diff --git a/include/xmlsec/templates.h b/include/xmlsec/templates.h
index 827e13686..c5229b8ed 100644
--- a/include/xmlsec/templates.h
+++ b/include/xmlsec/templates.h
@@ -141,6 +141,10 @@ XMLSEC_EXPORT int       xmlSecTmplTransformAddHmacOutputLength  (xmlNodePtr tran
 XMLSEC_EXPORT int       xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaOaepParam      (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                                  const xmlSecByte *buf,
                                                                  xmlSecSize size);
+XMLSEC_EXPORT int       xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaMgf            (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
+                                                                 const xmlChar* algorithm);
+XMLSEC_EXPORT int       xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaDigest         (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
+                                                                 const xmlChar* algorithm);
 XMLSEC_EXPORT int       xmlSecTmplTransformAddXsltStylesheet    (xmlNodePtr transformNode,
                                                                  const xmlChar *xslt);
 XMLSEC_EXPORT int       xmlSecTmplTransformAddC14NInclNamespaces(xmlNodePtr transformNode,
diff --git a/src/templates.c b/src/templates.c
index 32efdeba0..2d11b9621 100644
--- a/src/templates.c
+++ b/src/templates.c
@@ -1553,6 +1553,84 @@ xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaOaepParam(xmlNodePtr transformNode, const xmlSecByte *b
+ * xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaMgf:
+ * @transformNode:      the pointer to <dsig:Transform/> node.
+ * @algorithm:          MGF1 algorithm href.
+ *
+ * Creates <enc:MGF/> child node in the @node.
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.
+ */
+xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaMgf(xmlNodePtr transformNode,
+                        const xmlChar *algorithm) {
+    xmlNodePtr mgfNode;
+    xmlSecAssert2(transformNode != NULL, -1);
+    mgfNode = xmlSecFindChild(transformNode, xmlSecNodeRsaMGF, xmlSecEnc11Ns);
+    if(mgfNode != NULL) {
+        xmlSecNodeAlreadyPresentError(transformNode, xmlSecNodeRsaMGF, NULL);
+        return(-1);
+    }
+    mgfNode = xmlSecAddChild(transformNode, xmlSecNodeRsaMGF, xmlSecEnc11Ns);
+    if(mgfNode == NULL) {
+        xmlSecInternalError("xmlSecAddChild(xmlSecNodeRsaMgf)", NULL);
+        return(-1);
+    }
+    if(xmlSetProp(mgfNode, xmlSecAttrAlgorithm, algorithm) == NULL) {
+        xmlSecXmlError2("xmlSetProp", NULL,
+                        "name=%s", xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecAttrAlgorithm));
+        xmlUnlinkNode(mgfNode);
+        xmlFreeNode(mgfNode);
+        return(-1);
+    }
+    return(0);
+ * xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaDigest:
+ * @transformNode:      the pointer to <dsig:Transform/> node.
+ * @algorithm:          digest algorithm href.
+ *
+ * Creates <dsig:DigestMethod/> child node in the @node.
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 on success or a negative value if an error occurs.
+ */
+xmlSecTmplTransformAddRsaDigest(xmlNodePtr transformNode,
+                        const xmlChar *algorithm) {
+    xmlNodePtr digestNode;
+    xmlSecAssert2(transformNode != NULL, -1);
+    digestNode = xmlSecFindChild(transformNode, xmlSecNodeDigestMethod, xmlSecDSigNs);
+    if(digestNode != NULL) {
+        xmlSecNodeAlreadyPresentError(transformNode, xmlSecNodeDigestMethod, NULL);
+        return(-1);
+    }
+    digestNode = xmlSecAddChild(transformNode, xmlSecNodeDigestMethod, xmlSecDSigNs);
+    if(digestNode == NULL) {
+        xmlSecInternalError("xmlSecAddChild(xmlSecNodeDigestMethod)", NULL);
+        return(-1);
+    }
+    if(xmlSetProp(digestNode, xmlSecAttrAlgorithm, algorithm) == NULL) {
+        xmlSecXmlError2("xmlSetProp", NULL,
+                        "name=%s", xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecAttrAlgorithm));
+        xmlUnlinkNode(digestNode);
+        xmlFreeNode(digestNode);
+        return(-1);
+    }
+    return(0);
  * xmlSecTmplTransformAddXsltStylesheet:
  * @transformNode:      the pointer to <dsig:Transform/> node.