- feature: added a cleanup script to delete reports older than a given number of days, optionally filterable by report name.
- packaging: refresh package description and metadata for pypi
- compat: compatibility with python 3.11 and later
- deps: do not pin werkzeug/flask 2.
- docs: do not pin old versions of docutils/sphinx, optional extra dependencies to build docs
- bugfix: fix an issue where deleting a report was not deleting the associated GridFS objects as expected.
- Feature: Flag to preserve original working directory when running notebooks to make local imports and relative paths work.
- Bugfix: Folders with spaces in their names are now correctly handled in the webapp.
- Chore: Fix readthedocs build and broken CircleCI link.
- Chore: Applying & enforcing Black and Prettier to Python and JS code, respectively. Setting Black version to 22.8.0 for CircleCI.
- Bugfix: Preserve the "mailfrom" parameter on notebook rerun.
- Feature: GridFS document storage in Mongo-backed instances is now sharded if the mongo server supports it.
- Bugfix: None will stop appearing at the top of reports with nbconvert>7.0.0
- Feature: Reports are now grouped by their containing folder on the main UI.
- Feature: Allow configuring error email addresses and email subject via UI.
- Bugfix: . and .. should now be allowed to be used when specifying the templates directory.
- Bugfix: corrected cron schedule incorrectly shifting back one day upon save.
- Feature: A new
is available for the webapp. This allows users to have an instance of Notebooker which only displays the results of externally-run or scheduler-run reports. See the docs for more details. - Bugfix: Scheduler-executed reports will now correctly record stdout.
- Bugfix: Pull from current upstream instead of hard-coded origin/master in git backend of webapp.
- Bugfix: Ensure that the hide_code option is consistent when a rerun is executed via the webapp.
- Feature: Added support for Reveal.js notebook outputs
- Bugfix: Small bugfix for synchronous report execution
- Improvement: Delete functionality in mongo now also deletes files from GridFS
- Bugfix: The frontend should now show the correct "time since" for non-UTC timezones
- Bugfix: The scheduler now follows UNIX conventions for day-of-week specifications. (#72)
- Bugfix: Use Collection.count_documents() for mongo compat
- Improvement: The raw_results will now also display in full screen
- Improvement: Improve setup.cfg for better wheel building
- Improvement: Pin Werkzeug<2.2 since it causes RuntimeErrors
- Improvement: Fix docs regarding setup + yarn bundling
- Improvement: The results screen has been widened to show as much content as possible (#79).
- Bugfix: The delete button will now work on non-first pages for the scheduler and result listings (#90).
- Feature: "View fullscreen" button added to all result pages
- Feature: The results page now includes a "View Stdout" button to view and copy stdout from the notebook run
- Improvement: Prometheus improvement to allow increase() metric to be used in alerting
- Improvement: Prometheus metrics now record number of successes/failures which have been captured by the webapp.
- Improvement: Unpinned nbconvert and added ipython_genutils dependency
- Improvement: The email "from" address is now fully configurable.
- Bugfix: The default "from" email address domain is no longer non-existent.
- Improvement: --running-timeout parameter allows customization of max allowed notebook runtime
- Improvement: The index page has been overhauled to be a lot more user-friendly, divided up by notebook template name.
- Feature: .ipynb files are now natively supported and can be used as Notebook Templates (#57)
- Improvement: index page should be a lot quicker due to storage improvements.
- Bugfix: hide_code and generate_pdf options now work as intended with the scheduler.
- Bugfix: Large notebooks were causing serialisation errors; now safely stored in gridfs.
- Incompatibility: Reports run with this version onwards will not be readable by older versions of Notebooker.
- Major feature: scheduling natively within Notebooker
- See the docs for more info.
- Bugfix: Newer versions of uuid now work properly with Notebooker
- Improvement: See the version number in the Notebooker GUI and with a /core/version GET call.
- Bugfix:
entrypoint should now work as intended - Bugfix: Sanity and template regression tests should now work as intended
- Improvement: Specifying a git repo should be a little simpler
- Code output can now be hidden from PDF and email output! Either check the box in the "Run Report" dialog or, using the cli, use the new
option. - Performance improvement for queries
Support for database plugins and tidying up configuration to be consistent across the board.
Breaking changes
- 3 primary entrypoints have been consolidated under one - notebooker-cli, e.g.
notebooker-cli start-webapp
andnotebooker-cli execute-notebook
. Run notebooker-cli --help for more info. - In config, PY_TEMPLATE_DIR has been renamed to PY_TEMPLATE_BASE_DIR
- In config, GIT_REPO_TEMPLATE_DIR has been renamed to PY_TEMPLATE_SUBDIR
Bugfixes & cleanup Docker support (#14)
Initial release of Notebooker