All the implemented commands are compatible with redis 7.0 version.
- del
- set
- get
- psetex
- setex
- exists
- pexpireat
- expireat
- expire
- pexpire
- incr
- incrby
- decr
- decrby
- ttl
- pttl
- lpush
- rpush
- rpushx
- lpushx
- lrange: O(STOP-START)
- lpop
- rpop
- llen
- hget
- hmget
- hgetAll
- hset
- hsetnx
- hdel
- hexists
- hincrby
- smismember
- sismember
- sadd
- srem
- smembers
- zadd
- zrange: by_rank: O(N+M), other: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned.
- zrevrank: O(N) N is rank
- zrank: O(N) N is rank
- zrem
- zrevrange: by_rank: O(N+M), other: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned.
- zrangebyscore
- zrevrangebyscore
- zrangebylex
- zrevrangebylex
- zremrangebyrank: O(N+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned.
- zremrangebyscore
- flushall
- info: return some fake data
- DUMP: Data structure is not the same
- RESTORE: not support [FREQ frequency]
- debug: just response "ok"
- config: just response "ok"
- object: just support: idletime, freq