To create json array of strings like this
["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
dows &cJSON
strings STRING(9), DIM(7)
strings[1] = 'Monday'
strings[2] = 'Tuesday'
strings[3] = 'Wednesday'
strings[4] = 'Thursday'
strings[5] = 'Friday'
strings[6] = 'Saturday'
strings[7] = 'Sunday'
dows &= json::CreateStringArray(strings)
!dispose all cJSON objects at once
For numeric arrays use json::CreateIntArray() or json::CreateDoubleArray().
To create json object like this
declare a group and pass it to json::CreateObject(). To tweak resulting json use "options" parameter:
UserName STRING(20)
Password STRING(20) !do not include in json
Balance REAL !format as @N$9.2
LastVisitDate LONG !format as @d17, item name in json must be "date"
LastVisitTime LONG !format as @t8, item name in json must be "time"
object &cJSON
Account.UserName = 'LuckyGamer5371'
Account.Password = '08AX08$tgeN'
Account.Balance = 1250.22
Account.LastVisitDate = TODAY()
Account.LastVisitTime = CLOCK()
!we want following json:
!UserName: as is
!Password: do not include in json, option1 = {{"name":"Password", "ignore":true}
!Balance: with currency symbol, option2 = {{"name":"Balance", "format":"@N$9.2"}
!LastVisitDate: localized date string, name = "date", option3 = {{"name":"LastVisitDate", "format":"@d17"}
!LastVisitTime: localized time string, name = "time", option4 = {{"name":"LastVisitTime", "format":"@t8"}
!Pass an array [option1, option2, option3, option4], each optionN describes one group field.
!Do not forget to put 2 left curly braces.
object &= json::CreateObject(Account, TRUE, '[{{"name":"Password", "ignore":true}, {{"name":"Balance", "format":"@N$9.2"}, {{"name":"LastVisitDate", "jsonname":"date", "format":"@d17"}, {{"name":"LastVisitTime", "jsonname":"time", "format":"@t8"}]')
!dispose all cJSON objects at once
To create json objects like this
"name": "Jack (\"Bee\") Nimble",
"format": {
"type": "rect",
"width": 1920,
"height": 1080,
"interlace": false,
"frame rate": 24
"days of week": ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
first create empty root object:
root &= json::CreateObject()
then child objects:
!"format" object
fmt &= json::CreateObject()
fmt.AddStringToObject('type', 'rect')
fmt.AddNumberToObject('width', 1920)
fmt.AddNumberToObject('height', 1080)
fmt.AddNumberToObject('frame rate', 24)
!"days of week" array
dow &= json::CreateStringArray(strings)
and finally add children to the root:
!add "name": "Jack (\"Bee\") Nimble" to root
root.AddItemToObject('name', json::CreateString('Jack ("Bee") Nimble'))
!add format object to root
root.AddItemToObject('format', fmt)
!add days array to root
root.AddItemToObject('days of week', dow)
To create json array of object like this
[{"username":"LuckyGamer5371","balance":"$1,250.22","date":"28.09.2018","time":"19:44:38"}, {"username":"LuckyGamer7244","balance":"$2,000.00","date":"27.09.2018","time":"11:20:16"}]
declare a queue and pass it to json::CreateArray(). To tweak resulting json use "options" parameter:
options = '[{{"name":"Password", "ignore":true}, {{"name":"Balance", "format":"@N$9.2"}, {{"name":"LastVisitDate", "jsonname":"date", "format":"@d17"}, {{"name":"LastVisitTime", "jsonname":"time", "format":"@t8"}]'
root &= json::CreateArray(accounts, true, options)
You can pass a FILE to json::CreateArray as well.
- You can use arrays of groups inside a queue:
persons QUEUE
!- list of emails as an array, up to 2 items
EmailsGroup GROUP,DIM(2),NAME('Emails')
EmailGroup GROUP,NAME('Email')
EmailAddress STRING(256),NAME('Address')
EmailType STRING(10),NAME('Type')
- You can use dynamic queues, but this method requires extra coding. First, declare 2 sequential fields:
persons QUEUE
PhonesQueue &PhonesQueueType !- dynamic queue
PhonesQueueInstance LONG !- the address of dynamic queue instance
in code, create an instance of dynamic queue and save its address:
persons.PhonesQueue &= NEW PhonesQueueType
persons.PhonesQueueInstance = INSTANCE(persons.PhonesQueue,THREAD())
finally, call json::CreateArray() with "IsQueue" option:
root &= json::CreateArray(persons,FALSE,'[{{"name":"PhonesQueue", "isQueue":true}]')
Declare an instance of cJSONFactory class and call its Parse method:
jsonFactory cJSONFactory
root &cJSON
root &= jsonFactory.Parse(pJsonString)
- To get child object by name call GetObjectItem(childName):
item &= object.GetObjectItem('balance')
!display 1250.22
MESSAGE('Balance = '& item.GetNumberValue())
- To get array element by index call GetArrayItem(index):
["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
item &= array.GetArrayItem(2)
!display 'Tuesday'
MESSAGE('Day 2 = '& item.GetStringValue())
- To find a child deep inside the object
"menu": {
"id": "file",
"value": "File",
"popup": {
"menuitem": [{
"value": "New",
"onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"
}, {
"value": "Open",
"onclick": "OpenDoc()"
}, {
"value": "Close",
"onclick": "CloseDoc()"
call FindObjectItem(childName), below we find "popup" child:
popup &= object.FindObjectItem('popup')
- To find an array element deep inside the object call FindArrayItem(arrayName, index):
item &= object.FindArrayItem('menuitem', 2)
!item contains 2nd element of "menuitem" array {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"}