This command line utility launches Mac OSX screen capture in interactive mode (select a region or press space to toggle window capture), captures a portion of your screen, trims and re-compresses the captured image, uploads it to imgur service and copies the full size image URL to your clipboard.
You need an API key from imgur to use the imgur API.
Registration is quick and easy : you will get an API key that allows you to upload up to 100 images per hour.
The script will use command line attribute first and fallback to the config file otherwise. You can store your key in a config file named ~/.imgur with a pretty simple syntax : just paste your API key and you are done !
Example :
You can use this script via a keyboard shortcut in many ways :
- Create a system-wide service with Automator, that launches screencapload
- Create a keyboard shortcut in Alfred App that triggers an Alfred Action that launches screencapload