This doc explains how to set up a development environment so you can get started contributing to KubeFin
Follow the instructions below to set up your development environment. Once you meet these requirements, you can make changes and deploy your own version of KubeFin!
You must install these tools:
: The languageKubeFin
is built-in (1.20 or later)git
: For source controlko
: For development.kubectl
: For managing development environments.bash
v4 or later. On macOS the default bash is too old, you can use Homebrew to install a later version.Docker
Make sure your computer has Docker running.
Please follow the instructions provided in this link to install kind on your local environment.
To check out this repository:
- Create your own fork of this repo
- Clone it to your machine:
git clone${YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME}/kubefin.git cd kubefin git remote add upstream git remote set-url --push upstream no_push
Adding the upstream
remote sets you up nicely for regularly
syncing your fork.
Once you reach this point you are ready to do a full build and deploy as described below.
Once you've set up your development environment, KubeFin
can be installed. But before installation, let's checking the testing environment architecture:
Primary cluster
: This is where themimir
(store metrics) andkubefin-cost-analyzer
components are deployed.Secondary cluster
: This is where only thekubefin-agent
component is deployed. The role of thekubefin-agent
in this cluster is to collect cost data for the cluster and send it to the primary cluster'smimir
Now, enter the kubefin
directory and run:
If the installation is successful, you should see the following output:
... created created
serviceaccount/kubefin-sa created created created
configmap/otel-collector-config created
deployment.apps/kubefin-agent created
[INFO] Run the following command to export the API:
kubectl port-forward -nkubefin svc/kubefin-cost-analyzer-service --kubeconfig=${HOME}/.kube/kubefin-server.config 8080 3000
Then, you can see things running with:
$ kind get clusters
$ kubectl get pods -nkubefin --kubeconfig=${HOME}/.kube/kubefin-server.config
grafana-5c9dbbcf5-jl66q 1/1 Running 0 6m54s
kubefin-agent-57475455bb-dq7tl 2/2 Running 0 6m54s
kubefin-cost-analyzer-5455995b-x6k78 1/1 Running 0 6m54s
mimir-0 1/1 Running 0 6m54s
$ kubectl get pods -nkubefin --kubeconfig=${HOME}/.kube/cluster-1.config
kubefin-agent-557fc846db-ghxpt 2/2 Running 0 4m24s
Now, let's try to query the clusters' cost summary:
# In terminal 1
$ kubectl port-forward -nkubefin service/kubefin-cost-analyzer-service 8080:8080 --address='' --kubeconfig=${HOME}/.kube/kubefin-server.config
# In terminal 2
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/costs/summary | jq .
"items": [
"clusterName": "kubefin-server",
"clusterId": "6f0e25c8-02a5-45e8-811f-143796dc4907",
"cloudProvider": "default",
"clusterRegion": "default_region",
"lastActiveTime": 1691424828,
"clusterConnectionSate": "running",
"clusterActiveTime": 300,
"clusterMonthCostCurrent": 0.132477658589681,
"clusterMonthEstimateCost": 1160.5042892456056,
"clusterAvgDailyCost": 38.15356567382813,
"ClusterAvgHourlyCoreCost": 0.08
"clusterName": "cluster-1",
"clusterId": "96bc6a4b-891d-42b0-9ff0-71fbe9a2f91d",
"cloudProvider": "default",
"clusterRegion": "default_region",
"lastActiveTime": 1691424828,
"clusterConnectionSate": "running",
"clusterActiveTime": 240,
"clusterMonthCostCurrent": 0.10598212687174478,
"clusterMonthEstimateCost": 1160.5042892456054,
"clusterAvgDailyCost": 38.15356567382812,
"ClusterAvgHourlyCoreCost": 0.08
There are two clusters in the cost summary: kubefin-server
as the primary cluster and cluster-1
as the secondary cluster.
After running the following command:
kubectl port-forward -nkubefin service/kubefin-cost-analyzer-service 8080:8080 --address='' --kubeconfig=${HOME}/.kube/kubefin-server.config
Go to http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html, you will see all the API of KubFin:
Once you make changes to the code-base, you can redeploy KubeFin
export KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local
# Redeploy in primary cluster(kubefin-agent/kubefin-cost-analyzer)
export KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/.kube/kubefin-server.config
export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=kubefin-server
ko apply -Rf config_primary
# Redeploy in secondary cluster(kubefin-agent)
export KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/.kube/cluster-1.config
export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=cluster-1
ko apply -Rf config_secondary
If you make any changes related to the API, please run the following command before sumbmitting the PR:
swag init -g cmd/kubefin-cost-analyzer/main.go -o docs/ --parseDependency --quiet
You can delete all of the things with: