- Testing navigation guards
- Testing filter
- Testing directive
- Writing complex integration test for a component
- Mocking router
- Scoped slots
- Inversify and mocking router/store in tests
- Test coverage
Introduce the dev stack:
- vue, vuex, vue-router, vue-property-decorator, vuex-class, axios, lodash, inversify (vanilla js solution), sinon, mocha, sinon-chai, sinon-stub-promise flush-promises, lolex
Provide examples for
- ??? testing mutations, actions ???
- ??? testing
to the route with async component usingimport()
??? - ??? broken test coverage (100% coverage but still not taking all paths: https://twitter.com/getify/status/955939257755021312) ???
- ??? 100% test coverage without need to test everything (https://labs.ig.com/code-coverage-100-percent-tragedy) ???
- !!!
on<button type="submit">
doesn't trigger submit on form. !!!