_magnetic_induction_observer (mag_sensor, mag_delta);
- // when circling is finished eventually update the magnetic calibration
- if (automatic_magnetic_calibration && (old_circle_state == CIRCLING) && (circling_state == TRANSITION))
- handle_magnetic_calibration('m');
+ // when circling is finished eventually update the magnetic calibration
+ if (automatic_magnetic_calibration && (old_circle_state == CIRCLING) && (circling_state == TRANSITION))
+ handle_magnetic_calibration('m');
* @brief update attitude from IMU data NOT using magnetometer of D-GNSS
@@ -376,11 +437,15 @@ void AHRS_type::update_ACC_only (const float3vector &gyro, const float3vector &a
const float3vector &mag_sensor,
const float3vector &GNSS_acceleration)
- float3vector mag;
- if (compass_calibration.isCalibrationDone ()) // use calibration if available
- mag = compass_calibration.calibrate (mag_sensor);
- else
- mag = mag_sensor;
+ expected_body_induction = body2nav.reverse_map( expected_nav_induction);
+ body_induction = compass_calibration.calibrate(mag_sensor);
+ if( automatic_magnetic_calibration == AUTO_SOFT_IRON_COMPENSATE)
+ body_induction = body_induction - soft_iron_compensator.compensate( expected_body_induction, attitude);
+ body_induction_error = body_induction - expected_body_induction;
float3vector nav_acceleration = body2nav * acc;
@@ -407,7 +472,7 @@ void AHRS_type::update_ACC_only (const float3vector &gyro, const float3vector &a
gyro_correction = gyro_correction + gyro_integrator * I_GAIN; // use integrator
// feed quaternion update with corrected sensor readings
- update_attitude(acc, gyro + gyro_correction, mag);
+ update_attitude(acc, gyro + gyro_correction, body_induction);
void AHRS_type::write_calibration_into_EEPROM( void)
@@ -427,40 +492,14 @@ void AHRS_type::handle_magnetic_calibration ( char type)
bool calibration_changed = compass_calibration.set_calibration_if_changed ( mag_calibration_data_collector_right_turn, mag_calibration_data_collector_left_turn, MAG_SCALE);
- float induction_error = 0.0f;
float3vector new_induction_estimate;
- if (earth_induction_data_collector.data_valid ())
- {
- new_induction_estimate = earth_induction_data_collector.get_estimated_induction();
- induction_error = SQRT(earth_induction_data_collector.get_variance ());
- if ( automatic_earth_field_parameters && ( induction_error < INDUCTION_STD_DEVIATION_LIMIT))
- {
- expected_nav_induction = new_induction_estimate;
- expected_nav_induction.normalize();
- update_magnetic_loop_gain(); // adapt to magnetic inclination
- calibration_changed = true;
- }
- earth_induction_data_collector.reset ();
- }
if( calibration_changed)
magnetic_induction_report_t magnetic_induction_report;
for( unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
magnetic_induction_report.calibration[i] = (compass_calibration.get_calibration())[i];
- magnetic_induction_report.nav_induction=new_induction_estimate;
- magnetic_induction_report.nav_induction_std_deviation = induction_error;
report_magnetic_calibration_has_changed( &magnetic_induction_report, type);
magnetic_calibration_updated = true;
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/AHRS.h b/NAV_Algorithms/AHRS.h
index 4ab7988..1797130 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/AHRS.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/AHRS.h
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
#include "float3matrix.h"
#include "integrator.h"
#include "compass_calibration.h"
+#include "soft_iron_compensator.h"
#include "HP_LP_fusion.h"
-#include "induction_observer.h"
#include "pt2.h"
extern float3vector nav_induction;
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ typedef enum { STRAIGHT_FLIGHT, TRANSITION, CIRCLING} circle_state_t;
typedef integrator vector3integrator;
-//! Attitude and heading reference system class
+//! Attitude and heading reference system
class AHRS_type
@@ -91,18 +91,6 @@ class AHRS_type
return induction_nav_frame;
- inline float get_lin_e0(void) const
- {
- return attitude.lin_e0();
- }
- inline float get_lin_e1(void) const
- {
- return attitude.lin_e1();
- }
- inline float get_e2(void) const
- {
- return attitude.get_e2();
- }
inline float get_north(void) const
return attitude.get_north();
@@ -198,6 +186,11 @@ class AHRS_type
return body_induction;
+ float getGyro_correction_Power () const
+ {
+ return gyro_correction_power;
+ }
+ enum magnetic_calibration_type { NONE, AUTO_1D, AUTO_SOFT_IRON_COMPENSATE};
void handle_magnetic_calibration( char type);
@@ -210,7 +203,7 @@ class AHRS_type
magnetic_control_gain = M_H_GAIN / expected_horizontal_induction;
- void feed_magnetic_induction_observer(const float3vector &mag_sensor);
+ void feed_magnetic_induction_observer( const float3vector &mag_sensor, const float3vector &mag_delta);
circle_state_t update_circling_state( void);
void update_diff_GNSS( const float3vector &gyro, const float3vector &acc, const float3vector &mag,
@@ -230,6 +223,7 @@ class AHRS_type
float3vector acceleration_nav_frame;
float3vector induction_nav_frame; //!< observed NAV induction
float3vector expected_nav_induction; //!< expected NAV induction
+ float3vector expected_body_induction; //!< expected body frame induction
float3matrix body2nav;
eulerangle euler;
pt2 slip_angle_averager;
@@ -239,20 +233,17 @@ class AHRS_type
linear_least_square_fit mag_calibration_data_collector_right_turn[3];
linear_least_square_fit mag_calibration_data_collector_left_turn[3];
compass_calibration_t compass_calibration;
- induction_observer_t earth_induction_data_collector;
float antenna_DOWN_correction; //!< slave antenna lower / DGNSS base length
float antenna_RIGHT_correction; //!< slave antenna more right / DGNSS base length
float heading_difference_AHRS_DGNSS;
float cross_acc_correction;
float magnetic_disturbance; //!< abs( observed_induction - expected_induction)
float magnetic_control_gain; //!< declination-dependent magnetic control loop gain
- bool automatic_magnetic_calibration;
- bool automatic_earth_field_parameters; // todo unused, remove me some day
+ magnetic_calibration_type automatic_magnetic_calibration;
bool magnetic_calibration_updated;
float3vector body_induction;
float3vector body_induction_error;
+ float gyro_correction_power;
#endif /* AHRS_H_ */
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/GNSS.h b/NAV_Algorithms/GNSS.h
index fdff995..07bf511 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/GNSS.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/GNSS.h
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ typedef enum { GNSS_HAVE_FIX, GNSS_NO_FIX, GNSS_ERROR} GNSS_Result;
#define SAT_FIX 1 // bits within sat_fix
#define SAT_HEADING 2
-//! this structure contains all important data from the GNSS
+//! Contains all important data from the GNSS
typedef struct
float3vector position; //!< NED / meters
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ typedef struct
uint16_t dummy;
} coordinates_t;
-//! this class is organizing the data transfer from uBlox-GNSS to Larus
+//! Organizing the data transfer from a uBlox-GNSS receiver
class GNSS_type
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/NAV_tuning_parameters.h b/NAV_Algorithms/NAV_tuning_parameters.h
index 576dc91..c711aa2 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/NAV_tuning_parameters.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/NAV_tuning_parameters.h
@@ -25,11 +25,9 @@
#define CIRCLE_LIMIT (10 * 100) //!< 10 * 1/100 s delay into / out of circling state
@@ -51,18 +49,20 @@
#define I_GAIN 0.00006f //!< Attitude controller: integral gain
#define H_GAIN 38.0f //!< Attitude controller: horizontal gain
#define M_H_GAIN 6.0f //!< Attitude controller: horizontal gain magnetic
-#define CROSS_GAIN 0.05f //!< Attitude controller: cross-product gain
+#define CROSS_GAIN 0.05 //!< Attitude controller: cross-product gain
#define INDUCTION_ERROR 0.015 //!< Maximum std deviation to update earth induction parameters
#define NAV_CORRECTION_LIMIT 5.0f //!< limit for "low AHRS correcting variable"
#define HIGH_TURN_RATE 8.0*M_PI/180.0f //!< turn rate high limit
#define LOW_TURN_RATE 1.0*M_PI/180.0f //!< turn rate low limit
#define SPEED_COMPENSATION_FUSIONER_FEEDBACK 0.998f // empirically tuned alpha
+#define USE_OLD_FASHIONED_PRESSURE_VARIO 0 // for vario comparison tests (offline)
-#define USE_ACCELERATION_CROSS_GAIN_ALONE_WHEN_CIRCLING 1 //!< if 1: do not use induction to control attitude while circling
+#define USE_ACCELERATION_CROSS_GAIN_ALONE_WHEN_CIRCLING 0 //!< if 1: do not use induction to control attitude while circling
#define DISABLE_CIRCLING_STATE 0 //!< for tests only: never use circling AHRS algorithm
#define INDUCTION_STD_DEVIATION_LIMIT 0.03 //!< results outperforming this number will be used further on
-#define AIRBORNE_TRIGGER_SPEED 0.5f //!< speed-compensator vario value m/s
+#define AIRBORNE_TRIGGER_SPEED_COMP 0.5f //!< speed-compensator vario value m/s
+#define AIRBORNE_TRIGGER_SPEED 15.0f //!< ground speed / m/s
#define MAG_SCALE 10000.0f //!< scale factor for high-precision integer statistics
@@ -71,5 +71,6 @@
#define GRAVITY 9.81f
+#define VECTOR_AVERAGE_COUNT 100 //!< average count for sensor orientation setup
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/air_density_observer.cpp b/NAV_Algorithms/air_density_observer.cpp
index 7e4c1c5..45d3d21 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/air_density_observer.cpp
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/air_density_observer.cpp
@@ -25,60 +25,69 @@
#include "embedded_math.h"
-air_data_result air_density_observer::feed_metering( float pressure, float MSL_altitude)
+air_data_result air_density_observer_t::feed_metering( float pressure, float GNSS_altitude)
air_data_result air_data;
- density_QFF_calculator.add_value( MSL_altitude * 100.0f, pressure);
- // use values normalized around 1.0
- density_QFF_calculator.add_value( MSL_altitude * 1e-3, pressure * 1e-5);
+ pressure_decimation_filter.respond( pressure);
+ altitude_decimation_filter.respond( GNSS_altitude);
+ --decimation_counter;
+ if( decimation_counter > 0)
+ return air_data;
+ decimation_counter = AIR_DENSITY_DECIMATION;
+ density_QFF_calculator.add_value( GNSS_altitude * 100.0f, pressure);
- if( MSL_altitude > max_altitude)
- max_altitude = MSL_altitude;
+ // update elevation range
+ if( GNSS_altitude > max_altitude)
+ max_altitude = GNSS_altitude;
- if( MSL_altitude < min_altitude)
- min_altitude = MSL_altitude;
+ if( GNSS_altitude < min_altitude)
+ min_altitude = GNSS_altitude;
- if( false == altitude_trigger.process(MSL_altitude))
+ // if range too low: continue
+ if( (max_altitude - min_altitude) < MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_RANGE)
return air_data;
- if( ((max_altitude - min_altitude) < MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_RANGE) // ... forget this measurement
- || (density_QFF_calculator.get_count() < 3000))
- {
- max_altitude = min_altitude = MSL_altitude;
- density_QFF_calculator.reset();
- return air_data;
- }
+ // elevation range triggering
+ if( (max_altitude - min_altitude < MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE_RANGE) &&
+ false == altitude_trigger.process(GNSS_altitude))
+ return air_data;
+ // if data points too rare: continue
+ if (density_QFF_calculator.get_count() < 100)
+ return air_data;
+ // process last acquisition phase data
linear_least_square_result result;
-// Due to numeric effects, when using float the
-// variance has been observed to be negative in some cases !
-// Therefore using float this test can not be used.
- assert( result.variance_slope > 0);
- assert( result.variance_offset > 0);
+// Due to numeric effects, the variance has been observed
+// to be negative in some cases.
+// If this is the case: Throw away this result.
+ if( ( result.variance_slope < 0) || ( result.variance_offset < 0))
+ {
+ density_QFF_calculator.reset();
+ air_data.valid=false;
+ return air_data;
+ }
- if( result.variance_slope < MAX_ALLOWED_VARIANCE)
+ if( (result.variance_slope < MAX_ALLOWED_SLOPE_VARIANCE) &&
+ (result.variance_offset < MAX_ALLOWED_OFFSET_VARIANCE) )
air_data.QFF = (float)(result.y_offset);
- float density = 100.0f * (float)(result.slope) * -0.10194f; // div by -9.81f;
- float pressure = density_QFF_calculator.get_mean_y();
- float pressure = 1e5 * density_QFF_calculator.get_mean_y();
+ float density = 100.0f * (float)(result.slope) * -0.101936f; // div by -9.81f;
- float std_density = 1.0496346613e-5f * pressure + 0.1671546011f;
+ float reference_altitude = density_QFF_calculator.get_mean_x() * 0.01f;
+ float std_density =
+ reference_altitude * reference_altitude * 0.000000003547494f
+ -0.000115412739613f * reference_altitude +1.224096628212817f;
air_data.density_correction = density / std_density;
+ air_data.density_variance = result.variance_slope;
air_data.valid = true;
- max_altitude = min_altitude = MSL_altitude;
+ max_altitude = min_altitude = GNSS_altitude;
return air_data;
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/air_density_observer.h b/NAV_Algorithms/air_density_observer.h
index f5cbc0e..5f126f5 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/air_density_observer.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/air_density_observer.h
@@ -25,39 +25,49 @@
+#include "pt2.h"
#include "Linear_Least_Square_Fit.h"
#include "trigger.h"
typedef double evaluation_type;
typedef uint64_t measurement_type;
-//! this class maintains offset and slope of the air density measurement
+//! Maintains offset and slope of the air density measurement
class air_data_result
air_data_result( void)
: density_correction(1.0f),
+ density_variance(1.0f),
valid( false)
float density_correction;
+ float density_variance;
float QFF;
bool valid;
-//! this class measures air density and QFF
-class air_density_observer
+//! Measures air density and reference pressure
+class air_density_observer_t
- air_density_observer (void)
+ air_density_observer_t (void)
: min_altitude(10000.0f),
+ decimation_counter( 20),
+ altitude_decimation_filter( 1.0f / AIR_DENSITY_DECIMATION * 0.25f),
+ pressure_decimation_filter( 1.0f / AIR_DENSITY_DECIMATION * 0.25f)
air_data_result feed_metering( float pressure, float MSL_altitude);
@@ -75,6 +85,9 @@ class air_density_observer
float min_altitude;
float max_altitude;
trigger altitude_trigger;
+ unsigned decimation_counter;
+ pt2 altitude_decimation_filter;
+ pt2 pressure_decimation_filter;
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/airborne_detector.h b/NAV_Algorithms/airborne_detector.h
index d3fb97e..2ccd63a 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/airborne_detector.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/airborne_detector.h
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+//! observation of the aircraft state (ground / flying)
class airborne_detector_t
@@ -37,12 +38,14 @@ class airborne_detector_t
if( yes)
- if( airborne_counter < LEVEL)
+ if( airborne_counter == 0)
+ airborne_counter = 100; // create hysteresis
+ else if( airborne_counter < LEVEL)
++ airborne_counter;
- if( airborne_counter > 0)
+ if( airborne_counter > 0)
if( airborne_counter == 0)
@@ -50,7 +53,13 @@ class airborne_detector_t
- bool detect_just_landed( void)
+ bool is_airborne( void)
+ {
+ return airborne_counter > 0;
+ }
+ bool detect_just_landed( void)
if( just_landed)
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/atmosphere.h b/NAV_Algorithms/atmosphere.h
index 851ab12..cc72cb2 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/atmosphere.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/atmosphere.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "embedded_math.h"
+#include "NAV_tuning_parameters.h"
#define RECIP_STD_DENSITY_TIMES_2 1.632f
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
/*! The offest for the conversion from degree celsius to kelvin */
-//! this class maintains instant atmosphere data like pressure, density etc
+//! Maintenance of atmosphere data like pressure, density etc.
class atmosphere_t
@@ -52,18 +53,27 @@ class atmosphere_t
humidity( 0.0f),
- density_correction_averager(0.001f),
- QFF(101325)
+ extrapolated_sea_level_pressure(101325),
+ GNSS_altitude_based_density_available(false),
+ GNSS_altitude_based_density(1.2255f),
+ old_density_correction(1.0f),
+ weight_sum(0.0f),
+ density_factor_weighed_sum(0.0f)
- density_correction_averager.settle(1.0f);
- void update_density_correction( void)
+ void update_density( float GNSS_altitude, bool valid)
- density_correction_averager.respond(density_correction);
+ if( valid)
+ {
+ GNSS_altitude_based_density = get_std_density( GNSS_altitude) * density_correction;
+ GNSS_altitude_based_density_available = true;
+ }
+ else
+ GNSS_altitude_based_density_available = false;
void initialize( float altitude)
- density_QFF_calculator.initialize(altitude);
+ air_density_observer.initialize(altitude);
void set_pressure( float p_abs)
@@ -73,11 +83,25 @@ class atmosphere_t
return pressure;
+ float get_std_density( float GNSS_altitude)
+ {
+ float std_density =
+ 0.000000003547494f * GNSS_altitude * GNSS_altitude
+ -0.000115412739613f * GNSS_altitude + 1.224096628212817f;
+ return std_density;
+ }
+ float get_pressure_density( float static_pressure)
+ {
+ return 1.0496346613e-5f * static_pressure + 0.1671546011f;
+ }
float get_density( void) const
- return (1.0496346613e-5f * pressure + 0.1671546011f) * density_correction_averager.get_output();
+ if( GNSS_altitude_based_density_available)
+ return GNSS_altitude_based_density;
+ else
+ return (1.0496346613e-5f * pressure + 0.1671546011f) * density_correction;
- float get_negative_altitude( void) const
+ float get_negative_pressure_altitude( void) const
float tmp = 8.104381531e-4f * pressure;
return - tmp * tmp + 0.20867299170f * pressure - 14421.43945f;
@@ -101,18 +125,28 @@ class atmosphere_t
have_ambient_air_data = false;
- float get_QFF () const
+ float get_extrapolated_sea_level_pressure () const
- return QFF;
+ return extrapolated_sea_level_pressure;
- void feed_QFF_density_metering( float pressure, float MSL_altitude)
+ void air_density_metering( float pressure, float MSL_altitude)
- air_data_result result = density_QFF_calculator.feed_metering( pressure, MSL_altitude);
+ air_data_result result = air_density_observer.feed_metering( pressure, MSL_altitude);
if( result.valid)
- QFF = result.QFF;
+ bool first_measurement = (weight_sum == 0.0f);
+ weight_sum = weight_sum * AIR_DENSITY_LETHARGY + (AIR_DENSITY_LETHARGY -1) / result.density_variance;
+ density_factor_weighed_sum = density_factor_weighed_sum * AIR_DENSITY_LETHARGY + (AIR_DENSITY_LETHARGY -1) * result.density_correction / result.density_variance;
+ // postpone update unless we have two measurements
+ if( ! first_measurement)
+ density_correction = density_factor_weighed_sum / weight_sum;
density_correction = result.density_correction;
@@ -127,9 +161,13 @@ class atmosphere_t
float temperature;
float humidity;
float density_correction;
- pt2 density_correction_averager;
- float QFF;
- air_density_observer density_QFF_calculator;
+ float extrapolated_sea_level_pressure;
+ air_density_observer_t air_density_observer;
+ bool GNSS_altitude_based_density_available;
+ float GNSS_altitude_based_density;
+ float old_density_correction;
+ float weight_sum;
+ float density_factor_weighed_sum;
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/compass_calibration.h b/NAV_Algorithms/compass_calibration.h
index 8e1b3cf..919b8b9 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/compass_calibration.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/compass_calibration.h
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class single_axis_calibration_t
float variance; //!< measure of precision: sensor calibration parameter variance
-//! this class maintains 3d magnetic calibration data
+//! Maintains 3 axes magnetic calibration data
template class compass_calibration_t
@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ template class compass_calibration_t
bool set_default (void)
- float variance;
calibration_done = true;
for( unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ template class compass_calibration_t
return true;
- bool isCalibrationDone () const
+ bool available () const
return calibration_done;
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/compass_calibrator_3D.cpp b/NAV_Algorithms/compass_calibrator_3D.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3178d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/compass_calibrator_3D.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ * @file compass_calibrator_3D.cpp
+ * @brief induction sensor calibration and magnetic disturbance compensation
+ * @author Dr. Klaus Schaefer
+ * @copyright Copyright 20.8.2024 Dr. Klaus Schaefer. All rights reserved.
+ * @license This project is released under the GNU Public License GPL-3.0
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "embedded_math.h"
+#include "compass_calibrator_3D.h"
+ROM float RECIP_SECTOR_SIZE = compass_calibrator_3D_t::OBSERVATIONS / M_PI_F / TWO / TWO;
+bool compass_calibrator_3D_t::learn (const float3vector &observed_induction,const float3vector &expected_induction, const quaternion &q, bool turning_right, float error_margin)
+ float present_heading = q.get_heading();
+ if( present_heading <0.0f)
+ present_heading += M_PI_F * TWO;
+ unsigned sector_index = (turning_right ? OBSERVATIONS / TWO : 0) + (unsigned)(present_heading * RECIP_SECTOR_SIZE);
+ // if we have just left the last sector to be collected: report ready for computation
+ if( ( last_sector_collected != -1) && ( sector_index != last_sector_collected) && (++measurement_counter > 10000))
+ return true;
+ if( heading_sector_error[sector_index] > 1e19) // this sector has not been written before
+ ++populated_sectors;
+ if ( heading_sector_error[sector_index] < error_margin)
+ return false; // we have collected more precise data for this observation earlier
+ heading_sector_error[sector_index] = error_margin;
+ for( unsigned axis = 0; axis < AXES; ++axis)
+ {
+ target_vector[axis][sector_index] = expected_induction[axis];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][0] = 1.0f;
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][1] = observed_induction[0];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][2] = observed_induction[1];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][3] = observed_induction[2];
+ }
+ if( (last_sector_collected == INVALID) && populated_sectors >= OBSERVATIONS)
+ // now we are collecting data within the last sector to be collected
+ last_sector_collected = sector_index;
+ return false;
+bool compass_calibrator_3D_t::calculate( void)
+// if( buffer_used_for_calibration != INVALID)
+// return false;
+ computation_float_type temporary_solution_matrix[PARAMETERS][PARAMETERS];
+ solution.numCols=PARAMETERS;
+ solution.numRows=PARAMETERS;
+ solution.pData = (computation_float_type *)temporary_solution_matrix;
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE observations;
+ observations.numCols=PARAMETERS;
+ observations.numRows=OBSERVATIONS;
+ computation_float_type transposed_matrix[PARAMETERS][OBSERVATIONS];
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE observations_transposed;
+ observations_transposed.numCols=OBSERVATIONS;
+ observations_transposed.numRows=PARAMETERS;
+ observations_transposed.pData = (computation_float_type *)transposed_matrix;
+ computation_float_type matrix_to_be_inverted_data[PARAMETERS][PARAMETERS];
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE matrix_to_be_inverted;
+ matrix_to_be_inverted.numCols=PARAMETERS;
+ matrix_to_be_inverted.numRows=PARAMETERS;
+ matrix_to_be_inverted.pData = (computation_float_type *)matrix_to_be_inverted_data;
+ computation_float_type solution_mapping_data[PARAMETERS][OBSERVATIONS];
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE solution_mapping;
+ solution_mapping.numCols=OBSERVATIONS;
+ solution_mapping.numRows=PARAMETERS;
+ solution_mapping.pData = (computation_float_type *)solution_mapping_data;
+ int next_buffer;
+ if( buffer_used_for_calibration == 0)
+ next_buffer = 1;
+ else
+ next_buffer = 0;
+ for( unsigned axis = 0; axis < AXES; ++axis)
+ {
+ observations.pData = &(observation_matrix[axis][0][0]);
+ // calculation, once per axis (FRONT, RIGHT, DOWN):
+ // target vector: T = ideal induction values for all observations
+ // single measurement: < 1 induction q0q1 q0q2 q0q3 q1q1 q1q2 q1q3 q2q2 q2q3 q3q3 > (single row)
+ // measurement matrix: M = single measurement * # OBSERVATIONS
+ // solution matrix: S = inverse( M_transposed * M) * M_transposed
+ // axis parameter set: P = S * T
+ arm_status result = ARM_MAT_TRANS( &observations, &observations_transposed);
+ if( result != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ start_learning(); // discard data
+ return false;
+ }
+ result = ARM_MAT_MULT( &observations_transposed, &observations, &matrix_to_be_inverted);
+ if( result != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ start_learning(); // discard data
+ return false;
+ }
+ result = ARM_MAT_INVERSE( &matrix_to_be_inverted, &solution);
+ if( result != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ start_learning(); // discard data
+ return false;
+ }
+ result = ARM_MAT_MULT( &solution, &observations_transposed, &solution_mapping);
+ if( result != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ start_learning(); // discard data
+ return false;
+ }
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE target_vector_inst;
+ target_vector_inst.numCols=1;
+ target_vector_inst.numRows=OBSERVATIONS;
+ target_vector_inst.pData=&(target_vector[axis][0]);
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE axis_parameter_set;
+ axis_parameter_set.numCols=1;
+ axis_parameter_set.numRows=PARAMETERS;
+ axis_parameter_set.pData=&(c[next_buffer][axis][0]);
+ result = ARM_MAT_MULT( &solution_mapping, &target_vector_inst, &axis_parameter_set);
+ if( result != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ start_learning(); // discard data
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ buffer_used_for_calibration = next_buffer; // switch now in a thread-save manner
+ for( unsigned k=0; k < AXES; ++k)
+ {
+ for( unsigned i=0; i &q)
+ {
+ if( buffer_used_for_calibration == INVALID) // we do not have a valid calibration
+ return induction;
+ unsigned b=buffer_used_for_calibration; // just to save expensive characters ...
+ float3vector retv;
+ for( int i = 0; i < AXES; ++i)
+ {
+ retv[i] =
+ c[b][i][0] +
+ c[b][i][1] * induction[0] +
+ c[b][i][2] * induction[1] +
+ c[b][i][3] * induction[2];
+ }
+ return retv;
+ }
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/compass_calibrator_3D.h b/NAV_Algorithms/compass_calibrator_3D.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..100cf9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/compass_calibrator_3D.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * @file compass_calibrator_3D.h
+ * @brief induction sensor calibration and magnetic disturbance compensation
+ * @author Dr. Klaus Schaefer
+ * @copyright Copyright 20.8.2024 Dr. Klaus Schaefer. All rights reserved.
+ * @license This project is released under the GNU Public License GPL-3.0
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "embedded_memory.h"
+#include "embedded_math.h"
+#include "float3vector.h"
+#include "quaternion.h"
+#include "matrix_functions.h"
+#if 0
+typedef double computation_float_type;
+#define ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE arm_matrix_instance_f64
+#define ARM_MAT_TRANS arm_mat_trans_f64
+#define ARM_MAT_MULT arm_mat_mult_f64
+#define ARM_MAT_INVERSE arm_mat_inverse_f64
+typedef float computation_float_type;
+#define ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE arm_matrix_instance_f32
+#define ARM_MAT_TRANS arm_mat_trans_f32
+#define ARM_MAT_MULT arm_mat_mult_f32
+#define ARM_MAT_INVERSE arm_mat_inverse_f32
+//! 3 dimensional magnetic calibration and error compensation mechanism
+class compass_calibrator_3D_t
+ compass_calibrator_3D_t( void)
+ : buffer_used_for_calibration(INVALID),
+ measurement_counter(0)
+ start_learning();
+ }
+ void start_learning( void)
+ {
+ populated_sectors = 0;
+ last_sector_collected = INVALID;
+ measurement_counter=0;
+ for( unsigned i=0; i < OBSERVATIONS; ++i)
+ heading_sector_error[i]=1e20f;
+ }
+ bool learn (const float3vector &observed_induction,const float3vector &expected_induction, const quaternion &q, bool turning_right, float error_margin);
+ float3vector calibrate( const float3vector &induction, const quaternion &q);
+ bool calculate( void);
+ bool available( void) const
+ {
+ return buffer_used_for_calibration != INVALID;
+ }
+ const computation_float_type * get_current_parameters( void) const
+ {
+ if( buffer_used_for_calibration == INVALID)
+ return 0;
+ return &(c[buffer_used_for_calibration][0][0]);
+ }
+ void set_current_parameters( const float * source)
+ {
+ int next_buffer;
+ if( buffer_used_for_calibration != 0)
+ next_buffer = 0;
+ else
+ next_buffer = 1;
+ computation_float_type * destination = &(c[next_buffer][0][0]);
+ for( unsigned i=0; i < AXES * PARAMETERS; ++i)
+ *destination++ = *source++;
+ buffer_used_for_calibration = next_buffer;
+ }
+ int buffer_used_for_calibration;
+ unsigned populated_sectors;
+ unsigned last_sector_collected;
+ unsigned measurement_counter;
+ computation_float_type c[2][AXES][PARAMETERS]; // double buffering for multi-thrading support
+ computation_float_type target_vector[AXES][OBSERVATIONS];
+ computation_float_type observation_matrix[AXES][OBSERVATIONS][PARAMETERS];
+ computation_float_type heading_sector_error[OBSERVATIONS];
+extern compass_calibrator_3D_t compass_calibrator_3D;
+void trigger_compass_calibrator_3D_calculation(void);
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/compass_ground_calibration.h b/NAV_Algorithms/compass_ground_calibration.h
index 69ab926..1d070c8 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/compass_ground_calibration.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/compass_ground_calibration.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+//! helper class to support manual compass calibration
class compass_ground_calibration_t
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/data_structures.h b/NAV_Algorithms/data_structures.h
index fb8f0c7..b10aa43 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/data_structures.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/data_structures.h
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@
#pragma pack(push, 1)
-//! contains all calibrated data from the sensors
+//! contains all input data from the sensors
typedef struct
float3vector acc; //XSENSE MTi1 IMU
@@ -48,6 +47,15 @@ typedef struct
} measurement_data_t;
+//! this structure contains all the observations from all sensors and the GNSS-receiver
+typedef struct
+ float3vector acc;
+ float3vector gyro;
+ float3vector mag;
+ float temperature;
+} extra_sensor_data_t;
//! this structure contains all the observations from sensors and GNSS
typedef struct
@@ -57,6 +65,9 @@ typedef struct
float dummy2;
coordinates_t c;
+ extra_sensor_data_t extra;
float sound_intensity;
@@ -67,6 +78,9 @@ typedef struct
measurement_data_t m;
coordinates_t c;
+ extra_sensor_data_t extra;
float sound_intensity;
@@ -120,6 +134,7 @@ typedef struct
float vario_wind_E;
float3vector body_induction;
float3vector body_induction_error;
+ float gyro_correction_power;
} output_data_t;
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/earth_induction_model.h b/NAV_Algorithms/earth_induction_model.h
index 6ec8b98..0f8a285 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/earth_induction_model.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/earth_induction_model.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+//! struct containing magnetic induction data for a point
typedef struct
float declination; //!< positive to the east
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ typedef struct
bool valid;
} induction_values;
+//! struct containing magnetic induction data for a regional region
typedef struct
double longitude_limit_west;
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ typedef struct
double coefficients_inclination[N_COEFFICIENTS];
} induction_model_area_t;
+//! Providing worldwide magnetic induction data
class earth_induction_model_t
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/induction_observer.h b/NAV_Algorithms/induction_observer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f1ac2c9..0000000
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/induction_observer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * induction_observer.h
- *
- * Created on: Feb 6, 2023
- * Author: schaefer
- */
-#include "mean_and_variance_finder.h"
-#include "float3vector.h"
-template class induction_observer_t
- induction_observer_t( float _scale_factor)
- : scale_factor( _scale_factor)
- {}
- void feed (float3vector induction, bool right_turn)
- {
- if (right_turn)
- for( unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
- induction_observer_right[i].feed (induction[i] * scale_factor);
- else
- for( unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
- induction_observer_left[i].feed (induction[i] * scale_factor);
- }
- void
- reset (void)
- {
- for( unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
- {
- induction_observer_right[i].reset ();
- induction_observer_left[i].reset ();
- }
- bool data_valid( void) const
- {
- return (
- (induction_observer_right[0].get_samples() > MINIMUM_MAG_CALIBRATION_SAMPLES) &&
- (induction_observer_left[0].get_samples() > MINIMUM_MAG_CALIBRATION_SAMPLES) );
- }
- float3vector get_estimated_induction( void) const
- {
- float3vector retv;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
- retv[i] = (induction_observer_right[i].get_mean() + induction_observer_left[i].get_mean()) * 0.5f / scale_factor;
- return retv;
- }
- float get_variance( void ) const
- {
- float sum = 0.0f;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
- {
- sum += induction_observer_right[i].get_variance();
- sum += induction_observer_left[i].get_variance();
- }
- return sum * 0.1666666666f / scale_factor / scale_factor;
- }
- enum{ MINIMUM_SAMPLES = 10000};
- float scale_factor;
- mean_and_variance_finder_t induction_observer_right[3];
- mean_and_variance_finder_t induction_observer_left[3];
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/magnetic_induction_report.h b/NAV_Algorithms/magnetic_induction_report.h
index fda876d..12dce15 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/magnetic_induction_report.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/magnetic_induction_report.h
@@ -12,13 +12,11 @@
#include "float3vector.h"
#include "NAV_tuning_parameters.h"
+//! helper struct containing magnetic calibration data
struct magnetic_induction_report_t
single_axis_calibration_t calibration[3];
- float3vector nav_induction;
- float nav_induction_std_deviation;
+ bool valid;
void report_magnetic_calibration_has_changed( magnetic_induction_report_t *p_magnetic_induction_report, char type);
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/navigator.cpp b/NAV_Algorithms/navigator.cpp
index 5949775..d71d630 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/navigator.cpp
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/navigator.cpp
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ void navigator_t::update_at_100Hz (
ahrs.get_nav_acceleration (),
- atmosphere.get_negative_altitude(),
+ atmosphere.get_negative_pressure_altitude(),
(GNSS_fix_type != 0)
@@ -85,24 +85,39 @@ void navigator_t::update_GNSS_data( const coordinates_t &coordinates)
bool navigator_t::update_at_10Hz ()
bool landing_detected=false;
- atmosphere.feed_QFF_density_metering(
- air_pressure_resampler_100Hz_10Hz.get_output(),
- flight_observer.get_filtered_GNSS_altitude());
- atmosphere.update_density_correction(); // here because of the 10 Hz call frequency
+ atmosphere.update_density( -GNSS_negative_altitude, GNSS_fix_type > 0);
wind_observer.process_at_10_Hz( ahrs);
vario_integrator.update (flight_observer.get_vario_GNSS(), // here because of the update rate 10Hz
- ahrs.get_euler ().y,
+ ahrs.get_euler ().yaw,
ahrs.get_circling_state ());
- airborne_detector.report_to_be_airborne( abs( flight_observer.get_speed_compensation_GNSS()) > AIRBORNE_TRIGGER_SPEED);
+ unsigned airborne_criteria_fulfilled = 0;
+ if( abs( flight_observer.get_speed_compensation_GNSS()) > AIRBORNE_TRIGGER_SPEED_COMP)
+ ++ airborne_criteria_fulfilled;
+ if( GNSS_velocity.abs() > AIRBORNE_TRIGGER_SPEED)
+ ++ airborne_criteria_fulfilled;
+ ++ airborne_criteria_fulfilled;
+ // if at least 2 of 3 criteria apply, we believe to be airborne
+ airborne_detector.report_to_be_airborne( airborne_criteria_fulfilled > 1);
if( airborne_detector.detect_just_landed())
landing_detected = true;
+ if( airborne_detector.is_airborne())
+ atmosphere.air_density_metering(
+ air_pressure_resampler_100Hz_10Hz.get_output(),
+ flight_observer.get_filtered_GNSS_altitude());
return landing_detected;
@@ -133,14 +148,14 @@ void navigator_t::report_data( output_data_t &d)
d.slip_angle = ahrs.getSlipAngle();
d.pitch_angle = ahrs.getPitchAngle();
d.G_load = ahrs.get_G_load();
- d.pressure_altitude = - atmosphere.get_negative_altitude();
+ d.pressure_altitude = - atmosphere.get_negative_pressure_altitude();
d.magnetic_disturbance = ahrs.getMagneticDisturbance();
d.air_density = atmosphere.get_density();
d.nav_induction_gnss = ahrs.get_nav_induction();
- d.QFF = atmosphere.get_QFF();
+ d.QFF = atmosphere.get_extrapolated_sea_level_pressure();
d.nav_correction = ahrs.get_nav_correction();
d.gyro_correction = ahrs.get_gyro_correction();
d.nav_acceleration_gnss = ahrs.get_nav_acceleration();
@@ -165,5 +180,7 @@ void navigator_t::report_data( output_data_t &d)
d.vario_wind_E = wind_observer.get_speed_compensator_wind()[EAST];
d.body_induction = ahrs.getBodyInduction();
d.body_induction_error = ahrs.getBodyInductionError();
+// d.body_induction_error = ahrs_magnetic.getBodyInductionError();
+ d.gyro_correction_power = ahrs.getGyro_correction_Power();
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/navigator.h b/NAV_Algorithms/navigator.h
index 1fe285f..815993f 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/navigator.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/navigator.h
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class navigator_t
- air_pressure_resampler_100Hz_10Hz(0.04f), // f / fcutoff = 80% * 0.5 * 0.1
+ air_pressure_resampler_100Hz_10Hz(0.025f), // = 2.5 Hz @ 100Hz
TAS( 0.0f),
IAS( 0.0f),
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ class navigator_t
ahrs_magnetic.update_magnetic_induction_data( declination, inclination);
void set_density_data( float temperature, float humidity)
if( ! isnan( temperature) && ! isnan( humidity) )
@@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ class navigator_t
void feed_QFF_density_metering( float pressure, float MSL_altitude)
- atmosphere.feed_QFF_density_metering( pressure, MSL_altitude);
+ atmosphere.air_density_metering( pressure, MSL_altitude);
void disregard_density_data( void)
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ class navigator_t
void reset_altitude( void)
- flight_observer.reset( atmosphere.get_negative_altitude(), GNSS_negative_altitude);
+ flight_observer.reset( atmosphere.get_negative_pressure_altitude(), GNSS_negative_altitude);
* @brief update pitot pressure
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/old_data_structures.h b/NAV_Algorithms/old_data_structures.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aed6212..0000000
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/old_data_structures.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- * old_data_structures.h
- *
- * Created on: Nov 5, 2022
- * Author: schaefer
- */
-#include "system_configuration.h"
-#include "quaternion.h"
-#include "GNSS.h"
-#include "data_structures.h"
-#include "cmath"
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-typedef struct
- float3vector acc;
- float3vector gyro;
- float3vector mag;
- float3vector lowcost_acc;
- float3vector lowcost_gyro;
- float3vector lowcost_mag;
- float pitot_pressure;
- float static_pressure;
- float absolute_pressure; //this is the second ms5611 on the PCB.
- float static_sensor_temperature; //log temperature to monitor temperature in enclosure
- float absolute_sensor_temperature;
- float supply_voltage; //Measuring the supply voltage. Might be related to sensor noise.
- float outside_air_temperature; //!< OAT from external sensor if installed
- float outside_air_humidity; //!< 0.0 -> 1.0 NOT percent
-} old_measurement_data_t;
-typedef struct
- float3vector position; //!< NED / meters
- float3vector velocity; //!< NED / m/s
- float3vector acceleration; //!< NED / m/s^2 (from velocity delta)
- float heading_motion; // degrees
- float speed_motion; // m/s
- float3vector relPosNED; //
- float relPosHeading;
- float speed_acc; // speed accuracy m/s
- double latitude; //!< degrees
- double longitude; //!< degrees
- uint8_t year;
- uint8_t month;
- uint8_t day;
- uint8_t hour;
- uint8_t minute;
- uint8_t second;
- uint8_t SATS_number; //!< number of tracked satellites
- uint8_t sat_fix_type; //!< bit 0: SAT FIX, bit 1: SAT HEADING availale
- int32_t nano; // nanoseconds from time stamp
- int16_t geo_sep_dm; //!< (WGS ellipsoid height - elevation MSL) in 0.1m units
- uint16_t dummy;
-} old_coordinates_t;
-typedef struct
- old_measurement_data_t m;
- old_coordinates_t c;
-} old_input_data_t;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-inline void new_format_from_old( measurement_data_t & out_m, coordinates_t & out_c, const old_input_data_t & in)
- out_m.acc = in.m.acc;
- out_m.mag = in.m.mag;
- out_m.gyro = in.m.gyro;
- out_m.static_pressure = in.m.static_pressure;
- out_m.static_sensor_temperature = in.m.static_sensor_temperature;
- out_m.pitot_pressure = in.m.pitot_pressure;
- out_m.supply_voltage = in.m.supply_voltage;
- out_c.position = in.c.position;
- out_c.velocity = in.c.velocity;
- out_c.acceleration = in.c.acceleration; //!< NED / m/s^2 (from velocity delta)
- out_c.heading_motion = in.c.heading_motion; // degrees
- out_c.speed_motion = in.c.speed_motion;
- out_c.relPosNED = in.c.relPosNED; //
- out_c.relPosHeading = in.c.relPosHeading;
- out_c.speed_acc = in.c.speed_acc;
- out_c.latitude = in.c.latitude;
- out_c.longitude = in.c.longitude;
- out_c.year = in.c.year;
- out_c.month = in.c.month;
- out_c.day = in.c.day;
- out_c.hour = in.c.hour;
- out_c.minute = in.c.minute;
- out_c.second = in.c.second;
- out_c.geo_sep_dm = in.c.geo_sep_dm;
- out_c.nano = 0xefffffff; // not used in old format
- // patches
- if( isnormal(out_c.relPosHeading))
- out_c.sat_fix_type = 3; // D-GNSS available
- else
- out_c.sat_fix_type = 1;
- out_c.SATS_number = 55; // just a joke ...
-#if GNSS_VERTICAL_SPEED_INVERTED // for simulation with some old data
- out_c.velocity[DOWN] *= -1.0f; // earlier we recorded the wrong sign
-#endif /* OLD_DATA_STRUCTURES_H_ */
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/organizer.h b/NAV_Algorithms/organizer.h
index 73efd95..a53ea20 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/organizer.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/organizer.h
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@
#include "navigator.h"
#include "earth_induction_model.h"
+typedef struct
+ float3vector acc_observed_left;
+ float3vector acc_observed_right;
+ float3vector acc_observed_level;
+} vector_average_collection_t;
//! set of algorithms and data to be used by Larus flight sensor
class organizer_t
@@ -43,20 +50,55 @@ class organizer_t
+ void update_sensor_orientation_data( const vector_average_collection_t & values)
+ {
+ // resolve sensor orientation using measurements
+ float3vector front_down_sensor_helper = values.acc_observed_right.vector_multiply( values.acc_observed_left);
+ float3vector u_right_sensor = front_down_sensor_helper.vector_multiply( values.acc_observed_level);
+ u_right_sensor.normalize();
+ float3vector u_down_sensor = values.acc_observed_level * -1.0f;
+ u_down_sensor.normalize();
+ float3vector u_front_sensor=u_right_sensor.vector_multiply(u_down_sensor);
+ u_front_sensor.normalize();
+ // calculate the new rotation matrix using our calibration data
+ sensor_mapping.e[0][0]=u_front_sensor[0];
+ sensor_mapping.e[0][1]=u_front_sensor[1];
+ sensor_mapping.e[0][2]=u_front_sensor[2];
+ sensor_mapping.e[1][0]=u_right_sensor[0];
+ sensor_mapping.e[1][1]=u_right_sensor[1];
+ sensor_mapping.e[1][2]=u_right_sensor[2];
+ sensor_mapping.e[2][0]=u_down_sensor[0];
+ sensor_mapping.e[2][1]=u_down_sensor[1];
+ sensor_mapping.e[2][2]=u_down_sensor[2];
+ quaternion q;
+ q.from_rotation_matrix( sensor_mapping);
+ eulerangle euler = q;
+ // make the change permanent
+ lock_EEPROM( false);
+ write_EEPROM_value( SENS_TILT_ROLL, euler.roll);
+ write_EEPROM_value( SENS_TILT_PITCH, euler.pitch);
+ write_EEPROM_value( SENS_TILT_YAW, euler.yaw);
+ lock_EEPROM( true);
+ }
void initialize_before_measurement( void)
pitot_offset= configuration (PITOT_OFFSET);
pitot_span = configuration (PITOT_SPAN);
QNH_offset = configuration (QNH_OFFSET);
- {
- quaternion q;
- q.from_euler (configuration (SENS_TILT_ROLL),
- configuration (SENS_TILT_PITCH),
- configuration (SENS_TILT_YAW));
- q.get_rotation_matrix (sensor_mapping);
- }
+ quaternion q;
+ q.from_euler (configuration (SENS_TILT_ROLL),
+ configuration (SENS_TILT_PITCH),
+ configuration (SENS_TILT_YAW));
+ q.get_rotation_matrix (sensor_mapping);
void update_magnetic_induction_data( double latitude, double longitude)
@@ -104,10 +146,11 @@ class organizer_t
return landing_detected;
- void set_attitude ( float roll, float nick, float present_heading)
+ void set_attitude ( float roll, float pitch, float present_heading)
- navigator.set_attitude ( roll, nick, present_heading);
+ navigator.set_attitude ( roll, pitch, present_heading);
void update_GNSS_data( const coordinates_t &coordinates)
@@ -116,15 +159,9 @@ class organizer_t
void update_every_10ms( output_data_t & output_data)
// rotate sensor coordinates into airframe coordinates
- acc = sensor_mapping * output_data.m.lowcost_acc;
- mag = sensor_mapping * output_data.m.lowcost_mag;
- gyro = sensor_mapping * output_data.m.lowcost_gyro;
acc = sensor_mapping * output_data.m.acc;
mag = sensor_mapping * output_data.m.mag;
gyro = sensor_mapping * output_data.m.gyro;
output_data.body_acc = acc;
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/persistent_data.cpp b/NAV_Algorithms/persistent_data.cpp
index 9bc7c34..ea40781 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/persistent_data.cpp
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/persistent_data.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ ROM persistent_data_t PERSISTENT_DATA[]=
{MAG_Z_OFF, "Mag_Z_Off", false, 0.0f, 0}, //! Induction sensor x offset signed / ( 10.0f / 32768 )
{MAG_Z_SCALE, "Mag_Z_Scale", false, 1.0f, 0}, //! Induction sensor x gain signed ( scale-factor = 1.0f + value / 32768 )
{MAG_STD_DEVIATION, "Mag_Calib_Err", false, 1e-2f, 0}, //! Magnetic calibration STD deviation / ( 1 % / 65536 )
- {MAG_AUTO_CALIB, "Mag_Auto_Calib", false, 1.0f, 0}, //! Magnetic calibration adjusted automatically
+ {MAG_AUTO_CALIB, "Mag_Auto_Calib", false, 2.0f, 0}, //! Magnetic calibration automatic { OFF=0, 2D=1, 3D=2 }
{VARIO_TC, "Vario_TC", false, 2.0f, 0}, //! Vario time constant unsigned s / ( 100.0f / 65536 )
{VARIO_INT_TC, "Vario_Int_TC", false, 30.0f, 0}, //! Vario integrator time constant unsigned s / ( 100.0f / 65536 )
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/setup_tester.cpp b/NAV_Algorithms/setup_tester.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f94c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/setup_tester.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#include "float3vector.h"
+#include "float3matrix.h"
+#include "quaternion.h"
+const float ldi[]={0.1f, +0.25f, -10.0f}; // left wing down
+const float rdi[]={0.1f, -0.15f, -10.0f}; // right wing down
+const float hi[] ={0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f}; // horizontal
+const float test1[] ={ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
+const float test2[] ={ 0.57735f, 0.57735f, -0.57735f};
+const float test3[] ={ 0.57735f, -0.57735f, 0.57735f};
+void setup_tester(void)
+ // create measurements in aircraft body frame
+ float3vector left_down_body( ldi);
+ float3vector right_down_body( rdi);
+ float3vector horiz_body( hi);
+ // setup the sensor orientation to test
+ quaternionsensor_q;
+// sensor_q.from_euler( 45.0 * M_PI/180.0, 135.0 * M_PI/180.0, -30.0 * M_PI/180.0);
+// sensor_q.from_euler( -135.0 * M_PI/180.0, 45.0 * M_PI/180.0, 150.0 * M_PI/180.0);
+// sensor_q.from_euler( -10.0 * M_PI/180.0, 75.0 * M_PI/180.0, -45.0 * M_PI/180.0);
+ sensor_q.from_euler( 10.0 * M_PI/180.0, -75.0 * M_PI/180.0, +125.0 * M_PI/180.0);
+ float3matrix sensor_2_body_assumption;
+ sensor_q.get_rotation_matrix(sensor_2_body_assumption);
+ //check if we get the rotation angles using the matrix given
+ quaternion qin;
+ qin.from_rotation_matrix(sensor_2_body_assumption);
+ eulerangle euler_in = qin;
+ euler_in.roll *= 180/M_PI;
+ euler_in.pitch *= 180/M_PI;
+ euler_in.yaw *= 180/M_PI;
+ // map measurements into the sensor frame
+ float3vector left_down_sensor = sensor_2_body_assumption.reverse_map( left_down_body);
+ float3vector right_down_sensor= sensor_2_body_assumption.reverse_map( right_down_body);
+ float3vector horiz_sensor = sensor_2_body_assumption.reverse_map( horiz_body);
+ // resolve sensor orientation using measurements
+ float3vector front_down_sensor_helper = right_down_sensor.vector_multiply(left_down_sensor);
+ float3vector u_right_sensor = front_down_sensor_helper.vector_multiply(horiz_sensor);
+ u_right_sensor.normalize();
+ float3vector u_down_sensor = horiz_sensor * -1.0f;
+ u_down_sensor.normalize();
+ float3vector u_front_sensor=u_right_sensor.vector_multiply(u_down_sensor);
+ u_front_sensor.normalize();
+ // calculate the rotation matrix using our calibration data
+ float3matrix sensor_2_body;
+ sensor_2_body.e[0][0]=u_front_sensor[0];
+ sensor_2_body.e[0][1]=u_front_sensor[1];
+ sensor_2_body.e[0][2]=u_front_sensor[2];
+ sensor_2_body.e[1][0]=u_right_sensor[0];
+ sensor_2_body.e[1][1]=u_right_sensor[1];
+ sensor_2_body.e[1][2]=u_right_sensor[2];
+ sensor_2_body.e[2][0]=u_down_sensor[0];
+ sensor_2_body.e[2][1]=u_down_sensor[1];
+ sensor_2_body.e[2][2]=u_down_sensor[2];
+ // test if the rotation matrix recovers the body frame data
+ float3vector test_left_down_body = sensor_2_body * left_down_sensor;
+ float3vector test_right_down_body = sensor_2_body * right_down_sensor;
+ float3vector test_horiz_body = sensor_2_body * horiz_sensor;
+ // test if the matrix provides pure rotation
+ float3vector vtest1 = sensor_2_body * float3vector( test1);
+ float test1_abs=vtest1.abs();
+ float3vector vtest2 = sensor_2_body * float3vector( test2);
+ float test2_abs=vtest2.abs();
+ float3vector vtest3 = sensor_2_body * float3vector( test3);
+ float test3_abs=vtest3.abs();
+ //check if we get the rotation angles using the matrix we have calculated
+ quaternion q;
+ q.from_rotation_matrix(sensor_2_body);
+ eulerangle euler = q;
+ euler.roll *= 180/M_PI;
+ euler.pitch *= 180/M_PI;
+ euler.yaw *= 180/M_PI;
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/soaring_flight_averager.h b/NAV_Algorithms/soaring_flight_averager.h
index f912401..9aeddd4 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/soaring_flight_averager.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/soaring_flight_averager.h
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ template
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "soft_iron_compensator.h"
+#include "embedded_math.h"
+ROM float RECIP_SECTOR_SIZE = soft_iron_compensator_t::OBSERVATIONS / M_PI_F / TWO / TWO;
+bool soft_iron_compensator_t::learn ( const float3vector &induction_error, const quaternion &q, bool turning_right, float error_margin)
+ float present_heading = q.get_heading();
+ if( present_heading <0.0f)
+ present_heading += M_PI_F * TWO;
+ int sector_index = (turning_right ? OBSERVATIONS / TWO : 0) + (unsigned)(present_heading * RECIP_SECTOR_SIZE);
+ // if we have just left the last sector to be collected: report ready for computation
+ if( ( last_sector_collected != -1) && ( sector_index != last_sector_collected) && (++measurement_counter > 10000))
+ return true;
+ if( heading_sector_error[sector_index] > 1e19) // this sector has not been written before
+ ++populated_sectors;
+ if ( heading_sector_error[sector_index] < error_margin)
+ return false; // we have collected more precise data for this observation earlier
+ heading_sector_error[sector_index] = error_margin;
+ for( unsigned axis = 0; axis < AXES; ++axis)
+ {
+ target_vector[axis][sector_index] = induction_error[axis];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][0] = 1.0f;
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][1] = q[0] * q[1];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][2] = q[0] * q[2];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][3] = q[0] * q[3];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][4] = q[1] * q[1];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][5] = q[1] * q[2];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][6] = q[1] * q[3];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][7] = q[2] * q[2];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][8] = q[2] * q[3];
+ observation_matrix[axis][sector_index][9] = q[3] * q[3];
+ }
+ if( (last_sector_collected == -1) && populated_sectors >= OBSERVATIONS)
+ last_sector_collected = sector_index;
+ return false;
+bool soft_iron_compensator_t::calculate( void)
+// if( buffer_used_for_calibration != INVALID)
+// return false;
+ computation_float_type temporary_solution_matrix[PARAMETERS][PARAMETERS];
+ solution.numCols=PARAMETERS;
+ solution.numRows=PARAMETERS;
+ solution.pData = (computation_float_type *)temporary_solution_matrix;
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE observations;
+ observations.numCols=PARAMETERS;
+ observations.numRows=OBSERVATIONS;
+ computation_float_type transposed_matrix[PARAMETERS][OBSERVATIONS];
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE observations_transposed;
+ observations_transposed.numCols=OBSERVATIONS;
+ observations_transposed.numRows=PARAMETERS;
+ observations_transposed.pData = (computation_float_type *)transposed_matrix;
+ computation_float_type matrix_to_be_inverted_data[PARAMETERS][PARAMETERS];
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE matrix_to_be_inverted;
+ matrix_to_be_inverted.numCols=PARAMETERS;
+ matrix_to_be_inverted.numRows=PARAMETERS;
+ matrix_to_be_inverted.pData = (computation_float_type *)matrix_to_be_inverted_data;
+ computation_float_type solution_mapping_data[PARAMETERS][OBSERVATIONS];
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE solution_mapping;
+ solution_mapping.numCols=OBSERVATIONS;
+ solution_mapping.numRows=PARAMETERS;
+ solution_mapping.pData = (computation_float_type *)solution_mapping_data;
+ int next_buffer;
+ if( buffer_used_for_calibration == 0)
+ next_buffer = 1;
+ else
+ next_buffer = 0;
+ for( unsigned axis = 0; axis < AXES; ++axis)
+ {
+ observations.pData = &(observation_matrix[axis][0][0]);
+ // calculation, once per axis (FRONT, RIGHT, DOWN):
+ // target vector: T = ideal induction values for all observations
+ // single measurement: < 1 induction q0q1 q0q2 q0q3 q1q1 q1q2 q1q3 q2q2 q2q3 q3q3 > (single row)
+ // measurement matrix: M = single measurement * # OBSERVATIONS
+ // solution matrix: S = inverse( M_transposed * M) * M_transposed
+ // axis parameter set: P = S * T
+ arm_status result = ARM_MAT_TRANS( &observations, &observations_transposed);
+ if( result != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ start_learning(); // discard data
+ return false;
+ }
+ result = ARM_MAT_MULT( &observations_transposed, &observations, &matrix_to_be_inverted);
+ if( result != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ start_learning(); // discard data
+ return false;
+ }
+ result = ARM_MAT_INVERSE( &matrix_to_be_inverted, &solution);
+ if( result != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ start_learning(); // discard data
+ return false;
+ }
+ result = ARM_MAT_MULT( &solution, &observations_transposed, &solution_mapping);
+ if( result != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ start_learning(); // discard data
+ return false;
+ }
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE target_vector_inst;
+ target_vector_inst.numCols=1;
+ target_vector_inst.numRows=OBSERVATIONS;
+ target_vector_inst.pData=&(target_vector[axis][0]);
+ ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE axis_parameter_set;
+ axis_parameter_set.numCols=1;
+ axis_parameter_set.numRows=PARAMETERS;
+ axis_parameter_set.pData=&(c[next_buffer][axis][0]);
+ result = ARM_MAT_MULT( &solution_mapping, &target_vector_inst, &axis_parameter_set);
+ if( result != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ start_learning(); // discard data
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( buffer_used_for_calibration != INVALID) // if we already had a valid parameter set
+ {
+ int other_buffer = next_buffer == 1 ? 0 : 1;
+ for( unsigned i=0; i &q)
+ {
+ if( buffer_used_for_calibration == INVALID) // we do not have a valid calibration
+ return float3vector();
+ unsigned b=buffer_used_for_calibration; // just to save expensive characters ...
+ float3vector retv;
+ for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ {
+ retv[i] =
+ c[b][i][0] +
+ c[b][i][1] * q[0] * q[1] + c[b][i][2] * q[0] * q[2] + c[b][i][3] * q[0] * q[3] +
+ c[b][i][4] * q[1] * q[1] + c[b][i][5] * q[1] * q[2] + c[b][i][6] * q[1] * q[3] +
+ c[b][i][7] * q[2] * q[2] + c[b][i][8] * q[2] * q[3] + c[b][i][9] * q[3] * q[3] ;
+ }
+ return retv;
+ }
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/soft_iron_compensator.h b/NAV_Algorithms/soft_iron_compensator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..328ebbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/soft_iron_compensator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * @file compass_calibrator_3D.h
+ * @brief induction sensor calibration and magnetic disturbance compensation
+ * @author Dr. Klaus Schaefer
+ * @copyright Copyright 20.8.2024 Dr. Klaus Schaefer. All rights reserved.
+ * @license This project is released under the GNU Public License GPL-3.0
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "embedded_memory.h"
+#include "embedded_math.h"
+#include "float3vector.h"
+#include "quaternion.h"
+#include "matrix_functions.h"
+#if 0
+typedef double computation_float_type;
+#define ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE arm_matrix_instance_f64
+#define ARM_MAT_TRANS arm_mat_trans_f64
+#define ARM_MAT_MULT arm_mat_mult_f64
+#define ARM_MAT_INVERSE arm_mat_inverse_f64
+typedef float computation_float_type;
+#define ARM_MATRIX_INSTANCE arm_matrix_instance_f32
+#define ARM_MAT_TRANS arm_mat_trans_f32
+#define ARM_MAT_MULT arm_mat_mult_f32
+#define ARM_MAT_INVERSE arm_mat_inverse_f32
+//! 3 dimensional magnetic calibration and error compensation mechanism
+class soft_iron_compensator_t
+ soft_iron_compensator_t( void)
+ : buffer_used_for_calibration(INVALID),
+ measurement_counter(0)
+ {
+ start_learning();
+ }
+ void start_learning( void)
+ {
+ populated_sectors = 0;
+ last_sector_collected=-1;
+ measurement_counter=0;
+ for( unsigned i=0; i &q, bool turning_right, float error_margin);
+float3vector compensate( const float3vector &induction, const quaternion &q);
+ bool calculate( void);
+ bool available( void) const
+ {
+ return buffer_used_for_calibration != INVALID;
+ }
+ const computation_float_type * get_current_parameters( void) const
+ {
+ if( buffer_used_for_calibration == INVALID)
+ return 0;
+ return &(c[buffer_used_for_calibration][0][0]);
+ }
+ void set_current_parameters( const float * source)
+ {
+ int next_buffer;
+ if( buffer_used_for_calibration != 0)
+ next_buffer = 0;
+ else
+ next_buffer = 1;
+ computation_float_type * destination = &(c[next_buffer][0][0]);
+ for( unsigned i=0; i < AXES * PARAMETERS; ++i)
+ *destination++ = *source++;
+ buffer_used_for_calibration = next_buffer;
+ }
+ int buffer_used_for_calibration;
+ unsigned populated_sectors;
+ int last_sector_collected;
+ unsigned measurement_counter;
+ computation_float_type c[2][AXES][PARAMETERS]; // double buffering for multi-thrading support
+ computation_float_type target_vector[AXES][OBSERVATIONS];
+ computation_float_type observation_matrix[AXES][OBSERVATIONS][PARAMETERS];
+ computation_float_type heading_sector_error[OBSERVATIONS];
+extern soft_iron_compensator_t soft_iron_compensator;
+void trigger_soft_iron_compensator_calculation(void);
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/variometer.cpp b/NAV_Algorithms/variometer.cpp
index bec1e47..a10caee 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/variometer.cpp
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/variometer.cpp
@@ -41,8 +41,12 @@ void variometer_t::update_at_100Hz (
bool GNSS_fix_avaliable
+ vario_uncompensated_pressure = pressure_vario_differentiator.respond( pressure_altitude);
vario_uncompensated_pressure = KalmanVario_pressure.update (
pressure_altitude, ahrs_acceleration[DOWN]);
speed_compensation_IAS = kinetic_energy_differentiator.respond (
vario_averager_pressure.respond (
@@ -90,8 +94,23 @@ void variometer_t::update_at_100Hz (
// speed compensation type 3 comes from the derivative of the specific energy
speed_compensation_energy_3 = specific_energy_differentiator.respond ( specific_energy);
+ // speed-compensation type 4 is the product of acceleration and velocity, both calculated along the heading axis
+ float3vector kalman_air_velocity;
+ kalman_air_velocity[NORTH] = Kalman_v_a_observer_N.get_x ( Kalman_V_A_Aoff_observer_t::VELOCITY);
+ kalman_air_velocity[EAST] = Kalman_v_a_observer_E.get_x ( Kalman_V_A_Aoff_observer_t::VELOCITY);
+ kalman_air_velocity[DOWN] = KalmanVario_GNSS.get_x ( KalmanVario_PVA_t::VARIO);
+ float air_velocity_projected = kalman_air_velocity * heading_vector;
+ acceleration[NORTH] = Kalman_v_a_observer_N.get_x ( Kalman_V_A_Aoff_observer_t::ACCELERATION);
+ acceleration[EAST] = Kalman_v_a_observer_E.get_x ( Kalman_V_A_Aoff_observer_t::ACCELERATION);
+ acceleration[DOWN] = KalmanVario_GNSS.get_x ( KalmanVario_PVA_t::ACCELERATION_OBSERVED);
+ float acceleration_projected = acceleration * heading_vector;
+ speed_compensation_projected_4 = air_velocity_projected * acceleration_projected * RECIP_GRAVITY;
// blending of three mechanisms for speed-compensation
- speed_compensation_GNSS = GNSS_INS_speedcomp_fusioner.respond( 0.5f * (speed_compensation_INS_GNSS_1 + speed_compensation_kalman_2), speed_compensation_energy_3);
+// speed_compensation_GNSS = GNSS_INS_speedcomp_fusioner.respond( 0.3333333f * (speed_compensation_INS_GNSS_1 + speed_compensation_kalman_2 + speed_compensation_projected_4), speed_compensation_energy_3);
+ speed_compensation_GNSS = GNSS_INS_speedcomp_fusioner.respond( 0.5 * (speed_compensation_INS_GNSS_1 + speed_compensation_kalman_2), speed_compensation_energy_3);
vario_averager_GNSS.respond ( vario_uncompensated_GNSS + speed_compensation_GNSS);
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/variometer.h b/NAV_Algorithms/variometer.h
index f1ffcfd..6938a20 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/variometer.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/variometer.h
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ class variometer_t
KalmanVario_GNSS( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, - GRAVITY),
KalmanVario_pressure( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, - GRAVITY),
specific_energy_differentiator( 1.0f, FAST_SAMPLING_TIME),
+ pressure_vario_differentiator( 1.0f, FAST_SAMPLING_TIME),
@@ -66,7 +69,8 @@ class variometer_t
- speed_compensation_energy_3(0.0f)
+ speed_compensation_energy_3(0.0f),
+ speed_compensation_projected_4(0.0f)
void update_at_100Hz
@@ -97,9 +101,12 @@ class variometer_t
return speed_compensation_kalman_2;
- default:
+ case 2:
return speed_compensation_energy_3;
+ default:
+ return speed_compensation_projected_4;
+ break;
@@ -147,6 +154,9 @@ class variometer_t
KalmanVario_PVA_t KalmanVario_GNSS;
KalmanVario_t KalmanVario_pressure;
+ differentiatorpressure_vario_differentiator;
Kalman_V_A_Aoff_observer_t Kalman_v_a_observer_N;
Kalman_V_A_Aoff_observer_t Kalman_v_a_observer_E;
HP_LP_fusion GNSS_INS_speedcomp_fusioner;
@@ -161,6 +171,7 @@ class variometer_t
float speed_compensation_INS_GNSS_1;
float speed_compensation_kalman_2;
float speed_compensation_energy_3;
+ float speed_compensation_projected_4;
#endif /* VARIOMETER_H_ */
diff --git a/NAV_Algorithms/wind_observer.h b/NAV_Algorithms/wind_observer.h
index 308cb94..0ebe74e 100644
--- a/NAV_Algorithms/wind_observer.h
+++ b/NAV_Algorithms/wind_observer.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "accumulating_averager.h"
#include "persistent_data.h"
+//! mechanisms to filter wind data
class wind_oberserver_t
@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ class wind_oberserver_t
- ahrs.get_euler ().y,
+ ahrs.get_euler ().yaw,
float3vector relative_wind_NAV = wind_resampler_100_10Hz.get_output() - wind_average_observer.get_output();
@@ -109,11 +110,12 @@ class wind_oberserver_t
if( old_circling_state == TRANSITION) // when starting to circle
circling_wind_averager.reset( wind_average_observer.get_output(), 100);
+ corrected_wind_averager.settle(wind_average_observer.get_output());
- relative_wind_observer.update( relative_wind_BODY, ahrs.get_euler ().y, ahrs.get_circling_state ());
+ relative_wind_observer.update( relative_wind_BODY, ahrs.get_euler ().yaw, ahrs.get_circling_state ());
wind_correction_nav = ahrs.get_body2nav() * relative_wind_observer.get_output();
@@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ class wind_oberserver_t
pt2 wind_resampler_100_10Hz;
pt2 instant_wind_averager;
soaring_flight_averager< float3vector, true> wind_average_observer; // configure wind average clamping on first circle
- soaring_flight_averager< float3vector, false, false> relative_wind_observer;
+ soaring_flight_averager< float3vector, true, true> relative_wind_observer;
pt2 corrected_wind_averager;
accumulating_averager < float3vector> circling_wind_averager;
circle_state_t circling_state;
diff --git a/Output_Formatter/CAN_output.cpp b/Output_Formatter/CAN_output.cpp
index 747d21b..2fbdab8 100644
--- a/Output_Formatter/CAN_output.cpp
+++ b/Output_Formatter/CAN_output.cpp
@@ -29,13 +29,15 @@
#include "system_state.h"
#include "CAN_gateway.h"
+extern uint32_t UNIQUE_ID[4]; // MPU silicon ID
#define DEGREE_2_RAD 1.7453292e-2f
-#ifdef CAN_FORMAT_2021
+#if CAN_FORMAT_2021
- c_CAN_Id_EulerAngles = 0x101, //!< int16_t roll nick yaw / 1/1000 rad
+ c_CAN_Id_EulerAngles = 0x101, //!< int16_t roll pitch yaw / 1/1000 rad
c_CAN_Id_Airspeed = 0x102, //!< int16_t TAS, IAS / km/h
c_CAN_Id_Vario = 0x103, //!< int16_t vario, vario-integrator / mm/s
c_CAN_Id_GPS_Date_Time= 0x104, //!< uint8_t year-2000, month, day, hour, mins, secs
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ enum CAN_ID_SENSOR
c_CAN_Id_Atmosphere = 0x109, //!< uint32_t pressure / Pa uint32_t density / g/m^3
c_CAN_Id_GPS_Sats = 0x10a, //!< uin8_t No of Sats, uint8_t Fix-Type NO=0 2D=1 3D=2 RTK=3
c_CAN_Id_Acceleration = 0x10b, //!< int16_t G-force mm / s^2, int16_t vertical acc mm / m^2, vario uncomp mm / s, u_int8_t circle mode
- c_CAN_Id_TurnCoord = 0x10c, //!< slip angle int16_t 1/1000 rad, turn rate int16_t 1/1000 rad/s, nick angle 1/1000 rad
+ c_CAN_Id_TurnCoord = 0x10c, //!< slip angle int16_t 1/1000 rad, turn rate int16_t 1/1000 rad/s, pitch angle 1/1000 rad
c_CAN_Id_SystemState = 0x10d, //!< u32 system_state, u32 git_tag dec
c_CID_KSB_Vdd = 0x112, //!< unit16_t as voltage * 10
@@ -59,9 +61,9 @@ void CAN_output ( const output_data_t &x, bool horizon_activated)
p.id=c_CAN_Id_EulerAngles; // 0x101
- p.data_sh[0] = (int16_t)(round(x.euler.r * 1000.0f)); // unit = 1/1000 RAD
- p.data_sh[1] = (int16_t)(round(x.euler.p * 1000.0f));
- p.data_sh[2] = (int16_t)(round(x.euler.y * 1000.0f));
+ p.data_sh[0] = (int16_t)(round(x.euler.roll * 1000.0f)); // unit = 1/1000 RAD
+ p.data_sh[1] = (int16_t)(round(x.euler.pitch * 1000.0f));
+ p.data_sh[2] = (int16_t)(round(x.euler.yaw * 1000.0f));
CAN_send(p, 1);
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ void CAN_output ( const output_data_t &x, bool horizon_activated)
p.data_sh[0] = ZERO;
p.data_sh[1] = ZERO;
- p.data_sh[2] = (int16_t)(round(x.euler.y * 1000.0f));
+ p.data_sh[2] = (int16_t)(round(x.euler.yaw * 1000.0f));
CAN_send(p, 1);
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ void CAN_output ( const output_data_t &x, bool horizon_activated)
p.data_sh[0] = (int16_t)(round(x.slip_angle * 1000.0f)); // slip angle in radiant from body acceleration
p.data_sh[1] = (int16_t)(round(x.turn_rate * 1000.0f)); // turn rate rad/s
- p.data_sh[2] = (int16_t)(round(x.pitch_angle * 1000.0f)); // nick angle in radiant from body acceleration
+ p.data_sh[2] = (int16_t)(round(x.pitch_angle * 1000.0f)); // pitch angle in radiant from body acceleration
if( CAN_send(p, 1)) // check CAN for timeout this time
system_state |= CAN_OUTPUT_ACTIVE;
@@ -186,98 +188,106 @@ enum CAN_ID_SENSOR
// all values in SI-STD- (metric) units, angles in radians
// format IEEE float32 little-endian
- CAN_Id_Roll_Nick = 0x400, //!< float roll-angle, float nick-angle (FRONT-RIGHT-DOWN-system)
- CAN_Id_Heading = 0x401, //!< float true heading, [OPTIONAL float magnetic declination]
- CAN_Id_Airspeed = 0x402, //!< float TAS, float IAS / m/s
- CAN_Id_Vario = 0x403, //!< float vario, float vario-average / m/s
- CAN_Id_GPS_Date_Time = 0x404, //!< uint8_t year-2000, month, day, hour, mins, secs
- CAN_Id_GPS_LatLon = 0x405, //!< float latitude, float longitude / degrees(!)
- CAN_Id_GPS_Alt = 0x406, //!< float MSL altitude,float geo separation
- CAN_Id_GPS_Trk_Spd = 0x407, //!< float ground track, float groundspeed / m/s
- CAN_Id_GPS_Sats = 0x408, //!< uin8_t No of Sats, (uint8_t)bool SAT FIX valid, (uint8_t)bool SAT HEADING available
- CAN_Id_Wind = 0x409, //!< float wind direction (where from), float wind speed
- CAN_Id_Wind_Average = 0x40a, //!< float average wind direction, float average wind speed m/s
- CAN_Id_Atmosphere = 0x40b, //!< float ambient pressure / Pa, float air density / kg/m^3
- CAN_Id_Acceleration = 0x40c, //!< float body-frame G-load m/s^2, body acceleration angle roll-axis
- CAN_Id_TurnRate = 0x40d, //!< float turn rate to the right, (uint8_t) (enum { STRAIGHT_FLIGHT, TRANSITION, CIRCLING} )
- CAN_Id_SystemState = 0x40e, //!< u32 system_state, u32 git_tag_dec
- CAN_Id_Voltage = 0x40f, //!< float supply voltage
+ CAN_Id_Roll_Pitch = 0x120, //!< float roll-angle, float pitch-angle (FRONT-RIGHT-DOWN-system)
+ CAN_Id_Heading = 0x121, //!< float true heading, turn-rate
+ CAN_Id_Airspeed = 0x122, //!< float TAS, float IAS / m/s
+ CAN_Id_Vario = 0x123, //!< float vario, float vario-average / m/s
+ CAN_Id_Wind = 0x124, //!< float wind direction (where from), float wind speed
+ CAN_Id_Wind_Average = 0x125, //!< float average wind direction, float average wind speed m/s
+ CAN_Id_Atmosphere = 0x126, //!< float ambient pressure / Pa, float air density / kg/m^3
+ CAN_Id_Acceleration = 0x127, //!< float body-frame G-load m/s^2, vertical acceleration world frame
+ CAN_Id_SlipPitch = 0x128, //!< float slip angle from body-acc, float pitch angle from body-acc
+ CAN_Id_Voltage_Circle = 0x129, //!< float supply voltage, uint8_t circle-mode
+ CAN_Id_SystemState = 0x12a, //!< u32 system_state, u32 git_tag dec
+ CAN_Id_GPS_Date_Time = 0x140, //!< uint8_t year-2000, month, day, hour, mins, secs
+ CAN_Id_GPS_Lat = 0x141, //!< double latitude
+ CAN_Id_GPS_Lon = 0x142, //!< double longitude
+ CAN_Id_GPS_Alt = 0x143, //!< float MSL altitude, float geo separation
+ CAN_Id_GPS_Trk_Spd = 0x144, //!< float ground track, float groundspeed / m/s
+ CAN_Id_GPS_Sats = 0x145, //!< uin8_t No of Sats, (uint8_t)bool SAT FIX type
+ CAN_Id_Heartbeat_Sens = 0x520,
+ CAN_Id_Heartbeat_GNSS = 0x540,
+ CAN_Id_Heartbeat_IMU = 0x560
-void CAN_output ( const output_data_t &x)
+void CAN_output ( const output_data_t &x, bool horizon_activated)
- CANpacket p;
+ CANpacket p( 0x7ff, 8);
+ if( horizon_activated)
+ {
+ p.id=CAN_Id_Roll_Pitch;
+ p.dlc=8;
+ p.data_f[0] = x.euler.roll;
+ p.data_f[1] = x.euler.pitch;
+ CAN_send(p, 1);
+ }
- p.id=CAN_Id_Roll_Nick;
- p.dlc=8;
- p.data_f[0] = x.euler.r;
- p.data_f[1] = x.euler.n;
- CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.dlc=4;
- p.data_f[0] = x.euler.y;
+ p.data_f[0] = x.euler.yaw;
+ p.data_f[1] = x.turn_rate;
CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.dlc=8;
p.data_f[0] = x.TAS;
p.data_f[1] = x.IAS;
CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.dlc=8;
p.data_f[0] = x.vario;
p.data_f[1] = x.integrator_vario;
CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.dlc=8;
p.data_f[0] = ATAN2( - x.wind[EAST], - x.wind[NORTH]);
p.data_f[1] = x.wind.abs();
CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.dlc=8;
p.data_f[0] = ATAN2( - x.wind_average[EAST], - x.wind_average[NORTH]);
- p.data_f[1] = x.wind.abs();
+ p.data_f[1] = x.wind_average.abs();
CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.dlc=8;
p.data_f[0] = x.m.static_pressure;
p.data_f[1] = x.air_density;
CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.dlc=7;
p.data_f[0] = x.G_load;
- p.data_f[1] = x.slip_angle;
+ p.data_f[1] = x.effective_vertical_acceleration;
CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.id=CAN_Id_TurnRate;
+ p.id=CAN_Id_SlipPitch;
+ p.data_f[0] = x.slip_angle; // pendulum readings
+ p.data_f[1] = x.pitch_angle;
+ CAN_send(p, 1);
+ p.id=CAN_Id_Voltage_Circle;
- p.data_f[0] = x.turn_rate;
+ p.data_f[0] = x.m.supply_voltage;
p.data_b[4] = (uint8_t)(x.circle_mode);
+ CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.dlc=6;
- p.data_b[0] = x.c.year;
- p.data_b[1] = x.c.month;
- p.data_b[2] = x.c.day;
- p.data_b[3] = x.c.hour;
- p.data_b[4] = x.c.minute;
- p.data_b[5] = x.c.second;
+ p.dlc=7;
+ p.data_h[0] = x.c.year + 2000; // GNSS reports only 2000 + x
+ p.data_b[2] = x.c.month;
+ p.data_b[3] = x.c.day;
+ p.data_b[4] = x.c.hour;
+ p.data_b[5] = x.c.minute;
+ p.data_b[6] = x.c.second;
CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.id=CAN_Id_GPS_LatLon;
+ p.id=CAN_Id_GPS_Lat;
- p.data_f[0] = (float)(x.c.latitude); // -> 4m of accuracy
- p.data_f[1] = (float)(x.c.longitude);
+ p.data_d = x.c.latitude;
+ CAN_send(p, 1);
+ p.id=CAN_Id_GPS_Lon;
+ p.data_d = x.c.longitude;
CAN_send(p, 1);
p.id=CAN_Id_GPS_Alt; // 0x106
@@ -287,8 +297,7 @@ void CAN_output ( const output_data_t &x)
CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.dlc=8;
- p.data_f[0] = x.c.heading_motion * DEGREE_2_RAD;
+ p.data_f[0] = x.c.heading_motion;
p.data_f[1] = x.c.speed_motion;
CAN_send(p, 1);
@@ -296,21 +305,12 @@ void CAN_output ( const output_data_t &x)
p.data_b[0] = x.c.SATS_number;
p.data_b[1] = x.c.sat_fix_type;
- CAN_send(p, 1);
- p.id=CAN_Id_Voltage;
- p.dlc=4;
- p.data_f[0] = x.m.supply_voltage;
if( CAN_send(p, 1)) // check CAN for timeout this time
system_state |= CAN_OUTPUT_ACTIVE;
system_state &= ~CAN_OUTPUT_ACTIVE;
-#ifndef GIT_TAG_DEC
-#define GIT_TAG_DEC 0xffffffff
p.data_w[0] = system_state;
@@ -318,5 +318,20 @@ void CAN_output ( const output_data_t &x)
CAN_send(p, 1);
+void CAN_heartbeat( void)
+ CANpacket p( CAN_Id_Heartbeat_Sens, 8);
+ p.data_h[0] = 2;
+ p.data_h[1] = 0;
+ p.data_w[1] = UNIQUE_ID[0];
+ CAN_send(p, 1);
+ p.id=CAN_Id_Heartbeat_GNSS;
+ p.data_h[0] = 3;
+ p.data_h[1] = 0;
+ p.data_w[1] = UNIQUE_ID[0];
+ CAN_send(p, 1);
diff --git a/Output_Formatter/CAN_output.h b/Output_Formatter/CAN_output.h
index 84b5587..a024c0f 100644
--- a/Output_Formatter/CAN_output.h
+++ b/Output_Formatter/CAN_output.h
@@ -36,7 +36,29 @@
+#define SENS_CONFIG_ITEM_ROLL 0x2000
+#define SENS_CONFIG_ITEM_PITCH 0x2001
+#define SENS_CONFIG_ITEM_YAW 0x2002
+#define SENS_CONFIG_ITEM_PIT_OFF 0x2003
+#define SENS_CONFIG_ITEM_QNH_OFF 0x2005
+#define SENS_CONFIG_MAG_CALIB 0x2006
+#define SENS_CONFIG_VARIO_TC 0x2007
+#define SENS_CONFIG_VARIO_INT_TC 0x2008
+#define SENS_CONFIG_WIND_TC 0x2009
+#define SENS_CONFIG_WIND_MEAN_TC 0x200a
+#define CMD_MEASURE_LEFT 0x3000
+#define CMD_MEASURE_RIGHT 0x3001
+#define CMD_MEASURE_LEVEL 0x3002
+#define CMD_CALCULATE 0x3003
+#define CMD_TUNE 0x3004
void CAN_output ( const output_data_t &x, bool horizon_activated);
+void CAN_heartbeat( void);
#endif /* SRC_CAN_OUTPUT_H_ */
diff --git a/Output_Formatter/NMEA_format.cpp b/Output_Formatter/NMEA_format.cpp
index 32c5d70..824d58b 100644
--- a/Output_Formatter/NMEA_format.cpp
+++ b/Output_Formatter/NMEA_format.cpp
@@ -439,9 +439,9 @@ void format_NMEA_string_fast( const output_data_t &output_data, string_buffer_t
// aircraft attitude
if( horizon_available)
- format_PLARA(output_data.euler.r, output_data.euler.p, output_data.euler.y, next);
+ format_PLARA(output_data.euler.roll, output_data.euler.pitch, output_data.euler.yaw, next);
- format_PLARA( ZERO, ZERO, output_data.euler.y, next);
+ format_PLARA( ZERO, ZERO, output_data.euler.yaw, next);
// report instant and average total-energy-compensated variometer, pressure altitude, TAS
format_PLARV ( output_data.vario,
diff --git a/Output_Formatter/generic_CAN_driver.h b/Output_Formatter/generic_CAN_driver.h
index 3eb4385..65bce50 100644
--- a/Output_Formatter/generic_CAN_driver.h
+++ b/Output_Formatter/generic_CAN_driver.h
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class CANpacket
uint32_t data_w[2]; //!< data seen as 2 times uint32_t
int32_t data_sw[2]; //!< data seen as 2 times int32_t
float data_f[2]; //!< data seen as 2 times 32-bit floats
+ double data_d; //!< data seen as 64-bit float
uint64_t data_l; //!< data seen as 64-bit integer
} ;
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cbb1951..5a0e10e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ The algorithms include:
The sensor output as a set of NMEA sentences ist defined in our subproject [larus-NMEA-protocol](https://github.com/larus-breeze/doc_larus/blob/master/documentation/Larus_NMEA_Protocol.md)
+To get an idea about the software structure and the algorithms used you may want to browse the [Doxygen-generated documentation of the library.](https://schaefer.eit.h-da.de/Larus_SIL)
# This library is designed to be imported into another project via a .gitmodules file.
Add as submodule to repository: