Congrats! You're ready to roll up your sleeves and do a little coding. Trust us, once you get used to the power available via the advanced editor you'll never look back.
Let's warmup with a few basic decorations you can add for elements, connections and loops.
element {
size: 20;
color: #fafafa;
border-width: 2;
border-color: #333;
shadow-size: 1.5;
shadow-opacity: 0.6;
connection {
width: 5;
color: #888;
pattern: dashed;
loop {
font-color: #7B6834;
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 28;
The basic syntax goes like this:
selector {
property: value;
First you decide what you want to decorate (the selector), and then you decide how you want to decorate it (through properties and values). Piece of cake! Let's dive in.
Becoming comfortable writing selectors by hand is the first step to mastering views.
The selector can be a single selector, or a comma-separated list of selectors:
person // all people
#joe, #jane // just the elements labelled "Joe" and "Jane"
project.pending[priority=high] // all high priority projects tagged "pending"
The full list of supported selectors can be found in our CSS Selector Reference.
Now it's time to do some decorating! Below we'll increase Jack's size, change his color and add a shadow:
#jack {
size: 40;
color: #3596c0;
shadow-color: #ccc;
The full suite of available properties can be found in our CSS Property Reference.
If you want to include the decoration in the legend, simply add a comment:
/* Person */
element["element type"="person"]{
color: #3596c0;
size: 40;
shadow-color: #ccc;
Congrats! That's all there is to it.
Don't worry if writing views by hand is bit challenging at first. You'll get the hang of it in no time and we're here to help if you have questions.
If that was all a little too easy for you then continue reading...
Below we've highlighted the properties we commonly find most useful.
element {
size: 20; // base size
scale: 2; // multiple of base size (also scales labels)
margin: 10; // space between border and connections
padding: 20; // space between border and image / bullseye
text-align: center;
image-url: url("https://www...");
connection {
width: 1; // base width
scale: 2; // multiple of base width (also scales labels)
pattern: dashed;
The following properties come in handy for all types of decorations:
Font styles
element {
font-size: 20;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
You can use any other view as a base view with the following syntax:
@import "view name";
Easily customize how labels display on your map by including custom text, pulling in field values, or turning them off entirely.
These can be used within @settings or as a separate rule:
@settings {
element-label: "{{location}}";
person {
label: "Born in {{location}}";
Just use the {{field name}}
format to bring in dynamic field values. Don't forget to wrap everything in quotes. You can also use a double space to force a line break.
@settings {
element-label: "{{label}} {{location}}";
Head over to the blog for tips on how to make the most of label templates.
If you're interested in working with @settings
you truly have become a view master.
We salute you! Here's some of the neat things you can do with @settings
If you want to set default styles that apply across the entire map, it's much more efficient to assign them through the settings block.
@settings {
font-size: 20;
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
element-size: 30;
connection-color: #333;
Not a fan of our light theme? Changing the background color is easy:
@settings {
background-color: #252525;
For dark backgrounds, make sure to change the theme too (see below) or things can get ugly!
Kumu's default theme looks great on light backgrounds, but it looks horrible on dark ones. If you're using a dark background, make sure to change to the dark theme:
@settings {
theme: dark;
background-color: #252525;
Focus is a powerful feature that let's you hone in on certain portions of your map. Instead of only being able to activate a focus by clicking and holding on the map, we support the ability to include a focus within any view.
@settings {
focus: #jack out 2;
The above will load the map with Jack and any other elements that are within 2 degrees. You can add multiple hubs by using a comma to separate them:
@settings {
focus: #jack out 2, #companyxyz out 1;
This will load the map with Jack and any other elements that are within 2 degrees, as well as Company XYZ and any elements that are directly connected.
You can use any selector to set the focus of the map. For example, you could set the focus to show only influential people, out 2 degrees:
@settings {
focus: person["level of influence"="High"] out 2;
Prompted mode builds on the preset focus by allowing users to build a map based on search criteria. When you've enabled prompted mode, users are presented with a search prompt rather than seeing the full map. Users can then type the name of any element and hit enter to add them to the list of elements to be included in the map. By default that element and its direct connections will be included, but you can tweak the "out 1" setting to also include second and third degree connections.
Click build map and voila! You can also use "out n" for a search to automatically change the number of degrees out included in the search results. For example, "Bill Gates out 3" will display Bill Gates and all elements within 3 degrees.
Hit escape on your keyboard to start over, or use the focus menu and choose "back to prompt" to edit the current map.
To enable prompted mode, you'll need to add the following to the advanced tab of any view you'd like it active within:
@settings {
focus: prompt;
The default mapping engine is optimized for creating great looking maps. As you start working with larger and larger maps (1000+ elements) or you experience slowness on your computer, try shifting to our high performance mode. You can do this by hitting the q keystroke or by adding the following to your advanced CSS:
@settings {
quality: fast;
You'll notice that connections are no longer curved and that elements are squares instead of circles. You should now be able to map much larger maps (5,000 - 10,000 elements) with a powerful computer.