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77 lines (64 loc) · 1.28 KB

File metadata and controls

77 lines (64 loc) · 1.28 KB

Supported redis commands

All the implemented commands are compatible with redis 7.0 version.


  1. del
  2. set
  3. get
  4. psetex
  5. setex
  6. exists
  7. pexpireat
  8. expireat
  9. expire
  10. pexpire
  11. incr
  12. incrby
  13. decr
  14. decrby
  15. ttl
  16. pttl


  1. lpush
  2. rpush
  3. rpushx
  4. lpushx
  5. lrange: O(STOP-START)
  6. lpop
  7. rpop
  8. llen


  1. hget
  2. hmget
  3. hgetAll
  4. hset
  5. hsetnx
  6. hdel
  7. hexists
  8. hincrby


  1. smismember
  2. sismember
  3. sadd
  4. srem
  5. smembers


  1. zadd
  2. zrange: by_rank: O(N+M), other: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned.
  3. zrevrank: O(N) N is rank
  4. zrank: O(N) N is rank
  5. zrem
  6. zrevrange: by_rank: O(N+M), other: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned.
  7. zrangebyscore
  8. zrevrangebyscore
  9. zrangebylex
  10. zrevrangebylex
  11. zremrangebyrank: O(N+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned.
  12. zremrangebyscore


  1. flushall
  2. info: return some fake data
  3. DUMP: Data structure is not the same
  4. RESTORE: not support [FREQ frequency]
  5. debug: just response "ok"
  6. config: just response "ok"
  7. object: just support: idletime, freq