Smart Contracts, Unittests and Infrastructure for RaidenPaymentChannel Smart Contracts.
ERC223Token address is 0x04c7f744a0c751d89e99ae79a39060ec6f3c4397
RaidenMicroTransferChannels address is 0xffa52825c7997dd2be80fb91080500a52abd6d5b
ERC223Token address is
RaidenMicroTransferChannels address is
ERC223Token address is
RaidenMicroTransferChannels address is
The Smart Contracts can be installed separately from the other components of the RaidenMicroTransferChannels App.
- Python 3.6
- pip
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- from
# compilation
populus compile
# tests
pytest tests/ -p no:warnings -s
- start:
geth --ipcpath="~/Library/Ethereum/privtest/geth.ipc" --datadir="~/Library/Ethereum/privtest" --dev --rpccorsdomain '*' --rpc --rpcport 8545 --rpcapi eth,net,web3,personal --unlock 0xf590ee24CbFB67d1ca212e21294f967130909A5a --password ~/password.txt # geth console # you have to mine yourself: miner.start() geth attach ipc:/Users/loredana/Library/Ethereum/privtest/geth.ipc
- faucet:
- change default account: /contracts/populus.json#L177
- start
parity --geth --chain kovan --force-ui --reseal-min-period 0 --jsonrpc-cors http://localhost --jsonrpc-apis web3,eth,net,parity,traces,rpc,personal --unlock 0x5601Ea8445A5d96EEeBF89A67C4199FbB7a43Fbb --password ~/password.txt --author 0x5601Ea8445A5d96EEeBF89A67C4199FbB7a43Fbb
- faucet:
- change default account: /contracts/populus.json#L49
- start:
geth --testnet --rpc --rpcport 8545 --unlock 0xbB5AEb01acF5b75bc36eC01f5137Dd2728FbE983 --password ~/password.txt
- (has a Faucet)
- change default account: /contracts/populus.json#L212
- start:
# First time geth --datadir="~/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby" --rpc --rpcport 8545 init ~/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby.json geth --networkid=4 --ipcpath="~/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth.ipc" --datadir="~/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby" --cache=512 --ethstats='yournode:Respect my [email protected]' --bootnodes=enode://a24ac7c5484ef4ed0c5eb2d36620ba4e4aa13b8c84684e1b4aab0cebea2ae45cb4d375b77eab56516d34bfbd3c1a833fc51296ff084b770b94fb9028c4d25ccf@ --rpc --rpcport 8545 --unlock 0xd96b724286c592758de7cbd72c086a8a8605417f --password ~/password.txt # use geth console geth attach ipc:/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth.ipc
# Fast deploy on kovan | ropsten | rinkeby | tester | privtest
# Following two calls are quivalent
python deploy/
python deploy/ \
--chain kovan \
--owner 0x5601Ea8445A5d96EEeBF89A67C4199FbB7a43Fbb \ # web3.eth.accounts[0]
--challenge-period 30 \
--supply 10000000 \
--token-name ERC223Token \
--token-decimals 18 \
--token-symbol TKN \
--senders 5 \
--sender-addresses \ '0xe2e429949e97f2e31cd82facd0a7ae38f65e2f38,0xd1bf222ef7289ae043b723939d86c8a91f3aac3f,0xE0902284c85A9A03dAA3B5ab032e238cc05CFF9a,0x0052D7B657553E7f47239d8c4431Fef001A7f99c'
# Provide a custom deployed token
python deploy/ --token-address address
npm install -g solidity-doc
- Sender = token sender
- Receiver = token receiver
- Contract = Raiden MicroTransferChannels Smart Contract
- Token = ERC223Token
Sender sends tokens to the Contract, with a payload for calling createChannel
Token.transfer(_to, _value, _data)
Gas cost (testing): 73908
= deposit value (number of tokens)_data
contains the Receiver address encoded in 20 bytes- in python
_data = receiver_address[2:].zfill(40) _data = bytes.fromhex(_data)
# approve token transfers to the contract from the Sender's behalf
Token.approve(contract, deposit)
Contract.createChannelERC20(receiver, deposit)
Gas cost (testing): 104802
Adding tokens to an already opened channel, who's deposit > 0
Sender sends tokens to the Contract, with a payload for calling topUp
Token.transfer(_to, _value, _data)
Gas cost (testing): 54770
= deposit value (number of tokens)_data
contains the Receiver address encoded in 20 bytes + the open_block_number in 4 bytes- in python
_data = receiver_address[2:].zfill(40) + hex(open_block_number)[2:].zfill(8) _data = bytes.fromhex(_data)
#approve token transfers to the contract from the Sender's behalf
Token.approve(contract, added_deposit)
Contract.createChannelERC20(receiver, deposit)
Gas cost (testing): 85747
# Sender has to provide a balance proof to the Receiver when making a micropayment
# The contract implements some helper functions for that
# Balance message
# Current format: "Receiver: 0xdceceaf3fc5c0a63d195d69b1a90011b7b19650d\nBalance: 23\nChannel ID: 5"
balance_message =, open_block_number, balance)
# Transform message to hexadecimal format
# For the above example, result will be: 0x19457468657265756d205369676e6564204d6573736167653a0a3738
from eth_utils import encode_hex
balance_message_hex = encode_hex(balance_message)
# balance_message_hex is signed by the Sender with MetaMask / Parity
# For the above example, result will be: 0x52656365697665723a203078646365636561663366633563306136336431393564363962316139303031316237623139363530640a42616c616e63653a2032330a4368616e6e656c2049443a2035
# Data is sent to the Receiver (receiver, open_block_number, balance, balance_msg_sig)
from eth_utils import encode_hex
# Sender has to provide a balance proof to the Contract and
# a closing agreement proof from Receiver (closing_sig)
# closing_sig is created in the same way as balance_msg_sig, but it is signed by the Receiver
# Balance message
balance_message =, open_block_number, balance)
balance_message_hex = encode_hex(balance_message)
# balance_message_hex is signed by the Sender with MetaMask / Parity
# balance_message_hex is signed by the Receiver with MetaMask / Parity
# Send to the Contract (example of collaborative closing, transaction sent by Sender)
Contract.transact({ "from": Sender }).close(receiver, open_block_number, balance, balance_msg_sig, closing_sig)
# Returns the Sender's address
sender =, open_block_number, balance, balance_msg_sig)
# Returns the Receiver's address
receiver =, open_block_number, balance, closing_sig)
# 1. Receiver calls Contract with the sender's signed balance message = instant close & settle
# Gas cost (testing): 107105
Contract.close(receiver, open_block_number, balance, balance_msg_sig)
# 2. Client calls Contract with receiver's closing signature = instant close & settle
# Gas cost (testing): 163375
Contract.close(receiver, open_block_number, balance, balance_msg_sig, closing_sig)
# 3. Client calls Contract without receiver's closing signature = settlement period starts
Contract.close(receiver, open_block_number, balance, balance_msg_sig)
# 3.a. Receiver calls Contract with the sender's signed balance message = instant close & settle
# Gas cost (testing): 199532
Contract.close(receiver, open_block_number, balance, balance_msg_sig)
# 3.b. Client calls Contract after settlement period ends
# Gas cost (testing): 149193
Contract.settle(receiver, open_block_number)