This folder contains various vehicle profiles to enable people to easily get their car working with WiCAN adapters. To use them please download the main vehicle profiles file
The Names of files/folders do not matter to the end result, they are just there to help organize the various files.
If you would like to add/update a car please make sure it is formatted properly, see various car configs for examples
car_model: "Make: Model"
init: Initialization string. AT command to initialize the OBD adapter, such as setting the protocol, header, and any other car-specific commands relevant to OBD communication. Every command must end with a semicolon ;
pids: Parameter ID request
parameters: Parameters within a specific PID request. A PID response might contain multiple parameters, such as battery State of Health (SoH) and battery voltage.
expression: The expression used to calculate the parameter value
unit: The unit of the parameter, e.g., %, °C, or others, see Home Assistant List
class: The class of the sensor, see Home Assistant List
"car_model": "Hyundai: Ioniq5/Ioniq6/Kona",
"init": "ATSH7E4;ATST96;",
"pids": [
"pid": "2201019",
"parameters": {
"name": "SOC_BMS",
"expression": "B10/2",
"unit": "%"
"name": "Aux_Batt_Volts",
"expression": "B38*0.1",
"unit": "V"
"pid": "2201057",
"parameters": {
"name": "SOH",
"expression": "[B34:B35]/10",
"unit": "%"