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CountUp.js is a dependency-free, lightweight Javascript class that can be used to quickly create animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way.

Despite its name, CountUp can count in either direction, depending on the start value and end value that you pass.

CountUp.js supports all browsers. MIT license.

New in 2.0.0

  • Completely rewritten in Typescript! The distributed code is still Javascript.
  • New cleaner method signature.
  • Tests with Jest. As much code coverage as possible mocking requestAnimationFrame.
  • Smart easing: CountUp intelligently defers easing until it gets close enough to the end value for easing to be visually noticeable. Configureable in the options.
  • Separate bundles for with and without the requestAnimationFrame polyfill. Choose countUp.min.js for modern browsers or countUp.withPolyfill.min.js for IE9 and older, and Opera mini.

See Also


On npm: countup.js


  • target: string | HTMLElement | HTMLInputElement - id of html element, input, svg text element, or DOM element reference where counting occurs
  • endVal: number - the value you want to arrive at
  • options?: CountUpOptions - optional configuration object for fine-grain control

Options (defaults in parentheses):

interface CountUpOptions {
  startVal?: number; // number to start at (0)
  decimalPlaces?: number; // number of decimal places (0)
  duration?: number; // animation duration in seconds (2)
  useGrouping?: boolean; // example: 1,000 vs 1000 (true)
  useEasing?: boolean; // ease animation (true)
  smartEasingThreshold?: number; // smooth easing for large numbers above this if useEasing (999)
  smartEasingAmount?: number; // amount to be eased for numbers above threshold (333)
  separator?: string; // grouping separator (',')
  decimal?: string; // decimal ('.')
  // easingFn: easing function for animation (easeOutExpo)
  easingFn?: (t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number) => number;
  formattingFn?: (n: number) => string; // this function formats result
  prefix?: string; // text prepended to result
  suffix?: string; // text appended to result
  numerals?: string[]; // numeral glyph substitution

Example usage:

const countUp = new CountUp('targetId', 5234);
if (!countUp.error) {
} else {

Pass options:

const countUp = new CountUp('targetId', 5234, options);

with optional callback:


// or an anonymous function
countUp.start(() => console.log('Complete!'));

Other methods:

Toggle pause/resume:


Reset the animation:


Update the end value and animate:



Before you make a pull request, please be sure to follow these instructions:

  1. Do your work on src/countUp.ts
  2. Test your work. Do manual tests on the demo in the browser and run npm t
  3. Run npm run build, which copies and minifies the .js files to the dist folder.


Animates a numerical value by counting to it







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  • TypeScript 73.5%
  • HTML 20.4%
  • JavaScript 6.1%