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Sysbox User Guide: Security

This document describes security aspects of Sysbox system containers.

See also the security vulnerabilities & CVEs documentation for more on security.


Root Filesystem Jail

System container processes are confined to the directory hierarchy associated with the container's root filesystem, plus any configured mounts (e.g., Docker volumes or bind-mounts).

This is known as the container's root filesystem jail (aka "rootfs jail").

Linux Namespaces

System containers deployed with Sysbox always use all Linux namespaces.

That is, when you deploy a system container with Sysbox, (e.g., docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc -it alpine:latest), Sysbox will always use all Linux namespaces to create the container.

This is done for enhanced container isolation.

It's one area where Sysbox deviates from the OCI specification, which leaves it to the higher layer (e.g., Docker + containerd) to choose the namespaces that should be enabled for the container.

The table below shows a comparison on namespace usage between system containers and regular Docker containers.

Namespace Docker + Sysbox Docker + OCI runc
mount Yes Yes
pid Yes Yes
uts Yes Yes
net Yes Yes
ipc Yes Yes
cgroup Yes No
user Yes No by default; Yes when Docker engine is configured with userns-remap mode

User Namespace

By virtue of using the Linux user namespace, system containers get:

  • Stronger container isolation (e.g., root in the container maps to an unprivileged user on the host).

  • The root user inside the container has full privileges (i.e., all capabilities) within the container.

Refer to the kernel's user_namespaces manual page for more info.

Cgroup Namespace

The Linux cgroup namespace helps isolation by hiding host paths in cgroup information exposed inside the system container via /proc.

Refer to the kernel's cgroup_namespaces manual page for more info.

User Namespace ID Mapping

The Linux user namespace works by mapping user-IDs and group-IDs between the container and the host.

Sysbox performs the mapping as follows:

  • If the container manager (e.g., Docker or CRI-O) tells Sysbox to run the container with the user-namespace enabled, Sysbox honors the user-ID mappings provided by the container manager.

  • Otherwise, Sysbox automatically enables the user-namespace in the container and allocates user-ID mappings for it.

In either case, Sysbox uses the kernel's ID-mapped mounts feature or the shiftfs kernel module (depending of which is available) to ensure host files mounted into the container show up with the proper user-ID and group-ID inside the container's user-namespace.

Common vs Exclusive Userns ID Mappings

The Sysbox Community Edition (Sysbox-CE) uses a common user-ID mapping for all system containers. In other words, the root user in all containers is mapped to the same user-ID on the host.

While this provides strong container-to-host isolation (i.e., root in the container is not root in the host), container-to-container is not as strong as it could be.

The Sysbox Enterprise Edition (Sysbox-EE) improves on this by providing exclusive user-ID mappings to each container.

** --- Sysbox-EE Feature Highlight --- **

Exclusive Userns ID mapping allocation

In order to provide strong cross-container isolation, Sysbox-EE allocates exclusive userns ID mappings to each container,

By way of example: if we launch two containers with Sysbox-EE, notice the ID mappings assigned to each:

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc --name=syscont1 --rm -d alpine tail -f /dev/null

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc --name=syscont2 --rm -d alpine tail -f /dev/null

$ docker exec syscont1 cat /proc/self/uid_map
0     165536      65536

$ docker exec syscont2 cat /proc/self/uid_map
0     231072      65536

Each system container gets an exclusive range of 64K user IDs. For syscont1, user IDs [0, 65536] are mapped to host user IDs [165536, 231071]. And for syscont2 user IDs [0, 65536] are mapped to host user IDs [231072, 65536].

The same applies to the group IDs.

The reason 64K user-IDs are given to each system container is to allow the container to have IDs ranging from the root (ID 0) all the way up to user nobody (ID 65534).

Exclusive ID mappings ensure that if a container process somehow escapes the container's root filesystem jail, it will find itself without any permissions to access any other files in the host or in other containers.

Userns ID Mapping Range

The exclusive host user IDs chosen by Sysbox-EE are obtained from the /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid files:

$ more /etc/subuid

$ more /etc/subgid

These files are automatically configured by Sysbox during installation (or more specifically when the sysbox-mgr component is started during installation)

By default, Sysbox reserves a range of 268435456 user IDs (enough to accommodate 4K system containers, each with 64K user IDs).

If more than 4K containers are running at the same time, Sysbox will by default re-use user-ID mappings from the range specified in /etc/subuid. The same applies to group-ID mappings. In this scenario multiple system containers may share the same user-ID mapping, reducing container-to-container isolation a bit.

For extra security, it's possible to configure Sysbox to not re-use mappings and instead fail to launch new system containers until host user IDs become available (i.e., when other system containers are stopped).

The size of the reserved ID range, as well as the policy in case the range is exhausted, is configurable via the sysbox-mgr command line. If you wish to change this, See sudo sysbox-mgr --help and use the Sysbox reconfiguration procedure.

Procfs Virtualization

Sysbox performs partial virtualization of procfs inside the system container. This is a key differentiating feature of Sysbox.

The goal for this virtualization is to expose procfs as read-write yet ensure the system container processes cannot modify system-wide settings on the host via procfs.

The virtualization is "partial" because many resources under procfs are already "namespaced" (i.e., isolated) by the Linux kernel. However, many others are not, and it is for those that Sysbox performs the virtualization.

The virtualization of procfs inside the container not only occurs on "/proc", but also in any other procfs mountpoints inside the system container.

By extension, this means that inner containers also see a virtualized procfs, ensuring they too are well isolated.

Procfs virtualization is independent among system containers, meaning that each system container gets its own virtualized procfs: any changes it does to it are not seen in other system containers.

Sysbox takes care of exposing and tracking the procfs contexts within each system container.

Sysfs Virtualization

Sysbox performs partial virtualization of sysfs inside the system container, for the same reasons as with procfs (see prior section).

In addition, the /sys/fs/cgroup sub-directory is mounted read-write to allow system container processes to assign cgroup resources within the system container. System container processes can only use cgroups to assign a subset of the resources assigned to the system container itself. Processes inside the system container can't modify cgroup resources assigned to the system container itself.

Process Capabilities

By default, a system container's init process configured with user-ID 0 (root) always starts with all capabilities enabled.

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc -it alpine:latest
/ # grep -i cap /proc/self/status
CapInh: 0000003fffffffff
CapPrm: 0000003fffffffff
CapEff: 0000003fffffffff
CapBnd: 0000003fffffffff
CapAmb: 0000003fffffffff

Note that the system container's Linux user-namespace ensures that these capabilities are only applicable to resources assigned to the system container itself. The process has no capabilities on resources not assigned to the system container.

A system container's init process configured with a non-root user-ID starts with no capabilities. For example, when deploying system containers with Docker:

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc --user 1000 -it alpine:latest
/ $ grep -i cap /proc/self/status
CapInh: 0000000000000000
CapPrm: 0000000000000000
CapEff: 0000000000000000
CapBnd: 0000003fffffffff
CapAmb: 0000000000000000

This mimics the way capabilities are assigned to processes on a physical host or VM.

Note that starting with Sysbox v0.5.0, it's possible to modify this behavior to have Sysbox honor the capabilities passed to it by the higher level container manager via the OCI spec. See the configuration chapter for more on this.

System Calls

System containers deployed with Sysbox allow a minimum set of 300+ syscalls, using Linux seccomp.

Significant syscalls blocked within system containers are the same as those listed in this Docker article, except that system container allow these system calls too:


It's currently not possible to reduce the set of syscalls allowed within a system container (i.e., the Docker --security-opt seccomp=<profile> option is not supported).

System Call Interception [ v0.2.0+ ]

Sysbox performs selective system call interception on a few "control-path" system calls, such as mount and umount2.

This is another key feature of Sysbox, and it's done in order to perform proper procfs and sysfs virtualization.

Sysbox does this very selectively in order to ensure performance of processes inside the system container is not impacted.


The following devices are always present in the system container:


Additional devices may be added by the container engine. For example, when deploying system containers with Docker, you typically see the following devices in addition to the ones listed above:


Sysbox does not currently support exposing host devices inside system containers (e.g., via the docker run --device option). We are working on adding support for this.

Resource Limiting & Cgroups

System container resource consumption can be limited via cgroups.

Sysbox supports both cgroups v1 and v2, and in both cases when managed by systemd or not.

Cgroups can be used to balance resource consumption as well as to prevent denial-of-service attacks in which a buggy or compromised system container consumes all available resources in the system.

For example, when using Docker to deploy system containers, the docker run --cpu*, --memory*, --blkio*, etc., settings can be used for this purpose.

Initial Mount Immutability [ v0.3.0+ ]

Filesystem mounts that make up the system container's rootfs jail (i.e., mounts setup at container creation time) are considered special, meaning that Sysbox places restrictions on the operations that may be done on them from within the container.

This ensures processes inside the container can't modify those mounts in a way that would weaken or break container isolation, even though these processes may be running as root with full capabilities inside the container and thus have access to the mount and umount syscalls.

We call these "immutable mounts".

For example, assume we launch a system container with a read-only mount of a host Docker volume called myvol:

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc -it --rm --hostname=syscont -v myvol:/mnt/myvol:ro ubuntu

Inside the container, you'll see that the root filesystem is made up of several mounts setup implicitly by Sysbox, as well as the myvol mount:

root@syscont:/# findmnt
TARGET                                                       SOURCE                                                                                                    FSTYPE   OPTIONS
/                                                            .                                                                                                         shiftfs  rw,relatime
|-/sys                                                       sysfs                                                                                                     sysfs    rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime
| |-/sys/firmware                                            tmpfs                                                                                                     tmpfs    ro,relatime,uid=165536,gid=165536
| |-/sys/fs/cgroup                                           tmpfs                                                                                                     tmpfs    rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=755,uid=165536,gid=165536
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd                                 systemd                                                                                                   cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,name=systemd
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/memory                                  cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset                                  cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio                                   cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio                        cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls,net_prio
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event                              cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,perf_event
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb                                 cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,hugetlb
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct                             cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer                                 cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/devices                                 cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices
| | |-/sys/fs/cgroup/pids                                    cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,pids
| | `-/sys/fs/cgroup/rdma                                    cgroup                                                                                                    cgroup   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,rdma
| |-/sys/kernel/config                                       tmpfs                                                                                                     tmpfs    rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=1024k,uid=165536,gid=165536
| |-/sys/kernel/debug                                        tmpfs                                                                                                     tmpfs    rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=1024k,uid=165536,gid=165536
| |-/sys/kernel/tracing                                      tmpfs                                                                                                     tmpfs    rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=1024k,uid=165536,gid=165536
| `-/sys/module/nf_conntrack/parameters/hashsize             sysboxfs[/sys/module/nf_conntrack/parameters/hashsize]                                                    fuse     rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other
|-/proc                                                      proc                                                                                                      proc     rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime
| |-/proc/bus                                                proc[/bus]                                                                                                proc     ro,relatime
| |-/proc/fs                                                 proc[/fs]                                                                                                 proc     ro,relatime
| |-/proc/irq                                                proc[/irq]                                                                                                proc     ro,relatime
| |-/proc/sysrq-trigger                                      proc[/sysrq-trigger]                                                                                      proc     ro,relatime
| |-/proc/asound                                             tmpfs                                                                                                     tmpfs    ro,relatime,uid=165536,gid=165536
| |-/proc/acpi                                               tmpfs                                                                                                     tmpfs    ro,relatime,uid=165536,gid=165536
| |-/proc/keys                                               udev[/null]                                                                                               devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1971180k,nr_inodes=492795,mode=755
| |-/proc/timer_list                                         udev[/null]                                                                                               devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1971180k,nr_inodes=492795,mode=755
| |-/proc/sched_debug                                        udev[/null]                                                                                               devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1971180k,nr_inodes=492795,mode=755
| |-/proc/scsi                                               tmpfs                                                                                                     tmpfs    ro,relatime,uid=165536,gid=165536
| |-/proc/swaps                                              sysboxfs[/proc/swaps]                                                                                     fuse     rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other
| |-/proc/sys                                                sysboxfs[/proc/sys]                                                                                       fuse     rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other
| `-/proc/uptime                                             sysboxfs[/proc/uptime]                                                                                    fuse     rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other
|-/dev                                                       tmpfs                                                                                                     tmpfs    rw,nosuid,size=65536k,mode=755,uid=165536,gid=165536
| |-/dev/console                                             devpts[/0]                                                                                                devpts   rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=165541,mode=620,ptmxmode=666
| |-/dev/mqueue                                              mqueue                                                                                                    mqueue   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime
| |-/dev/pts                                                 devpts                                                                                                    devpts   rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=165541,mode=620,ptmxmode=666
| |-/dev/shm                                                 shm                                                                                                       tmpfs    rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=65536k,uid=165536,gid=165536
| |-/dev/kmsg                                                udev[/null]                                                                                               devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1971180k,nr_inodes=492795,mode=755
| |-/dev/null                                                udev[/null]                                                                                               devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1971180k,nr_inodes=492795,mode=755
| |-/dev/random                                              udev[/random]                                                                                             devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1971180k,nr_inodes=492795,mode=755
| |-/dev/full                                                udev[/full]                                                                                               devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1971180k,nr_inodes=492795,mode=755
| |-/dev/tty                                                 udev[/tty]                                                                                                devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1971180k,nr_inodes=492795,mode=755
| |-/dev/zero                                                udev[/zero]                                                                                               devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1971180k,nr_inodes=492795,mode=755
| `-/dev/urandom                                             udev[/urandom]                                                                                            devtmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=1971180k,nr_inodes=492795,mode=755
|-/mnt/myvol                                                 /var/lib/docker/volumes/myvol/_data                                                                       shiftfs  ro,relatime
|-/etc/resolv.conf                                           /var/lib/docker/containers/080fb5dbe347a947accf7ba27a545ce11d937f02f02ec0059535cfc065d04ea0[/resolv.conf] shiftfs  rw,relatime
|-/etc/hostname                                              /var/lib/docker/containers/080fb5dbe347a947accf7ba27a545ce11d937f02f02ec0059535cfc065d04ea0[/hostname]    shiftfs  rw,relatime
|-/etc/hosts                                                 /var/lib/docker/containers/080fb5dbe347a947accf7ba27a545ce11d937f02f02ec0059535cfc065d04ea0[/hosts]       shiftfs  rw,relatime
|-/var/lib/docker                                            /dev/sda2[/var/lib/sysbox/docker/080fb5dbe347a947accf7ba27a545ce11d937f02f02ec0059535cfc065d04ea0]        ext4     rw,relatime
|-/var/lib/kubelet                                           /dev/sda2[/var/lib/sysbox/kubelet/080fb5dbe347a947accf7ba27a545ce11d937f02f02ec0059535cfc065d04ea0]       ext4     rw,relatime
|-/var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs /dev/sda2[/var/lib/sysbox/containerd/080fb5dbe347a947accf7ba27a545ce11d937f02f02ec0059535cfc065d04ea0]    ext4     rw,relatime
|-/usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-65                            /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-65                                                                           shiftfs  ro,relatime
|-/usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-65-generic                    /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-65-generic                                                                   shiftfs  ro,relatime
`-/usr/lib/modules/5.4.0-65-generic                          /lib/modules/5.4.0-65-generic                                                                             shiftfs  ro,relatime

All of these mounts are considered special / immutable because they are setup during container creation time (i.e., before any process inside the container starts executing).

In order to ensure proper isolation between the container and the host, Sysbox places restrictions on what mount, remount, and unmount operations the processes inside the container can do with these immutable mounts.

The default restrictions are:


  • A read-only immutable mount can't be modified (i.e., remounted) as a read-write mount.

    • This ensures read-only mounts setup at container creation time remain as such.

    • This behavior can be changed by setting the sysbox-fs config option allow-immutable-remounts=true.

    • Note that the opposite does not apply: a read-write immutable mount can be modified to a read-only mount, since this creates a stronger restriction on the mount.

  • Other attributes of immutable mounts can't be changed via a remount (e.g., nosuid, noexec, relatime, etc.)


  • The filesystem root "/" can't be unmounted.

  • The immutable mounts at /proc and /sys (as well as any submounts underneath them) can't be unmounted.

  • Other immutable mounts can be unmounted. Doing so exposes the contents of the container's immutable image below it.

    • While it may surprise you that Sysbox allows these unmounts, this is necessary because system container images often have a process manager inside, and some process managers (in particular systemd) unmount all mountpoints inside the container during container stop. If Sysbox where to restrict these unmounts, the process manager will report errors during container stop

    • Allowing unmounts of immutable mounts is typically not a security concern, because the unmount normally exposes the underlying contents of the system container's image, and this image will likely not have sensitive data that is masked by the mounts.

    • Having said this, this behavior can be changed by setting the sysbox-fs config option allow-immutable-unmounts=false. When this option is set, Sysbox does restrict unmounts on all immutable mounts.

    • See the quickstart guide for an example.

Restricted mount operations typically fail with "EPERM". For example, continuing with the prior example, let's try to remount as read-write the myvol mount:

root@syscont:/# mount -o remount,rw,bind /mnt/myvol
mount: /mnt/myvol: permission denied.

The same behavior occurs with the immutable read-only mount of the host's linux headers, setup implicitly by Sysbox into the container:

root@syscont# mount -o remount,rw,bind /root/linux-headers-5.4.0-6
mount: /root/linux-headers-5.4.0-6: permission denied.

In the example above, even though the root user had full capabilities inside the system container, it got EPERM when it tried to remount the immutable mounts because Sysbox detected the operation and blocked it.

Note that these restrictions apply whether the mount occurs inside the Linux mount namespace for the system container, or any other mount namespace created inside the container (e.g., via unshare -m).

Bind-Mounts from Immutable Mounts

Bind-mounts from immutable mounts are also restricted, meaning that it's OK to create a bind-mount from an immutable mount to another mountpoint inside the system container, but the new mountpoint will have similar restrictions as the corresponding immutable mount.

The restrictions for bind mounts whose source is an immutable mount are:


  • A bind mount whose source is a read-only immutable mount can't be modified (i.e., remounted) as a read-write mount.

    • This ensures read-only mounts setup at container creation time remain as such.

    • This behavior can be changed by setting the sysbox-fs config option allow-immutable-remounts=true.


  • No restrictions.

Continuing with the prior example, inside the system container let's create a bind mount from the immutable read-only mount /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-65 to /root/headers, and attempt a remount on the latter:

root@syscont:/# mkdir /root/headers

root@syscont:/# mount --bind /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-65 /root/headers

root@syscont:/# mount -o remount,bind,rw /root/headers
mount: /root/headers: permission denied.

As you can see, the operation failed with EPERM (as expected) because the original mount /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-65 is a read-only immutable mount.

Note that the new bind-mount can be unmounted without problem. Sysbox places no restriction on this since this simply removes the bind mount without having any effect on the immutable mount.

root@syscont:/# umount /root/headers

Other Mounts, Remounts, Unmounts are Allowed

Except for the restrictions listed above, other mounts, remounts, and unmounts work fine inside the system container (just as they would on a physical host or VM).

For example, one can create a new tmpfs mount inside, remount it read-only, and unmount it without problem. The new mount can even be stacked on top of an immutable mount, in which case it simply "hides" the immutable mount underneath (but does not change or remove it, meaning that container isolation remains untouched).

Inner Container Mounts

When launching containers inside a system container (e.g., by installing Docker inside the system container), the inner container manager (e.g., Docker) will setup several mounts for the inner containers.

This works perfectly fine, as those mounts typically fall under the "other mounts" category described in the prior section. However, if any of those mounts is associated with an immutable mount of the outer system container, then the immutable mount restrictions above apply.

For example, let's launch a system container that comes with Docker inside. We will mount as "read-only" a host volume myvol into the system container's /mnt/myvol directory:

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc -it --rm --hostname=syscont -v myvol:/mnt/myvol:ro nestybox/alpine-docker

Inside the system container, let's start Docker:

/ # dockerd > /var/log/dockerd.log 2>&1 &

Now let's launch an inner privileged container, and mount the system container's /mnt/myvol mount (which is immutable since it was setup at system container creation time) into the inner container:

/ # docker run -it --rm --privileged --hostname=inner -v /mnt/myvol:/mnt/myvol ubuntu

Inside the inner privileged container, we can use the mount command. Let's try to remount /mnt/myvol to read-write:

root@inner:/# mount -o remount,rw,bind /mnt/myvol
mount: /mnt/myvol: permission denied.

As expected, this failed because the inner container's /mnt/myvol is technically a bind-mount of /mnt/myvol in the system container, and the latter is an immutable read-only mount of the system container, so it can't be remounted read-write.

For the reasons described above, initial mount immutability is a key security feature of Sysbox. It enables system container processes to be properly isolated from the host, while still giving these processes full access to perform other types of mounts, remounts, and unmounts inside the container.

As a point of comparison, other container runtimes either restrict mounts completely (by blocking the mount and umount system calls via the Linux seccomp mechanism) which prevents several system-level programs from working properly inside the container, or alternatively allow all mount, remount, and unmount operations inside the container (e.g., as in Docker privileged containers), creating a security weakness that can be easily used to break container isolation.

In contrast, Sysbox offers a more nuanced approach, in which the mount and umount system calls are allowed inside the container, but are restricted when applied to the container's initial mounts.

No-New-Privileges Flag

Modern versions of the Linux kernel (>= 3.5) support a per-process attribute called no_new_privs.

It's a security feature meant to ensure a child process can't gain more privileges than its parent process.

Once this attribute is set on a process it can't be unset, and it's inherited by all child and further descendant processes.

The details are explained here and here.

The no_new_privs attribute may be set on the init process of a container, for example, using the docker run --security-opt no-new-privileges flag (see the docker run doc for details).

In a system container, the container's init process is normally owned by the system container's root user and granted full privileges within the system container's user namespace (as described above).

In this case setting the no_new_privs attribute on the system container's init process has no effect as far as limiting the privileges it may get (since it already has all privileges within the system container).

However, it does have effect on child processes with lesser privileges (those won't be allowed to elevate their privileges, preventing them from executing setuid programs for example).

Support for Linux Security Modules (LSMs)


Sysbox does not yet support AppArmor profiles to apply mandatory access control (MAC) to containers.

If the container manager (e.g., Docker) instructs Sysbox to apply an AppArmor profile on a container, Sysbox currently ignores this.

The rationale behind this is that typical AppArmor profiles from container managers such as Docker are too restrictive for system containers, and don't give you much benefit given that Sysbox gets equivalent protection by enabling the Linux user namespaces in its containers.

For example, Docker's default AppArmor profile is too restrictive for system containers.

Having said this, in the near future we plan to add some support for AppArmor in order to follow the defense-in-depth security principle.


Sysbox does not yet support running on systems with SELinux enabled.

Other LSMs

Sysbox does not have support for other Linux LSMs at this time.

Out-of-Memory Score Adjustment

The Linux kernel has a mechanism to kill processes when the system is running low on memory.

The decision on which process to kill is done based on an out-of-memory (OOM) score assigned to all processes.

The score is in the range [-1000:1000], where higher values means higher probability of the process being killed when the host reaches an out-of-memory scenario.

It's possible for users with sufficient privileges to adjust the OOM score of a given process, via the /proc/[pid]/oom_score_adj file.

A system container's init process OOM score adjustment can be configured to start at a given value. For example, using Docker's --oom-score-adj option:

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc --oom-score-adj=-100 -it alpine:latest

In addition, Sysbox ensures that system container processes are allowed to modify their out-of-memory (OOM) score adjustment to any value in the range [-999:1000], via /proc/[pid]/oom_score_adj.

This is necessary in order to allow system software that requires such adjustment range (e.g., Kubernetes) to operate correctly within the system container.

From a host security perspective however, allowing system container processes to adjust their OOM score downwards is risky, since it means that such processes are unlikely to be killed when the host is running low on memory.

To mitigate this risk, a user can always put an upper bound on the memory allocated to each system container. Though this does not prevent a system container process from reducing its OOM score, placing such an upper bound reduces the chances of the system running out of memory and prevents memory exhaustion attacks by malicious processes inside the system container.

Placing an upper bound on the memory allocated to the system container can be done by using Docker's --memory option:

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc --memory=100m -it alpine:latest