Releases: layer5io/sistent
Sistent v0.14.18
What's New
- feat(components): Create CatalogFilter component @dragon-slayer875 (#524)
- UniversalFilter: update universal filter props to include variant @dragon-slayer875 (#550)
- refactor(icon): fixed the icon used for feedback @captain-Akshay (#549)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @captain-Akshay, @dragon-slayer875 and @nebula-aac
Sistent v0.14.17
What's New
- feat(btn): fix icon button svg @captain-Akshay (#539)
- [Chore] Update filepath in PR labeler @leecalcote (#544)
- [Chore] Skip lint checking of workflows and markdown files @leecalcote (#545)
- Fix standard pagination @sudhanshutech (#543)
- fix: relax drawer width @nebula-aac (#540)
- Transfer List Modal Component @sudhanshutech (#507)
- [svgs] Migrate more svgs @sudhanshutech (#463)
- Update KubernetesIcon.tsx @Chay2203 (#533)
- Fix re render bug when using
@sudhanshutech (#534) - [Feedback] Update submission message. | fixes #536 @leecalcote (#537)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Chay2203, @captain-Akshay, @leecalcote, @nebula-aac and @sudhanshutech
Sistent v0.14.16
What's New
- feat(btn): fix dynamic @captain-Akshay (#532)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19 and @captain-Akshay
Sistent v0.14.15
What's New
- Dynamic feedback @captain-Akshay (#531)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19 and @captain-Akshay
Sistent v0.14.14
What's New
- feat(button): added feedback icon @captain-Akshay (#528)
- Remove unrelated info from
related to doc @sudhanshutech (#526)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @captain-Akshay, @leecalcote and @sudhanshutech
Sistent v0.14.13
What's New
- Genric or Custom Modal @sudhanshutech (#527)
- [component] Tooltip Icon @sudhanshutech (#377)
- Figma design file link update @Rexford74 (#516)
- Figma design file link update @Rexford74 (#513)
- Figma design file link update @Rexford74 (#515)
- Figma design file link update @Rexford74 (#514)
- Figma design file link update @Rexford74 (#517)
- Figma design file link update @Rexford74 (#518)
- [bug] Fix placement re-rendering issue of filter component @sudhanshutech (#508)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Rexford74, @aabidsofi19, @leecalcote, @nebula-aac and @sudhanshutech
Sistent v0.14.12
What's New
- Add missing prop to export @sudhanshutech (#506)
- [CI] Chore: Version NPM Package @leecalcote (#504)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@leecalcote, @nebula-aac and @sudhanshutech
Sistent v0.14.11
What's New
- Release 0.14.11 @nebula-aac (#503)
- Enhance error boundaries @Yashsharma1911 (#502)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Yashsharma1911 and @nebula-aac
Sistent v0.14.10
What's New
- fix: fix missing exports, omit others as they are not needed now @nebula-aac (#501)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
Sistent v0.14.9
What's New
- Release v0.14.9 @nebula-aac (#495)
- fix: reinstall husky and remove postinstall @nebula-aac (#494)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible: