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Bank Cler Zak to CSV

Export Bank Cler Zak transactions to CSV format



Since 2024, Zak limits requests to their API to registered devices. That said, for this export to work, you need to register this export with them by requesting an additional security code:

Convert to CSV

In case you already have a *.json file stored on your disk containing all transactions, you can convert it to CSV using the following command:

python --transactions=<path-to-json-file>

Export to CSV

IMPORTANT: This no longer works because Zak implemented 2FA authentication and I don't have the time to implement the full enrollment process

To export all your Bank Cler Zak transactions, run the following command on your machine:

# You can find the app_version from the Google Play store page from your Android device.
# Its a concatenated string containing the version and build number of the Bank Cler Zak
# app in the following format:
python --username=<zak-username> --password=<zak-password>

This will create a Zak.csv file in the project root containing all your transactions from Zak.



Make sure you have the following tools installed:



Export APKS

Install SAI on your Android phone next to the Bank Cler Zak app. Use it to export the Zak app into a splitted *.apks file and store it your Android's Download folder.

Transfer APKS to Computer

Then, connect your phone with ADB to your computer and copy the APKS file:

adb pull storage/emulated/0/Download/*.apks ~/Downloads/BankClerZak.apks

Merge the splitted APKS into Standalone APK

Merging is required because the apktool (which is used by apk-mitm under the hood) has trouble to correctly decode and encode resources of Splitted APKS files - even though it doesn't throw any error, the app is likely to crash with some sort of NullPointerException because it is no longer able to find certain resources.

unzip BankClerZak.apks -d BankClerZak
java -jar APKEditor.jar m -i BankClerZak
00.000 I: [MERGE] Using: APKEditor version 1.4.1, ARSCLib version 1.3.5
      -i = BankClerZak           
      -o = BankClerZak_merged.apk
04.621 I: [MERGE] Saved to: BankClerZak_merged.apk

Patch Standalone APK

Patching essentially enables trust for certificates installed by the user on the Android system. This is what actually allows us to use a proxy.

apk-mitm BankClerZak_merged.apk

Install Patched Standalone APK on Android

adb install BankClerZak_merged-patched.apk

Test everything is working

On your Android device, make sure you are connecting to the internet through mitmproxy. Then start the Bank Cler Zak app - it should now successfully retrieve data through mitmproxy.

Start Developing

You are now all set to start inspecting requests and responses. Go ahead and start developing!


In case the app crashes, you can check the reason for it using the following command:

adb logcat -b crash