Adama Platform is an exciting paradigm shift, and we are happy to have contributions.
Adama Platform has embraced a simplified code of conduct that we expect everyone to follow.
There are many ways to contribute to Adama. However, as an ideal requirement, you should be familiar with Adama and have used it in a meaningful way. Hopefully, you aim to contribute as you may have run into a wall with the platform as it has limits and awkwardness.
The '#contrib' channel in the Adama discord is the primary place for real-time communication.
Adama doesn't leverage branches, and once a diff has been integrated then it will be heading to production. This is why Adama requires excellent unit test coverage, so every diff must have excellent code coverage.
TODO: create issue template
TODO: link to issues, policy around one bug and one issue, if fixing a bug then make sure there is an issue
By contributing to Adama, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT license and copyright will be assigned to Jeffrey M. Barber. The script will apply the standard source header on all Java files.
Contributing to Adama requires you need to submit a CLA for any pull request to be accepted.
TODO: Link to a form for people to sign