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207 lines (183 loc) · 7.13 KB

File metadata and controls

207 lines (183 loc) · 7.13 KB

Create json arrays

To create json array of strings like this

["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]

ArrayTest                     PROCEDURE()
dows                            &cJSON
strings                         STRING(9), DIM(7)
  strings[1] = 'Monday'
  strings[2] = 'Tuesday'
  strings[3] = 'Wednesday'
  strings[4] = 'Thursday'
  strings[5] = 'Friday'
  strings[6] = 'Saturday'
  strings[7] = 'Sunday'
  dows &= json::CreateStringArray(strings)
  !dispose all cJSON objects at once

For numeric arrays use json::CreateIntArray() or json::CreateDoubleArray().

Create json objects

To create json object like this


declare a group and pass it to json::CreateObject(). To tweak resulting json use "options" parameter:

OptionsTest                   PROCEDURE
Account                         GROUP, PRE(ACC)
UserName                          STRING(20)
Password                          STRING(20)  !do not include in json
Balance                           REAL        !format as @N$9.2
LastVisitDate                     LONG        !format as @d17, item name in json must be "date"
LastVisitTime                     LONG        !format as @t8, item name in json must be "time"

object                          &cJSON
  Account.UserName = 'LuckyGamer5371'
  Account.Password = '08AX08$tgeN'
  Account.Balance  = 1250.22
  Account.LastVisitDate = TODAY()
  Account.LastVisitTime = CLOCK()
  !we want following json:
  !UserName: as is
  !Password: do not include in json,                          option1 = {{"name":"Password", "ignore":true}
  !Balance: with currency symbol,                             option2 = {{"name":"Balance", "format":"@N$9.2"}
  !LastVisitDate: localized date string, name = "date",       option3 = {{"name":"LastVisitDate", "format":"@d17"}
  !LastVisitTime: localized time string, name = "time",       option4 = {{"name":"LastVisitTime", "format":"@t8"}
  !Pass an array [option1, option2, option3, option4], each optionN describes one group field.
  !Do not forget to put 2 left curly braces.
  object &= json::CreateObject(Account, TRUE, '[{{"name":"Password", "ignore":true}, {{"name":"Balance", "format":"@N$9.2"}, {{"name":"LastVisitDate", "jsonname":"date", "format":"@d17"}, {{"name":"LastVisitTime", "jsonname":"time", "format":"@t8"}]')
  !dispose all cJSON objects at once

Create complex json objects (not using GROUP/QUEUE/FILE)

To create json objects like this

 "name": "Jack (\"Bee\") Nimble", 
 "format": { 
  "type": "rect", 
  "width": 1920, 
  "height": 1080, 
  "interlace": false, 
  "frame rate": 24 
 "days of week": ["Monday",  "Tuesday",  "Wednesday",  "Thursday",  "Friday",  "Saturday",  "Sunday"] 

first create empty root object:

  root &= json::CreateObject()

then child objects:

  !"format" object
  fmt &= json::CreateObject()
  fmt.AddStringToObject('type', 'rect')
  fmt.AddNumberToObject('width', 1920)  
  fmt.AddNumberToObject('height', 1080)  
  fmt.AddNumberToObject('frame rate', 24)

  !"days of week" array
  dow &= json::CreateStringArray(strings)

and finally add children to the root:

  !add "name": "Jack (\"Bee\") Nimble" to root
  root.AddItemToObject('name', json::CreateString('Jack ("Bee") Nimble'))
  !add format object to root
  root.AddItemToObject('format', fmt)

  !add days array to root
  root.AddItemToObject('days of week', dow)

Create array of objects

To create json array of object like this

[{"username":"LuckyGamer5371","balance":"$1,250.22","date":"28.09.2018","time":"19:44:38"}, {"username":"LuckyGamer7244","balance":"$2,000.00","date":"27.09.2018","time":"11:20:16"}]

declare a queue and pass it to json::CreateArray(). To tweak resulting json use "options" parameter:

  options = '[{{"name":"Password", "ignore":true}, {{"name":"Balance", "format":"@N$9.2"}, {{"name":"LastVisitDate", "jsonname":"date", "format":"@d17"}, {{"name":"LastVisitTime", "jsonname":"time", "format":"@t8"}]'
  root &= json::CreateArray(accounts, true, options)

You can pass a FILE to json::CreateArray as well.

Create array of arrays (see ComplexQueueTest.clw)

  • You can use arrays of groups inside a queue:
persons                         QUEUE
!- list of emails as an array, up to 2 items
EmailsGroup                       GROUP,DIM(2),NAME('Emails')
EmailGroup                          GROUP,NAME('Email')
EmailAddress                          STRING(256),NAME('Address')
EmailType                             STRING(10),NAME('Type')
  • You can use dynamic queues, but this method requires extra coding. First, declare 2 sequential fields:
persons                         QUEUE
PhonesQueue                       &PhonesQueueType  !- dynamic queue
PhonesQueueInstance               LONG              !- the address of dynamic queue instance

in code, create an instance of dynamic queue and save its address:

  persons.PhonesQueue &= NEW PhonesQueueType
  persons.PhonesQueueInstance = INSTANCE(persons.PhonesQueue,THREAD())

finally, call json::CreateArray() with "IsQueue" option:

root &= json::CreateArray(persons,FALSE,'[{{"name":"PhonesQueue", "isQueue":true}]')

Parse json string

Declare an instance of cJSONFactory class and call its Parse method:

jsonFactory                     cJSONFactory
root                            &cJSON

  root &= jsonFactory.Parse(pJsonString)

Get and Find objects

  1. To get child object by name call GetObjectItem(childName):


item &= object.GetObjectItem('balance')
!display 1250.22
MESSAGE('Balance = '& item.GetNumberValue())
  1. To get array element by index call GetArrayItem(index):

["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]

item &= array.GetArrayItem(2)
!display 'Tuesday'
MESSAGE('Day 2 = '& item.GetStringValue())
  1. To find a child deep inside the object
 "menu": { 
  "id": "file", 
  "value": "File", 
  "popup": { 
   "menuitem": [{ 
     "value": "New", 
     "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()" 
    },  { 
     "value": "Open", 
     "onclick": "OpenDoc()" 
    },  { 
     "value": "Close", 
     "onclick": "CloseDoc()" 

call FindObjectItem(childName), below we find "popup" child:

  popup &= object.FindObjectItem('popup')
  1. To find an array element deep inside the object call FindArrayItem(arrayName, index):
   item &= object.FindArrayItem('menuitem', 2)
   !item contains 2nd element of "menuitem" array {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"}